1.1 This document specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of craft bakery and pastry depositors as described in the normative Annex A and which:
a)   are intended to be:
-   only for professional use;
-   used by one operator at a time;
-   used to deposit only pasty food (i.e.: cream, dough, batter, etc.);
-   used to deposit only on trays;
-   used as standalone machines;
-   used with manual loading of the dough into the hopper;
-   used with manual loading and unloading of the tray/s on/from the tray conveyor.
b)   can carry out only the following movements and relevant directions (see Figure 1a)):
-   Z: vertical movement of the table and/or the deposit unit;
-   X: horizontal movement of the tray conveyor;
-   Y: possible horizontal component of the movement only of the spouts themselves inside the deposit unit;
c)   are fitted with one or more hoppers whose capacity is ≤ 60 dm3 each;
d)   have a total length of the tray conveyor ≤ 1 600 mm;
e)   have a vertical movement between spouts and tray conveyor (H) ≤ 200 mm (see Figure 1c));
f)   have a deposit performance (see 3.5):
-   ≤ 60 cycles/minute with up/down movement of the table or the deposit unit;
-   ≤ 100 cycles/minute without up/down movement of the table or the deposit unit;
g)   have a trays performance (see 3.6) ≤ 4 trays/minute.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to adjustment, operation and cleaning of craft bakery and pastry depositors, when they are used as intended or under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
This document covers requirements for the safe operation of the machine, including loading, depositing, unloading and cleaning.
1.2 The following hazards are not covered by this document:
-   hazards arising from the use of an automatic hopper loading system;
-   hazards due to packaging, handling or transport;
-   hazards arising from electromagnetic compatibility issues;
-   hazards due to dismantling and disassembling;
-   hazards due to operational stop;
-   hazards due to selection of control or operating modes;
-   hazards due to failure of the power supply;
-   hazards due to surfaces, edges or angles;
-   hazards due to uncontrolled movements;
-   hazards due to machinery maintenance.
This standard does not deal with any specific requirements on noise emitted from craft bakery and pastry depositor as the generated noise does not cause a relevant hazard.
The significant hazards covered by this document are described in Annex B.
1.3 The following machines are excluded from the scope of this document:
a)   machines which deposit pasty food by means of needles (injection);
b)   machines where the trays are put onto and/or removed from the tray conveyor automatically;
c)   machines which require a blade for the cutting system;
d)   domestic appliances;
e)   machines for industrial production;
f)   machines to deposit other products than food for bakery and pastry products.
1.4 This document is not applicable to machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard.

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This document specifies safety and hygiene requirements of clipping machines (hereafter referred to as machine) for closing of casings filled with foodstuffs (hereafter referred to as product) by using a clip, and which are intended to be used in butcheries, meat processing factories, main kitchens and other food processing factories.
Clipping machines are used to close tubes with a single clip (one side) or a double clip (end locking and start locking).
The machines are equipped with closing tools (punch/die), which create the closure by deforming the locking element (clip).
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events relevant to machinery when it is used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This document covers the following types of machines:
— semi-automatic machine (see Figure 1 and Figure 2);
— automatic machine (see Figure 3).
This document does not cover any machines whose closing procedure is only performed manually.
This document is not applicable to machinery manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

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This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events relevant to derinding, skinning and membrane removal machines, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Annex D).
This document deals with the hazards which can arise during all the lifetime of the machinery (see EN ISO 12100:2010, 5.4).
This document is not applicable to derinding, skinning, and membrane removal machines for domestic purposes, hand-guided machines and table-top machines.
This document is not applicable to fish heading and filleting machines as described in EN 15467:2014.
This document is not applicable to derinding, skinning and membrane removal machines manufactured before the date of its publication.

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1.1   This document specifies requirements for design, performance, safety and hygiene of refrigerated bulk milk coolers and the related methods of test.
NOTE   The informative Annex K gives some elements regarding the estimation and calculation of energy consumption.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to bulk milk coolers on farm, when they are installed, used and maintained as intended by the manufacturer (see informative Annex A).
It applies to refrigerated bulk milk tanks with air-cooled condensing units and automatic control intended for installation on farms or at milk collection points. It applies to tanks for two milkings (24 h), four milkings (48 h) and six milkings (72 h), in which the cooling takes place totally (non-pre-cooled milk) or partially (in case of pre-cooled milk) within the tank. It also applies to tanks in combination with a continuous system of milking (e.g. milking with robot).
1.2   This document does not cover:
-   mobile tanks;
-   tanks intended to be tilted for drainage;
-   equipment for delivering the milk to the tank;
-   equipment for pre-cooling of the milk;
-   the hazards due to the use of other energy than electrical energy;
-   pressure aspect of vacuum tanks (tank of which the inner vessel is designed to operate at a pressure below atmospheric pressure);
-   calibration requirements for the measurement of the milk volume.
1.3   This document is not applicable to bulk milk coolers on farms which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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1.1   General
This European Standard covers portion cutting machines and accessories.
This European Standard does not apply to automatic industrial slicing machines (see prEN 16743) and band saw machines (see EN 12268).
This European Standard defines requirements for the design and manufacture of portion cutting machines.
The machines covered by this European Standard are used for continuous portioning of fresh, smoked or frozen meat with and without bones or of similar products by separation by means of a blade.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to machines, appliances and machinery, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine.
The European Standard does not deal with the specific hazards of loading devices.
This European Standard is not applicable to portion cutting machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
1.2   Types of machinery
This European Standard covers the following types of machinery:
-   Portion cutting machines with manual loading (see Figure 1);
-   Portion cutting machines with automatic loading (see Figure 2).
1.3   Machine construction
Portion cutting machines depending on the construction consist of: machine housing (machine frame), fixed or moving product bases, automatic or manually operated grippers, hold-down unit, blade housing, blade, discharge device, associated drives, electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic components.
Portion cutting machines in the scope of this document may be equipped with the following auxiliary components:
-   loading aid;
-   discharge conveyor belt;
-   laying unit;
-   measurement or scanning devices;
-   scales;
-   sorting station (e.g. rocker, pusher);
-   movement devices (e.g. castors).
1.4   Intended use
The intended use (as defined in EN ISO 12100:2010, 3.23) of portion cutting machines as dealt with in this document is described in 1.1.
The product is manually placed on the product base or automatically fed to the product base with a loading device. The product is supplied to the blade by automatic or manually operated grippers or conveyor slide or belt and the cutting process begins. The portion falls onto a discharge conveyor or a laying unit.

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This document specifies requirements for the design and manufacture of mincing machines (see Figure 1).
The mincing machines (hereinafter referred to as machine) covered by this document are used for size reduction of fresh or frozen meat, meat products and fish (hereinafter referred to as product) by cutting in a set of cutting tools.
Household machines are not included in this document. Filling mincers are covered by EN 12463 “Food processing machinery — Filling machines and auxiliary machines — Safety and hygiene requirements”.
This document applies only to machines that are manufactured after the date of issue of this document.
This document covers:
a)   professional machines (see Figure 1 a) used for on-demand preparation in shops and/or restaurants characterized by all of the following features (if any of the features is missing the machine is considered an industrial machine):
1)   designed as a table-top machine;
2)   having a feed tray;
3)   the product is only fed manually;
4)   is only operated from the ground;
5)   is operated by no more than one operator;
6)   with full visibility and full accessibility of the entire machine from the operator workstation;
7)   having hole plate diameter ≤ 106 mm;
8)   a worm casing set which is removable without using any tools;
9)   the weight of the worm casing set ≤ 15 kg;
NOTE   The table-top machine can be equipped with a frame or base, so no separate table is needed.
b)   industrial machines (see Figure 1 b) used for industrial mass production, and which cannot be characterized as a professional machine.
This document does not describe the specific requirements for the control of machines with foot switch.
This document does not describe the specific requirements for additional mixing screws in the feed intake hopper which are covered by EN 13570:2005+A1:2010 “Food processing machinery — Mixing machines — Safety and hygiene requirements”.
Figure 1 - Examples of machines
This document covers the following types of machines:
-   machine with feed tray, feed intake and pusher (see Figure 3);
-   machine with feed tray, feed intake, restrictor plate and pusher (see Figure 4);
-   machine with feed intake hopper, protective cover and feeding screw (see Figure 6);
-   machine with feed intake hopper, with or without protective cover, feeding screw, with loading device (continuously or discontinuously).
Machines comprise a machine base, a worm casing with a worm, a feed tray (with feed intake) or a feed intake hopper, a set of cutting tools, a lock nut, a drive motor. They will also have various safeguarding devices as examples in Clause 4.
Machines can be equipped e.g. with:
-   an extraction claw;
-   an ejector or extractor;
-   a protective hood over the discharge outlet;
-   a protective cover over the inlet opening of the feed intake hopper;
-   a transport carriage for the lock nut, the set of cutting tools, the worm and the feeding screw;
-   a lifting device for the lock nut, the set of cutting tools, the worm and the feeding screw;
-   a loading device.
The product is fed manually or with a loading device into the machine. The product is fed to the worm either by a pusher or a feeding screw and reduced in size by a set of cutting tools.
This document specifies all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to machines, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Annex D).
This document specifies the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, cleaning, use, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine.

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1.1   General
This document applies to:
-   filling machines with cylinder and piston;
-   filling machines with feed intake hopper;
-   filling machines with vacuum hopper;
hereafter referred to as filling machines which process e.g. meat, cheese and other pasty substances, excluding dry or frozen materials. They pump foodstuff into casings or bring it to a following process.
This document applies also to the interchangeable equipment for filling machines with which a wide range of additional functions can be implemented. For example: portioning, depositing, mincing, co-extruding, dividing and forming.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to filling machines and interchangeable equipment (hereafter referred to as machines), when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer and also the reasonable foreseeable misuse (see Clause 4).
These significant hazards, hazardous situations and events can arise during all the life phases including transportation, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping of the machines.
This document is not applicable to machines which were manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
Filling machines described in this document are no forming, filling and sealing machines as described in EN 415-3:1999+A1:2009. Clipping machines as described in EN 13885:2005+A1:2010 are not covered by this document.
1.2   Types of filling machines and interchangeable equipment covered by this standard
1.2.1   Filling machines with cylinder and piston
Filling machines with cylinder and piston consist of piston, closing cover, machine frame, accessory drive mechanism and electrical and hydraulic components (see Figure 1).
The material being processed will be fed by hand into the cylinder.
Filling machines with cylinder and piston can be fitted with a dividing device.
1.2.2   Filling machines with feed intake hopper
Filling machines with feed intake hopper (with or without infeed auger, see Figure 2) consist of feeder on the discharge side of the feed intake hopper, machine frame, drive mechanism for interchangeable equipment and electric, electronic or pneumatic components, depending on machine type.
The material being processed will be fed by hand (or optionally a loading device) into the feeding hopper of the filling machine.
Filling machines with feed intake hopper can be equipped with:
-   dividing device;
-   cover or photoelectric guard at the mouth of the feed intake hopper;
-   pressure-sensitive protective device at the hopper edge;
-   divided hopper;
-   infeed auger;
-   counter auger;
-   step or ladder;
-   two-hand control device at the mouth of the feed intake hopper;
-   knee-operated lever switches or hand operated switches.
1.2.3   Filling machines with vacuum hopper
Filling machines with vacuum hopper (with or without infeed auger, see Figure 3) consist of suction pipe with storage container, feeder, vacuum hopper with locking device on the intake side, machine frame, drives for interchangeable equipment and electrical, electronic or pneumatic components, depending on the machinery category.
Filling machines with vacuum hoppers can be loaded by one or more of the following:
-   manual loading;
-   vacuum suction;
-   feeder.
Filling machines with vacuum hoppers are to be switched on and off by lever switches operated by knee or hand and/or by remote control signals.
Filling machines with vacuum hoppers can be equipped with:
-   dividing device;
-   cover on vacuum hopper;
-   infeed auger;
-   counter auger;
-   foot board or ladder;
-   suction pipe and storage container.
1.2.4   Interchangeable equipment for filling machines
Interchangeable equipment are devices which can be assembled to filling machinery by the operator in order to attribute one or more new functions such as: portioning, twisting, voiding, forming, mincing. (....)

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1.1   This document specifies common hygiene and cleanability requirements for machinery and machine components used in preparing and processing food for human (see informative Annex A) and, where relevant, animal feed processing to eliminate or minimize the risk of contagion, infection, illness or injury arising from this food to an acceptable level. It identifies the hazards which are significant to the use of such food processing machinery and describes design methods and information for use for the elimination or reduction of these risks.
Additional and/or deviant hygiene and cleanability requirements may be given in applicable C-standards for specific machines or categories of machinery.
NOTE   Separate hygiene and cleanability requirements are contained in other EU-Directives or -Regulations (see Bibliography).
Examples of hygiene risks and acceptable solutions are given in the informative Annex B.
This document may also be used for machinery, components or other equipment used for other purposes than food preparing or processing, if cleanability is required.
1.2   This document does not deal with the hygiene-related risks to operators arising from the use of the machine.
1.3   This document is not applicable to machines manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

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This document specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of rotary rack ovens which can be used with one or more mobile racks.
These ovens are intended for professional use in the food industry and workshops (bakeries, pastry-making, etc.) for the batch baking of foodstuffs containing flour, water and other ingredients and/or additives. This document applies to ovens used only for food products except for those containing volatile flammable ingredients (volatile organic compound, e.g. alcohol, oil, …). This document applies to ovens where the steam is generated by an evaporation process of drinking water on hot surfaces.
The following machines are excluded:
- experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
- machines for non-professional uses.
NOTE Due to the fact that rotary rack ovens are intended for professional uses, EN 60335-1 and EN 60335-2-42 are not applicable.
This document covers the technical safety requirements for the transport, installation, operation, cleaning and maintenance of these machines (see EN ISO 12100:2010, Clause 6).
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to rotary rack ovens when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see informative Annex C).
The following hazards are not covered by this document:
- hazards from the use of gaseous fuel by gas appliances;
- hazards arising from electromagnetic compatibility issues;
- hazards from the use of trays made of or coated by silicone;
- hazards due to dismantling, disabling and scrapping.
This document does not deal with noise emitted by the machine.
This document is not applicable to rotary rack ovens which were manufactured before the date of its publication as an EN.

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This document specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture, installation, training, use, cleaning and maintenance of slicing machines which are fitted with a motor-driven blade of more than 150 mm in diameter, provided with a product support. These types of slicing machines are intended to be used in shops, restaurants, supermarkets, canteens, etc. to slice foodstuffs.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to slicing machines, when they are used as intended by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This document applies to the hazards arising during all the phases of the life of the machine as described in EN ISO 12100:2010, 5.4.
Automatic industrial slicing machines covered by EN 16743:2016 are excluded from the scope of this document.
This document covers the following types of slicing machines:
-   horizontal feed slicing machine (see Figure 1);
-   gravity feed slicing machine (see Figure 2).
Both types can have an either hand-operated or power-operated carriage to move the product towards the blade. They both can be fitted with manual or automatic devices to receive and convey the slices away from the machine. All these types can also be provided with a scale.
This document applies to machines which are manufactured after the date of issue of this document.

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1.1 This European Standard applies to the design and manufacture of standalone automatic dough dividers having a feed hopper, and which can be used separately or in a line in the food industry and shops (pastry making, bakeries, confectionery etc.) for dividing and additionally for moulding/rounding dough or pastry into adjustable portions to produce the required weight of dough piece during a dividing process. These machines can be fed by hand or mechanically.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the transport, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, dismantling, disassembling and scrapping of automatic dough dividers, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
These machines are not intended to be cleaned with pressurized water.
1.2   This European Standard is not applicable to the following:
-   experimental and testing machines, under development by the manufacturer;
-   weighing devices;
-   pressure dough dividers, without a feed hopper, using knives for the dividing process;
-   lines with separate cutting or forming elements outside the housing;
-   lifting and tilting machines ) or other separate feeding machines;
-   additional hazards generated when the machine is used in a line or mechanically feed.
1.3   A noise test code is included in Annex A to assist manufacturers to measure noise levels for the purpose of the noise emission declaration.
1.4   This European Standard is not applicable to machines which are manufactured before its publication as EN.

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1.1   General
This European Standard specifies requirements relating to the design and construction of automatic industrial slicing machines and auxiliary components.
The automatic industrial slicing machines covered by this standard are used for the cutting of meat and sausage products, cheese or other sliceable food products that can be cut using one or more blades. Automatic industrial slicing machines are designed to cut slices.
A sickle blade or an eccentrically moving blade is used for cutting. As a rule, the product only moves along one axis during the cutting process.
The auxiliary components covered by this standard are used for conveying slices from the cutting zone, for weighing or for sorting.
This European Standard covers all the significant hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events identified by means of risk assessment associated with automatic industrial slicing machines and auxiliary components if they are used in accordance with regulations and under the conditions of reasonably foreseeable misuse defined by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This standard covers hazards which can arise during the commissioning, operation, cleaning, servicing and decommissioning of the machine.
This standard only applies to automatic industrial slicing machines and auxiliary components that were manufactured after the date of publication of this standard.
This standard applies to automatic industrial slicing machines and auxiliary components designed for industrial use. These are machines which are usually used in food processing facilities. The machines are normally permanently installed in one place.
This standard does not apply to cutting machines with moving infeed slides, slicing machines that are used in for example shops, restaurants, supermarkets, canteens etc. and are already covered in EN 1974.
This standard does not apply to portion cutting machines which are manufactured and put on the market in accordance with the requirements specified in EN 13870.
1.2   Machine description
This standard covers the following designs (see Figure 1 to Figure 7):
Design variations in the feed area:
-   automatic industrial slicing machine with manual feed;
-   automatic industrial slicing machine with automatic feed;
-   automatic industrial slicing machine with continuous feed.
Design variations in the outfeed area:
-   automatic industrial slicing machine with outfeed conveyor, without depositing unit and without subsequent auxiliary components;
-   automatic industrial slicing machine with depositing unit and if necessary with subsequent auxiliary components.
1.3   Machine design
Automatic industrial slicing machines mainly consist of machine housing, product support with automatic or manually operated grippers, downholder, blade housing, blade, outfeed device, associated drives and electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic components. Furthermore optional features can be added.
Automatic industrial slicing machines in the scope of this standard may be equipped with the following auxiliary components:
-   feeder;
-   interleaver;
-   outfeed conveyor;
-   depositing unit;
-   check weigher;
-   sorting components (e.g. rocker);
-   positioning devices (e.g. wheels).
1.4   Intended use
The intended use of automatic industrial slicing machines and auxiliary components, in accordance with this document, in accordance with regulations (as defined in EN ISO 12100:2010, 3.23) is described in 1.1.
The product is manually placed on the product base or automatically fed to the product base with a loading device. The product is supplied to the blade by automatic or manually operated grippers or conveyor slide or belt and the cutting process begins. The slices fall onto an outfeed conveyor or a depositing unit where they are arranged into formations, followed by the transport out of the cutting area.

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This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of dough sheeters, as described in Clause 3, used in the food industry and craft activities (bread-making, pastry-making, sweet industries, bakeries, confectioners, delicatessens, catering facilities, etc.) for reducing the thickness of a solid mass of dough or pastry by rolling it out.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the transport, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, dismantling, disassembling and scrapping of dough mixers, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to dough sheeters, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 5).
Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard. This does not mean that the manufacturer is absolved from reducing noise and making a noise declaration. Therefore a noise test code is given in Annex B.
The following machines are excluded:
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
-   dough sheeters where the dough is fed to the rollers by gravity (e.g. pizzabase dough sheeters);
-   domestic appliances ).
This European Standard is not applicable to dough sheeters which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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This European Standard specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and construction of automatic fish heading and fish filleting machines, and using knives.
This European Standard applies to machinery and equipment for the heading and filleting of fish in the fish processing industry. This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations, and events relevant to fish heading and filleting machines when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). It deals with the hazards during the following phases of the intended use: assembly and installation, commissioning, setting and adjusting, operation, cleaning, fault finding, and maintenance.
When drawing up this European Standard, the following assumptions were made:
-   only trained adult persons operate the machines;
-   the machines are used in workplaces with an illumination level that can be reasonably expected in such places.
This European Standard is not applicable to fish heading and filleting machines that are manufactured before the date of its publication as an EN.

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1.1   This European Standard applies to the design and manufacture of moulders of the types described from 3.2.1 to 3.2.4 and illustrated in Figure 1 to Figure 3.
These moulders are used separately or in a line in the food industry and shops (pastry-making, bakeries, confectionery, etc.) for flattening, rolling and, but not necessarily, elongating pieces of dough. These machines can be fed by hand or mechanically.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the transport, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, dismantling, disassembling and scrapping of moulders, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
1.2   This European Standard does not deal with:
-   designs of moulder other than those described from 3.2.1 to 3.2.3;
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
-   domestics appliances;
-   bagel machines;
-   additional hazards generated when the machine is used in a line;
-   dough and pastry brakes (see EN 1674).
1.3   This document is not applicable to machines which are manufactured before its date of publication as a European standard.

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1.1   This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of fixed bowl planetary mixers with a tool having a planetary movement by using two parallel axes. The capacity of the bowl is greater than or equal to 5 L ) and less than or equal to 200 L.
These planetary mixers are used separately in the food industry and shops (catering, bakery, pizza, pastry and confectionary industry) for mixing, kneading and emulsifying/whipping food products (e.g. cocoa, flour, sugar, oils and fat, eggs, and other ingredients). These machines are fed by hand and sometimes during operation without stopping the machine.
Processing is carried out in cycles of variable duration. It can be either manually or automatically controlled, in individual cycles or on a cycle repeat basis, etc.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the transport, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, dismantling, disassembling and scrapping of planetary mixers, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer(see Clause 4).
1.2   This document does not deal with the following machines:
-   catering attachment for planetary mixers (see EN 12851);
-   continuously fed machines;
-   dough mixers (see EN 453);
-   whipping mixers which contain no parallel axes;
-   stirring machines;
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturers;
-   machines used in other industry, for example: meat industry, candy industry, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry;
-   domestic appliances.
1.3   This document is not applicable to machines which are manufactured before its date of publication as a European standard.

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1.1   This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of intermediate provers with powered moving pocket carriers as described in Clause 3 and used in the food industry, pastry-making, bakeries, etc. for giving a resting time to dough between different phases of the process.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, dismantling, disabling and scrapping of intermediate provers with moving pocket carriers when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard by intermediate provers. This does not mean that the manufacturer of the machine is absolved from reducing noise and making a noise declaration. Therefore a noise test code is proposed in Annex A.
1.2   The following machines are excluded:
-   independent automatic loading system not integrated with the machine;
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
-   retarder and final proofer.
1.3   This European Standard is not applicable to intermediate provers with moving pocket carriers which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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1.1   General
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to food depositors as defined in Subclauses 1.2.2 to 1.2.6 and the equipment typically integrated into them, i.e. product pumps, product elevators, conveyors and indexing mechanisms, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This document deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events during transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, use and decommissioning as defined in EN ISO 12100.
NOTE 1   According to the clause which is referred to, "use" includes "setting, teaching/programming or process changeover, operation, cleaning, fault finding and maintenance".
NOTE 2   Although this standard is intended to apply to depositors used in the food industry, many of its requirements can also be used for similar machines used in other industries.
This standard is not applicable to the following machines:
-   auger depositors or auger fillers and gravimetric filling machines, safety requirements for these machines are contained in EN 415 3;
-   automatic dough dividers, safety requirements for these machines are contained in EN 12042;
-   filling machines for sausages, safety requirements for these machines are contained in EN 12463;
-   mincing machines, safety requirements for these machines are contained in EN 12331;
-   food depositors that are powered exclusively by manual effort.
This document does not deal with the hazards related to the use of food depositors in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
This document is not applicable to food depositors that were manufactured before the date of its publication as a European Standard.
1.2   Types of food depositors
1.2.1   General
This European Standard deals with five different types of food depositors. These machines can be free standing machines or be assemblies incorporated into other machines e.g. pie and tart machines. Food depositors may work fully automatically integrated with a product conveyor or product indexing mechanism or semi-automatically discharging a deposit when required by an operator.
1.2.2   Piston depositor
A piston depositor typically comprises a hopper, a rotary valve, a product measuring chamber in the form of a piston and a product dispensing valve. Some piston depositors incorporate several product measuring chambers and dispensing valves. Some designs dispense the product directly from the rotary valve without the use of a separate product dispensing valve. The volume of product dispensed is varied by altering the stroke of the product measuring chamber piston. Piston depositors are used to fill liquids, liquids containing solids in suspension and pastes. The product dispensing valve may be attached rigidly to the depositor or using a flexible pipe and in some cases is held by the operator. Figure 1 shows the typical cross section of a piston depositor.
1.2.3   Chamber depositor
A chamber depositor comprises a hopper feeding one or more product measuring chambers that are filled under gravity from the top. When the chamber has been filled with product the flow of product is stopped either by moving the chamber or using a product cutting device. The chamber is then discharged through the bottom of the chamber either by moving the chamber or by moving a plate in the base of the chamber. The volume of product dispensed is varied by altering the volume of the chamber. Chamber depositors are typically used to deposit free-flowing products like cooked rice or pasta. Figure 2 shows the typical cross section of a chamber depositor.
1.2.4   Roller depositor
A roller depositor typically comprises a hopper that feeds product to two or more fluted contra-rotating rollers. These rollers force the product through one or more dies that shape the product. (....)

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1.1   General
This European Standard covers cube cutting machines (see Figures 1 to 6 and 12 to 18) and specifies requirements for the design and manufacture.
The machines covered by this document are used to size reduce fresh meat, meat products and products of the same kind (e.g. fish, vegetables and cheese) by cutting in a cutting chamber.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to machines, appliances and machinery, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This document deals with the hazards which can arise during all the lifetime of the machine, including the phases of transport, assembly, operation, maintenance, dismantling, disabling and scrapping of the machine.
This document is not applicable to cubes cutting machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
1.2   Types of cube cutting machines covered by this standard
This European Standard covers the following types of cubes cutting machines:
-   cubes cutting machines with a forward feed plunger, a lattice and a sickle/multi-segment blade with loading by hand (see Figure 2);
-   cubes cutting machines with a forward feed plunger, a lattice, a sickle/multi-segment blade, a feed intake hopper and a loading device (see Figure 1);
-   cubes cutting machines with a rotating cutting tool, a sickle/multi-segment blade and a feed conveyor (see Figures 3 and 5);
-   cubes cutting machines with a rotating cutting tool and centrifugal force loading (see Figure 6);
-   cubes cutting machines with or without integrated conveyor systems.
1.3   Machine construction
Cubes cutting machines are constructed of a machine frame, a feed intake chamber/magazine, a forward feed plunger or nip roller, a lattice or a rotating cutting tool, a sickle/multi-segment blade, an associated drive and electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic components, depending on machine type.
Cubes cutting machines in the scope of this document may be equipped with:
-   a lid over the feed intake chamber/magazine;
-   a transfer car for the sickle /multi-segment blade, cutting blade and lattice;
-   a loading device;
-   a feed conveyor.
1.4   Intended use
The intended use (as defined in EN ISO 12100:2010, 3.23) of cubes cutting machines as dealt with in this document is described in 1.1.
The product to be cut is fed manually or by the loading device/feed conveyor into the feed intake chamber. The product is fed to the cutting unit by the forward feed plunger and/or by the nip roller or by centrifugal force and size reduced.

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1.1   General
This European Standard specifies requirements for the design and manufacturing of band saw machines as described in 1.2 (see Figures 1 to 5).
The machines covered by this European Standard are used to cut:
-   bones;
-   fresh or deep frozen meat with or without bones ;
-   fresh or deep frozen fish, natural or in fillets ;
-   deep frozen block food products;
-   fresh or deep frozen vegetables;
-   other products such as pork fat or similar products.
The band saw machines covered by this European Standard do not include band saw machines for processing wood and similar materials which are covered by the EN 1807 series.
Band saw machines for domestic use are not included in this European Standard.
This document is not applicable to band saw machines which were manufactured before its date of publication as EN.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to band saw machines, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during all the lifetime of the machine, including the phases of transport, assembly, commissioning, operation, cleaning, use, maintenance, decommissioning, dismantling, disabling and scrapping of the machine.
This European Standard covers the following types of machines:
-   band saw machines designed as table-top machines with and without base;
-   band saw machines designed as floor-type machines with and without castors.
1.2   Description of various machine types
1.2.1   General
Band saw machines consist of a machine casing, a fixed feed table or a sliding feed table, a roller conveyor or conveyor belt, a product pusher, a height-adjustable protective rail, a top and a bottom wheel, a saw blade, an upper and lower blade guide, a blade tensioning device, a drive and electrical components, depending on machine type. This standard does not deal with machinery with automatic loading/unloading systems (e.g. automatic conveyors).
On floor-type band saw machines, the product to be cut is placed by hand onto the fixed feed table or sliding feed table and pushed against the cutting zone of the saw blade by means of the product pusher or the rear table wall on the sliding feed table or by means of the roller conveyor or conveyor belt and sawed.
1.2.2   Type A
Band saw machine with a fixed feed table and a non-detachable, movable product pusher:
Maximum cutting height SH ≤ 250 mm.
1.2.3   Type B
Band saw machine with a fixed feed table, a protective rail and a maximum cutting height < 420 mm.
1.2.4   Type C
Band saw machine with a sliding feed table, a protective rail and a maximum cutting height ≤ 420 mm.
1.2.5   Type D
Band saw machine with non-automatic feed and removal unit (e.g. roller conveyor, conveyor belt); maximum cutting height SH ≤ 550 mm.

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1.1   This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of dough mixers with rotating bowls of capacity greater than or equal to 5 L ) and less than or equal to 500 L.
These dough mixers are used separately or in a line in the food industry and shops (pastry-making, bakeries, confectionery, etc.) for flattening, rolling and elongating pieces of dough. These machines can be fed by hand or mechanically.
These machines are sometimes used in other industries (e.g. pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, printing), but hazards related to these uses are not dealt with in this standard.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the transport, installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, maintenance, dismantling, disassembling and scrapping of dough mixers, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
1.2   This European Standard does not deal with the following machines:
-   planetary mixers (see EN 454);
-   continuously fed machines;
-   mixers with stationary vertical bowls;
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
-   domestic appliances;
-   automatic loading and unloading devices.
1.3   This document is not applicable to machines which are manufactured before its date of publication as a European Standard.

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1.1   General
This European Standard applies to forming machines, used for forming food products with a mould into portions, as defined in 1.2.
This document applies to both machines standing on the floor and table top machines, and also to machines integrated in a processing line (i.e. interfaces, when the machine is combined with other machines).
This document covers the following auxiliary devices and interchangeable equipment:
a)   auxiliary devices:
1)   paper interleavers;
2)   croquette attachment;
3)   meat ball rollers;
4)   stick inserters;
5)   specific material/product conveyors;
6)   specific lifting and tilting devices.
b)   interchangeable equipment:
1)   croquette attachment;
2)   meat ball rollers;
3)   stick inserters;
4)   specific material/product conveyors;
5)   specific lifting and tilting devices.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to forming machines, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonable foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This document deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events arising during the whole lifetime of the machine, including the phases of transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, maintenance, dismantling, disabling and scrapping and use as defined in EN ISO 12100:2010, 5.4.
This document is not applicable to forming machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
1.2   Machine description
This European Standard specifies requirements for the design, manufacture and operating of forming machines, e.g. for rissoles, hamburgers, in the following only referred to as machines.
It specifies safety and hygiene requirements for design and manufacture of forming machines, which are used for forming food products into portions with a mould. The mould may have a sliding or rotary movement and is filled with product in one position and emptied in another.
These machines have a feed provision, which is in the most cases a feed intake hopper (see Figures 1 and 2). Moulds may be filled by the action of rotating worm, rotating paddles or reciprocating hydraulic arms. Machines produce single or multiple lines of products.
Forming machines are intended for use on ground or minced meat, meat products, fish, vegetables or similar products. Use includes manufacture of product, setting, treating or process changeover, cleaning, fault finding and maintenance.
1.3   Combinations of forming machines and auxiliary devices and/or interchangeable equipment
1.3.1   Definition
A combination of a forming machine with auxiliary devices and/or interchangeable equipment becomes a new machine, when the following requirements are fulfilled / met:
-   the (combined) device/equipment works together as an entity, meaning from production related view they form an entity (i.e. the coaction will be focused on a shared aim) and
-   they are controlled as an entity, via a shared or linked control system and
-   they work - regarding safety - together as an entity and also form a unit in this aspect.
According to this definition a new machine is not existent when in a total complex single autonomous functional machines are connected in relation to function and control, but do not form a unit in relation to safety. This is given e.g. when:
-   on the single interfaces / interconnection points none ore only minor hazards between the separate machines occur, due to their combination;
-   the emergency stop of one machine is connected / looped through to the next machine since the operator’s position is only at the next machine.
In such mechanical equipment each single machine can still be regarded autonomous in relation to safety.
1.3.2   Example for combinations

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This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to commercial and industrial food processing machines as defined in Clause 3 when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events that occur during transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, setting, teaching, programming, process changeover, operation, cleaning, fault finding and maintenance.
This European Standard deals with those risks which occur commonly in food processing machines and for which common technical requirements can be set which can be applied at all (or most) machines which have that particular hazard.
This European Standard is not applicable to the following machines:
-   food processing machines intended for domestic use;
-   food processing machines covered by the machine-specific standards listed in Annex C;
-   packaging machines;
-   machines used in the agricultural and animal rearing sectors.
This European Standard does not deal with the hygiene risks to the consumer of the food product handled in the food processing machine. These risks are dealt with in EN 1672 2:2005+A1:2009.
This European Standard is not applicable to food processing machines that were manufactured before the date of its publication as a European Standard.

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This European Standard applies to spreader, stripping and cutting machine, as well as the stick return conveyor and the stick magazine (see clause 3), used in continuous pasta processing plants able to produce more than 100 kg/h.
This European standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture and information for safe use of spreader, stripping and cutting machine, as well as the stick return conveyor and the stick magazine classified as stationary units which cannot be moved when in operation.
This European Standard does not apply to:
-   household machines,
-   semiautomatic machines, so called "batch machines" requiring manual loading.
The significant hazards covered by this standard are listed in clause 4.
These hazards and the measures for their reduction are described in the present European Standard.
Ancillary equipment, which is not an integral part of the machinery (e.g. hoppers), is not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard is not applicable to machines in its scope which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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This European Standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture and information for safe use of pasta presses (see clause 3) used in continuous automatic pasta processing plants able to produce more than 100 kg/h.
This European Standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture and information for use for the machines mentioned above, known with the name of presses, classified as stationary units which cannot be moved when in operation.
The pasta press begins with the dosing unit and ends with the die. The press includes the following processes:
-   dosing solid and liquid ingredients,
-   mixing the ingredients,
-   extruding the dough,
-   forming the dough.
Cutting unit is excluded.
This European Standard does not apply to:
-   household machines,
-   batch machines.
The significant hazards covered by this standard are listed in clause 4.
These hazards, as well as the measures for their reduction, are described in the present European Standard
Ancillary equipment, which is not an integral part of the press (e.g. hoppers, conveyors, etc), is not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard is not applicable to machines in its scope which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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This European Standard applies to shaker pre-dryers, belt dryers, rotary dryers, nest pasta dryers, long pasta dryers and coolers (see clause 3), used in continuous pasta processing plants able to produce more than 100 kg/h.
This European Standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture and information for use for the machines mentioned above, known with the name of dryers and coolers, classified as stationary units which cannot be moved when in operation.
This European Standard is not applicable to dryers and coolers, static or semiautomatic requiring manual loading as well as those for special application (i.e. experimental dryers).
Dryers in a pasta plant are machines which to reduce moisture by means of warm air ventilation. In the drying process the use of a cooler might be necessary in order to reduce the temperature, maintaining constant the correct moisture of the pasta. The cooling can be obtained in the dryer or in a separate similar machine.
The significant hazards covered by this standard are listed in clause 4.
These hazards, as well as the measures for their reduction, are described in the present European Standard
Ancillary equipment, which is not an integral part of the machinery (e.g. hoppers, conveyors, equipment used to produce hot or cold fluids, etc), is not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard is not applicable to machines in its scope which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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1.1   Requirements
This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of smokehouses for commercial use.
The machines covered by this standard are used for the smoking of foodstuffs, especially meat, fish or similar products, as well as the connected heating and cooling processes.
Smokehouses consist of the following elements:
-   Smoke chamber with equipment;
-   Air handling system;
-   Smoke generator;
-   Pipes and ducts;
-   Cleaning systems.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events and hygiene requirements relevant to smokehouses when they are used as intended and under reasonably foreseeable conditions of misuse.
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during the whole life of smokehouses.
This document is not applicable to smokehouses which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
1.2   Types
This European Standard covers the following types of smokehouses and installations:
-   Smokehouses with friction smoke generator;
-   Smokehouses with steam smoke generator;
-   Smokehouses with liquid smoke generator;
-   Smokehouses with saw dust and wood chip smoke generators;
-   Smokehouses with one or several smoke chambers for batch production;
-   Smokehouses for continous production.
This European Standard does not cover automatic production.

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This European Standard applies to machines for the processing of fresh and filled pasta, by mixing, kneading, dough sheet forming, pasta forming and pasteurizing, as described in Clause 3.
It applies to stationary and movable machines (not intended to be moved during operation), with a nominal capacity of not less than 25 kg/h.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations, and events when the machines falling within the scope of this standard are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). It deals with the hazards during the following phases of themachines' lifetime: transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, setting and adjusting, operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance, de-commissioning, dismantling, disabling and scrapping.
This European Standard applies to the following groups of machines:
-   discontinuous manually loaded kneading machines with or without lifting and tilting devices;
-   continuous kneading machine
-   combination of dough kneading and dough sheet forming machine;
-   forming machine processing one single dough sheet;
-   forming machine processing two dough sheets;
-   dough sheet forming machine;
-   sizing roller machine;
-   dough transport shuttle machine;
-   steam pasteurizer machine;
-   cooler machine;
-   dough sheet cutting machine;
-   gnocchi machine;
-   typical shapes pasta machine.
This European Standard is not applicable to the following machines:
-   household machines;
-   auxiliary equipment (not changing the characteristics of product): conveying systems not part of the machinery, weighting and bagging equipment, lifting and tilting machinery (dealt with in EN 13288).
This European Standard is not applicable to pasta processing machines, which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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1.1   This standard applies for
   curing injection machines with infeed and outfeed devices
   curing injection machines with infeed and outfeed devices and loading devices
This standard does not apply to portable/hand guided curing injection devices.
This standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to machines, appliances and machinery, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to curing injection machinery, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This document is not applicable to curing injection machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
1.2   This standard covers the following types of curing injection machines:
Curing injection machines consist mainly of a single or multilane curing needle station, holding down clamp, infeed and outfeed devices, machine frame and related drive system, and electrical, electronic, or pneumatic components, depending on machine type.
Curing injection machines in the scope of this standard can be equipped with:
   infeed chute;
   splash guard flaps;
   single or multi-lane curing needle bars (needle station);
   holding down clamp;
   infeed and outfeed conveyor belt;
   infeed and outfeed rake;
   interlocked transport car at the outfeed side;
   loading device with delivery chute.
The product being processed (raw meat, game or raw fish) is fed by hand to the infeed device of the curing injection machine. The infeed device transports the product to the needle station; the product is then pressed against the infeed device by a holding down clamp. The needles of the needle station inject the curing liquid or other fluids into the product. (continued)

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1.1   This European Standard covers portable and/or hand-guided machines and appliances equipped with mechanically driven cutting tools.
This European Standard specifies requirements for the design and manufacture of portable and/or hand-guided machines and appliances equipped with electrically, hydraulically or pneumatically driven cutting tools (see Figures 1 to 9), hereinafter referred to as "machines".
The machines covered by this European Standard are used for slaughtering animals, for cutting up animal carcasses, poultry and other foodstuff such as e.g. fish.
They are mainly intended for use in slaughterhouses and rooms, which are used for cutting and preparing. These machines are used for the industry and trade.
This European Standard specifies all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the machines in the scope, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, maintenance and de-commissioning of the machine.
This European Standard is not applicable to portable and/or hand-guided machines and appliances equipped with electrically, hydraulically or pneumatically driven cutting tools, which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard by CEN.
1.2   This European Standard covers the following machines subdivided into tool types:
1.2.1   Saws (see Figures 1 to 5)
-   Circular saws (see Figures 1 and 2);
-   straight blade reciprocating saws (see Figures 3 and 4);
-   band saws (see Figure 5).
Figure 1 - Cutting saw
Figure 2 - Leg saw, horn saw
Figure 3 - Sternum saw
Figure 4 - Reciprocating saw
Figure 5 - Band saw for carcasses
1.2.2   Shears, pincers (see Figures 6 and 7)
Figure 6 - Pincer/shear
Figure 7 - Pincer for cutting the feet of pigs/shear
1.2.3   Knives (see Figures 8 and 9)
-   Ring-blade circu

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1.1   This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements to minimise the hazards which can arise during the commissioning, the use and the maintenance of mixing machines and their accessories intended to be used in sausage kitchens and industrial operations.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to mixing machines, when they are used !as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4)".
This European standard is not applicable to mixing machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard by CEN.
1.2   This European Standard covers the following types of mixing machines:
-   Mixing machines with a tilting container, one or several mixing shafts
-   Mixing machines with a stationary mixing container, front face or bottom discharge opening
-   Mixing machines with a container and loading device
-   Mixing machines with a container, mixing shaft(s), screw conveyor and loading device
The mixing machines are constructed of a machine frame, a trough-shaped mixing container, one or several mixing shafts, an associated drive and electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic components, depending on machine type.
The mixing shaft can be equipped with wings, screws, rods, paddles or the like.
Mixing machines may be equipped e. g. with
-   cover over the top of the mixing container,
-   pipe connections for gases, steam, water or vacuum,
-   protective hood over the front face discharge opening,
-   lifting devices for mixing shaft,
-   loading device,
-   screw conveyor at the discharge opening.
1   cover
2   mixing container
3   mixing shaft
4   front-face discharge opening
5   bottom discharge opening
Figure 1 - Components of a mixing machine
1.3   Intended use
The fresh or frozen meat, meat product, meat pieces or fish, salt, spices and other additives are loaded into the mixing container by hand or by means of a loa

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This Standard specifies requirements for design and construction of cutters. The machines covered by this standard are used to process fresh or frozen meat, meat products, fish and vegetables in a revolving bowl. This is performed by means of vertical blades rotating around a more or less horizontal axis. This standard does not apply to household cutters.

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CCMC/TC - Correction of requested change from EN 12853:2001/FprA1:2001 in 4.1/4.2. The CCMC editor has misunderstood the instruction and has deleted some unintended text. The TC Secretariat has never replied on the CA/7 proofing request - Mechanical engineering
2013: Originator of XML version: first setup pilot of CCMC in 2012

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1.1   This European Standard specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of vegetable cutting machines which are transportable and have a maximum rated power less than 3 kW.
This European Standard deals with machines intended for cutting, shredding, dicing, chipping and grating of food products in which the product passes through the machine.
As described in 3.2.1, the types of machines in the scope are machines with a fixed chamber and rotating blade or cutting disc, with a rotating drum and fixed blades or machines with horizontal reciprocating cutters (mainly used for potato chipping).
1.2   This European Standard specifies all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to vegetable cutting machines, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, cleaning, removal of food blockages, feeding, changing the tools, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine.
1.3   This European Standard does not apply to:
-   food processors (see EN 12852);
-   vegetable peelers (see EN 13208);
-   vegetable cutting attachments which are mounted onto machines having an auxiliary drive hub (see
EN 12851);
-   planetary mixers (see EN 454);
-   domestic machines.
1.4   This European Standard is not applicable to vegetable cutting machines which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the design and manufacturing of circular saw machines (see Figures 1 and 2).
The machines covered by this European Standard are used to cut bone and meat.
The circular saw machines covered by this European Standard do not include circular saw machines for processing of wood and similar materials and the requirements of EN 1870-1 do not apply.
Circular saw machines for domestic use are not included in this European Standard.
This European Standard applies only to machines which are manufactured after the date of issue of this European Standard.
This European Standard covers the following types of machines:
Circular saw machines with a feed table and a fixed product pusher
-   The distance "A" from the floor to the top surface of the feed table is from 800 mm to 1050 mm. The saw blade diameter is between 350 mm and 400 mm (see Figure 1).
-   Circular saw machines installed in a cutting line (e.g. conveyor belt or roller conveyor), e.g. with a protective component which can be lifted on the feed and discharge side. The saw blade diameter is between 350 mm and 400 mm (see Figure 2).

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1.1   This European standard specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of vegetable peelers used in the commercial and institutional catering industry, and in food shops.
The machines concerned by this standard are designed to peel different sorts of vegetables and tubers such as potatoes, carrots, salsify, turnips, celery and onions.
The standard is limited to machines where the maximum capacity is 50 kg.
The machines are not intended to be moved during operation.
The rotating plate mixes the product under appropriate conditions so that the desired operation is carried out on the entire load.
This operation can be:
-    the abrading of the surface of the vegetable or tuber;
-    the cutting of fine particles of skin if the fitting is of the blade-type;
-    grating, an operation which is similar to abrading;
-    scraping or cleaning with a brush, rubber coating or cast iron surface.
Machines subject to this standard use water circulation to carry waste to the waste outlet. The underside of the plate is sometimes designed with raised parts which speed up the discharge of the waste water.
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, cleaning, removal of food blockages, feeding, changing the tools, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine.
Machines covered by this standard are not intended to be cleaned by high pressure water jets.
1.2   This European standard does not apply to domestic machines.
Vegetable peelers have nothing in common with meat derinding machines (which are dealt with in
EN 12355), both from their design and use standpoint.
1.3   This European Standard specifies all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to vegetable peelers, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
1.4   Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard for vegetable pee

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1.1   This European Standard specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of hand-held blenders and whisks used in the commercial and institutional catering, and in food shops.
The term "hand-held blenders" is used to refer to the equipment covered by this standard.
The machines covered by this standard are hand-held appliances whose tool is intended to process a foodstuff in a container. Tools are designed to crush, mix, mash, emulsify, etc. foodstuffs such as vegetables into soups, mashes, purees, sauces, mayonnaise, cream, dairy products and more generally to process all solid, liquid, pasty or powdery foodstuffs to obtain a homogeneous fluid.
These appliances are designed to process up to 100 l of food in one operation.
This standard applies to the following machines, according to their weight and to the operating modes required by their intended use:
-   manually operated machines, using one or both hands, actuated throughout the whole operation (see figure 1);
-   machines operating resting on the bottom of the container (see figure 2);
-   machines fixed to or placed on a special support which can be fitted to the container (see figure 3). The support acts as a substitute for the operator for operations that take a long time or for food processing which may present risks of burns (steam or splashes).
Figure 1 - Manually operated machine   Figure 2 - Free-standing machine   Figure 3 - Fixed machine
1.2   This standard does not apply to:
-   domestic machines;
-   vertical crushers, sieves mounted on trolleys and beam mixers (beam mixers are covered by EN 12854:2003).
1.3   This European Standard specifies all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to hand-held blenders and whisks, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals wi

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1.1   This European Standard specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of food processors and blenders.
It applies to food processors and blenders having a bowl which is stationary while the food is being processed.
The total volume of the bowl is less than or equal to 150 l.
The machines covered by this standard are intended to carry out various types of operations such as: mincing, mixing, blending, whipping, using a large number of products and raw materials, and which are used in food and catering industries such as restaurants, hotels, coffee shops and pubs.
This European Standard specifies all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to food processors and blenders, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, cleaning, removal of food blockages, feeding, changing the tools, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine.
1.2   This standard does not apply to:
-   domestic machines;
-   machinery dedicated to food industrial processing (e.g. pet food, cannery industry, industrial meat processing).
Small machines called "shakers" which are dedicated to blending liquid, with an impellor, usually driven from above are excluded.
1.3   This European Standard is not applicable to food processors and blenders which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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This document specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of salad dryers taking account of installation, cleaning, removal of jammed food, feeding, maintenance and decommissioning. The spinning function is obtained by the rotation of a perforated basket in which the product being processed is placed.
It applies to machines:
-   which are intended for use in the commercial and institutional catering industry;
-   having a rotation speed between 300 rpm and 900 rpm;
-   having a nominal output below 2 kW;
-   having a nominal volume of the basket less than 100 l.
These machines can be stationary or movable.
The machines concerned by this document are those appliances which are intended for eliminating by spinning the water present on salad after washing. These machines can also be used for spinning other vegetables such as spinach, watercress, radish, French beans, etc.
The machines covered by this document are not intended to be cleaned with water jet.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to salad dryers, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
NOTE   If the machine is not used under above conditions, the manufacturer should verify, when he is informed of such situation, if the preventive measures remain valid (see 3.22 of EN ISO 12100-1:2003).
The feeding principle of the machine can be notably:
-   manual loading into the basket left in position in the machine;
-   placing in and withdrawal from the machine of the loaded basket.
1.2   Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard with salad dryers. This does not mean that the manufacturer of these machines is absolved from reducing noise and making a noise declaration. Therefore a noise test code is proposed in Annex A.
1.3   Vibrations are not considered as a hazard with these machines.

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1.1   This document specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of cooking kettles equipped with powered stirrer and/or mixer taking account of installation, operation, cleaning, removal of jammed food, feeding, maintenance and changing the tools.
The cooking kettles equipped with powered stirrer and/or mixer are used from catering to small scale-food industry to cook, cool and mix all cold or hot food. They permit addition of ingredients during processing without stopping the machine.
NOTE   The kettle bowl can be fixed or equipped with a manually or power operated tilting mechanism.
In the text that follows, the term "cooking kettles" is used to refer to the equipment covered by this document.
This document covers cooking kettles equipped with powered stirrer and/or mixer having technical performances in accordance with the following:
-   thermal energy supply can be electricity, gas (see EN 125 and EN 161), steam or heat-conducting fluid;
-   capacity of the kettle: from 30 l to 600 l (nominal volume);
-   maximum power rating 80 kW;
-   speed of the powered stirrer: 10 rpm to 200 rpm;
-   maximum speed of the mixer: 3 000 rpm.
The machines covered by this document are not intended to be cleaned with a high pressure water jet.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to cooking kettles, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
1.2   This document does not apply to:
-   domestic machines (i.e. capacity of kettles less than 30 l);
-   planetary mixers which are covered by EN 454;
-   food processors which are covered by EN 12852;
-   cooking kettles without powered stirrer and/or mixer having a manual tilting kettle.
1.3   This document does not deal with hazard due to the pressure on machines with a double jacket.
NOTE   Depending on the pressure and the volume of the double jacket, the cookin

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This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of baguette slicers used in catering by adults, taking account of installation, cleaning, operating, maintenance and decommissioning.
The intended use of these machines is to cut baguette and similar types of long bread sticks, into slices.
This European Standard covers requirements for the safe operation of the machine including: loading, cutting, unloading, cleaning, crumb removal and maintenance.
These machines have a crescent blade fixed to a shaft, with a rotating movement and vertical manual loading.
These machines are intended to be installed on a table, a specific support or an integral stand.
The following machines are excluded from the scope of this European Standard:
-   frame cutter machines with multiple blades );
-   machines with rotary crescent (sickle) or circular blade fixed to a shaft with oscillating movement and horizontal manual loading1);
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
-   domestic appliances.
   This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to baguette slicers, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
   Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard. A noise test code is given in Annex A. This European Standard does not deal with noise reduction.
This European Standard is not applicable to baguette slicers which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard by CEN.

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1.1   This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of bread slicing machines of type 1 and 2 as defined in Clause 3.
The intended use of these machines is to cut baked bread into slices.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to bread slicers machines, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard covers requirements for the safe operation of the machine including: loading, cutting, unloading, cleaning, crumb removal and maintenance.
These machines can be manually or automatically operated.
1.2   The following machines are excluded from the scope of this document:
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
-   frame cutter machines with multiple blades moving horizontally;
-   domestic appliances and machines intended for use by the general public;
-   machines with horizontal circular cutting systems;
-   rectangular cutting machines for cutting or sawing of panel size products into small pieces.
The significant hazards covered by this document are described in Clause 4.
1.3   In drafting this European Standard, it has been assumed that the bread slicers falling within the scope are operated only by trained personnel and that the machines are not intended to be cleaned with water jet.
1.4   This European Standard is not applicable to bread slicing machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard.

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1.1   This European standard specifies the safety and hygiene requirements for the design and manufacture of beam mixers.
Beam mixers are used in the catering industry for the preparation of mixture or emulsion, directly in the cooking pan, such as for: puree, mayonnaise, sauces, soups, compotes.
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, cleaning, removal of food blockages, feeding, changing the tools, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine.
1.2   This European standard does not apply to:
-   domestic machines;
-   portable hand-held blenders and whisks which are covered by a specific standard (see EN 12853).
1.3   This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to beam mixers, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
1.4   This European standard does not deal with the vibration hazard.
1.5   This European Standard is not applicable to beam mixers which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

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1.1   This European Standard applies to multizones dishwashing-machines with passing through motorized belt (flight type) or rack conveyor. In case of flight type, the loading and unloading areas are part of the machine.
The machines covered by this European Standard are intended for washing, rinsing and optionally drying the dishes and the kitchen utensils, used in food and catering premises such as restaurants, hotels etc.
This European Standard applies to dishwashing machines with conveyor with a linear speed less than or equal to 5 m/min for the dishes and kitchen utensils.
NOTE   Normally the total power of these machines is less than 200 kW.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to dishwashing machines with conveyor, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4).
This European Standard deals with the hazards which can arise during commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the machine.
When drawing up this European Standard the following assumptions were made:
-   only trained adult persons operate the machines;
-   the machines are used in adequately illuminated areas.
This European Standard, referring for electrical safety to EN 60204-1 with criteria that can be applied to different designs and variants, is mainly intended for machines manufactured in small series.
1.2   This European Standard does not apply to:
-   separate mechanical loading and unloading conveyors;
-   chemical dosing devices which are not incorporated into the machine;
-   steam generators;
-   gas heating equipment.
1.3   Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard for these machines. This does not mean that the manufacturer of these machines is absolved from reducing noise and making a noise declaration. Therefore a noise test code is included in Annex A.
1.4   This European Standard is not applicable to dishwashing-machines with conveyor which are manu

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of batch production fixed or tilting horizontal bowl type mixers with one or two rotating shafts with or without movable blades. These mixers are used to mix, knead and homogenise food for animal or human consumption in powder, paste or liquid form. The mixers can be floor mounted or transportable (with or without castors). They are intended to be used when stationary.
These machines are used in feed mills and factories which produce, work on or process foodstuff, for example biscuits, bread, chocolate, cereal products.
This European Standard does not deal with the use of the machine in potentially explosive atmospheres.
This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to mixers with horizontal shafts, when used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
This European Standard also specifies food hygiene requirements.
The feeding equipment, the dosing equipment, and the requirements of equipment for the supply of inert gases, and for heating and cooling, are excluded from the scope of this European Standard.
The hazards due to the unloading equipment (container, discharge belt, etc.) are not dealt with in this European Standard.
When drafting this European Standard, it has been assumed that the machines are not intended to be cleaned with a water jet.
This European Standard is not applicable to mixers with horizontal shafts which are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard by CEN.

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  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of lifting and tilting machines used, in bakeries, for lifting and/or tilting a container or a machine with non removable bowl containing dough or pastry and for tipping the contents at the top end of the stroke.
The lifting and tilting machines can be stationary or movable and are designed for semi-manufactured products (mixtures of flour, water and other ingredients) or raw material (flour, mixtures etc.). The direction of lifting can be vertical, inclined or combined and follows a track fixed by mechanical guides, or articulated arms.
This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to lifting and tilting machines, when used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see clause 4).
This European Standard does not deal with the hazards due to the mixing or other function of the bowl (for dough mixers see EN 453).
The following machines are excluded:
-   experimental and testing machines under development by the manufacturer;
-   domestic appliances;
-   automatic mobile equipment, for example bucket trucks;
-   lift trucks;
-   automatic devices working in automatic production lines (where the initiation of the movement is not due to an human action).
Also excluded, are the hazards due to the powered movement of mobile machines.
When drafting this European Standard, it has been assumed that the machines are not intended to be cleaned with a water jet.
Noise is not considered to be a significant hazard by lifting and tilting machines for bakery. This does not mean that the manufacturer of the machine is absolved from reducing noise and making a noise declaration. A noise test code is therefore given in Annex A.

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This standard specifies safety and hygienic design requirements for the manufacture of machines used for the production of pies, tarts, pasties, en croute products and other similar items where the pastry cases are formed by the closing under pressure of one or more forming heads.  The standard applies to the following three basic types of machine:
-   machines where operators hands enter hazard zone 1 (see 4.1) at each cycle;
-   machines which are loaded outside hazard  zone 1;
-   automatic machines.
Figure 1, 2 and 3 illustrate examples of these.
Automatic loading devices are not covered by this standard.
This standard applies to electrically, pneumatically and hydraulically powered machines.  Manually operated machines are excluded from the scope of this standard.
Clause 4 lists the significant hazards identified on these machines on the basis of a risk assessment carried out following the principles in EN 1050:1996.
The safety and hygiene requirements take into account the hazards arising from use (including setting, process changeover, operation), cleaning and maintenance. Hazards arising from foreseeable misuse (3.12, EN 292-1:1991) are also included.
Flour dust is not a significant hazard at pie and tart machines.
A noise test code is included in annex B to assist manufacturers to measure noise level for the purpose of the noise emission declaration.
This document in not applicable to pie and tart machines which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

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This European Standard applies to the design and manufacture of fixed deck oven loaders used in the food industry, bakeries, pastry-making, etc. These machines are used to place dough pieces on each deck of fixed deck ovens and to remove the baked products from each deck.
This equipment may be:
-   manual;
-   semi-automatic (some movements powered, some movements requiring manual power).
The European Standard covers technical safety and hygiene requirements for the design, installation, adjustment, operating, cleaning and maintenance of this equipment.
This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to fixed oven deck loaders, when used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
Noise from fixed deck oven loaders is not considered to be a significant hazard. That does not mean that the manufacturer of the machine is absolved from reducing noise and making a noise declaration. Therefore a noise test code is given in Annex A.
The following equipment are excluded:
-   experimental equipment and equipment under development by the manufacturer;
-   loaders for conveyor ovens;
-   loaders integral to the oven;
-   fully automated fixed deck oven loaders.
This European Standard in not applicable to fixed deck oven loaders that are manufactured before the date of publication of this European Standard by CEN.

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This European Standard covers all significant hazards as identified by risk assessment (see EN 1050), which are listed in clause 4 of this standard, relevant to centrifuges for processing edible oils and fats, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
It specifies safety and hygiene requirements for the design, manufacture, use, maintenance and cleaning of centrifugal machines.
The normal operating methods are described in 3.2.
This standard does not apply to machines using solvent extraction and ancillary machines (e.g. conveyors, hoppers, etc.).
It is not applicable to basket centrifuges.
This European Standard is applicable primarily to machines which are manufactured after the date of approval by CEN.

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This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the following machinery for grinding and processing of flour and semolina, as defined in Clause 3: roller mills, plan sifters and rotary separators, air classifiers, rotating machines and impact machines.
The machines in the scope are stationery (not intended to be moved when in operation), have a capacity of at least 100 kg/h, and are intended for use in installations for grain processing, such as flour mills, semolina mills, grain cleaning and flaking plants.
This European Standard deals with the significant hazards during commissioning, operation, cleaning and maintenance of the machines in the scope when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
This European Standard is not applicable to:
-   machines intended for household use or laboratory use;
-   stone mills;
-   equipment for dampening and heating;
-   auxiliary equipment for conveying, weighting and bagging (without changing the characteristics of the products).
This European Standard is not dealing with the following:
-   hazards related to decommissioning;
-   the hazards of the installations into which the machines are incorporated other than those directly related to the machines in the scope (e.g. start of the installation, disconnection of energy supply, need from an emergency stop device);
-   hazards due to the use of the machinery in a potentially explosive atmosphere (when producing this standard it has been assumed that the machinery in the scope, if designed and used in accordance with this European Standard, is not creating itself a hazardous atmosphere wholly of partly surrounding it).
NOTE   If the machine is intended for use in a potentially explosive atmosphere, additional safety measures can be necessary ).
This European Standard is not applicable to machines for grinding and processing of flour and semolina which are ma

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