IEC 60704-2-4:2025 applies to single unit electrical washing machines and the washing and spinning function of combined appliances for household and similar use and to spin extractors for household and similar use.
For washer-dryers, see IEC 60704-2-16:2019.
Requirements for the declaration of noise emission values are not within the scope of this standard.
For determining and verifying noise emission values declared in product specifications, see IEC 60704-3:2019.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) alignment to IEC 60704-1:2021;
b) alignment to Edition 6 of IEC 60456:2024, especially regarding test programme and detergent;
c) considering multi-compartment washing machines;
d) considering wall-mounted washing machines;
e) definition of the drum speed measurement;
f) adapting parts for standard test load and test programme.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the fourth edition of IEC 60704-1:2021.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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IEC 63169:2020 deals with a test to simulate the weight loss of leafy produce, given certain conditions of temperature, humidity and air movement in one or more test zones. The test can only be applied to spaces larger than 200 mm × 150 mm ×100 mm (L × W × H).
The aim of the test is to measure the weight loss rate by measuring the weight of a test tray prior to the test and after a given duration.
Weight loss is one of the considerations for shelf life of produce. Other considerations such as condensation will be addressed in future amendments.

  • Standard
    60 pages
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  • Standard
    37 pages
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IEC 60456:2024 specifies methods for measuring the performance of electric washing machines for household use, with or without heating devices, and utilising cold and/or hot water supply, including those which specify the use of no detergent for normal use. It is also applicable to washing machines for communal use in blocks of flats or in launderettes and to electrical household appliances for both washing and drying textiles (household washer-dryers) with respect only to their washing related functions. It also deals with electrical appliances for water extraction by centrifugal force (spin extractors).
Household washer-dryer combined performance is assessed to IEC 62512.
Household tumble dryer performance is assessed to IEC 61121.
The object is to state and define the performance characteristics of household washing machines, the washing related functions of washer-dryers and water extraction function of spin extractors, and to describe the test methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document does not apply to washing machines for commercial use such as in commercial laundries.
The preparation of methods for measuring the performance of washing machines for commercial use is under evaluation.
This document does not specify the acoustical noise measurement for household washing machines.
Acoustical noise measurements and evaluation for household washing machines are specified in IEC 60704-1, IEC 60704-2-4 and IEC 60704-3.
This document is not intended to be used for the comparative evaluation of detergents.
This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2010 and its Amendment 1:2022. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Title changed from previous edition to more accurately describe application: "Washing machines for household use – Methods for measuring the performance".
b) Separation of the test method results from the number of test runs in a test series, with the independence of each test run or test series, allowing different test classes to be evaluated.
c) Introduction of a new standard powder detergent IEC-P, that substitutes the standard powder detergent IEC-A* by replacing sodium perborate with sodium percarbonate, for a better correlation with market offerings and in line with health/safety recommendations. Introduction of the new standard liquid detergents IEC-L and of the new wool standard detergent IEC-W with associated dosage instructions.
d) Introduction of new measurement and evaluation methods for:
- wool cleaning performance,
- LAS rinsing performance,
- gentleness of action,
- low power mode consumption,
- temperature inside the washload,
- intermittently recurring functions,
- cold water washing machines,
- replacing washing performance by cleaning performance.
e) Addition of alternative ambient conditions for conditioning of the test load with associated correction factors.
f) Extension of the description of the washing machine loading, up to and beyond 25 kg of cotton test load, and introduction of a new mixed polyester-cotton load.
g) Addition of the necessary definitions, measurement, and calculation methods for the evaluation of multi-compartment washing machines.
h) Relocation of supplementary information to the IEC free-access supporting documents dashboard: reference machine maintenance information, test materials supplier information, expanded uncertainty values and any other pertinent information for the general public.

  • Standard
    577 pages
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IEC 63399:2024 applies to household and similar electrical rice cookers.
This document defines the main performance characteristics that are of interest to the user and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document does not specify the requirements for performance.
This document does not apply to the pressure type rice cooker or the micro-pressure rice cooker.
This document does not apply to rice cookers with the rated volume of rice cooker larger than 8 L.
The pressure type rice cooker refers to a rice cooker that cooks at a pressure more than 40 kPa.
The micro-pressure rice cooker refers to a rice cooker that cooks at a pressure larger than 10 kPa but not more than 40 kPa.
This document does not deal with safety requirements (covered in IEC 60335-2-15).

  • Standard
    68 pages
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IEC TS 63331:2024 applies to electric dishwashers for household and similar use that are supplied with hot and/or cold water.
This document deals with measurement procedures regarding the reduction of microbial contamination resulting from the use of electric dishwashers for household and similar use.
This document specifies methods that enable reproducible measurements. These derived measurement results can only be used for a relative statement. Absolute statements, i.e. health-related claims or conclusions about prevention or treatment of a disease or health improvement, are reserved for explicit regulatory action after a medical assessment.
This document does not apply to appliances intended to be used in medical, veterinary, or pharmaceutical applications.
This document does not address sanitization, disinfection or sterilization measures.
The dishwashing process is a complex operation consisting of cleaning dish items and cleaning the dishwasher itself. This document only focusses on the dish items to be cleaned.

  • Technical specification
    32 pages
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IEC 60704-2-15:2024 applies to single unit electric food waste disposers for household use, with or without automatic program control, for cold water supply, for permanent connection to water supply and sewage systems, intended for connection to the kitchen sink drain and contained within a kitchen cabinet enclosure. Food waste disposers for restaurants, hotels and industry purposes are excluded. This first edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC/PAS 60704-2-15, published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC/PAS 60704 2-15:2008:
a) measurement uncertainty and standard deviations have been reviewed;
b) definitions of standard test programme and standard test load have been reviewed;
c) definition of the test enclosure has been reviewed;
d) additional microphone position for test in free field environment;
e) information to be reported has been reviewed;
f) aligned to IEC 60704-1:2021.
This Part 2-15 is intended to be used in conjunction with the fourth edition of IEC 60704-1:2021, Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 1: General requirements.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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  • Standard
    53 pages
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IEC 60704-2-10:2024 applies to ranges, ovens, steam ovens, grills and microwave ovens for household and similar use. This document does not apply to hobs. This document does not apply to appliances or parts of appliances that use gas energy.
Requirements for the declaration of noise emission values are not within the scope of this document. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) alignment with the fourth edition of IEC 60704-1:2021;
b) alignment with IEC 60350-1:2023 regarding the definitions and settings;
c) introduction of the measurement of the steam function;
d) revision of settings and test parameters.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 60704-1:2021, Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 1: General requirements.

  • Standard
    62 pages
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  • Standard
    26 pages
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IEC 60704-2-9:2024 applies to electric hand-held hairdryers for household and similar use supplied from mains, which operate with a flow of air. These particular requirements can also be applied to analogous electrically operated devices such as hairstyling appliances, which produce the airflow by a fan. Helmet-type hairdryers are excluded from this document. This document does not apply to hair care appliances with radiant heating. For determining and verifying noise emission values declared in product specifications, see IEC 60704-3. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Alignment with IEC 60704-1:2021.
This part 2-9 is intended to be used in conjunction with the fourth edition of IEC 60704-1:2021: Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 1: General requirements.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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  • Standard
    57 pages
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  • Standard
    24 pages
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IEC 60704-2-14:2013 specifies the measuring conditions to provide for sufficient accuracy in determining the noise emitted and comparing the results of measurements taken by different laboratories, whilst simulating as far as possible the practical use of household refrigerators, frozen-food storage cabinets and food freezers. It is recommended to consider the determination of noise levels as part of a comprehensive testing procedure covering many aspects of the properties and performance of household refrigerators, frozen-food storage cabinets and food freezers. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the description of an appropriate test enclosure has been removed from this part of IEC 60704 and has been incorporated into Part 1 of IEC 60704-1;
b) the values of standard deviations of sound power levels determined according to this part of IEC 60704 have been added.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with  IEC 60704-1:2010.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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  • Standard
    28 pages
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  • Standard
    59 pages
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  • Standard
    62 pages
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IEC 63086-2-1:2024 specifies test methods for measuring the performance of electrically powered household and similar air cleaners intended for the reduction of particulate pollutants.

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    70 pages
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IEC 60704-2-2:2023 applies to electric fan heaters, designed for placing on the floor, table or counter, etc., or for mounting. This document does not apply to:
- electric storage room heaters;
- room humidifiers;
- room dehumidifiers;
- air cleaners;
- heaters designed exclusively for industrial purposes.
For determining and verifying noise emission values declared in product specifications, refer to IEC 60704-3:2019. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- alignment with the latest edition of IEC 60704-1:2021,
- addition of several ISO standards,
- revision of built-in-conditions,
- addition of requirements on climatic conditions and on background noise.
This part 2-2 is intended to be used in conjunction with the fourth edition of IEC 60704-1:2021, Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 1: General requirements.
This part 2-2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 60704-1:2021.

  • Standard
    40 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    58 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    98 pages
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  • Standard
    98 pages
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  • Standard
    25 pages
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IEC/ASTM 62885-6:2023 is applicable for measurements of the performance of mains-operated and cordless wet hard floor cleaning appliances for household or similar use. In the case of appliances with combined functionality, this document only addresses the wet cleaning functionality.
The purpose of this document is to specify essential performance characteristics of wet hard floor cleaning appliances that are of interest to users and to describe methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document is not intended for cleaning appliances according to IEC 60335-2-79 and robotic wet hard floor cleaning appliances.
For safety requirements, reference is made to IEC 60335-1, IEC 60335-2-2, IEC 60335-2-10, and IEC 60335-2-54.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Expanded the Scope to include cordless cleaners.
b) Changed definition for "cleaning width" to "track cleaning width" in 3.7 and provided instructions for determining "track cleaning width" in 4.7.4.
c) Changed "runtime" definition to "battery runtime" in 3.22.
d) Added IKW soil instructions, and also a penalty factor calculation with correction examples for products designed with cleaning gaps to section 5.1 "Stain cleaning efficiency of hard flat floors".
e) Retitled 5.2 "Dirt pickup test" to "Soil cleaning efficacy of hard flat floors" and added comprehensive instructions for executing the method.
f) Added section 5.3 "Battery runtime" procedure patterned after IEC 62885-4 cordless standard.
g) Modified Test soils in 7.2.2. to add IKW and Akzo-Nobel soils.
The content of the corrigendum 1 (2024-11) has been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    103 pages
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IEC 60704-2-13:2023 applies to cooking fume extractors for household and similar use intended for filtering the air of a room or for exhausting the air out of a room, including their accessories and their component parts. It also applies to cooking fume extractors where the fan is mounted separately from the appliance inside or outside of the room where the appliance is located, but controlled by the appliance when the fan is defined in the technical documentation. This document deals also with down-draft systems that are arranged beside, behind or under the cooking appliance.
Measurements carried out in accordance with this document determine the noise emission into the room, from which cooking fumes are extracted. Noise emission to the outside (e.g. through air ducts) are not considered.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) alignment with IEC 61591:2023;
b) change of title, scope and definitions 3.103 and 3.104: this document deals with cooking fume extractors (this covers range hoods and down-draft systems);
c) exhaust pipe of down-draft systems specified;
d) built-in range hoods in recirculation mode with an air outlet device specified;
e) alignment with IEC 60704-1:2021.
This document is to be used in conjunction with IEC 60704-1:2021.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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IEC TS 63429:2023 provides a test method for measuring the microbial contamination reduction performance of household washing machines with textile pieces contaminated with test microorganisms under standardized conditions. The microbial numbers on the contaminated textile pieces are measured before and after the washing programme and the reduction is calculated. Furthermore, a potential cross contamination from contaminated to uncontaminated textile pieces within the washing programme is measured.
This document does not address the microbial contamination reduction due to any potential or claimed antimicrobial action of detergents as well as of bleach systems or any additives.
This document applies to washing machines for household use, within the meaning that the scope of TC 59 indicates for household use, including the washing related functions of washer-dryers.
This document does not apply to professional washing machines nor to commercial laundry operations associated with food service, hospital linens or other non-residential applications.
This document deals with measurement procedures regarding the reduction of microbial contamination resulting from the use of electrical appliances for household and similar use. This document specifies methods that enable reproducible measurements. These derived measurement results can only be used for a relative statement. Absolute statements, i.e., health-related claims or conclusions about prevention or treatment of a disease or health improvement, are reserved for explicit regulatory action after a medical assessment.
This document does not apply to appliances intended to be used in medical, veterinary, or pharmaceutical applications.
This document does not address sanitization, disinfection, or sterilization measures.

  • Technical specification
    27 pages
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IEC 63086-1:2020 applies to electrically powered household and similar air cleaners intended for use on rated single-phase AC input voltage circuits not exceeding 250 V and DC input voltage circuits not exceeding 48 V.
If the test methods in this document are applied to combination products (air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heaters, etc.) with air cleaning function, they are only aimed at their air cleaning function when tested.
Battery-operated appliances are within the scope of this document. Dual-supply appliances, either mains-supplied or battery-operated, are regarded as battery-operated appliances when operated in the battery mode.
This document is not applicable to:
- appliances intended exclusively for industrial purposes;
- appliances intended for use in medical treatment locations, such as surgical suites, laboratories, medical treatments rooms, etc.
- household range hoods or cooking fume extractors – see IEC 61591.
This first edition cancels and replaces IEC PAS 62587 published in 2008.

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    37 pages
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  • Standard
    74 pages
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IEC 62885-4:2020 is applicable to measurements of the performance of cordless dry vacuum cleaners for household use or under conditions similar to those in households. The results obtained under this document are intended to be comparable to the results obtained under IEC 62885-2 for mains-connected vacuums.
The purpose of this document is to specify essential performance characteristics of cordless dry vacuum cleaners which are of interest to users and to describe methods for measuring these characteristics.
This standard is to be read in conjunction with IEC 62885-2:2016, to which it refers, and which is applicable unless otherwise specified in this standard.

  • Standard
    50 pages
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  • Standard
    108 pages
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IEC PAS 63086-3-1:2023 specifies a method to evaluate the capability of portable household air cleaners to reduce the concentration and viability of key experimentally generated bioaerosols in a specified chamber.
Indoor air free of harmful microbes is important to the health of occupants. This is particularly relevant with regard to increased time spent indoors.
Air cleaners are used to reduce the concentrations of microorganisms in indoor air.
The efficiency of such air cleaners to reduce airborne microorganisms can be assessed in test chambers at controlled air temperature and relative air humidity.
The test is applicable to portable air cleaners commonly used in single room spaces such as those based on mechanical filtration, ultraviolet (UV), ionizers, photocatalytic oxidation, and ozone generators in-unit technology.
If the air cleaner does not claim to have the function of reducing microorganisms, this document may not be applicable unless it is being used to simply evaluate the performance.
This document deals with measurement procedures regarding the reduction of the microbial contamination related to electrical air cleaner appliances for household and similar use.
This document does not apply to appliances intended to be used in medical, veterinary, or pharmaceutical applications.
This document does not address sanitization, disinfection, or sterilization measures.
This document does not support, by itself any health-related claims or conclusions about prevention or treatment of a disease or health improvement.

  • Technical specification
    28 pages
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IEC 61591:2023 applies to cooking fume extractors incorporating a fan for the recirculation or extraction mode situated in a household kitchen. It can also be used for cooking fume extractors where the fan is mounted separately from the appliance, but controlled by the appliance when the fan is defined in the technical documentation (e.g. name plate data) and instructions for installation. This document deals also with down-draft systems arranged beside, behind or under the cooking appliance. This document defines the main performance characteristics of these appliances, which are of interest to the user, and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics. This document does not specify a classification or ranking for performance. This document does not deal with safety requirements that are in accordance with IEC 60335-1 and IEC 60335-2-31. Cooking fume extractors without fans operated by a central ventilation system are covered in EN 13141-3. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2019. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) new definition of working point, see 3.19;
b) new definition for lowest setting and automatic setting, see 3.17 and 3.18;
c) revised requirements for installation and positioning, see 6.2;
d) added a normative reference ISO 5801 for the specification of the pressure compensation chamber, see Clause 10;
e) separate clauses for determining the volumetric airflow and fluid dynamic efficiency, see Clauses 10 and 11;
f) new approach for determining the fluid dynamic efficiency ("9-point calculation");
g) new definitions, new clause and new Annex B regarding the measurement of low-power modes;
h) new Annex A: assumption for the parameter b.

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    114 pages
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  • Standard
    75 pages
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IEC 60350-1:2023 specifies methods for measuring the performance of electric cooking ranges, ovens, steam ovens, and grills for household use. This document is also applicable to portable appliances with similar functionalities that were previously covered by the withdrawn IEC 61817. The ovens covered by this document can be with or without microwave function. Manufacturers are expected to define the primary cooking function of the appliance – microwave function or thermal heat. The primary cooking function is measured with an existing method according to energy consumption. If the primary cooking function is declared in the instruction manual as a microwave function, IEC 60705 is applied for energy consumption measurement. If the primary cooking function is declared as a thermal heat, then IEC 60350-1 is applied for energy consumption measurement. If the primary function is not declared by the manufacturer, the performance of the microwave function and thermal heat is measured as far as it is possible. For measurement of energy consumption and time for heating a load (see Clause 8), this document is furthermore not applicable to:
- microwave combination function;
- ovens with reciprocating trays or turntable;
- small cavity ovens (see 3.16);
- ovens without adjustable temperature control;
- heating functions and eco functions other than defined in this document;
- appliances with only solo steam function.
This document does not apply to microwave ovens (IEC 60705). This document defines the main performance characteristics of these appliances that are of interest to the user and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document does not specify a classification or ranking for performance. This document does not deal with safety requirements (IEC 60335-2-6 and IEC 60335-2-9). Appliances covered by this document can be built-in or for placing on a working surface or the floor. There is no measurement method for the energy consumption for grilling and steam functions available. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2016 and Interpretation Sheet 1:2021. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) new definitions for heating function, eco function and definitions relevant for low power mode considerations are amended in Clause 3;
b) order of clauses is changed;
c) revision of 5.3;
d) update of 6.2 in order to improve the reliability of volume measurement;
e) removal of 6.7, Level of shelf;
f) revision of Clause 7 concerning the accuracy of eco functions with residual heat use;
g) revision of Clause 8 in order to improve the reliability of the method for measuring the energy consumption, especially regarding anti-circumvention;
h) unique energy consumption measurement for all heating functions and eco functions with an indication of the energy consumption for a temperature increase of 165 K (compared to 155 K currently for forced air circulation function, for example), which results in higher energy consumption values compared to the previous edition;
i) Ry replaced by L* in Clause 9 and reference to IEC TS 63350;
j) cooking time for reference measurement introduced for broccoli in Clause 10;
k) yellow part replaced by hue angle value in Clause 10;
l) requirements for digital assessment (see former are obsolete as specified in IEC TS 63350;
m) revision of Clause 14 (Consumption measurement of low power modes, previous Clause 12);
n) former Annex G (informative) is cancelled due to the fact that this method for measuring an associated activity has been not applied;
o) former Annexes B and F are obsolete, up-to-date shade charts are specified in IEC TS 63350;
p) former Annex E will be substituted by a supporting document located on the IEC's website.

  • Standard
    261 pages
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  • Standard
    161 pages
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IEC 60379:2023 specifies methods for measuring the performance of electric storage water heaters to produce domestic potable or non-potable hot water for household and similar use.
The object is to state and define the principal performance characteristics of electric storage water heaters and to describe the test methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document does not apply to;
- storage water heaters that use electricity as a secondary source of heating the water;
- storage water heaters that do not use a tank to store hot water;
- electric storage water heaters that do not meet the minimum (or maximum) output performance of the smallest (or biggest) load profile, as defined in Table 3;
- water-heaters without thermal insulation.
This document does not specify safety requirements. For safety requirements, see IEC 60335-1 in conjunction with IEC 60335-2-21.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1987. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: sustainable development aspects of EU legislation are taken into account, including features such as smart control, V40 modification and measuring procedures for multi-tank appliances.

  • Standard
    82 pages
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IEC 60456:2010 specifies methods for measuring the performance of clothes washing machines for household use, with or without heating devices utilising cold and/or hot water supply. It also deals with appliances for water extraction by centrifugal force (spin extractors) and is applicable to appliances for both washing and drying textiles (washer-dryers) with respect to their washing related functions. This International Standard also covers washing machines which specify the use of no detergent for normal use. This edition includes the following significant changes from the previous edition.
- modified test load mass requirement for cases where rated capacity of test machine is not declared;
- introduction of soft water option;
- expanded stain/soil set;
- improved method of loading and folding test load items to better suit vertical axis, horizontal axis and twin tub systems;
- revised and amended reference machine specifications reflecting full qualification on new Electrolux Wascator CLS;
- new reference programmes for lower temperature and vertical axis systems;
- refined rinsing efficiency method;
- introduction of low power modes "OFF" and "Left On";
- new annex regarding uncertanity of measurements.

  • Standard
    141 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    608 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    300 pages
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IEC 63237-1:2022 provides a method for standardizing the descriptions of household electrical appliances.
The aims of this document are to:
- define a common language for customers and suppliers through the publication of classes, represented by properties and their attributes;
- enable electronic data exchange by machines (including information technology systems, see machine-to-machine communication [M2M]);
- optimize workflows between customers and suppliers, as well as in processes, such as engineering, development and purchasing within their own organizations;
- offer also a dictionary to legislators; and
- reduce transaction costs.
This document describes household electrical appliances using properties and makes the associated properties available in the IEC Common Data Dictionary (IEC CDD).
Furthermore, this document provides rules, methods and the generic data structure for product specific classification standards and on how to produce a reference dictionary based on the IEC 61360 series. This in turn creates a descriptive basis of company internal and external descriptions of household electrical appliances based on structured classes and lists of properties.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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IEC 62947-1:2022 specifies test methods to measure the performance of electrically operated spray seats for household and similar use.
This document applies to spray seats, including tank-type spray seats, instantaneous-type spray seats and combination-type spray seats.
This document does not apply to the electrically operated spray seats that are intended for medical and/or assistive functions
This International Standard does not specify acoustical noise requirements for electrical spray seats. Acoustical noise measurements are specified in IEC 60704-1 and the IEC 60704-2 series.

  • Standard
    81 pages
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IEC TS 63350:2022 specifies generic requirements for creating a digital system that is used for measuring the characteristics of visually detectable performance, such as browning intensity and lightness.
It defines the metrological requirements of this digital system and demonstrates the procedures for compliance. The digital system contains the measuring instrument, the software, and the reference materials necessary to realize the measurement process.
References to this document can be made by a customer when specifying the digital system and by the suppliers when specifying products offered.
Interested parties can agree to use this document as an input for satisfying measurement management system requirements in any activities.
The principles of ISO 10012 are followed to ensure the capability of the systems.
Currently, this document focuses on test methods described in IEC 60350-1 and IEC 60350-2 but further applications based on visually detectable performance criteria might be supplemented.

  • Technical specification
    28 pages
    English language
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IEC 61855:2022 applies to electrical appliances for household and similar use for drying and styling hair (including their accessories).
This document defines the main performance characteristics that are of interest to the user and specifies methods of measuring these characteristics.
Appliances to which this document applies include:
– Hair dryers;
– Hair curlers;
– Hair straighteners.
This document does not specify the requirements for performance.
This document does not deal with safety requirements (IEC 60335-2-23).
This document does not apply to electric hair clippers or trimmers.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the definitions of hair dryers, hair curlers and hair straighteners are updated;
b) the measurement of temperature profile of the outlet air of hair dryers is added;
c) the measurement of temperature profile of the whole work area of hair curlers is added;
d) the measurement of temperature profile of the heating plate of hair straighteners is added;
e) the measurement method for air flow of hair dryers is introduced;
f) the measurement method for anion emission concentration of anion hair dryers is introduced;
g) the measurement method for tension of hair straighteners is introduced;
h) the service life test for hair dryers, hair curlers and hair straighteners is introduced.
The contents of the corrigendum of January 2024 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    60 pages
    English and French language
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IEC/ASTM 62885-7:2020 is applicable to dry-cleaning robots for household use or under conditions similar to those in households.
The purpose of this document is to specify the essential performance characteristics of dry- cleaning robots that are of interest to users and to describe methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document is neither concerned with safety requirements nor with performance requirements.
This first edition of IEC/ASTM 62885-7 cancels and replaces IEC 62929:2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 62929:2014:
a) the box test has been cancelled;
b) the set of straight-line tests have been extended to contain also tests on removal of different kinds of debris both from hard floors and carpets;
c) the set of straight-line tests also contains a test on the removal of fibres from carpets;
d) as a miscellaneous test, a method for the determination of energy consumption has been added;
e) a separate clause on test material and equipment has been added.

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    72 pages
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  • Standard
    147 pages
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  • Standard
    302 pages
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IEC 60704-2-18:2022 applies to single-unit electric water heaters for household and similar use intended for placing on the floor against a wall, for building-in or placing under a counter, a kitchen worktop or under a sink, for wall-mounting or on a counter.
This document does not apply to:
– combustion water heaters;
– water kettles;
– heat pump water heaters;
– conventional electric storage water heaters as defined in IEC 60335-2-21:2012, Clause 1;
– instantaneous electric water heaters without any noise-producing components such as motors and pumps.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 60704‑1:2021.

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    33 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63174:2021 applies to electrically operated toothbrushes used for electric cleaning of teeth. Rechargeable toothbrushes and primary battery operated toothbrushes, both for adults and children, are within the scope of this document.
This document describes the test methods for measurement of the performance parameters as listed in Clause 4.
The purpose of this document is only to specify the measurement method; it does not define any limit values.

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    28 pages
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IEC 63159-1:2021 applies to electric instantaneous water heaters for domestic hot water heating for household and similar applications, which show both of the following characteristics:
– fulfilling at least one load pattern from Annex A;
– heating up to temperatures below the boiling temperature.
This document specifies terms, definitions and measurement methods for the assessment of energy efficiency.
This document does not take into account requirements regarding the safety of the appliances.

  • Standard
    41 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63159-2-1:2021 applies to electric instantaneous water heaters designed to operate as multifunctional appliances with an electric rated power > 2 kW.
This document specifies tests for the assessment of the performance.
This International Standard is to be used in conjunction with IEC 63159-1:2021.

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    59 pages
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IEC 63159-2-2:2021 This document applies to open outlet, single point-of-use, electric instantaneous water heaters intended for household or similar use, for showering purposes without downstream mixing.
This document only specifies tests for the assessment of energy efficiency.
This document does not apply to electrical instantaneous water heaters covered by other parts of this series of standards.
This International Standard is to be used in conjunction with IEC 63159-1:2021.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62885-2:2021 is applicable for measurements of the performance of mains-operated dry vacuum cleaners, including water filter vacuum cleaners for household or similar use.
The purpose of this document is to specify essential performance characteristics of dry vacuum cleaners which are of interest to users and to describe methods for measuring these characteristics.
Due to the influence of environmental conditions, variations in time, origin of test materials and proficiency of the operator, some of the described test methods will give more reliable results when applied for comparative testing of a number of appliances at the same time, in the same laboratory and by the same operator.
The methods here can be applied with modifications for surface-cleaning product types or technologies not currently covered within the scope.
For safety requirements, reference is made to IEC 60335-1.
A recommendation on information for the consumer at the point of sale is given in Annex B.
This second edition of IEC 62885-2 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This second edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Inclusion of requirements for water filter vacuum cleaners throughout document
b) Clause 4.6 on operation of the dry vacuum cleaner has been revised.
c) Add new paragraph 4.11, consolidating test area and stroke length from 5.1.2, 5.3.2, 6.2.2 and Added new 4.12 for stroke speed.
d) Added debris pick-up test for hard floor and carpet. Includes new Annex E.
e) Clause 6.2.2 – Clarification of the carpet to be used; reference 4.11 for test area. Remove restriction limiting carpets to motion resistance only. Clarify the use of a mechanical operator.
f) A durability test for secondary hoses has been included.
g) The two informative annexes relating to the description and maintenance of the reference vacuum cleaner system RSB have been revised.

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    213 pages
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IEC 62999:2016 applies to electrical underfloor heating of dwellings and all other buildings whose use corresponds to dwellings or is at least similar, having a maximum load bearing in use of 4 kN/m2. This Standard defines the main characteristics of electrical underfloor heating and establishes the method of testing of these characteristics as information for the user. This Standard does not deal with installation and safety requirements.

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    122 pages
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  • Standard
    290 pages
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IEC TR 63250:2021 deals with the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of test methods used for assessing the performance characteristics of household and similar electrical appliances. It also provides guidance for carrying out round robin tests (RRT).
It also specifies the uncertainty reporting of measurements of household and similar electrical appliances.
It describes methods to estimate the uncertainty of a measured result and to predict the range of measured values when the same appliance is measured in another laboratory applying the same measurement method.
It does not cover the development of measurement methods. It also does not deal with:
– the production variability of the appliance;
– how closely the measurement method reflects the normal use of appliances in households.

  • Technical report
    34 pages
    English language
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IEC 60350-2:2017 defines methods for measuring the performance of electric hobs for household use.
Appliances covered by this document can be built-in or designed to be placed on a work surface. The hob can also be a part of a cooking range.
This document does not apply to portable appliances for cooking, grilling and similar functions (see IEC 61817).
This document defines the main performance characteristics of hobs which are of interest to the user and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document does not specify a classification or ranking for performance.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) terms and definitions revised and new definitions added (see 3);
b) following the new market trend, requirements related to so-called flexible and free induction zones - in this document named as cooking areas - are added;
c) specification for standardized and alternative cookware is introduced (see 5.6);
d) measurement procedure reflecting a household-like cooking process for measuring the energy consumption is introduced (see Clause 7 and Annex A);
e) revision of measurement procedure for determining the accuracy of control (see Clause 8);
f) new reproducible measurement procedure for assessing the heat distribution (see Clause 9);
g) additional requirements (according to IEC 62301:2011) on how to measure low-power modes.

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    71 pages
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  • Standard
    318 pages
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IEC 60350-1:2016 specifies methods for measuring the performance of electric cooking ranges, ovens, steam ovens, and grills for household use. The ovens covered by this standard may be with or without microwave function. Manufacturers should define the primary cooking function of the appliance microwave function or thermal heat. The primary cooking function should be measured with an existing method according to energy consumption. If the primary cooking function is declared in the instruction manual as a microwave function, IEC 60705 is applied for energy consumption measurement. If the primary cooking function is declared as a thermal heat, then IEC 60350-1 is applied for energy consumption measurement. If the primary function is not declared by the manufacturer, the performance of the microwave function and thermal heat should be measured as far as it is possible. This standard defines the main performance characteristics of these appliances which are of interest to the user and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics. This standard does not specify a classification or ranking for performance. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- new definitions for "set to off mode" and "set to standby mode" are included in Clause 3;
- reference to ISO 80000 regarding rounding;
- more exact determination of the mass of the appliances (6.2);
- update of the existing 7.3 in order to improve the clarity of procedure;
- additional temperature requirement in 7.4.3 to ensure an adequate temperature setting during the energy measurement process;
- editorial changes in,, and;
- revision of Clause 8 in order to increase the repeatability for the measurements for steam ovens;
- Clause 12 "Standby power" is renamed to "Consumption measurement of low power modes" and the content is adapted for IEC 62301:2011;
- replacing the supplier for the colouring measurement device in Clause C.6, because the previous device is no longer available;
- adaptation of Annex A to the new supplier of colouring measurement devices;
- adaptation of Annex E;
- measurement method for measuring the consumption of the cooling down period is added in the informative, new Annex G;
- measurement method to check applied microwave energy during the measurement according to 7.4 is added in the informative Annex H;
- new Annex I for marking the temperature setting for checking the oven temperature.
The contents of the Interpretation Sheet 1 of March 2021 have been included in this copy.

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    227 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    307 pages
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IEC 60704-1:2021 applies to electric appliances (including their accessories or components) for household and similar use, supplied from mains or from batteries.
By "similar use" is understood the use in conditions similar to those found in households, for example in inns, coffee houses, tea rooms, hotels, barber or hairdresser shops, launderettes, etc., if not otherwise specified in the IEC 60704-2 series.
This document does not apply to:
– appliances, equipment, or machines designed exclusively for industrial or professional purposes;
– appliances that are integrated parts of a building or its installations, such as equipment for air conditioning, heating and ventilating (except household fans, cooker hoods, free-standing heating appliances, dehumidifiers, air cleaners, and stand-alone water heaters), oil burners for central heating, pumps for water supply and for sewage systems;
– separate motors or generators and
– appliances exclusively for outdoor use.
For determining and verifying noise emission values declared in product specifications, see IEC 60704-3:2019.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
It includes the following significant changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) update of references (especially to ISO standards);
b) revision of requirements on climatic conditions;
c) revision of requirements on background noise level.

  • Standard
    114 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    73 pages
    English and French language
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