This document specifies the characteristics of axles for all heavy rail track gauges.
This document applies to heavy rail vehicles and applies, in principle, to other vehicles such as urban rail vehicles.
It specifies characteristics of forged or rolled solid and hollow axles, made from vacuum-degassed steel grade EA1N, EA1T and EA4T. For hollow axles, this document applies only to those that are manufactured by machining of a hole in a forged or rolled solid axle.
The requirements specified in this document are applicable for cylindrical seats. Most of the requirements are also applicable for axles with conical seats. Specific requirements for conical seats (e.g. geometrical dimensions of the seats...) are defined in the technical specification.
Some characteristics are given as a function of a category 1 or of a category 2.
This document is applicable to axles that are designed in accordance with the requirements of EN 13103-1:2017+A1:2022.
This document also permits variations of the material characteristics linked to alternative manufacturing processes (e.g. cold rolling, shot blasting, thermal spraying, steel cleanliness, reduction ratio, improved material properties from melting and heat treatment process, etc.).

  • Standard
    72 pages
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To ensure safety and interoperability, this document gives:
-   the limits for in-service and off-vehicle wheelsets;
-   the operations to be carried out for which the specific values (and/or criteria) remain to be defined in the maintenance plan.
This document applies to wheelsets and axleboxes complying with the following European standards:
-   EN 13103-1:2017+A1:2022;
-   EN 13260:2020, EN 13261:2020, EN 13262:2020;
-   EN 13979-1:2023;
-   EN 13715:2020;
-   EN 13749:2021+A1:2023;
that comprise:
-   the axle fitted with wheels of diameters greater than or equal to 330 mm;
-   axleboxes with bearings and grease.
This document is also applicable to wheelsets:
-   fitted with brake discs, final drive, transmission or noise-damping systems, as appropriate;
-   not complying with the above European standards, but complying with the international requirements in force, for example in UIC leaflets, before the approval of these standards;
-   with tyred wheels;
-   with resilient wheels.
For equipment not covered by Directive (EU) 2016/797, this European Standard can be applied, noting that different values can be used.
All dimensions in this document are in millimetres (mm).
It is necessary to describe in a specific document the tasks to be performed in order to maintain wheelsets within the limits defined therein.
NOTE   The specific values and criteria are defined in an appropriate maintenance plan.

  • Standard
    117 pages
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This document specifies a design assessment procedure of a forged and rolled monobloc wheel (RST). This assessment is carried out before the wheel is commissioned. This document describes, in particular, the assessment to be performed in order to use wheels on a European network which, in addition, have quality requirements in conformity with those defined in EN 13262.
This assessment requires that the conditions of use for the wheel are defined and this standard provides a method for defining those conditions.
The assessment of the design covers four aspects:
- a geometrical aspect: to allow interchangeability of different solutions for the same application;
­- a thermomechanical aspect: to manage wheel deformations and to ensure that braking will not cause wheels to fracture;
- a mechanical aspect: to ensure that no fatigue cracks occur in the wheel web and that no permanent deformation occurs under exceptional loading;
- an acoustic aspect: to ensure that the solution chosen is as good as the reference wheel.
This document does not cover assessment of the hub or of the rim.
This document has been drawn up for wheels of non­powered tread­braked wheelsets and applies in full to this type of wheel. For wheels on which disc brakes are mounted or toothed transmission wheels or even wheels with noise reduction devices, the requirements may be amended or supplemented.
For urban railway vehicles, other standards or documents may be used.

  • Standard
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This European Standard:
— defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking conditions;
— gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
— specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N, EA1T and EA4T defined in EN 13261:2020;
— describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
— determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This European Standard is applicable for:
— axles defined in EN 13261:2020
— powered and non-powered axles and
— all track gauges3.
The powered axle design method of this European Standard applies to:
— solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
— solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
— solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives.
The non-powered axle design method of this standard applies to solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the transportation of passengers and freight that are not considered in the list above.
This European Standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions. Before using this European Standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible stresses. The calculation of wheelset axles for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be made according to this European Standard only for the load cases of free-rolling and rolling in train formation. This European Standard does not apply to the loads induced by the vehicles in their working mode. They are calculated separately.
This method can be used for light rail and tramway applications.

  • Standard
    48 pages
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This document specifies the characteristics of railway wheels, used for all track gauges.
This document applies to heavy railway vehicles but may also apply to other applications such as light railway vehicles, trams or underground systems. Five steel grades, ER6, ER7, ER8, ERS8 and ER9, are defined in this document.
NOTE 1 Steel grade ERS8 has been introduced in this document as an optimisation of steel grades ER8 and ER9 due to contact fatigue (RCF), taking into account service feedback from Europe, for example, BS 5892-3 in force in the United Kingdom.
Some features are provided as a Category 1 or Category 2 function.
The requirements defined in this standard apply to cylindrical bores. Most requirements also apply to wheels with tapered bores. Specific requirements for tapered bores (e.g. geometrical dimensions, etc.) are defined in the technical specification.
This document applies to monobloc wheels in vacuum degassed steel, forged and rolled, with surface treated rims, which have already been the subject of extensive commercial applications on a European network or have complied with a technical approval procedure according to EN 13979 – 1: 2019 to validate their design.
Annex A describes the evaluation process for accepting new materials that are not included in this document.
This document defines the requirements to be met for wheels; the technical approval procedure is not part of the scope of this document.
NOTE 2 A "surface-treated rim" is achieved by heat treatment which aims to harden the rim and create compressive residual stress.

  • Standard
    57 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the characteristics of wheelsets for all track gauges.
This document applies to heavy railway vehicles but may also apply to other vehicles such as light railway vehicles, trams or undergrounds.
This document applies to wheelsets made from elements defined by the following European Standards:
- EN 13262 for wheels;
- EN 13261 for axles.
The requirements defined in this standard apply to cylindrical wheel seats. Most of the requirements also apply to wheelsets with conical wheel seats. Specific requirements for conical wheel seats (e.g. press-fitting curves, geometric dimensions...) are defined in the technical specification.
Some characteristics are given according to category 1 or category 2.

  • Standard
    38 pages
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This document defines the tread profiles of wheels with a diameter equal or greater than 330 mm used on rolling stock submitted to the Directive 2016/797/EU. These profiles apply to new wheels, whether free-standing or assembled as wheelsets, as well as to wheels that require reprofiling during maintenance.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This document:
-   defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking conditions;
-   gives the stress calculation method for axles with inboard axle journals;
-   specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N, EA1T and EA4T defined in EN 13261;
-   describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
-   determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This document is applicable for axles defined in EN 13261.
This document applies only for heavy rail vehicles.
The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. railbound construction and maintenance machines) can be made according to this document only for the load cases of free-rolling and rolling in train formation.

  • Technical specification
    36 pages
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This document presents the stage of knowledge resulting from the Euraxles project about the design of the axle, and further steps to be taken.
It is the support:
- to define the loads to be taken into account;
- to describe the stress calculation method using finite elements and the validation processes associated;
- to specify the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations and the safety factors to be used.
This technical report is applicable for:
- wheelset Axles defined in EN 13261 as "pure wheelset";
- other axle designs such as those encountered in particular rolling stocks e.g. with independent wheels, variable gauges, urban rail...
This document has not for aim to replace EN 13103-1 and CEN/TS 13103-2 but to present a complementary method to the existing ones.

  • Technical report
    87 pages
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This document defines the interfaces and gives guidance for the design of systems and procedures for change of track gauge. It defines also their assessment for technical approval, for the automatic variable-gauge systems.
The document is focused on the change of track gauge among the following nominal track gauges: 1 435 mm, 1 520 mm, 1 524 mm, 1 600 mm and 1 668 mm.
This document is not limited to the aforementioned nominal track gauges but the interfaces to change to/from other nominal track gauges can be different. The established assessment procedures can be used as well.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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This European Standard provides the specific requirements for NDT of wheelsets for:
-   in-service maintenance;
-   off-vehicle maintenance;
-   NDT personnel;
-   NDT documentation (Procedure and Instruction);
-   traceability of the maintenance NDT results.
It gives guidance for the introduction of new NDT techniques.
For this standard, the following NDT methods are considered:
-   Ultrasonic testing (UT);
-   Magnetic particle testing (MT);
-   Eddy Current testing (ET).
Examples of common NDT indications are given in an informative annex.
Other methods considered in EN ISO 9712:2012 are outside the scope of this standard.
For this purpose, a catalogue of the common defects is given as guidance.
Specific NDT requirements relating to the quality of new products delivered by manufacturers are not within the scope of this European Standard.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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This Technical Specification defines the requirements for a cast monobloc wheel of a freight railway vehicle non-powered axle for use on a European network.
   It only applies to wheels of new design or new European application.
   These requirements are intended to assess the validity of the design choice for the proposed use.
   The assessment of these requirements is the technical approval procedure.
   This Technical Specification does not address the quality requirements for cast wheels. These quality requirements are defined in Technical Specification CEN/TS 15718.

  • Technical specification
    45 pages
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This technical standard specifies the characteristics of cast railway wheels for use on European networks.
Two steel grades, C ER7 and C ER8, are defined in this Technical Specification. For tread-braked wheels; only C ER7 is used.
This Technical Specification is applicable to cast wheels which have a chilled rim. The standard is only applicable to cast wheels that have satisfied the technical approval procedure according to CEN/TS 13979-2.
This Technical Specification applies only to wheels used in freight wagon applications for speeds up to and including 120 km/h.

  • Technical specification
    42 pages
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This document specifies the characteristics of wheels for all heavy rail track gauges.
This document applies to heavy rail vehicles and applies, in principle, to other vehicles such as urban rail vehicles. Five steel grades, ER6, ER7, ER8, ERS8 and ER9, are defined in this document.
NOTE 1   Steel grade ERS8 has been introduced in this document as an optimization of steel grades ER8 and ER9 due to contact fatigue (RCF), taking into account service feedback from Europe, for example, BS 5892-3 in force in the United Kingdom.
Some features are provided as a Category 1 or Category 2 function.
The requirements defined in this document apply to cylindrical bores. Most requirements also apply to wheels with tapered bores. Specific requirements for tapered bores (e.g. geometrical dimensions, etc.) are defined in the technical specification.
This document applies to monobloc wheels in vacuum degassed steel, forged and rolled, with surface treated rims, which have already been the subject of extensive commercial applications on a European network or have complied with a technical approval procedure according to EN 13979-1:2020 to validate their design.
Annex A describes the evaluation process for accepting new materials that are not included in this document.
This document defines the requirements to be met for wheels; the technical approval procedure is not part of the scope of this document.
NOTE 2   A "surface-treated rim" is achieved by heat treatment which aims to harden the rim and create compressive residual stress.

  • Draft
    59 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the characteristics of wheelsets for all heavy rail track gauges.
This document applies to heavy rail vehicles and applies, in principle, to other vehicles such as urban rail vehicles.
This document applies to wheelsets made from elements defined by the following European standards:
-   EN 13262:2020 for wheels;
-   EN 13261:2020 for axles.
The requirements defined in this document apply to cylindrical wheel seats. Most of the requirements also apply to wheelsets with conical wheel seats. If needed, specific requirements for conical wheel seats (e.g. press-fitting curves, geometric dimensions...) are defined in the technical specification.
Some characteristics are given according to category 1 or category 2.

  • Draft
    38 pages
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This European Standard:
— defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking conditions;
— gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
— specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N, EA1T and EA4T defined in EN 13261;
— describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
— determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This European Standard is applicable for:
— axles defined in EN 13261
— powered and non-powered axles and
— all track gauges3.
The powered axle design method of this European Standard applies to:
— solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
— solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
— solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives.
The non-powered axle design method of this standard applies to solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the transportation of passengers and freight that are not considered in the list above.
This European Standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions. Before using this European Standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible stresses. The calculation of wheelset axles for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be made according to this European Standard only for the load cases of free-rolling and rolling in train formation. This European Standard does not apply to the loads induced by the vehicles in their working mode. They are calculated separately.
This method can be used for light rail and tramway applications.

  • Draft
    11 pages
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This European Standard defines the tread profiles of wheels with a diameter greater than or equal to 330 mm used on vehicles running on European standard gauge track to fulfil interoperability requirements.  These profiles apply to new wheels, whether free-standing or assembled as wheelsets, as well as to wheels that require reprofiling during maintenance.

  • Draft
    29 pages
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The aim of this European Standard is to define the requirements that a monobloc wheel of a freight of passenger railway vehicle non-powered axle shall meet in order to be able to be used on a European network.
For wheels of powered axles or wheels with noise dampers, the requirements may be amended or supplemented.
For light vehicles and tramways, other standards or documents accepted by the customer and supplier may be used.
This European Standard only applies to wheels of new design.
These requirements are intended to assess the validity of the design choice for the proposed use.
The assessment of these requirements is the technical approval procedure.
This European Standard is applicable to forged and rolled wheels for which the quality requirements are defined in EN 13262.

  • Draft
    6 pages
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This standard:
1) defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses and braking
2) gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
3) specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined
in EN 13261;
4) describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
5) determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and
transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
6) solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the transportation of passengers and freight;
7) axles defined in EN 13261;
8) all gauges3.
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions.
Before using this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is
necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible
stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be
made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This
standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and
supplier may be applied.
Non-powered axles of motor bogies and locomotives are analysed according to the requirements of
EN 13104.

  • Draft
    6 pages
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of railway wheels for use on European networks.
Four steel grades, ER6, ER7, ER8 and ER9 are defined in this standard; for European freight wagon interoperability purposes only grades ER6, ER7 and ER8 are applicable.
NOTE 1   Grade ER6 is not normally fit for the duty of application to freight wagons; it is normally applied in low axleload situations.
Certain characteristics are defined according to a category 1 or a category 2. Category 1 is generally chosen when the train speed is higher than 200 km/h. Freight vehicles running at speeds lower than 200 km/h generally use wheels of Category 2.
These categories can sometimes be subdivided, depending upon the characteristics.
This standard is applicable to solid forged and rolled wheels which are made from vacuum degassed steel and have a chilled rim. They are to have already been used in commercial conditions on a European network in a significant quantity, or to have satisfied a technical approval procedure according to EN 13979-1 for their design.
NOTE 2  The definition of other wheels may be found in other documents, such as UIC leaflets or ISO standards.
NOTE 3   The technical approval procedure is not within the scope of this standard.
NOTE 4   Rim-chilled describes heat treatment of the rim, the aim of which is to harden the rim and to create compressive residual stresses in the rim.

  • Draft
    7 pages
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of axles for use on European networks.
It defines characteristics of forged or rolled solid and hollow axles, made from vacuum-degassed steel grade
EA1N1 that is the most commonly used grade on European networks. For hollow axles, this standard applies
only to those that are manufactured by machining of a hole in a forged or rolled solid axle
In addition, the particular characteristics for axles in grade EA1T1 and EA4T1 are given in Annex A.
Two categories of axle are defined, category 1 and category 2. Generally, category 1 is chosen when the
operational speed is higher than 200 km/h.
This standard is applicable to axles that are designed in accordance with the requirements of EN 13103 and
EN 13104.
NOTE Different values for some characteristics may be agreed if a particular process of fabrication (e.g. cold rolling,
shot peening) has an influence on them.

  • Draft
    6 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard defines the tread profiles of wheels with a diameter greater than or equal to 330 mm used on vehicles running on European standard gauge track to fulfil interoperability requirements.  These profiles apply to new wheels, whether free-standing or assembled as wheelsets, as well as to wheels that require reprofiling during maintenance.
Any profile that does not conform to this standard shall only be used following agreement between the train operator and the infrastructure manager.

  • Draft
    7 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the characteristics of new wheelsets for use on European networks:
This standard is applicable to wheelsets comprising elements that conform to the following European
- EN 13262 for wheels;
- EN 13261 for axles;
This standard is not fully applicable to wheelsets undergoing maintenance.
Some characteristics are given as a function of a category 1 or of a category 2. Category 2 can be divided
into sub-categories (2a and 2b) to specify certain characteristics. Category 1 is generally chosen when the
operating speed exceeds 200 km/h. The wheelset then comprises wheels and axle of category 1 as specified
in EN 13262 for the wheels and EN 13261 for the axles.

  • Draft
    7 pages
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This standard:
1) defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking
2) gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
3) specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined
in EN 13261;
4) describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
5) determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and
transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
6) solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
7) solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
8) solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives3;
9) axles defined in EN 13261;
10) all gauges4.
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions.
Before using this standard, if there is doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is
necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible
stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be
made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This
standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and
supplier may be applied.

  • Draft
    5 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the characteristics of the axles for all track gauges.
This document applies to heavy railway vehicles but may also apply to other vehicles such as light railway vehicles, trams or undergrounds.
It defines the characteristics of axles manufactured by forging or rolling, in vacuum-degassed steel, grade EA1N1, EA1T1 and EA4T1. For hollow axles, this document only applies to those obtained by machining the hole in a solid forged or rolled axle.
The requirements defined in this standard apply to cylindrical wheel seats. Most of the requirements also apply to wheelsets with conical wheel seats. Specific requirements for conical wheel seats (e.g. geometric dimensions) are defined in the technical specification.
Some characteristics are given according to category 1 or category 2.
This document applies to axles whose design complies with the rules defined in EN 13103-1.
This document also allows variations in material characteristics in relation to alternative manufacturing processes (e.g. cold forging, shot peening, thermal spraying, steel cleanliness, reduction ratio, improvement of material properties through fusion or heat treatment processes, etc.)..

  • Standard
    70 pages
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To ensure safety and interoperability, this Standard gives:
-   the limits for in-service and off-vehicle wheelsets;
-   the operations to be carried out for which the specific values (and/or criteria) remain to be defined in the maintenance plan.
This European Standard applies to wheelsets and axle boxes complying with the following European Standards:
-   EN 13103, EN 13104;
-   EN 13260, EN 13261, EN 13262;
-   EN 13979-1;
-   EN 13715;
-   EN 13749.
that comprise:
-   the axle mounted with wheel diameters greater than or equal to 330 mm;
-   axle boxes with bearings and grease.
This European Standard is also applicable to wheelsets:
-   fitted with brake discs, final drive, transmission or noise-damping systems, as appropriate;
-   not complying with the above European Standards, but complying with the international requirements in force, for example in UIC leaflets, before the approval of these standards;
-   with tyred wheels;
-   with resilient wheels.
For equipment not covered by Directive 2008/57/EC, this European Standard may be applied, noting that different values may be used.
All dimensions in this Standard are in millimetres (mm).
It is necessary to describe in a specific document the tasks to be performed in order to maintain wheelsets within the limits defined therein.
NOTE   The specific values and criteria are defined in an appropriate maintenance plan.

  • Standard
    115 pages
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The aim of this document is to define a design assessment procedure of a forged and rolled monobloc wheel (RST). This assessment is carried out before the wheel is commissioned. This document describes, in particular, the assessment to be performed in order to use wheels on a European network which, in addition, have quality requirements in conformity with those defined in EN 13262.
This assessment requires that the conditions of use for the wheel are defined and this standard provides a method for defining those conditions.
The assessment of the design covers four aspects:
- a geometrical aspect: to allow interchangeability of different solutions for the same application;
- a thermomechanical aspect: to manage wheel deformations and to ensure that braking will not cause wheels to fracture;
- a mechanical aspect: to ensure that no fatigue cracks occur in the wheel web and that no permanent deformation occurs under exceptional loading;
- an acoustic aspect: to ensure that the solution chosen is as good as the reference wheel.
This document does not cover assessment of the hub or of the rim.
This document has been drawn up for wheels of non-powered tread-braked wheelsets and applies in full to this type of wheel. For wheels on which disc brakes are mounted or toothed transmission wheels or even wheels with noise reduction devices, the requirements may be amended or supplemented.
For urban railway vehicles, other standards or documents may be used.

  • Standard
    61 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard:
— defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking conditions;
— gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
— specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N, EA1T and EA4T defined in EN 13261;
— describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
— determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This European Standard is applicable for:
— axles defined in EN 13261
— powered and non-powered axles and
— all track gauges3.
The powered axle design method of this European Standard applies to:
— solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
— solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
— solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives.
The non-powered axle design method of this standard applies to solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the transportation of passengers and freight that are not considered in the list above.
This European Standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions. Before using this European Standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible stresses. The calculation of wheelset axles for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be made according to this European Standard only for the load cases of free-rolling and rolling in train formation. This European Standard does not apply to the loads induced by the vehicles in their working mode. They are calculated separately.
This method can be used for light rail and tramway applications.

  • Standard
    51 pages
    German language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the characteristics of railway wheels for use on European networks. !Four steel grades, ER6, ER7, ER8 and ER9 are defined in this standard; for European freight wagon interoperability purposes only grades ER6, ER7 and ER8 are applicable. NOTE 1 Grade ER6 is not normally fit for the duty of application to freight wagons; it is normally applied in low axleload situations." !Certain characteristics are defined according to a category 1 or a category 2. Category 1 is generally chosen when the train speed is higher than 200 km/h. Freight vehicles running at speeds lower than 200 km/h generally use wheels of Category 2." These categories can sometimes be subdivided, depending upon the characteristics. This standard is applicable to solid forged and rolled wheels which are made from vacuum degassed steel and have a chilled rim. They are to have already been used in commercial conditions on a European network in a significant quantity, or to have satisfied a technical approval procedure according to EN 13979-1 for their design. !NOTE 2" The definition of other wheels may be found in other documents, such as UIC leaflets or ISO standards. !NOTE 3" The technical approval procedure is not within the scope of this standard. !NOTE 4" Rim-chilled" describes heat treatment of the rim, the aim of which is to harden the rim and to create compressive residual stresses in the rim.

  • Standard
    48 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the characteristics of new wheelsets for use on European networks:
This standard is applicable to wheelsets comprising elements that conform to the following European
¾ EN 13262 for wheels;
¾ EN 13261 for axles;
This standard is not fully applicable to wheelsets undergoing maintenance.
Some characteristics are given as a function of a category 1 or of a category 2. Category 2 can be divided
into sub-categories (2a and 2b) to specify certain characteristics. Category 1 is generally chosen when the
operating speed exceeds 200 km/h. The wheelset then comprises wheels and axle of category 1 as specified
in EN 13262 for the wheels and EN 13261 for the axles.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of axles for use on European networks.
It defines characteristics of forged or rolled solid and hollow axles, made from vacuum-degassed steel grade
EA1N1 that is the most commonly used grade on European networks. For hollow axles, this standard applies
only to those that are manufactured by machining of a hole in a forged or rolled solid axle
In addition, the particular characteristics for axles in grade EA1T1 and EA4T1 are given in Annex A.
Two categories of axle are defined, category 1 and category 2. Generally, category 1 is chosen when the
operational speed is higher than 200 km/h.
This standard is applicable to axles that are designed in accordance with the requirements of EN 13103 and
EN 13104.
NOTE Different values for some characteristics may be agreed if a particular process of fabrication (e.g. cold rolling,
shot peening, shot peening, steel cleanliness, reduction ratio, improved material properties from melting and heat
treatment processes, etc.) has an influence on them.

  • Standard
    57 pages
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This European Standard defines the tread profiles of wheels with a diameter greater than or equal to 330 mm
used on vehicles running on European standard gauge track to fulfil interoperability requirements. These
profiles apply to new wheels, whether free-standing or assembled as wheelsets, as well as to wheels that
require reprofiling during maintenance.
Any profile that does not conform to this standard shall only be used following agreement between the train
operator and the infrastructure manager.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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The aim of this European Standard is to define the requirements that a monobloc wheel of a freight of passenger railway vehicle non-powered axle shall meet in order to be able to be used on a European network. For wheels of powered axles or wheels with noise dampers, the requirements may be amended or supplemented. For light vehicles and tramways, other standards or documents accepted by the customer and supplier may be used. This European Standard only applies to wheels of new design. These requirements are intended to assess the validity of the design choice for the proposed use. The assessment of these requirements is the technical approval procedure. This European Standard is applicable to forged and rolled wheels for which the quality requirements are defined in !EN 13262".

  • Standard
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This standard:
- defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking
- gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
- specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined
in EN 13261;
- describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
- determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and
transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
- solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
- solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
- solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives3;
- axles defined in prEN 13261;
- all gauges4.
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions.
Before using this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is
necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible
stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be
made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This
standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and
supplier may be applied.

  • Standard
    46 pages
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This standard:
1)   defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses and braking conditions;
2)   gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
3)   specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined in  EN 13261;
4)   describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
5)   determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
6)   solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the transportation of passengers and freight;
7)   axles defined in EN 13261;
8)   all gauges .
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions. Before using this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling ma¬chines) may be made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and supplier may be applied.
Non-powered axles of motor bogies and locomotives are analysed according to the requirements of             EN 13104.

  • Standard
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To ensure safety and interoperability, this European Standard gives:
-   the mandatory limits for in-service and off-vehicle wheelsets;
-   the mandatory operations to be carried out for which the specific values (and/or criteria) remain to be defined in the maintenance plan.
This document applies to wheelsets complying with the following European Standards:
-   EN 12080, EN 12081, EN 12082;
-   EN 13103, EN 13104;
-   EN 13260, EN 13261, EN 13262;
-   EN 13979-1;
-   EN 13715,
that comprise:
-   the axle with wheel diameters greater than or equal to 330 mm;
-   axle boxes with bearings and grease.
This document is also applicable to wheelsets:
-   fitted with brake discs, final drive, transmission or noise-damping systems, as appropriate;
-   not complying with the above European Standards, but complying with the international requirements in force before the approval of these standards;
-   with tyred wheels whose characteristics are given in Annex D.
For bilateral and domestic traffic, this document may be applied, noting that different values may be used.
All the dimensions of this document are in millimetres (mm).
NOTE   The requirements to be met by components other than axles, wheels, axle boxes, bearings and grease (e.g. brake disc, final drive, transmission, noise-damping systems, etc.) shall be defined in a specific document.

  • Standard
    67 pages
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This standard:
- defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking
- gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
- specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined
in EN 13261;
- describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
- determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and
transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
¾ solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
¾ solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
- solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives3;
- axles defined in prEN 13261;
- all gauges4.
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions.
Before using this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is
necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible
stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be
made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This
standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and
supplier may be applied.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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This standard:
1) defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses and braking
2) gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
3) specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined
in EN 13261;
4) describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
5) determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and
transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
6) solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the transportation of passengers and freight;
7) axles defined in EN 13261;
8) all gauges3.
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions.
Before using this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is
necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible
stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be
made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This
standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and
supplier may be applied.
Non-powered axles of motor bogies and locomotives are analysed according to the requirements of
EN 13104.

  • Standard
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The aim of this European Standard is to define the requirements that a monobloc wheel of a freight of passenger railway vehicle non-powered axle shall meet in order to be able to be used on a European network.
For wheels of powered axles or wheels with noise dampers, the requirements may be amended or supplemented.
For light vehicles and tramways, other standards or documents accepted by the customer and supplier may be used.
This European Standard only applies to wheels of new design.
These requirements are intended to assess the validity of the design choice for the proposed use.
The assessment of these requirements is the technical approval procedure.
This European Standard is applicable to forged and rolled wheels for which the quality requirements are defined in EN 13262.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of railway wheels for use on European networks.
Four steel grades, ER6, ER7, ER8 and ER9 are defined in this standard; for European freight wagon interoperability purposes only grades ER6, ER7 and ER8 are applicable.
NOTE 1   Grade ER6 is not normally fit for the duty of application to freight wagons; it is normally applied in low axleload situations.
Certain characteristics are defined according to a category 1 or a category 2. Category 1 is generally chosen when the train speed is higher than 200 km/h. Freight vehicles running at speeds lower than 200 km/h generally use wheels of Category 2.
These categories can sometimes be subdivided, depending upon the characteristics.
This standard is applicable to solid forged and rolled wheels which are made from vacuum degassed steel and have a chilled rim. They are to have already been used in commercial conditions on a European network in a significant quantity, or to have satisfied a technical approval procedure according to EN 13979-1 for their design.
NOTE 2   The definition of other wheels may be found in other documents, such as UIC leaflets or ISO standards.
NOTE 3   The technical approval procedure is not within the scope of this standard.
NOTE 4   "Rim-chilled" describes heat treatment of the rim, the aim of which is to harden the rim and to create compressive residual stresses in the rim.

  • Standard
    49 pages
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of axles for use on European networks.
It defines characteristics of forged or rolled solid and hollow axles, made from vacuum-degassed steel grade
EA1N1 that is the most commonly used grade on European networks. For hollow axles, this standard applies
only to those that are manufactured by machining of a hole in a forged or rolled solid axle
In addition, the particular characteristics for axles in grade EA1T1 and EA4T1 are given in Annex A.
Two categories of axle are defined, category 1 and category 2. Generally, category 1 is chosen when the
operational speed is higher than 200 km/h.
This standard is applicable to axles that are designed in accordance with the requirements of EN 13103 and
EN 13104.
NOTE Different values for some characteristics may be agreed if a particular process of fabrication (e.g. cold rolling,
shot peening) has an influence on them.

  • Standard
    57 pages
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of new wheelsets for use on European networks:
This standard is applicable to wheelsets comprising elements that conform to the following European
- EN 13262 for wheels;
- EN 13261 for axles;
This standard is not fully applicable to wheelsets undergoing maintenance.
Some characteristics are given as a function of a category 1 or of a category 2. Category 2 can be divided
into sub-categories (2a and 2b) to specify certain characteristics. Category 1 is generally chosen when the
operating speed exceeds 200 km/h. The wheelset then comprises wheels and axle of category 1 as specified
in EN 13262 for the wheels and EN 13261 for the axles.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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This standard:
1) defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking
2) gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
3) specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined
in EN 13261;
4) describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
5) determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and
transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
6) solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
7) solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
8) solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives3;
9) axles defined in EN 13261;
10) all gauges4.
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions.
Before using this standard, if there is doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is
necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible
stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be
made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This
standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and
supplier may be applied.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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    1 day

This standard:
1) defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses and braking
2) gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle journals;
3) specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations for steel grade EA1N defined
in EN 13261;
4) describes the method for determination of the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
5) determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle and recommends the preferred shapes and
transitions to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
6) solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the transportation of passengers and freight;
7) axles defined in EN 13261;
8) all gauges3.
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions.
Before using this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is
necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible
stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be
made according to this standard only for the load cases of free-running and running in train formation. This
standard does not apply to workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications, other standards or documents agreed between the customer and
supplier may be applied.
Non-powered axles of motor bogies and locomotives are analysed according to the requirements of
EN 13104.

  • Standard
    45 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard defines the tread profiles of wheels with a diameter greater than or equal to 330 mm used on vehicles running on European standard gauge track to fulfil interoperability requirements.  These profiles apply to new wheels, whether free-standing or assembled as wheelsets, as well as to wheels that require reprofiling during maintenance.
Any profile that does not conform to this standard shall only be used following agreement between the train operator and the infrastructure manager.

  • Standard
    29 pages
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This standard defines requirements to be assessed before the use of a wheel of freight or passenger vehicles on a European network. The purpose of these requirements is to accept the design choices for the considerated use. The assessment of these requirements is named technical approval procedure. This part of the standard applies to forged and rolled wheels, for which the quality requirements are defined in prEN 13262. After this technical approval procedure and before the in the service utilisation, the wheel shall succeed to the qualification procedure which is defined in prEN 13262.

  • Standard
    46 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the characteristics of axles for use on European networks.
It defines characteristics of forged or rolled solid and hollow axles, made from vacuum-degassed steel grade EA1N ) that is the most commonly used grade on European networks. For hollow axles, this standard applies only to those that are manufactured by machining of a hole in a forged or rolled hollow axle
In addition, the particular characteristics for axles in grade EA1T1) and EA4T1) are given in annex A (normative).
Two categories of axle are defined, category 1 and category 2.  Generally, category 1 is chosen when operational speed in higher than 200 km/h.
This standard is applicable to axles that are designed in accordance with the requirements of EN 13103 and EN 13104
NOTE   Different values for some characteristics may be agreed, if a particular process of fabrication (e.g  cold rolling, shot peening) have an influence on them

  • Standard
    51 pages
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of new wheelsets for use on European networks:
This standard is applicable to wheelsets comprising elements that conform to the following European Standards:
- prEN 13262 for wheels;
- prEN 13261 for axles;
- EN 12080 for axlebox rolling bearings.
This standard is not applicable to repaired wheelsets.
Some characteristics are given as a function of a category 1 or of a category 2.  These categories can sometimes be divided according to the characteristics defined.  Category 1 is generally chosen when the operating speed exceeds 200 km/h.  The wheelset then comprises wheels and axle of category 1 as specified in prEN 13262 for the wheels and prEN 13261 for the axles.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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This standard:
- defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses and braking conditions;
- gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle-journals;
- specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations, for steel grade EA1N defined in prEN 13261:1998;
- describes how to obtain the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
- determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle. The preferred shapes and transitions are identified to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
- solid and hollow axles of railway rolling stock used for the carriage of passengers and freight;
- axles defined in prEN 13261:1998;
- all gauges ).
This standard is applicable to non powered axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions. Before the use of this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g.: tamping/lining/levelling ma-chines) may be made according to this standard only for the load cases of free running and running in train formation. This standard does not apply for workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications other standards or documents, agreed between the customer and supplier, may be applied.
Non powered axles of motor bogies and locomotives are analysed according to the requirements of the EN 13104.

  • Standard
    27 pages
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This standard:
- defines the forces and moments to be taken into account with reference to masses, traction and braking conditions;
- gives the stress calculation method for axles with outside axle-journals;
- specifies the maximum permissible stresses to be assumed in calculations, for steel grade EA1N defined in prEN 13261:1998;
- describes how to obtain the maximum permissible stresses for other steel grades;
- determines the diameters for the various sections of the axle. The preferred shapes and transitions are identified to ensure adequate service performance.
This standard is applicable to:
- solid and hollow powered axles for railway rolling stock;
- solid and hollow non-powered axles of motor bogies;
- solid and hollow non-powered axles of locomotives );
- axles defined in prEN 13261:1998;
- all gauges ).
This standard is applicable to axles fitted to rolling stock intended to run under normal European conditions. Before the use of this standard, if there is any doubt as to whether the railway operating conditions are normal, it is necessary to determine whether an additional design factor has to be applied to the maximum permissible stresses. The calculation of wheelsets for special applications (e.g. tamping/lining/levelling machines) may be made according to the submitted standard, for the load case of free running and running in train formation. This standard is not applicable for workload cases. They are calculated separately.
For light rail and tramway applications other standards or documents, agreed between the customer and supplier, may be applied.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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