This document specifies the requirement for testing of special properties of hot-rolled steel sheet piles.

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This document specifies requirements for classification of wire electrodes, wires and rods for gas shielded metal arc welding and tungsten inert-gas welding of creep-resisting steels, and for their deposits in the as-welded or post-weld heat-treated condition. One wire electrode can be tested and classified with different shielding gases.
This document is a combined specification providing for classification utilizing a system based upon the chemical composition of wire electrodes, wires and rods with requirements for yield strength and average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal, or utilizing a system based upon the tensile strength of the all-weld metal deposits and the chemical composition of wire electrodes, wires and rods.
a)       Clauses, subclauses and tables which carry the suffix “system A” are applicable only to wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits classified in accordance with the system based upon the chemical composition with requirements for yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal deposits under this document.
b)       Clauses, subclauses and tables which carry the suffix “system B” are applicable only to wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits classified in accordance with the system based upon the tensile strength of all‑weld metal deposits and the chemical composition of wire electrodes, wires and rods under this document.
c)        Clauses, subclauses and tables which do not have either the suffix “system A” or the “system B” are applicable to all wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits classified under this document.

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This document specifies the requirements for the ordering, manufacture, testing, inspection and delivery of titanium and titanium alloy bars and sections. It is intended to be applied when referred to and in conjunction with the European material standard unless otherwise specified on the drawing, order or inspection schedule.

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This document specifies the requirements for the ordering, manufacture, testing, inspection and delivery of titanium and titanium alloy forging stock. It is intended to be applied when referred to and in conjunction with the European material standard unless otherwise specified on the drawing, order or inspection schedule.

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This document specifies the requirements for the ordering, manufacture, testing, inspection and delivery of titanium and titanium alloy wires. It is intended to be applied when referred to and in conjunction with the European material standard unless otherwise specified on the drawing, order or inspection schedule.

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This document specifies the requirements for the ordering, manufacture, testing, inspection and delivery of titanium and titanium alloy tubes. It is intended to be applied when referred to and in conjunction with the European material standard unless otherwise specified on the drawing, order or inspection schedule.

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This document specifies the requirements for the ordering, manufacture, testing, inspection and delivery of titanium and titanium alloy plates, sheets and strips. It is intended to be applied when referred to and in conjunction with the European material standard unless otherwise specified on the drawing, order or inspection schedule.

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This document specifies the requirements for the ordering, manufacture, testing, inspection and delivery of titanium and titanium alloy remelting stock. It is intended to be applied when referred to and in conjunction with the European material standard unless otherwise specified on the drawing, order or inspection schedule.

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This document specifies robust Gaussian regression filters for the filtration of surface profiles. It defines, in particular, how to separate large- and small-scale lateral components of surface profiles with protruding dales and hills.
The concept presented for closed profiles are applicable to the case of roundness filtering. Where appropriate, these concept can be extended to generalized closed profiles, especially for surface profiles with re-entrant features.

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This document establishes provisions for the labelling of the composition of the components of the plumage for use as fillings and of the fowl species from which such components are derived (waterfowl or landfowl).
It is applicable to finished feather and down materials used as fillings of manufactured articles at each stage in their commercial distribution.
This document is not applicable for fillings totally containing more than 2 % of foreign matter (see 3.4).

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This document specifies requirements for classification of wire electrodes, wires, rods and all-weld metal deposits in the as-welded condition and in the post-weld heat-treated (PWHT) condition for gas shielded metal arc welding and tungsten inert-gas welding of high-strength steels with a minimum yield strength greater than 500 MPa, or a minimum tensile strength greater than 570 MPa. One wire electrode can be tested and classified with different shielding gases.
This document is a combined specification providing for classification utilizing a system based upon the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal, or utilizing a system based upon the tensile strength and the average impact energy of 27 J of all-weld metal.
a)       Clauses, subclauses and tables which carry the suffix “System A” are applicable only to wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits classified according to the system based upon the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal under this document.
b)       Clauses, subclauses and tables which carry the suffix “System B” are applicable only to wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits classified according to the system based upon the tensile strength and the average impact energy of 27 J of all-weld metal under this document.
c)        Clauses, subclauses and tables which do not have either the suffix “System A” or “System B” are applicable to all wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits classified under this document.
Annex A gives information on the description of composition designations for electrodes in the classification system based upon tensile strength and average impact energy of 27 J – System B.

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This document specifies the general requirements for the recycling, by vacuum remelting or cold hearth melting, of titanium and titanium alloy scrap used for the production of ingots.

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This document specifies requirements for the resistance of chemical enamels to chemical attack and thermal shock, as well as their designation, for ordering purposes.
It is applicable to enamels used in glass-lined apparatus, piping and other components, primarily used in process equipment in chemical plants, which are applied on to low-alloy carbon steels substrates.
NOTE            The main criteria for assessing enamel quality are its resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock, and the structure of the cover coat enamel.

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This European Standard is to give authorities, designers and specifiers information with respect to reaction to fire, smoke density and toxic fumes of materials used in noise reducing devices.
The combination of brushwood fire test, smoke density test and test for toxic fumes give in general enough safety information. This European Standard gives also information if more stringent requirements are requested for situations with a higher level of safety.
For noise reducing devices, this European Standard gives a method how to handle substantial components of non-homogeneous products (as defined in EN 13501-1 and ISO/DIS 5659-2:2016) and how to handle non-homogeneous products and in which cases the influence of non-substantial components on the total result of the classification may be neglected.
The following effects will be taken into account: ignitability, burning droplets, smoke growth rate, smoke density, toxic fumes.
The European Commission Decision 96/603/EC establish the list of products belonging to Classes A ‘No contribution to fire ’. The materials, and products made from them, that are listed in the Annex to this Decision, will, on account of their low level of combustibility and subject to the conditions also set out in the Annex, be classified in Classes A1 and Class A1FL as provided for in Tables 1 and 2 of the Annex to Decision 2000/147/EC. For the purpose of this classification, no reaction-to-fire testing of those materials and products made from them is required. The products considered having no contribution to fire are excluded from this standard.

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This standard specifies bearings designed to be subjected under load to slow rotations or oscillations only.

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This standard specifies the characteristics, of rigid single row ball bearings of diameter series 0 and 2 1) designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load. They are intended for use between fixed and moving parts of the aircraft structure and their control mechanisms.

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This standard specifies the characteristics, of double row self aligning ball bearings of diameter series 2 1) designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load. They are intended for use between fixed and moving parts of the aircraft structure and their control mechanisms.

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This standard specifies the characteristics, of rigid single row ball bearings of diameter series 3 and 4 1) designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load. They are intended for use between fixed and moving parts of the aircraft structure and their control mechanisms.

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This standard specifies the characteristics, of rigid single row ball bearings of diameter series 0 and 2 1) designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load. They are intended for use between fixed and moving parts of the aircraft structure and their control mechanisms.

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This standard specifies the characteristics, of rigid single row ball bearings of diameter series 3 and 4 1) designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load. They are intended for use between fixed and moving parts of the aircraft structure and their control mechanisms.

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This standard specifies the characteristics, of rigid single row ball bearings of diameter series 8 and 9 1) designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load. They are intended for use between fixed and moving parts of the aircraft structure and their control mechanisms.

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This document specifies linear Gaussian filters for the filtration of surface profiles. It defines, in particular, how to separate large- and small-scale lateral components of surface profiles.
The concept presented for closed profiles are applicable to the case of roundness filtration. Where appropriate, these concept can be extended to generalized closed profiles, especially for surface profiles with re-entrant features.
Implementation details are given in Annex A for open profiles and Annex B for closed profiles.

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This document specifies product characteristics, assessment methods, compliance criteria of test results and a designation system for fittings with compression ends for use with plastics and multilayer pipes which are defined in the applicable pipe standard. For the purposes of joining plastics pipes, the fitting ends have a nominal diameter from 6 mm to 160 mm. The fittings are designed for a service lifetime up to fifty years.
The compression fittings are used up to the operating temperatures and corresponding maximum operating pressures as indicated in Annex A.
This document applies to copper alloy fittings. A non-exhaustive list of these copper alloys is given in CEN/TS 13388.
Adaptor fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may combine compression ends with fitting ends defined in the other parts of EN 1254.
Compression fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may also have flanged end connections according to EN 1092-3.
Compression fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may also have a plated or other decorative surface coating.
Fittings can be produced by machining, metal forming, casting, or fabrication.
Products covered by this document are intended to be used in:
a) liquid applications:
- hot, cold or combined hot and cold water, including systems according to EN 806;
- closed heating systems according to EN 12828;
- cooling systems;
- drainage systems;
- fire protection systems including sprinkler systems according to EN 12845.
b) gas applications (not valid for multilayer pipes):
- natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas systems with a maximum operating pressure less than or equal to 5 bar according to EN 1775;
- compressed air systems.

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This document provides information on the environmental aspects of all phases of the life cycle of equipment and accessories produced for the LPG industry and integrates climate change recommendations in standards developed by CEN/TC 286, where applicable. The following are addressed:
a)   design;
b)   manufacture;
c)   packaging;
d)   use and operation;
e)   disposal.

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This document contains definitions, thread dimension, reference data (minimum bore and wall thickness), supporting information (assembling instructions) and describes the test methods referenced by other parts of the EN 1254 series.
Thread dimensions comprise: wall thickness at threaded portions of fittings, dimensions of tail pipe ends for swivel fittings, dimensions of gas union connectors, thread dimensions and thread profile.
Test methods comprise: leak tightness under internal hydrostatic pressure, leak tightness under internal pneumatic pressure, integrity of fabricated fitting bodies or having an 'as cast' microstructure, resistance to pull out of joints to metallic tubes, resistance of joints with metallic tube to vibration, resistance of joints to static flexural force, leak tightness of joints under vacuum, the resistance of joints to temperature cycling, detecting non-pressed fitting ends, resistance to stress corrosion, detection of a carbon film on the surface of copper fittings, determination of mean depth of dezincification, resistance of joints to pressure cycling, disconnection and re-use, determining if the diameter and/or the length of engagement of a capillary end is/are within the specified tolerance, determining the minimum length of engagement of an integral solder or brazing ring socket having a formed groove.

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This document is applicable to metallic valves as pressure accessories for industrial applications with a maximum allowable pressure PS greater than 0,5 bar in accordance with the European legislation for pressure equipment and specifies requirements applicable to design, manufacture, testing, materials and documentation.
All essential safety requirements of the European legislation for pressure equipment applicable to valves have been taken into consideration and are addressed in this document.
This document does not apply to:
-   safety valve and bursting disc (safety accessories),
-   sight glass with its frames (component of a pressure equipment), and
-   measurement chambers.
For other exclusions, refer to the European legislation for pressure equipment [60].

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This document specifies product characteristics, assessment methods, compliance criteria of test results and a designation system for fittings with radial and axial press ends for use with plastics and multilayer pipes. The fitting ends have a nominal diameter from 10 mm to 160 mm. The fittings are designed for a service lifetime up to fifty years.
This document applies to copper alloy fittings. A non-exhaustive list of these copper alloys is given in CEN/TS 13388.
Adaptor fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may combine press ends with fitting ends defined in the other parts of EN 1254.
Press fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may also have flanged end connections according to EN 1092-3.
Press fittings for use with plastics and multilayer pipes may also have a plated or other decorative surface coating.
Fittings can be produced by machining, metal forming, casting, or fabrication.
Products covered by this document are intended to be used in:
a) liquid applications:
- hot, cold or combined hot and cold water, including systems according to EN 806;
- closed heating systems according to EN 12828;
- cooling systems;
- drainage systems;
- fire protection systems including sprinkler systems according to EN 12845;
- supply systems for points of consumption with liquid fuels according to EN 12514.
b) gas applications:
- natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas systems with a maximum operating pressure less than or equal to 5 bar according to EN 1775;
- compressed air systems.

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This document specifies product characteristics, assessment methods, compliance criteria of test results and a designation system for push-fit fittings for the purpose of joining tubes of copper, plated copper, multilayer pipes and plastics pipes. The fitting ends have a nominal diameter from 6 mm to 63 mm. The fittings are designed for a service lifetime up to fifty years.
This document is applicable to push-fit fittings for joining one or more of the following tubes or pipes:
-   copper tubes according to EN 1057.
-   plastics and multilayer pipes.
The fittings are used up to the operating temperatures and corresponding maximum operating pressures as indicated in Annex A.
This document applies to copper alloy fittings. A non-exhaustive list of these copper alloys is given in CEN/TS 13388.
Adaptor fittings can combine push-fit ends with fitting ends defined in the other parts of EN 1254.
Push-fit fittings for metallic tubes can also have flanged end connections according to EN 1092 3.
Push-fit fittings can also have a plated or other decorative surface coating.
Fittings can be produced by machining, metal forming, casting, or fabrication.
Products covered by this document are intended to be used in liquid applications:
-   hot, cold or combined hot and cold water, including systems according to the EN 806 series;
-   closed heating systems according to EN 12828;
-   cooling systems;
-   drainage systems;
-   fire protection systems including sprinkler systems according to EN 12845.

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This document defines terms used in the footwear industry.

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This document specifies general test methods for amino resins and solutions of amino resins intended for use as binders in paints, varnishes and related products.

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This document specifies:
-   general requirements for water supply systems outside buildings including potable water mains and service pipes, service reservoirs, other facilities and raw water mains but excluding treatment works and water resources development;
-   general requirements for components;
-   general requirements for inclusion in product standards which can include specifications which are more stringent;
-   general requirements for installation, site testing and commissioning.
The requirements of this document apply to:
-   the design and construction of new water supply systems;
-   the extension of significant areas forming a coherent part of an existing water supply system;
-   interconnections between water supply systems;
-   significant modification and/or rehabilitation of existing water supply systems.
NOTE   It is not intended that existing water supply systems are altered to comply with this document, provided that there are no significant detrimental effects on water quantity, security, reliability and adequacy of the supply. However, this document is intended to cover all water infrastructure systems mentioned above since they are key to meet the sustainable goals of the cities and to show the urgent need to invest in them in order to consider fundamental aspects, such as resilience or mitigation/adaptation to climate change.

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This document specifies safety and environmental requirements for shot blasting machinery.
Shot blasting machinery includes:
—     wheel blasting machinery;
—     air blasting machinery for dry and wet blasting;
—     combined wheel and air blasting machinery.
NOTE            Annex A illustrates examples of shot blasting machinery.
This document is applicable to:
—     all significant hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events relevant to shot blasting machinery, when used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer, including reasonably foreseeable misuse;
—     measures for minimization of environmental impact and energy usage of shot blasting machinery.
Interfaces between shot blasting machinery and other equipment used in shot blasting but not in the scope of this document are:
—     mechanical and electrical interface to external workpiece transport system;
—     connector to electrical energy supply;
—     connector to fresh air supply ducting;
—     connector to exhaust air ducting;
—     connector to pressurized air supply;
—     connector to water supply;
—     connector to waste water system;
—     interface for safe exchange of control signals;
—     connector for fresh air supply for respiratory protection device (in blast rooms).
NOTE            Annex C gives an illustration of interfaces between shot blasting machinery and other equipment used in shot blasting but not in the scope of this document.
The specific significant risks related to mobile and movable shot blasting machinery (e.g. shot blasting machines designed for operation at changing locations) are not dealt with in this document.
This document does not apply to:
—     high pressure water jet machinery;
—     dry-ice blasting machinery.
This document does not apply to shot blasting machines manufactured before the date of its publication as an ISO standard.
NOTE            The requirements specified in this document can serve as a guideline for a risk assessment of shot blasting machines manufactured before the date of its publication as an ISO standard.

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This document provides rules for workplace sampling and the sample analysis for the determination and characterization of airborne NOAA for electron microscopy and includes:
-   the choice of appropriate samplers and their use for the determination and characterization (e.g. classification of structures and morphology) of airborne NOAA using electron microscopic methods (SEM and (S)TEM);
-   counting rules and criteria for the determination and characterization (e.g. classification of structures, chemical composition and morphology) of airborne NOAA using electron microscopic methods (SEM and (S)TEM), especially for nanofibres and platelets.
This document is based on extensive laboratory tests for airborne NOAA, in particular those released during the handling of engineered nanomaterials.

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This document provides general requirements and recommendations for the development and operation of subsea production/injection systems, from the concept development phase to decommissioning and abandonment.
Flexible pipe standards form part of the API 17-series of documents (see 4.3.3); however, this document (technically equivalent to API RP 17A 6th edition) does not generally cover flowlines/pipelines or production/injection risers (associated with flowlines/pipelines). These components form part of a complete subsea production system (SPS), as shown in Figure 1.

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This document establishes the performance requirements and acceptance criteria for coating material used for passenger rolling stock, locomotives and components.
This document also provides guidance on the coating application processes, product selection, surface preparation, coating application, verification and inspection methods, repairs, refurbishment (refresh, etc.), and tests to measure the minimum performance for the final product.
This document applies to all types of coating materials (liquid, powder, etc.) used on
—     railway vehicle bodies, and
—     on-board equipment and constituent parts.

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This document specifies the hardware requirements needed to carry out building automation tasks.
This document is applicable to physical devices, i.e.:
—     devices that require human interaction, such as management stations or operator panels;
—     devices for data storage and analysis, such as edge or cloud servers;
—     devices for control applications, such as automation stations;
—     devices for physical quantities acquisition, such as sensors and actuators.
This document provides a generic system topology based on a building network infrastructure, which includes both the devices inside the building envelope and those outside the building envelope.

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This document defines test procedures for the acquisition and presentation of comparable data for moulding materials. This document applies predominantly to unreinforced and reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting materials that can be injection- or compression-moulded or prepared as sheets of specified thickness.

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This test method specifies methods for determining the fire resistance of open-state cavity barriers and is to be used in conjunction with EN 1363-1.
This document is applicable to non-loadbearing vertically or horizontally oriented open-state cavity barriers, which are designed to close and provide fire separation in the event of fire.
Open-state cavity barriers in facades, where the fire exposure comes as a result of a breaking window and allowing a developed fire to come into contact with the façade, can be tested to the optional "flame" criteria.
This document is not applicable to cavity barriers containing penetration seals, which are covered by EN 1366-3.
This document is not applicable to closed cavity barriers, which are covered by EN 1366-4.

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This document gives guidance on hydrogen specific safety, design, construction, and performance requirements and testing of safety, control or regulating devices (hereafter referred to as controls) for burners and appliances burning gases with hydrogen content.
The following hydrogen concentrations are covered in this document:
- H2NG (hydrogen in natural gas) blends of 20 % hydrogen; or
- 100 % hydrogen; or
- varying blends / admixtures to natural gas.
Furthermore, it identifies the expected revision needs of the existing CEN/TC 58 standards as well as the need of potential further new standardization deliverables.

  • Technical report
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This document specifies a horizontal in vitro method for the molecular identification and differentiation of the monophasic variant of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium (1,4,[5],12:i:-) lacking the second H phase H:1,2, starting from isolates. The method detects specific DNA sequences of an intergenic region of the first H phase flagellin cluster for identification of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium (further called Salmonella Typhimurium) and specific DNA sequences of genes associated with second H phase flagellar antigen expression.
The method is applicable for:
—     differentiation of the isolate under analysis between monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium and the monophasic variant of another Salmonella non-Typhimurium serovar that has the same antigenic formula;
—     identification of the isolate under analysis being either monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium or (biphasic) Salmonella Typhimurium.
This document is applicable for the analysis of a pure culture belonging to the genus Salmonella, isolated from:
—     products intended for human consumption;
—     products intended for animal feeding;
—     environmental samples in the area of food and feed production and handling;
—     samples from the primary production stage.
This document can also be applied in other domains for identification of monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium (e.g. environmental, human health, animal health).
NOTE            This method has been validated in a method evaluation study and in an interlaboratory study with a large set of different strains (target and non-target strains), isolated from different sources (food products, animals, animal feed, primary production samples and humans). For detailed information on the validation, see Annex E.

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This document describes a procedure for fatigue strength assessment based on cumulative damage of rail vehicle structures that are manufactured, operated and maintained in accordance with standards valid for rail system applications.
This document is applicable for variable amplitude load data with total number of cycles higher than 10 000 cycles.
An endurance limit approach is outside the scope of this document.
The assessment procedure is restricted to ferrous materials and aluminium.
This document does not define design load cases.
This document is not applicable for corrosive conditions or elevated temperature operation in the creep range.
This document is applicable to all kinds of rail vehicles; however, it does not define in which cases a fatigue strength assessment using cumulative damage is to be applied.

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This document defines terms for and establishes the fundamental concepts and principles of innovation management.
This document is applicable to:
a)       all types of organizations, regardless of type, sector, maturity-level or size;
b)       all types of innovations (e.g. product, service, process, model, method);
c)        all forms of innovation (e.g. incremental to radical, disruptive);
d)       all types of approaches (e.g. internal and open innovation, user-, market-, design- and technology-driven innovation activities).

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This document specifies construction, design, performance requirements and test methods for medical face masks intended to limit the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients during surgical procedures and other medical settings with similar requirements. A medical face mask with an appropriate microbial barrier can also be effective in reducing the emission of infective agents from the nose and mouth of an asymptomatic carrier or a patient with clinical symptoms.
This document is not applicable to face masks intended exclusively for the personal protection of staff. Compliance with this standard does not demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the relevant PPE regulations.

  • Standard
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This document specifies information to be supplied to users and third-party verifiers in addition to the usual labelling of medical devices (see EN ISO 20417 and EN ISO 15223-1) concerning manufacturing and processing requirements.
This document gives information on the characteristics of single-use and reusable surgical gowns and surgical drapes used as medical devices for patients, clinical staff and equipment, intended to prevent the transmission of infective agents between clinical staff and patients during surgical and other invasive procedures.
This document specifies test methods for evaluating the identified characteristics of surgical drapes and gowns and sets performance requirements for these products.
This document does not include information on resistance to penetration by laser radiation of products.
NOTE   If resistance to penetration by laser radiation is claimed for surgical drapes, suitable test methods together with an appropriate classification system are given in EN ISO 11810.
This document does not cover requirements for incision drapes or films.
This document does not cover requirements for antimicrobial treatments for surgical gowns and drapes. Antimicrobial treatment can cause environmental risks such as resistance and pollution. However, antimicrobial treated surgical gowns and drapes fall under the scope of this document with respect to their use as surgical gowns and drapes.

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This document specifies information to be supplied to users and third-party verifiers in addition to the usual labelling of medical devices (see EN ISO 20417 and EN ISO 15223-1), concerning manufacturing and processing requirements.
This document gives information on the characteristics of single-use and reusable clean air suits used as medical devices for clinical staff, intended to prevent the transmission of infective agents between clinical staff and patients during surgical and other invasive procedures.
This document specifies test methods for evaluating the identified characteristics of clean air suits and sets performance requirements for these products.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the preventive action of a wood preservative against the Reticulitermes species of European termites when the preservative is applied as a surface treatment to wood.
NOTE 1   This method can be applied not only to different species of Reticulitermes, but also to other species of the family Rhinotermitidae, where necessary adapting the temperature and humidity conditions and the assessment of attack to the specific behaviour of the species concerned.
This method is applicable to:
—   water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active ingredients;
—   organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates;
—   organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; and
—   water-soluble materials, for example salts.
NOTE 2   This method can be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84.

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This document specifies the general principles of X-ray computed tomography (CT), the equipment used and basic considerations of sample, materials and geometry.
This document is applicable only to industrial imaging (i.e. non-medical applications) and provides a consistent set of definitions of CT performance parameters, including the relationship between these performance parameters and CT system specifications.
This document is applicable to industrial computed tomography.
This document does not apply to other techniques of tomography, such as translational tomography and tomosynthesis.

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This document specifies the technical requirements to minimize the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of AFE when used as intended, including misuse reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer, when carried out in accordance with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his authorized representative. It also takes into account some performance requirements recognized as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines, airports and fuelling companies.
This document applies to all types of aircraft fuelling equipment:
a)   aircraft refuellers,
b)   hydrant dispensers,
c)   defuellers,
d)   hydrant pit servicing vehicles,
e)   pit cleaner vehicles, and
f)   stationary dispensing units
intended to service aircraft with aviation fuels and to be operated on airfields, heliports and other aircraft refuelling related areas such as maintenance bases.
This document does not apply to:
g)   AFE whose only power source for aircraft refuelling is directly applied manual effort,
h)   hydrant systems, tank farms, pipework and underground tanks,
i)   specific hazards due to the operation of the AFE in a potentially explosive atmosphere, and
j)   built-in fire extinguisher systems.
No extra requirements on noise and vibration are provided other than those in EN 1915-3:2004+A1:2009 and EN 1915- 4:2004+A1:2009.
NOTE    EN 1915-3:2004+A1:2009 and EN 1915-4:2004+A1:2009 provide the general GSE vibration and noise requirements.
This document does not deal with hazards in respect to a standard automotive chassis and from other vehicles on the apron.
This document is not applicable to AFE which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
This part of the EN 12312 series when used in conjunction with EN 1915-1:2023, EN 1915-2:2001+A1:2009, EN 1915-3:2004+A1:2009 (for vehicles) and EN 1915-4:2004+A1:2009 provides the requirements for AFE.

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    53 pages
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