IEC 62752:2024 This International Standard applies to in-cable control and protection devices (IC-CPDs) for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles, hereafter referred to as "IC-CPD", including control and safety functions. This document applies to portable devices performing simultaneously the functions of detection of the residual current, of comparison of the value of this current with the residual operating value and of opening of the protected circuit when the residual current exceeds this value. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016, and Amendment 1:2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Subclause 8.3.1 revised to add requirements for a mandatory control device that detects the temperature of the current carrying parts in the household plug; - Test requirements added in a new Subclause 9.36 for the temperature control device; - Harmonization of EMC requirements with new edition of IEC 61543 and IEC 61851-21-2; - General improvement of test and requirements.

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IEC 61535:2023 is available as IEC 61535:2023 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61535:2023 applies to two-wire, up to five-wire installation couplers, with or without earthing contact, if provided, with a rated voltage up to and including 500 V AC or 500 V DC and a rated connecting capacity up to and including 10 mm2 and a rated current not exceeding 32 A for permanent connection in electrical installations. Installation couplers with additional contacts for voltages other than mains voltages are outside the scope of this document. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2019. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) inclusion of a definition for "live part" based on IEC 61140; b) additional optional cross medial documentation, e.g. marking with QR-Code; c) corrections on the consistent use of the expressions "earth", "earthing contact", "earthing circuit" and "protective earth(ing)" throughout the document; d) addition of missing compliance provisions to 13.3; e) update of Figure D.1 of Annex D; f) inclusion of new Annex F for cold climate requirements.

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IEC 63345:2023 specifies a data model to abstract the metering world towards a simple external consumer display. The data model, as described by means of functional blocks contained in this document, lays down the format of metering data accessible by a simple external consumer display. This data interface would be typically part of the meter communication functions and be accessed by a simple external consumer display via the H1 interface of CEN/CLC/ETSI TR 50572 between the display and the meter communication functions.

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This document provides specific emission and immunity requirements, tests and performance criteria for residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs), for household and similar use, for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V. Household and similar use corresponds to the description given in the generic standard IEC 61000-6-1 for residential, commercial, and light-industrial electromagnetic environments. This document is intended to be referred to by RCD product standards and is not intended to be used as a standalone document. Residual current-operated protective devices are: - Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCCBs) covered by IEC 61008 series and IEC 62423; - Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBOs) covered by IEC 61009 series and IEC 62423; - Residual current devices with or without overcurrent protection for socket-outlets (SRCDs) covered by IEC 62640; - Portable residual current devices without integral overcurrent protection (PRCDs) covered by IEC 61540; - Devices with an RCD functionality for household and similar use according product standards following the group safety publications for general safety requirements for RCDs, IEC 60755. This edition applies if it is referred to as a dated reference in the relevant product standard. This document is also intended to be used as a guideline in the preparation of EMC requirements and tests for other product standards under the scope of SC 23E. It also specifies generic performance criteria intended to be transformed into specific performance criteria by the relevant product standard. Note: Examples of other product standards under the scope of SC 23E are: - IEC 62020-1 "Electrical accessories - Residual current monitors (RCMs) – Part 1: RCMs for household and similar uses"; - IEC 62606 "General requirements for arc fault detection devices"; - IEC 63024 "Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit breakers, RCBOs-RCCBs for household and similar uses"; - IEC 63052 "Power frequency overvoltage protective devices (POPs) for household and similar applications"; - IEC 62752 "In-cable control and protection device for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD)"; - IEC 62955 "Residual direct current detecting device (RDC-DD) to be used for mode 3 charging of electric vehicles".

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IEC 62275:2018 specifies requirements for metallic, non-metallic and composite cable ties and their associated fixing devices used for the management and support of wiring systems in electrical installations. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) consideration of adhesive fixing devices, b) revised and updated normative references, c) modified definitions for metallic and composite cable ties, d) new definitions, e) improvement of test procedures, f) new figures for typical arrangement of test assembly for fixing devices and for integral fixing devices.

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This part of IEC 62196 is applicable to vehicle couplers with pins and contact tubes of standardized configuration, herein also referred to as "accessories", intended for use in electric vehicle conductive charging systems which incorporate control means, with rated operating voltage and current in accordance with IEC 62196-1:2022. This document applies to high power DC interfaces and combined AC/DC interfaces of vehicle couplers that are intended for use in conductive charging systems for circuits specified in IEC 61851-1:2017 and IEC 6185123:-2. The DC vehicle connectors and inlets covered by this document are used only in charging mode 4, according to IEC 618511:2017, 6.2.4, and case C, as shown in IEC 618511:2017, Figure 3. These vehicle couplers are intended to be used for circuits specified in IEC 61851-23: - which operate at different voltages, and which can include ELV and communication signals. This document applies to the vehicle couplers to be used in an ambient temperature between -30 °C and +40 °C. NOTE 1 In some countries, other requirements may apply. NOTE 2 In the following country, −35 °C applies: SE. These vehicle couplers are intended to be connected only to cables with copper or copper-alloy conductors.

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This part of IEC 62196 applies to EV plugs, EV socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets with pins and contact-tubes of standardized configurations, herein referred to as accessories. These accessories have a nominal rated operating voltage not exceeding 480 V AC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, and a rated current not exceeding 63 A three phase or 70 A single phase, for use in conductive charging of electric vehicles. This document covers the basic interface accessories for vehicle supply as specified in IEC 62196-1. NOTE 1 The term "Electric road vehicles (EV)" comprises all road vehicles, including plug-in hybrid road vehicles (PHEV) that derive all or part of their energy from the rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS). These accessories are intended to be used for circuits specified in IEC 61851-1:2017, which operate at different voltages and frequencies, and which can include extra-low voltage (ELV) and communication signals. The use of these accessories for bidirectional power transfer is under consideration. This document applies to accessories to be used in an ambient temperature between -30 °C and +40 °C. NOTE 2 In the following country, other requirements regarding the lower temperature may apply: NO. NOTE 3 In the following country, −35 °C applies: SE. These accessories are intended to be connected only to cables with copper or copper-alloy conductors. Vehicle inlets and vehicle connectors described in this document are intended to be used for charging in modes 1, 2 and 3, cases B and C. The EV socket-outlets and EV plugs covered by this document are intended to be used for charging mode 3 only, case A and B. The modes and permissible connections are specified in IEC 61851-1:2017.

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IEC 61535:2019 is available as IEC 61535:2019 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61535:2019 applies to two-wire, up to five-wire installation couplers, including earth, if provided, with a rated voltage up to and including 500 V AC or DC and a rated connecting capacity up to and including 10 mm2 for permanent connection in electrical installations. Installation couplers with additional contacts for voltages other than mains voltages are outside the scope of this document. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009 and Amendment 1:2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - enlargement of the scope to DC application; - addition of further requirements as regards DC application (marking, etc.), no additional test procedures were deemed necessary; however some modifications were necessary in the normative text; - changes and enhancement of the field of application of installation couplers into outdoor applications; - addition of a suitable temperature range; - updating of the list of normative references, modified to undated references, where possible.

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This part of IEC 62196 is applicable to EV plugs, EV socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets, herein referred to as "accessories", and to cable assemblies for electric vehicles (EV) intended for use in conductive charging systems which incorporate control means, with a rated operating voltage not exceeding: - 690 V AC 50 Hz to 60 Hz, at a rated current not exceeding 250 A; - 1 500 V DC at a rated current not exceeding 800 A. These accessories and cable assemblies are intended to be installed by instructed persons (IEV 195-04-02) or skilled persons (IEV 195-04-01) only. These accessories and cable assemblies are intended to be used for circuits specified in IEC 61851 (all parts), which operate at different voltages and frequencies, and which can include extra-low voltage and communication signals. These accessories and cable assemblies are intended to be used at an ambient temperature between −30 °C and +40 °C. NOTE 1 In some countries, other requirements can apply. NOTE 2 In the following country, −35 °C applies: SE. NOTE 3 The manufacturer can enlarge the temperature range on the condition that the specified range information is provided. These accessories are intended to be connected only to cables with copper or copper-alloy conductors. The accessories covered by this document are intended for use in electric vehicle supply equipment in accordance with IEC 61851 (all parts). This document does not apply to standard plug and socket-outlets used for mode 1 and mode 2 according to IEC 61851-1:2017, 6.2. NOTE 4 In the following countries, mode 1 is not allowed: UK, US, CA, SG.

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IEC 62962:2019 The purpose of this document is to provide requirements for equipment to be used in energy efficiency systems. This document covers load-shedding equipment (LSE). Guidelines relating to safety for LSE as given in IEC Guide 110 have been followed. This document applies to load-shedding equipment for household and similar uses. The load-shedding function is used in energy management systems to optimize the overall use of electrical energy including production and storage. Load-shedding can be used for example for energy efficiency purposes as per IEC 60364-8-1:2019.

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IEC 60934:2019 is available as IEC 60934:2019 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60934:2019 is applicable to mechanical switching devices designed as "circuit‑breakers for equipment" (CBE) for household and similar applications. CBEs according to this document are intended to provide protection to circuits within electrical equipment including its components (e.g. motors, transformers, internal wiring). This document covers also CBEs applicable for protection of electrical equipment in case of undervoltage and/or overvoltage. This document also covers CBEs which are suitable for isolation. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2000, Amendment 1:2007 and Amendment 2:2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) clarifications for type testing purposes.

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This clause of Part 1 is completely replaced by the following: This part of IEC 60669 applies to electronic control devices, a general term to cover electronic switches, home and building electronic systems (HBES) / building automation and control systems (BACS) switches and electronic extension units. It applies to electronic switches and to HBES/BACS switches, for alternating current (AC) only with a rated switching voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. It also applies to electronic extension units with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 250 V AC and 120 V DC, such as sensors and push buttons. This document also applies to electronic remote control switches (RCS) and electronic time delay switches (TDS). Particular requirements are given in Annex FF. Switches including only passive components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, positive temperature coefficient (PTC) and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) components, varistors, printed wiring boards and connectors are not considered as electronic control devices. This document also applies to electronic switches and HBES/BACS switches for the operation of lighting equipment circuits and the control of the brightness of lighting equipment (dimmers) as well as the control of the speed of motors (for example, those used in ventilating fans) and for other purposes (for example, heating controls). The operation and/or control as mentioned above can be transmitted by an electronic signal via several media, for example, powerline (mains), twisted pair, optical fibre, radio frequency, infrared, etc. and are performed: - intentionally by a person via an actuating member, a key, a card, etc., via a sensing surface or a sensing unit, by means of touch, proximity, turn, optical, acoustic, thermal; - by physical means, for example, light, temperature, humidity, time, wind velocity, presence of people; - by any other influence. This document also applies to electronic control devices which include integrated radio receivers and transmitters. This document covers only those requirements for mounting boxes which are necessary for the tests on the electronic control devices. Requirements for general purpose mounting boxes are given in the relevant part, if any, of IEC 60670. This document is not intended to cover devices falling within the scope of IEC 60730 (all parts). Electronic control devices complying with this document are suitable for use at ambient temperature not normally exceeding 25 °C but occasionally reaching 35 °C with a lower limit of the ambient air temperature of −5 °C. NOTE 1 For lower temperatures, see Annex E. Functional safety aspects are not covered by this document. Functional safety requirements are covered by the standards of the controlled devices. In locations where special conditions prevail, such as in ships, vehicles and the like and in hazardous locations, for example where explosions are liable to occur, special construction and/or additional requirements may be required. This document is not intended to cover devices which are designed to be incorporated in appliances or are intended to be delivered together with a specific appliance and which are within the scope of IEC 60730 (all parts) or IEC 61058-1. Examples of designs of electronic switches and HBES/BACS switches and functions are shown in Annex AA. Additional requirements for electronic control devices using DLT-technology in accordance with IEC 62756-1 are given in Annex CC. Electrical interface specification for phase-cut dimmer used in phase-cut dimmed lighting systems are given for information only in Annex EE. NOTE 2 Electronic switches and HBES/BACS switches without a mechanical switch in the main circuit do not provide a "full off-state". Therefore, the circuit on the load side are to be considered to be live.

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IEC 63355:2022 specifies a method for the determination of the content of halogens in cable management system (CMS) products or system components made completely or partly of combustible material(s). The determination is made by combustion and subsequent analysis of the combustion product by ion chromatography. This document specifies how CMS products or system components can be declared as halogen-free.

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2018-11-02 - assessment is now 'compliant', BT route to be followed to adress annex ZZ
2018-08-13: non complinat assessment
2018-05-18 - Sent to HAS
2018-03-22 - TC request to BT to keep ratification pending until Annex ZZ is available
(TC213 Plenary decision to prepare Annex ZZ and associated risk assessment for submission to CCMC and to update BT (See Decision 2 in TC213/Sec1214/RM).
2017-05-16 - Cannot allocate for publication due to missing assessment from Consultant.
2016-12-12 - Annex ZZ delivered by TC and to be sent to Consultant when FDIS starts and included in lt file for NC's voting period.

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IEC 62196-6:2022 is applicable to vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets and cable assemblies for electric vehicle (EV), intended for use in conductive charging systems which incorporate control means, with a rated operating voltage up to 120 V DC and rated current up to 100 A. These accessories are intended to be used for a DC interface of the conductive charging system according to IEC 61851-25:2020.

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This part of IEC 61020 specifies the terminology, symbols, test methods and other necessary information to provide consistency in detail specifications for electromechanical switches. This document relates to electromechanical switches intended for use in electrical and electronic appliances. Switches covered by this document: a) are devices which open, close, or change the connection of a circuit by the mechanical motion of conducting parts (contacts); b) have a maximum rated voltage of 480 V; c) have a maximum rated current of 63 A. This document does not include keyboards and keypads which are intended for use in information-handling systems. Electromechanical key switches can be included under the scope of this document. Switch families will be described in any detail specifications that reference this document. This document is a performance standard intended to describe evaluation methods to better clarify the capabilities of a switch. NOTE 1 Safety requirements for switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations are given in IEC 60669 (all parts). NOTE 2 Safety requirements for appliance switches are given in IEC 61058 (all parts).

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  • Standard
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Clause 1 of IEC 61058-1:2016 is applicable except as follows. Addition: This part of IEC 61058 is a subset based on IEC 61058-1. The clauses outlined below are intended to address the specific requirements for switches incorporated into or integrated with electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery. This document is intended for switches with an ambient temperature up to and including 55 °C. Switches tested according to IEC 61058-1 are considered to comply with this document and additional testing is not required provided ratings, loads, and endurance are correct. NOTE This document takes into account the fact that tests are conducted as part of the end-product evaluation (e.g. products tested according to the IEC 60745 and IEC 62841 series, and lawn and gardening equipment tested according to the IEC 60335 series), and that tests are not conducted on the component switch.

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  • Standard
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This International Standard specifies requirements and tests for cable cleats used for securing cables in electrical installations and for intermediate restraints used for holding cables together in formation in electrical installations. Cable cleats provide resistance to electromechanical forces where declared. This document includes cable cleats that rely on a mounting surface specified by the manufacturer for axial and/or lateral retention of cables. Various types of cable cleats and intermediate restraints are shown in Annex A. NOTE Requirements for manufacturers in this document also apply to importers and responsible vendors where appropriate. This document does not apply to cable ties.

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This part of lEC 60320 sets the general requirements for appliance couplers for two poles and two poles with earth contact and for the connection of electrical devices for household and similar onto the mains supply. This part of lEC 60320 is also valid for appliance inlets/appliance outlets integrated or incorporated in appliances. The rated voltage does not exceed 250 V (a.c.) and the rated current does not exceed 16 A. Appliance couplers complying with this part of lEC 60320 are suitable for normal use at ambient temperatures not normally exceeding +40 °C, but their average over a period of 24 h does not exceed +35 °C, with a lower limit of the ambient air temperature of -5 °C. Annex E provides test requirements for derating the operating current of an accessory when used in ambient temperatures above +35 °C up to +90 °C. Appliance couplers are not suitable for - use in place of plug and socket-outlet systems according to IEC 60884-1. - use in place of devices for connecting luminaires (DCLs) according to IEC 61995 or 306 luminaire supporting couplers (LSCs). 307 NOTE Requirements for d.c. are under consideration.

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Not available

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  • Amendment
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IEC 61316:2021 is available as IEC 61316:2021 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61316:2021 applies to cable reels provided with a non-detachable flexible cable with a rated operating voltage not exceeding 690 V DC and/or 690 V AC with a frequency not exceeding 500 Hz and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, primarily intended for industrial use, either indoors or outdoors, for use with accessories complying with IEC 60309-1, IEC 60309-2 or IEC 60309-4. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 1999. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Implementation of the latest tests and requirements previously included in IEC 60309-1.

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IEC 63044-4:2021 provides the functional safety requirements for HBES/BACS. In addition, it defines functional safety requirements for the interface of equipment intended to be connected to an HBES/BACS network. It does not apply to interfaces to other networks. This document does not provide functional safety requirements for safety-related systems. This document does not provide requirements on data protection and security.

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IEC 63044-6:2021 specifies the requirements for planning and installation of HBES/BACS and the supporting infrastructure. Radio frequency (RF) HBES/BACS are also considered. Safety requirements are covered by IEC 60364 (all parts). Information and communication technology (ICT) and broadcasting and communication technology (BCT) network installations are typically interfaced with HBES/BACS. The requirements for ICT and BCT network installations are covered by ISO/IEC 14763-2. This document does not cover HBES/BACS implementation with: - optical fibre, - power lines, - power over Ethernet (PoE).

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NEXT ACTION BY HAS CONSULTANT: to confirm last changes, before BT-route for validation of Annex ZZ.
2019-10-16: lack of compliance Publication assessment. CLC/TC 23E meeting with Consultant on 2020-01-24 to address the issues.

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Clause 1 of IEC 61386-1:2008 is applicable, except as follows: Addition: This part of IEC 61386 specifies the requirements for rigid conduit systems.

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Clause 1 of IEC 61386-1:2008 is applicable, except as follows: Addition: This part of IEC 61386 specifies the requirements for pliable conduit systems including self-recovering conduit systems.

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Clause 1 of IEC 61386-1:2008 is applicable, except as follows: Addition: This part of IEC 61386 specifies the requirements for flexible conduit systems.

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2020-07-01: TC 213 request to delay ratification until A11 is available
2019-09-23 PeC: LVD "lack of compliance"
2019-08-27 PeC: sent for LVD assessment

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IEC 61058-1:2016 is available as IEC 61058-1:2016 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 61058-1:2016 applies to switches for appliances. The switches are intended to control electrical appliances and other equipment for household or similar purposes with a rated voltage not exceeding 480 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2000, Amendment 1:2001 and Amendment 2:2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) requirements for mechanical switches are now given in IEC 61058-1-1; b) requirements for electronic switches are now given in IEC 61058-1-2.

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IEC 62020-1:2020 applies to residual current monitors for household and similar purposes, having rated operational voltages and a rated voltage of the monitored circuit not exceeding 440 V AC and rated currents not exceeding 125 A. This first edition cancels and replaces IEC 62020:1998 and IEC 62020:1998/AMD1:2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: – definition of Type F and Type B RCM; – marking of Type F and Type B RCM; – introduction of a new subclause,  REF _Ref521411992 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 8.20 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003500320031003400310031003900390032000000 ; – modification of  REF _Ref521412027 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 9.7 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003500320031003400310032003000320037000000 ; – update of  REF _Ref521412044 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 9.9 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003500320031003400310032003000340034000000 ; – modification of  REF _Ref521412054 \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT 9.14 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003500320031003400310032003000350034000000 ; – modification of

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NEW!IEC 60320-2-4:2018 is available as IEC 60320-2-4:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60320-2-4:2018 is applicable to two-pole appliance couplers for alternating current only, with or without earthing contact, with a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A, for household and similar general purposes and intended for incorporation or integration within electric appliances or other electric equipment of multi‑part construction for 50 Hz or 60 Hz supply which depend on the weight of the appliance to ensure correct engagement. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005 and Amendment 1:2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - IEC 60320-2-4 is aligned with IEC 60320-1:2015. - IEC 60320-2-4 is aligned with IEC 60335-1 and IEC 60335-2-15. IEC 60320-2-4 appliance couplers are incorporated into appliances designed and manufactured to these standards. To this end, particular attention is drawn to 14.2 and Clause 20. - It also now proposes that appliance couplers with auxiliary contacts be considered.

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IEC 60320-2-1:2018 is applicable to special purpose appliance couplers for household sewing machines. These sewing machine couplers are for alternating current only and have a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 2,5 A. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2000. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Aligned with IEC 60320-1:2015. This Part 2-1 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 60320-1: Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes – Part 1: General requirements. It was established on the basis of the third edition of that standard (2015).

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NEW!IEC 60799:2018 is available as IEC 60799:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60799:2018 specifies requirements for cord sets and interconnection cord sets for household and similar general purpose equipment. It does not apply to cord sets for industrial purposes (with plugs and connectors according to IEC 60309) nor to cord extension sets. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1998. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - alignment with IEC 60320-1:2015; - extension to include appliance couplers in accordance with IEC 60320-2-3:- (Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: IEC/FDIS 60320-2-3:2018).

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NEW!IEC 60320-2-3:2018 is available as IEC 60320-2-3:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60320-1:2018 applies with the following addition: This document applies to appliance couplers with a degree of protection against ingress of water higher than IPX0. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998 and Amendment 1:2004. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Aligned with IEC 60320-1:2015. - The scope is extended to cover current ratings up to and including 16 A. - The scope is extended to cover Class I appliance couplers. - The scope is extended to cover appliance couplers for hot and very hot conditions. - Added classification regarding the use of retaining devices. - Added classification for indoor and outdoor use.

  • Standard
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BT request approved. Link to LVD removed
NEXT ACTION: BT consultation for de-harmonization of the project.
2020-01-09: Ready for publication. Pending DG GROW clarification on the issues raised by the Consultant.

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NEW!IEC 60669-1:2017 is available as IEC 60669-1:2017 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.This part of IEC 60669 applies to manually operated general purpose functional switches, for alternating current (AC) only with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V with a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. For switches provided with screwless terminals, the rated current is limited to 16 A. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1998, Amendment 1:1999 and Amendment 2:2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) change of the scope for motor load switches; b) deletion of some dated normative references; c) changes to the definitions; d) in Clause 5 the number of specimens to be used for the tests are clearly given in Table 1 (Corresponding Annex A of IEC 60669-1:1998 was therefore deleted); e) in Clause 5 it was clarified on which switches the tests of Clause 19 shall be carried out; f) requirements concerning 13 A switches have been included; g) mandatory indication that a terminal is suitable for rigid conductor only; h) requirements and test conditions for flexible conductors have been included in Clause 12; i) requirements for pilot light units have been included; j) new test for self-ballasted lamp loads in 19.3; k) Table 20 has been completely redrawn to cover normal, mini and micro-gap switches and renumbered Table 21; l) new informative Annex B including changes planned for the future in order to align IEC 60669-1 with the requirements of IEC 60998 (all parts), IEC 60999 (all parts) and IEC 60228; m) new informative Annex C about the circuit development for 19.3; n) new informative Annex D including additional requirements for insulation-piercing terminals; o) new informative Annex E including additional requirements and tests for switches intended to be used at a temperature lower than −5 °C. Key words: Home switches, fixed electrical installation

  • Standard
    156 pages
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IEC 61058-2-4:2018 is available as IEC 61058-2-4:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61058-2-4:2018 applies to independently mounted switches for appliances (mechanical or electronic) actuated by hand, by foot or by other human activity, to operate or control electrical appliances and other equipment for household or similar purposes with a rated voltage not exceeding 480 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - overall format modified to support the revised structure of the series; - Annexes K and M have been included as an integral part of this document; - Annex L has been included for information purposes only. This document is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61058-1:2016.

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    23 pages
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IEC 61058-2-5:2018 is available as IEC 61058-2-5:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61058-2-5:2018 applies to change-over selectors (mechanical or electronic) for appliances actuated by hand, by foot or by other human activity, to operate or control electrical appliances and other equipment for household or similar purposes with a rated voltage not exceeding 480 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - updated references due to new structure of IEC 61058-1; - changes on conducting the heating test due to the corresponding changes in IEC 61058-1.

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    13 pages
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IEC 61058-2-1:2018 applies to cord switches (mechanical or electronic) for appliances actuated by hand, by foot or by other human activity, to operate or control electrical appliances and other equipment for household or similar purposes with a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not exceeding 16 A. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Overall format to support IEC 61058-1, IEC 61058-1-1, IEC 61058-1-2, and the heating tests.

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    26 pages
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IEC 63044-3:2017 provides the electrical safety requirements related to the HBES/BACS network in addition to the product safety standards for HBES/BACS devices. It also applies to devices used within an HBES/BACS network for which no specific HBES/BACS product safety standard exists. In addition, it defines safety requirements for the interface of equipment intended to be connected to an HBES/BACS network. It does not apply to interfaces to other networks. NOTE An example of other networks is a dedicated ICT network covered by IEC 62949. This document is applicable to  
operator stations and other human–system interface devices,
devices for management functions,
control devices, automation stations and application-specific controllers,
field devices and their interfaces, and
cabling and interconnection of devices  used within a dedicated HBES/BACS network. This document covers the following requirements and compliance criteria:  
protection from hazards in the device;
protection from overvoltages on the network;
protection from touch current;
protection from hazards caused by different types of circuit;
protection of the communication wiring from overheating caused by excessive current.  Key words: Home automation, smart homes, smart cities

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    22 pages
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IEC 63024:2017 applies to automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for household and similar uses, for rated voltage not exceeding 440 V AC, and which are intended to be used in combination with circuit-breakers, RCCBs and RCBOs, and designed either for factory assembly or for assembly on site. These devices are intended to reclose main protective devices (MPDs) such as circuit-breakers complying with IEC 60898-1 and/or IEC 60898-2, RCCBs complying with IEC 61008-1 and/or IEC 62423, and RCBOs complying with IEC 61009-1 and/or IEC 62423 after tripping of those devices in order to re-establish continuity of service.

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    63 pages
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IEC 62606:2013 applies to arc fault detection devices (AFDD) for household and similar uses in a.c. circuits. An AFDD is designed by the manufacturer: - either as a single device having opening means able to open the protected circuit in specified conditions; or - as a single device integrating a protective device; or - as a separate unit, according to Annex D assembled on site with a declared protective device.

  • Amendment
    25 pages
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