This document specifies requirements for rough slabs of natural stone from which products for use in buildings or commemorative stones and other similar applications are made.
It does not cover artificially agglomerated stony material nor installation.

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This document specifies requirements for rough blocks of natural stone from which products for use in building or commemorative stones and other similar applications are made.
It does not apply to artificially agglomerated stony material nor installation.

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This document specifies a test method for determination of flexural strength under a concentrated load for natural stone. Both an identification and a technological product testing procedure are included.

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This document specifies a laboratory method for determining the resistance to thermal and moisture cycling of marble intended for the external cladding of building facades.
NOTE Bowing and rapid strength loss is known to occur in some marbles when used as exterior cladding.

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This document specifies a method to assess the sensitivity of natural stones when exposed to accidental staining. It defines a procedure for the application of the stains as well as the cleaning and the assessment of the surface appearance after cleaning. It also covers the possibility to assess the efficiency of a chemical treatment.
Note that the method does not intend to present any de-staining technique.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This document specifies a test method to assess the relative resistance of natural stones with an open porosity of greater than 5 %, measured in accordance with EN 1936, to damage caused by the crystallization of salts. The test is not necessary for low porosity stones.

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This document specifies requirements and appropriate test methods for slabs and cut-to-size products of agglomerated stone which are made for use as vanity and kitchen tops, or other similar use in furnishing (e.g. splash zone).
NOTE   "Agglomerated stones" are commercially termed "engineered-stones".
This document does not cover secondary operations including site installation.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This document describes methods for verifying the geometric characteristics of products of natural stone such as rough blocks, rough slabs, finished products for cladding, flooring, stairs and modular tiles and paving units (slabs, setts and kerbs). These methods can be applied in the case of a dispute between two parties, they are not compulsory for production control.
Other measuring equipment can be used as long as their precision can be demonstrated to be equal or better than the ones mentioned here.
It is essential that all weighing, measuring and testing equipment are calibrated or retraceable to measurement standards and regularly inspected according to documented procedures, frequencies and criteria. It is important that the expression of the dimensional characteristics is in accordance with the appropriate class of the measured product.

  • Standard
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This draft European Standard specifies characteristics and appropriate test methods for slabs and cut to size products (cut to size slabs, special pieces, treads and risers) of agglomerated stones, which are made for use as flooring and stairs in pedestrian areas for internal and external uses including those in enclosed public transport premises. It also provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) and marking of the products to the requirements of this draft European Standard.
This draft European Standard covers tactility but only for products the intended use of which requires this performance.
This draft European Standard does not cover visibility requirements. Rough slabs are excluded from the scope of this draft European Standard.
Products covered by the standards EN 15285, EN 13198, EN 13748 1 and EN 13748 2 are also excluded from the scope of the present European Standard.

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This document defines the recommended terminology covering scientific and technical terms, test methods, products, and the classification of Natural Stones. This document does not cover roofing slate, for roofing slate see EN 12326-1 and EN 12326-2.

  • Standard
    113 pages
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This document specifies methods for making technical petrographic descriptions of natural stone, except for roofing slates. For this product, the method for the petrographic examination is defined in EN 12326-2. Although chemical and physical methods of analysis are required for petrographic classification of some stone types, these methods will not be described in this standard.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This document specifies a method to assess possible alterations of natural stones (mainly visible sensitivity to oxidation processes) under the effect of sudden changes in temperature (thermal shock).

  • Standard
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This European Standard establishes the criteria for the designation of natural stone from raw material to finished products.

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This European Standard specifies two test methods to determine the abrasion resistance of natural stones used for flooring in buildings.

  • Standard
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This Technical Report applies to natural stone products intended for masonry elements, wall coverings (including tiles), interior floor and stair finishes (including tiles) and exterior floor and stair finishes (including paving), as well as massive stone elements. It provides guidance for the application and the use of natural stone products in accordance with European product standards. This document does not deal with coatings or staining problems, and does not take into account treatments which may modify the performance characteristics of the materials. This document does not apply to agglomerated stones and aggregates.

  • Technical report
    25 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of flexural strength under a concentrated load (breaking resistance) of agglomerated stone flat products.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements for flat modular tiles of natural stone which are made for internal (including enclosed public transport premises) and/or external uses as floorings, stairs and wall and ceiling finishes. This European Standard does not cover mineral aggregates and artificial agglomerated stone material and does not cover installation.

  • Standard
    56 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements for slabs of natural stone that are made for use as cladding for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes. This European Standard does not cover aggregates and artificially agglomerated stone material and does not cover installation. Furthermore, this European Standard does not cover roofing slates used as external cladding and slates and stone products for discontinuous roofing. This European Standard does not consider fixing by means of mortar and adhesives.

  • Standard
    45 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements for flat natural stone slabs used as paving units for internal (including enclosed public transport premises) and/or external uses in floors and stairs including skirtings. This European Standard does not cover mineral aggregates and artificial agglomerated stone material and does not cover installation.

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This European Standard specifies requirements and appropriate test methods for cladding slabs and tiles of agglomerated stone of length or width up to 3 500 mm which are made for use as internal and external wall finishes and are either fixed mechanically or glued by adhesive or mortar. It also provides provisions for the evaluation of conformity and marking of these products.
This standard does not cover cladding slabs and tiles of agglomerated stone used for internal and external ceiling finishes. In addition, it does not cover slabs and tiles of agglomerated stone intended to be used in suspended ceilings. Products covered by the standards EN 14992, EN 13198, EN 13748-1 and EN 13748-2 are also excluded from the scope of the present standard.

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This European Standard covers the determination of DC insulation resistance, surface resistance and resistivity, and the corresponding electrical conductance and conductivity of specimens of agglomerated stone products conforming to the definition reported in EN 14618. These products are usually made by stone aggregates bound via either resin and filler or cement and water (paste components), or a mixture of polymer/cement and related addition (such as reinforcing fibres, electrically insulating/conducting fillers, etc.).
Resistivity/conductivity may also be used as an indirect measure of some properties of agglomerated stone products (see Annex A - informative).
Volume resistance and resistivity test method and the corresponding electrical conductance and conductivity of specimens of agglomerated stone products are also included (see Annex C - informative).

  • Standard
    16 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the apparent density and water absorption of agglomerated stone products.

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This European Standard specifies a method to assess possible changes of natural stones under the effect of sudden changes in temperature (thermal shock).

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a method to assess the effect of freeze/thaw cycles on agglomerated stones. It contains provisions for a technological test to be carried out to assess the effect of freeze/thaw cycles on the flexural strength characteristics of the stone.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the chemical resistance and the resistance to stains of agglomerated stones (see EN 14618) with a polished surface after a prolonged contact with chemical materials.
NOTE   It is to be remembered that agglomerated stones containing calcium carbonate aggregates are sensitive to any acid attack.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the abrasion resistance of agglomerated stone products.

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This European Standard specifies the test method to be used for the determination of the dimensional stability and warping of agglomerated stones when in contact with water.
This European Standard applies to agglomerated stones to be installed by adhesive on walls and floors.
The test is mainly performed to classify the material according to the degree of sensitivity to water and to select a suitable adhesive for the correct laying of agglomerated stones.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method to assess possible modifications of agglomerated stones under the effect of sudden changes in temperature (thermal shock) by immersion in hot water.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the following stone units:
a)   Structural solid stone units:
i.   Load bearing stone elements, typically subject to prevailing compression stresses, such as solid columns, arches and similar;
ii.   Solid stone elements used for parapets, handrails, balustrades, copings and the like, intended to withstand horizontal live loadings in addition to any dead load.
b)   Finishing solid stone units:
i.   Curved cladding panels, for the external finishing of walls, columns or pilasters;
ii.   Stone elements for framing one or more side openings in building walls or floors, such as sills, jambs, architraves and similar.
This European Standard does not include stone masonry units, as defined in EN 771-6, stone which is a ‘cast-on’ finish to pre-cast concrete or agglomerated stones. Moreover it does not cover commemorative or funeral stones and sculptures, when they do not show the above mentioned characteristics.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method to assess the effect of freeze/thaw cycles on natural stones (see EN 12670 for terminology, and EN 12440 for denomination). The standard contains provision for both a shorter technological test (Test A) to assess the effect of freeze/thaw cycles on the relevant performance characteristics and an identification test (Test B).
NOTE   Some marbles, as defined in EN 12440, undergo changes in physical properties as a result of the test conditions rather than the freeze/thaw cycles. In these cases, additional tests (for example EN 14066) should be applied.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This document specifies the terminology and classification of the agglomerated stone products. Agglomerated stone products are industrial products mainly made of hydraulic cement, resin or mixture of both, stones and other additions. They are industrially manufactured in geometrical shapes at fixed plants by moulding techniques. They are put on the market in the form of rough blocks, rough slabs, slabs, tiles, dimensional stone works, and any other cut to size products.
All other agglomerated stones products not intended to be used for flooring, wall finishes and assimilated uses (like drainage channels, structural elements, etc.) are excluded from the field of this standard.
This European Standard is not applicable to terrazzo tiles covered by EN 13748-1 [1] and EN 13748-2 [2].

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the water absorption of natural stone – see
EN 12670 for terminology and EN 12440 for denomination - by immersion in water at atmospheric pressure.

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This European Standard specifies a method to determine the flexural strength of natural stones under constant moment. This European Standard contains provision for both an identification test and for a technological test.

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TC - Correction of flatness tolerance in Table 1

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements and appropriate test methods for modular tiles of agglomerated stone which are made for use as flooring and stairs for internal and external uses, fixed by mortar or adhesives. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity and marking of the products to the requirements of this European Standard.
This European Standard is not applicable to terrazzo tiles covered by EN 13748-1 and EN 13748-2 (see Bibliography).

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This European standard specifies a method for determining the uniaxial compressive strength of natural stones.

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This European standard specifies methods for determining the real density, apparent density, and open and total porosity of natural stone.

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    11 pages
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The document specifies a method to determine the static elastic modulus of natural stone in uniaxial compression.

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    14 pages
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  • Standard
    14 pages
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This document specifies a method for determining the impact resistance of agglomerated flat stone products.

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This document specifies methods for determining the dimensional characteristics (length, width, thickness, straightness of sides, rectangularity, surface flatness) and the surface quality of agglomerated stones modular tiles.

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The present document specifies a test method to determine the linear thermal expansion coefficient of agglomerated stones used for internal/external flooring or walling in building.

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This document specifies two methods to determine the linear thermal expansion coefficient of natural stone, respectively based on mechanical length-change measurements (Method A) or on the use of bonded electric strain gauges (Method B).

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the velocity of propagation of pulses of ultrasonic longitudinal waves in natural stone, both in laboratory and in situ.

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This European Standard defines methods to determine the fundamental resonance frequency of natural stone and the calculation of the dynamic modulus of elasticity.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the energy of rupture by impact of natural stones. The standard contains provision for both an identification test and a technological test (for FPC of finished products).

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    8 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method to determine the slip resistance value of the surface of the exposed face of natural stone elements intended to be used for flooring in buildings.
NOTE 1   If the surface of the exposed face has a roughness measured according to prEN 13373 higher than 1 mm it will be considered as not slippery, without performing the test.
NOTE 2   This method can be used for laboratory measurements or on floors in service.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a test method to determine the breaking load at the dowel hole of natural stones used for cladding or lining in building.

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This European standard specifies a method for determining the water absorption coefficient of natural stone by capillarily. Note: This method is not suitable for stones with an open porosity less than 1% when determined in accordance with prEN 1936.

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This document specifies a test method to determine the breaking load for two fixing methods available for natural stones used for cladding or lining in building. These two methods refer to:
a) dowel-hole, and
b) slot-blade fixing.

  • Draft
    19 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method to assess possible modifications of natural stones under the effect of sudden changes in
temperature (thermal shock).This European Standard specifies a method to assess possible modifications of natural stones under the effect of sudden changes in temperature (thermal shock).

  • Draft
    7 pages
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