This document deals with the requirements for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops.
It also deals with the requirements for ferrules for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops.
This document applies to the ferrule-securing of eye terminations formed either by a Flemish eye or turn-back eye and covers ferrules made of non-alloy carbon steel and aluminium.
This document applies to slings and assemblies using steel wire ropes for general lifting applications up to and including 60 mm diameter conforming to EN 12385-4, lift ropes conforming to EN 12385-5 and spiral strand ropes conforming to EN 12385-10.
Type testing of ferrule-secured systems and manufacturing quality control requirements are also specified.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations, and events relevant to this particular steel wire rope termination when used as intended and under conditions of use which are foreseeable by the manufacturer.
This document applies to terminations of steel wire ropes with ferrules and ferrule-securing which are manufactured after the date of this publication.
NOTE   One design of ferrule-secured turn-back eye termination using an oval aluminium ferule which satisfies the requirements of this document when securing ropes having rope grades up to and including 1960 is given for information in Annex A.

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This document specifies the minimum requirements for the molten metal and resin socketing of steel wire ropes within the scopes of EN 12385-4:2002+A1:2008; EN 12385-5:2021; EN 12385-6:2004;
EN 12385-7:2002; EN 12385-8:2002; EN 12385-9:2002 and EN 12385-10:2003+A1:2008.
The document is applicable only to those requirements that ensure that the socketing is strong enough to withstand a force of at least 100 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope (i.e. socket termination efficiency factor KT = 1,0).
NOTE Rope terminations made by socketing in accordance with this document can be used for determining the breaking force of wire ropes in accordance with EN 12385-1:2002+A1:2008, Annex A.
Socketing by the methods and materials described in this standard are for use within the temperature limits given in normative Annex E.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to metal and resin socket terminations, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable (see Clause 4).

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This document specifies the minimum requirements for symmetrical wedge socket terminations for stranded steel wire ropes conforming to EN 12385-5 for lifts.
This document covers those symmetric wedge sockets intended for use at temperatures between −20 °C and 100 °C.
This document only covers those symmetric wedge sockets that have welded socket bodies. An example of the construction and sizes of a symmetric wedge socket is given in informative Annex A.
The informative Annex B gives the recommendations for the safe use and inspection of symmetric wedge socket according to Annex A.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to symmetric wedge sockets for terminations for steel wire ropes, when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
The hazards covered by this document are identified in Clause 4.
This document applies to symmetric wedge sockets, which are manufactured after the date of its publication.

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This document specifies the particular materials, manufacturing and testing requirements for stranded ropes for suspension, compensating and governor duties for traction drive and hydraulic lifts moving between guides and similar applications.
The particular hazards covered by this Part are identified in Clause 4.
This document does not establish requirements for information for use other than those given in Clause 7 of Part 1. Neither does it cover the requirements for ropes fitted with terminations.
Minimum breaking force values for the more common classes, sizes and grades of rope are provided in Tables 6 to 10.

  • Corrigendum
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This document specifies the minimum requirements for solid thimbles made of steel or cast iron for terminations of stranded steel wire ropes.
This document is applicable to ferrule-secured terminations with solid thimbles in combination with ferrules (see EN 13411-3), that have an efficiency factor KT of at least 0,9, and to spliced terminations with solid thimbles (see EN 13411-2), that have an efficiency factor KT of at least 0,8, which are used as accessories for steel wire ropes, such as slings or wire rope assemblies, having a lifting, lowering or load-bearing effect in hoisting equipment.
Examples of designs of solid thimbles which meet the requirements of this standard are given in informative Annexes B and C.
Round thimbles (thimble with rotational symmetry around the bore) are not subject to this document.
This document is applicable to ferrule-secured terminations that are manufactured after the date of publication of this document.
Hazards that are dealt with in this document are listed in Clause 4.

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This document specifies the particular materials, manufacturing and testing requirements for stranded ropes for suspension, compensating and governor duties for traction drive and hydraulic lifts moving between guides and similar applications.
The particular hazards covered by this Part are identified in Clause 4.
This document does not establish requirements for information for use other than those given in Clause 7 of Part 1. Neither does it cover the requirements for ropes fitted with terminations.
Minimum breaking force values for the more common classes, sizes and grades of rope are provided in Tables 6 to 10.

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This document specifies the type of information for use and maintenance of steel wire ropes to be provided by the rope manufacturer or to be included in the manufacturer’s handbook that accompanies a machine, piece of equipment or installation of which the steel wire rope forms a part.
The particular hazards covered by this document are identified in Clause 4.
For steel wire ropes conforming to Parts 8 and 9 used on cableway installations designed to carry persons, additional information for use and maintenance is given in EN 12927.
For steel wire rope slings, specific information on use and maintenance is given in EN 13414-2.
This document is not applicable to steel wire ropes manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

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ISO 16841:2014 identifies the different types of pulling eyes prepared at, or attached to, a steel wire rope end for connection to another rope when installing a new rope or re-reeving an existing rope on a machine. It also specifies the minimum requirements for pulling eyes, including their geometry, strength, maximum line pull to which the pulling eye is intended to be subjected and information for use to be provided by the manufacturer.
The pulling eyes covered by ISO 16841:2014 are not intended to be subjected to a load when the machine performs a service operation.
ISO 16841:2014 applies to those pulling eyes prepared at, or attached to, ends of steel wire ropes conforming to ISO 2408 and ISO 10425.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for swage terminals and the securing of such terminals by a swaging process to carbon steel rope conforming to EN 12385-4 and EN 12385-5, spiral strand rope conforming to EN 12385-10 and stainless steel stranded rope.
This European Standard is not applicable to spiral rope incorporating full lock wires - see EN 12385-10 -, nor ropes with coverings and /or fillings (see 3.6.3 of EN 12385-2:2002+A1:2008).
This European Standard is applicable to swaged terminations that have a terminal efficiency factor, KT, of at least 0,9 and are used as part of a wire rope accessory such as a sling, or wire rope assembly that performs a raising, lowering, hauling or supporting function on lifting machinery.
This European Standard is applicable to terminals of the following types that are made of carbon or stainless steel:
-   open swage socket;
-   closed swage socket;
-   swage terminal with thread;
-   swage terminal end stop.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to swaged terminations, when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable (see Clause 4).
This European Standard applies to swaged terminations which are manufactured after the date of its publication.
This European Standard is not applicable to swaged terminations used for anchoring ropes to winch drums.

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This European Standard specifies the construction requirements, calculation of WLL, testing and certification of steel wire rope grommets, cable-laid grommets and cable-laid slings using strand and wire rope conforming to EN 12385-4.
The hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4.
This standard covers ferrule-secured cable-laid slings up to 60mm.

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This European Standard specifies the construction requirements, calculation of WLL, verification, certification and marking of steel wire rope slings for general lifting service. It covers single-, two-, three- and four-leg slings, with ferrule-secured or spliced eye terminations and spliced or ferrule-secured endless slings made from 8 mm to 60 mm diameter 6 strand ordinary lay steel wire rope with fibre or steel core and 8 strand ordinary lay steel wire rope with a steel core conforming to EN 12385-4.
The standard assumes a working coefficient (factor of safety) of five.
This standard does not cover slings for single use, i.e. one trip slings, having a working coefficient lower than 5.
This standard does not cover matched sets of slings with spliced eyes.
This document is not applicable to slings which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
The hazards covered by this Part of EN 13414 are identified in clause 4.
These wire rope slings are intended for lifting objects, materials or goods.
Guidance on the information which should be provided with an enquiry or order is given in annex A.
NOTE   Information for use and maintenance, including operating temperature ranges, is given in Part 2 of this standard.

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This Part of EN 13414 specifies the information on use and maintenance to be provided by the manufacturer of wire rope slings.
NOTE   Certain clauses are relevant to component parts and accessories conforming to EN 1677 parts 1 to 6
Annex A is informative, and provides some of the detailed information for use and maintenance which may be appropriate for general lifting service.
The hazards covered by this Part of EN13414 are identified in clause 4.

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This Part specifies the general requirements for the manufacture and testing of steel wire rope, whose particular requirements are specified in the other Parts.
Annex A gives the type testing regimes for rope produced in series.
Annex B gives the testing requirements for wires taken from the rope when specified in other Parts of this standard.

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This Part of this European Standard specifies the particular materials, manufacturing and testing requirements for
ropes for general lifting applications.
The particular hazards covered by this Part are identified in Clause 4.
This Part of this European Standard does not establish requirements for information for use other than those given
in clause 7 of Part 1. Neither does it cover the requirements for ropes fitted with terminations.
Minimum breaking force values for the more common classes, sizes and grades of rope are provided in tables 5 to

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This Part of this European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements to those
given in Part 1 for spiral ropes incorporating zinc or zinc alloy coated wires for general structural applications.
This standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to spiral ropes for general
structural applications, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably
foreseeable by the manufacturer (see clause 4 of EN 12385-1:2002).
This standard applies to spiral ropes for general structural applications which are manufactured after the date of its
NOTE For information only, typical breaking forces for both full-locked coil rope and spiral strand rope are given in annexes
B and C for some of the more common sizes.

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This part of this European Standard defines terms, specifies designations and classifies steel wire ropes and is for
use in conjunction with all other parts of this standard.
It applies to ropes that have been manufactured after the date of issue of the standard.

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This standard specifies minimum requirements for the splicing of eye terminations for six or eight strand steel wire ropes of up to 60 mm diameter complying with prEN 12385-4 used for slings to ensure that the spliced eye is strong enough to withstand a force of at least 80 % of the minimum breaking load of the rope.
Other hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4. Resistance to fatigue loading is not considered to be a significant hazard for slings and is not covered by this standard.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements, for asymmetrical wedge socket terminations for stranded steel wire ropes.
Examples of the construction and sizes of two separate designs of asymmetric wedge sockets are given in informative annexes A and B.
The informative annex C gives recommendations for safe use and inspection.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to asymmetric wedge sockets for terminations for steel wire ropes, when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
This standard applies to terminations of steel wire ropes with asymmetrical wedge sockets which are manufactured after the date of its publication.
This standard does not cover rope fatigue.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for non welded general purpose steel thimbles produced from plate having dimensions in accordance with Figure 1. The thimbles are intended to be used in slings made with six or eight strand steel wire ropes from 8 mm to 60 mm diameter complying with EN 12385-4.
Reeving thimbles and solid thimbles are not covered by this standard.
The hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4.

  • Standard
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This European Standard has been prepared to provide a means of conforming with the essential safety requirements of the Machinery Directive and associated EFTA Regulations.
Purchasers ordering to this standard are advised to specify in their purchasing contract that the supplier operates a quality assurance system applicable to the relevant part of this standard (e.g. EN ISO 9001) to ensure themselves that products claimed to comply consistently achieve the required level of quality.

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This European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements to those given in Part 1 for stranded ropes (with round and/or shaped strands) and flat ropes for use as hoist ropes, stage ropes and balance ropes in mine-shafts.
It shall be used in conjunction with Parts 1 and 2 of this standard.
NOTE 1   For the purposes of this standard, stage ropes are considered to be hoist ropes.
NOTE 2   This standard may also be used for ropes in other mining applications, e.g. surface mining.
The additional hazards covered by this European Standard are identified in clause 4.

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This European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements for full-locked coil hoist and half-locked and full-locked coil guide ropes for mine shafts to those given in Part 1.
The additional hazards covered by this European Standard are identified in clause 4.
For information only, typical breaking forces for both full-locked coil hoist ropes and half-locked and full-locked coil guide ropes, based on one particular combination of wire tensile strength grades in each case, are given in annex B (hoist ropes) and annex C (guide ropes) for some of the more common sizes of rope.

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This European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements to those given in Part 1 for stranded steel wire 'hauling' and 'carrying-hauling' ropes for cableway installations designed to carry persons.
The rope grade is limited to 1960.
Minimum breaking force values for the more common classes, sizes and grades of rope are provided in Tables 2, 3 and 4.
Stranded tension ropes and ski-tow ropes for surface lifts are covered by prEN 12385-4.
The additional hazards covered by this European Standard are identified in clause 4.

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This European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements to those given in Part 1 for locked coil carrying ropes for cableway installations designed to carry persons.

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This document specifies the particular materials, manufacturing and testing requirements for stranded ropes for suspension, compensating and governor duties for traction drive and hydraulic lifts moving between guides and similar applications.
The particular hazards covered by this Part are identified in Clause 4.
This document does not establish requirements for information for use other than those given in Clause 7 of Part 1. Neither does it cover the requirements for ropes fitted with terminations.
Minimum breaking force values for the more common classes, sizes and grades of rope are provided in Tables 6 to 10.

  • Draft
    6 pages
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This European Standard deals with the requirements for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops.
It also deals with the requirements for ferrules for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops.
This European Standard applies to the ferrule-securing of eye terminations formed either by a Flemish eye or turn-back eye and covers ferrules made of non alloy carbon steel and aluminium.
This European Standard applies to slings and assemblies using steel wire ropes for general lifting applications up to and including 60mm diameter conforming to EN 12385-4, lift ropes conforming to EN 12385-5 and spiral strand ropes conforming to EN 12385-10.
Type testing of ferrule-secured systems and manufacturing quality control requirements are also specified.
This European standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to this particular steel wire rope termination when used as intended and under conditions of use which are foreseeable by the manufacturer.
This standard applies to terminations of steel wire ropes with ferrules and ferrule-securing which are manufactured after the date of this publication.
NOTE   One design of ferrule-secured turn-back eye termination using an oval aluminium ferule which satisfies the requirements of this European Standard is given for information in annex A.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for symmetrical wedge socket terminations for stranded steel wire ropes conforming to EN 12385-5 for lifts.
This European Standard covers those symmetric wedge sockets intended for use at temperatures between
-20 °C and 100 °C.
This European Standard only covers those symmetric wedge sockets that have welded socket bodies.
An example of the construction and sizes of a symmetric wedge socket is given in informative Annex A.
The informative Annex B gives the recommendations for the safe use and inspection of symmetric wedge socket according to Annex A.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to symmetric wedge sockets for terminations for steel wire ropes, when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonable foreseeable by the manufacturer.
The hazards covered by this European Standard are identified in Clause 4.
This European Standard applies to symmetric wedge sockets, which are manufactured after the date of its publication.

  • Standard
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This part of this European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements for stranded ropes for suspension, compensating and governor duties for traction drive and hydraulic lifts moving between guides to those given in part 1.
It shall be used in conjunction with parts 1 and 2 of this standard.
This Part of this European Standard does not establish requirements for information for use other than those given in clause 7 of part 1. Neither does it cover the requirements for ropes fitted with terminations.
Minimum breaking force values for the more common classes, sizes and grades of ropes are provided in
Tables 5 to 9.

  • Standard
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This document specifies the type of information for use and maintenance of steel wire ropes to be provided by the
rope manufacturer or to be included in the manufacturer’s handbook that accompanies a machine, piece of
equipment or installation of which the steel wire rope forms a part.
The particular hazards covered by this document are identified in clause 4.
For steel wire ropes conforming to Parts 8 and 9 used on cableway installations designed to carry persons,
additional information for use and maintenance is given in prEN 12927-7.
For steel wire rope slings, specific information on use and maintenance is given in EN 13414-2.
This document is not applicable to steel wire ropes manufactured before the date of publication of this document by

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the molten metal and resin socketing of steel wire ropes conforming to EN 12385 parts 4 to 10.
The standard covers only those requirements that ensure that the socketing is strong enough to withstand a force of at least 100 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope.
NOTE   Rope terminations made by socketing in accordance with this European Standard can be used for determining the breaking force of wire ropes in accordance with annex A of EN 12385-1:2002.
Socketing by the methods and materials described in this standard are for use within the temperature limits given in informative annex E.

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This European Standard specifies the construction requirements, calculation of WLL, testing and certification of steel wire rope grommets, cable-laid grommets and cable-laid slings using strand and wire rope conforming to EN 12385-4.
The hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4.
This standard covers ferrule-secured cable-laid slings up to 60mm.

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This Part of EN13414 specifies the information on use and maintenance to be provided by the manufacturer of wire rope slings.
NOTE   Certain clauses are relevant to component parts and accessories conforming to EN 1677 parts 1 to 6
Annex A is informative, and provides some of the detailed information for use and maintenance which may be appropriate for general lifting service.
The hazards covered by this Part of EN13414 are identified in clause 4.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the construction requirements, calculation of WLL, verification, certification and marking of steel wire rope slings for general lifting service. It covers single-, two-, three- and four-leg slings, with ferrule-secured or spliced eye terminations and spliced or ferrule-secured endless slings made from 8 mm to 60 mm diameter 6 strand ordinary lay steel wire rope with fibre or steel core and 8 strand ordinary lay steel wire rope with a steel core conforming to EN 12385-4.
The standard assumes a working coefficient (factor of safety) of five.
This standard does not cover slings for single use, i.e. one trip slings.
This standard does not cover matched sets of slings with spliced eyes.
This document is not applicable to slings which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
The hazards covered by this Part of EN 13414 are identified in clause 4.
These wire rope slings are intended for lifting objects, materials or goods.
Guidance on the information which should be provided with an enquiry or order is given in annex A.
NOTE   Information for use and maintenance, including operating temperature ranges, is given in Part 2 of this standard.
NOTE   Information for use and maintenance, including operating temperature ranges, is given in Part 2 of this standard.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for symmetrical wedge socket terminations for stranded steel wire ropes conforming to EN 12385-5 for lifts.
This European Standard covers those symmetric wedge sockets intended for use at temperatures between
-20 °C and 100 °C.
This European Standard only covers those symmetric wedge sockets that have welded socket bodies.
An example of the construction and sizes of a symmetric wedge socket is given in informative Annex A.
The informative Annex B gives the recommendations for the safe use and inspection of symmetric wedge socket according to Annex A.
This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to symmetric wedge sockets for terminations for steel wire ropes, when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonable foreseeable by the manufacturer.
The hazards covered by this European Standard are identified in Clause 4.
This European Standard applies to symmetric wedge sockets, which are manufactured after the date of its publication.

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TC - Modification to A.6 and Table A.2

  • Corrigendum
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This European Standard deals with the requirements for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops.
It also deals with the requirements for ferrules for the ferrule-securing of eyes and endless loops.
This European Standard applies to the ferrule-securing of eye terminations formed either by a Flemish eye or turn-back eye and covers ferrules made of non alloy carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium and copper.
This European Standard applies to slings and assemblies using steel wire ropes for general lifting applications up to and including 60mm diameter conforming to EN 12385-4, lift ropes conforming to EN 12385-5 and spiral strand ropes conforming to EN 12385-10.
Type testing of ferrule-secured systems and manufacturing quality control requirements are also specified.
This European standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to this particular steel wire rope termination when used as intended and under conditions of use which are foreseeable by the manufacturer.
This standard applies to terminations of steel wire ropes with ferrules and ferrule-securing which are manufactured after the date of this publication.
NOTE   One design of ferrule-secured turn-back eye termination using an oval aluminium ferule which satisfies the requirements of this European Standard is given for information in annex A.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements, for asymmetrical wedge socket terminations for stranded steel wire ropes.
Steel asymmetric wedge sockets conforming to this standard are suitable for use at environment temperature.
Cast iron asymmetric wedge sockets conforming to this standard are suitable for use at environment temperature.
Examples of the construction and sizes of two separate designs of asymmetric wedge sockets are given in informative annexes A and B.
The informative annex C gives recommendations for safe use and inspection.
This European Sstandard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to asymmetric wedge sockets for terminations for steel wire ropes, when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonable foreseeable by the manufacturer.
This standard applies to terminations of steel wire ropes with asymmetrical wedge sockets which are manufactured after the date of its publication.
This standard does not cover rope fatigue.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the safe behaviour of terminations associated with U-bolt wire rope grips manufactured from ferrous materials for use as intended by the manufacturer of the U bolt grip.
Suitable uses include suspending static loads and single use lifting operations which have been assesseed by a competent person taking into account appropriate safety factors, frequency and duration of use.
This standard does not cover U-bolt wire rope grips as the primary securing devices on mine hoists, crane hoists or eye terminations for slings for general lifting service.
Examples of grips together with fitting instructions are given in informative annexes A and B.
The hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the molten metal and resin socketing of steel wire ropes conforming to prEN 12385 parts 4 to 10.
The standard covers only those requirements that ensure that the socketing is strong enough to withstand a force of at least 100 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope.
NOTE   Rope terminations made by socketing in accordance with this European Standard can be used for determining the breaking force of wire ropes in accordance with annex A of prEN 12385-1:2001.
Socketing by the methods and materials described in this standard are for use within the temperature limits given in informative annex E.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for non welded general purpose steel thimbles produced from plate having dimensions in accordance with Figure 1. The thimbles are intended to be used in slings made with six or eight strand steel wire ropes from 8 mm to 60 mm diameter complying with prEN 12385-4:2001.
Reeving thimbles and solid thimbles are not covered by this standard.
The hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4.

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This standard specifies minimum requirements for spliced eye terminations for six or eight stranded steel wire ropes used for slings. Type tests covering the type acceptance of splicing methods are also specified. The hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4.

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This part of this European Standard specifies the general requirements related to safety for the manufacture and testing of steel wire ropes. It shall be used in conjunction with the appropriate part of this standard which specifies the additional or deviating requirements related to the specific rope application.
The hazards covered by this part are identified in clause 4. Any additional hazards related to the specific rope application are identified in the appropriate part of this standard.
Annex A gives the type testing regimes for ropes produced in series.
Annex ZA gives the relationship with EU-Directives.
This standard applies to ropes which have been manufactured after the date of issue of the standard.

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This Part of this European Standard specifies the type of information for use and maintenance of steel wire ropes to be provided by the rope manufacturer or to be included in the manufacturer's handbook that accompanies a machine, piece of equipment or installation of which the steel wire rope forms a part.
The particular hazards covered by this Part are identified in clause 4.
For steel wire ropes conforming to Parts 8 and 9 used on cableway installations designed to carry persons, additional information for use and maintenance is given in prEN 12927-7.
For steel wire rope slings, specific information on use and maintenance is given in EN 13414-2.
This Part of this European Standard is not applicable to steel wire ropes manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

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This Part of this European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements to those given in Part 1 for full locked coil and spiral strand ropes incorporating zinc or zinc alloy coated wires for general structural applications.
It shall be used in conjunction with Parts 1 and 2 of this standard.
For information only, typical breaking forces for both full-locked coil rope and spiral strand rope are given in annexes B and C for some of the more common sizes.

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This Part of EN 12385 defines terms, specifies designations and classifies steel wire ropes and is for use in conjunction with all other Parts of this standard.It applies to ropes which have been manufactured after the date of issue of the standard.

  • Standard
    53 pages
    English language
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This part of this European Standard specifies the additional materials, manufacturing and testing requirements for stranded ropes for general lifting applications to those given in part 1.
This Part of this European Standard does not establish requirements for information for use other than those given in clause 7 of part 1. Neither does it cover the requirements for ropes fitted with terminations.
Minimum breaking force values for the more common classes, sizes and grades of rope are provided in
Tables 4 to 16.

  • Standard
    27 pages
    English language
    sale 10% off
    e-Library read for
    1 day