2010-09-27 EMA: Track changed according to ISO database: MINOR AMENDMENT!!!

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ISO 1899:2009 specifies a method for the determination of the linear density of glass-fibre, carbon-fibre, aramid-fibre and any other reinforcement-fibre yarns.
It is applicable to all types of yarn, including single yarns, double and cabled yarns, textured yarns, rovings and staple-fibre yarns.

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ISO 1890:2009 specifies a method for the determination of twist in yarns made from textile glass, carbon, aramid or any other reinforcement fibres.
The method applies to single yarns (one twist) and to folded or cabled yarns (two or more twists). For folded and cabled yarns, the method is generally applied only to the final twist step.
The International Standard is applicable to package-wound yarns. If the measurement is carried out on yarns taken from a beam (or warp) or from a fabric, the result is of an indicative nature only.
The method is not applicable to products made from staple fibres.

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This European Standard specifies a method for the preparation of specimens of compression moulding composites for determining the anisotropy induced by material flow.
It is applicable to all SMC/BMC and GMT/LFT composites, which are being moulded under defined moulding conditions as described in EN ISO 12115 and ISO 1268-9.

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This part of EN 14598 specifies the methods of preparation of test specimens and the test methods to be used in
determining the properties of Sheet Moulding Compound (SMC) and Bulk Moulding Compound (BMC).
Requirements for handling test material and for conditioning both of the test material before moulding and of the
specimens before testing are found here.
Procedures and conditions for the preparation of test specimens and procedures for measuring properties of the
materials from which these specimens are made are given. Properties and test methods which are suitable and
necessary to characterize SMCs and BMCs are listed.
The properties have been selected from the general test methods in EN ISO 10350-2, Plastics - Acquisition and
presentation of comparable single-point data - Part 2 Long-fibre-reinforced plastics. Other test methods in wide
use for or of particular significance to these compression and injection moulding materials are also included in this
part of EN 14598, as are the designatory properties found in Part 1: Designation.
In order to obtain reproducible and comparable test results, it is necessary to use the methods of preparation and
conditioning, test-specimens with the dimensions and the test procedures specified herein. Values determined will
not necessarily be identical to those obtained using test-specimens of different dimensions or prepared using
different procedures.

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1.1   This part of prEN 14598 establishes a data block system for the designation of Sheet Moulding Compounds (SMC) and Bulk Moulding Compounds (BMC)
1.2   The types of SMC and BMC are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on information about basic polymer parameters, fillers/reinforcement content and type, intended method of processing and/or manufacturing, specific characteristics and designatory properties.
1.3   This International Standard is applicable to all  SMC and BMC  ready for normal use in the form of sheets  and bulks.
1.4   It is not intended to imply that materials having the same designation give necessarily the same performance. This part of prEN 14598 does not provide engineering data, performance data or data on processing conditions which may be required to specify a material for a particular application and/or method of processing.If such additional properties are required, they shall be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in part 2 of this International Standard, if suitable.
1.5   Whenever general requirement data in the part 3 of this International Standard need to be indicated, this data block system is also the basis for it.
1.6   To ensure that the meanings of codes remain unambiguous and to avoid conflicts within the system codes and abbreviations have to be coordinated with ISO/TC 61/SC 1.

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This part of prEN 14598 specifies the requirements for physical and chemical properties of Sheet moulding Compounds (SMC) and Bulk Moulding Compound (BMC) and compression or injection moulded specimens. The selection in this part is limited to those materials the composition and properties of which are significantly different.
Furthermore the selection is limited to those materials which are of more general technical and / or economical importance.
The properties which are used for the characterization of the moulding compounds, the test methods and the test conditions are based on part 2 of this standard. The list of properties is selected, initially, from those general test methods found in ISO 10350-1, Plastics - Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data - Part 1 : Moulding materials.
The moulding compounds are divided into types corresponding to their composition and properties. The designation of the types of moulding compounds is based on part 1 "Designation" of this standard.

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ISO 9163:2005 specifies two methods for the determination of the tensile stress at break of an impregnated roving:
a reference method using test specimens produced with moulded epoxy tabs;a short method using test specimens with no tabs or simple cardboard or composite tabs.
The methods are applicable to both assembled (multistrand) and direct (multifilament) rovings; nevertheless the reference method may be used for various linear densities, but the short method is described for 1200 tex rovings only, which is the linear density that allows the roving to spread out most easily to give a flat tape.

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This document defines a method for the determination of data suited to the assessment of the flowability and solidification of polypropylene based glass fibre mat reinforced thermoplastic moulding compounds (GMT) carried out with commonly applied moulding parameters.
The influence on moulding behaviour of both the individual components of the material and the moulding parameters may be determined by this method. It is suitable for quality control purposes as well as for the development of material formulations.
Depending on the objectives of the analysis, different elements of the procedure described in this document may be chosen.
This test method may be used for the production of a test plate suitable for the preparation of test specimens for the determination of materials properties.

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ISO 10618:2004 specifies a method of test for the determination of the tensile strength, tensile modulus of elasticity and strain at maximum load of a resin-impregnated yarn specimen. The method is applicable to yarns (continuous and staple-fibre yarns) of carbon fibre for use as reinforcements in composite materials.

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1.1   This part 1 of EN 14118 establishes a method of designation for chopped strand and continuous filament mats made from textile glass strands, which may be used as the basis for specifications.
1.2   This designation system is for chopped strand an continuous filament mats used for the reinforcement of plastics and hydraulic matrices.
It does not apply to mats made from staple fibres, nor to mechanical or stitched bonded materials and to veils.
1.3   It is not intended to imply that mats having the same designation give necessarily the same performance. Nor is the designation system intended to cover all the characteristics of mats. This part 1 of EN 14118 does not give engineering data, performance data or data which may be required to specify chopped strand and continuous filament mats for a particular application or method of processing.
If such additional properties are required they shall be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in EN 14118-2.

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This part 2 of EN 14118 provides the list of test methods and general requirements for chopped strand and continuous filament mats covered by the part 1.

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This part 3 of EN 14118 provides the technical specification for chopped strands and continuous filaments mats covered by the part 1.

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1.1 This part of Enxxx describes the general requirements applicable to the specification of all types of glass mat reinforced polypropyl}ne composite sheet(GMT)falling within the scope of this specification as defined in Part 1 of the standard including the sampling procedures, packaging, storage and labelling requirements. 1.2 This part 2 describes the procedures to be followed in the preparation moulded plaques from which are cut the test specimens for the determination of mechanical properties as specified in Parts 1 and 3.

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1.1   This part of prEN 13677 establishes a data block system for the designation of glass mat reinforced thermoplastic composite sheet (GMT).
1.2   The types of thermoplastic composite sheets are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on information about basic polymer parameters, fillers/reinforcement content and type, intended method of processing and/or manufacturing, specific characteristics and designatory properties.
1.3   This European Standard is applicable to glass fibre mat reinforced polypropylene sheet materials only.
It applies to materials ready for commercial use in the form of flat sheet or coil.
This European Standard does not apply to :
¾ thermoplastic sheet moulding materials where the polymer is other than polypropylene or polypropylene alloy or a blend ;
¾ the reinforcement is other than glass fibre.
1.4   It is not intended to imply that materials having the same designation give necessarily the same performance. This part of prEN 13677 does not provide engineering data, performance data or data on processing conditions which may be required to specify a material for a particular application and/or method of processing.
If such additional properties are required, when ever possible, they shall be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in Part 2 of this European Standard.
1.5   Whenever technical properties required in the Part 3 of this standard need to be indicated, this data block system is also the basis for it.
1.6   To ensure that the meanings of codes remain unambiguous and to avoid conflicts within the system, codes and abbreviations have been co-ordinated within the relevant ISO technical sub-committees.

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1.1   This Part 3 of prEN 13677, is a specification for thermoplastic compression mouldable sheet consisting of textile glass mat reinforced polypropylene or equivalent products, as described in Part 1 of this specification.
The specification defines those parameters which shall be specified plus other parameters which may be specified if required for a particular application or processing method.
1.2   The specification does not define absolute or nominal values for any parameter. The value of a specified parameter is to be defined by the manufacturer, but this specification defines the method of test to be used to determine the value of each specified parameter and the tolerance about which the parameter shall be controlled by the manufacturer.
1.3   The parameters to be defined in any GMT specification are defined in 4.1. Parameters to be specified are those, which should typically appear on data sheets. Only a selection of these parameters should be included on the certificate of conformity. The other parameters which are included in a specification should either be nominated by the manufacturer, or agreed between manufacturer and customer. These parameters are defined in 4.2.
1.4   A selection of the specified parameters should be used for quality control purposes to check the conformity. The specification defines which parameters should be used for checking the conformity of the material. These parameters are defined as part of 4.1. Other specified parameters may be included if critical for a particular application or processing method. This is to be agreed between manufacturer and customer of a production lot and will be reported in the certificate of conformity, which should be in accordance with EN 10204.

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This part of this European Standard defines test methods to be used to determine designated and specified properties given in Part 1 and 3, respectively. It defines general requirements applicable to the specification of all types of glass fibre rovings falling within the scope of this specification as defined in Part 1 of the standard.

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This part of this European Standard gives a technical specification for rovings that are made from continuous filament textile glass. It defines those parameters which shall be specified plus other parameters which may be specified if required for a particular application or processing method.
The specification does not define absolute or nominal values for any parameter. The value of a specified parameter is to be defined by the manufacturer but this specification defines the method of test to be used to determine the value of each specified parameter and the tolerance about which the parameter shall be controlled by the manufacturer.
The parameters which shall always be defined in any roving specification are defined in clause 4.1 and 4.2. The other parameters which are included in a specification shall either be nominated by the manufacturer or agreed between manufacturer and customer. These parameters are defined in clause 4.3.

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This part of this European Standard establishes a method of designation for roving made from continuous filament textile glass strands, which may be used as the basis for specifications.
This designation system is for roving used for the reinforcement of plastics and hydraulic matrices, and the manufacture of woven materials.
It does not apply to roving made from staple fibres.
It is not intended to imply that roving having the same designation give necessarily the same performance. Nor is the designation system intended to cover all the characteristics of roving. This part of this European Standard  does not give engineering data, performance data or data which may be required to specify roving for a particular application or method of processing.
If such additional properties are required they shall be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in Part 2 of EN 14020.

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This part of ENxxxx establishes a data block system for the designation of pultruded profiles made from fibre reinforced plastic composites. The types of pultruded profiles are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on information about type of polymer matrix used, the reinforcement material, the type of reinforcement and the additional in-service performance features (e.g.fire retardancy, UV stability). This European Standard is applicable to pultuded profiles made from fibre reinforced plastic composites only.

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This Part 2 of ENxxxx defines the general requirements applicable to the specification of all types of pultruded profiles falling within the scope of this specification as defined in Part 1 of the standard. This Part 2 of ENxxxx describes the procedures to be followed in the preparation of test specimens for the determination of mechanical properties required for the designation in Part 1 and the technical specification in Part 3. This Part 2  of ENxxxx also defines the test methods to be used to determine both the designated and the specified properties given in Parts 1 & 3 respectively.

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This part 3 Of ENxxxx defines the specification of pultruded profiles. The specification defines those properties which shall be specified and the level to be obtained for each grade of profile. The specification defines grades where the short-form code, Exx, is related to the Young's modulus of the material measured by testing a length of the full section profile. Two grades; E23 and E17 are defined. Note: Other grades may be introduced at future revisions of the standard. The properties which shall be achieved for each class of profile are given in Table 1. Other properties that may be reported are listed in Table 2.

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1.1   This Part 1 of EN 13417 establishes a method of designation for woven fabrics which may be used as a basis for specifications of fabrics used for the reinforcement of plastics.
1.2   This designation system applies to fabrics made from para-aramid, carbon, glass, polyethylene, polyester and ceramic fibre in the form of single yarns, plied yarns, cabled yarns, textured yarns, rovings, tows, etc. and which are intended to provide reinforcement in plastic composite materials.
The material used may be used on its own or in combination (hybrids).
1.3   The designation of a fabric is structured in a product hierarchy which includes several levels which determine families and sub-families of fabrics.
It is not intended that this hierarchy takes into account all the attributes of individual fabrics which may use different yarn types or different yarn counts. Neither is it intended to imply that woven fabrics having the same designation give necessarily the same performance.
This Part 1 of EN 13417 does not give engineering data, performance data or data which may be required to specify woven fabrics for a particular application or method of processing.
If such additional properties are required they shall be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in EN 13417-2.

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1.1   This Part 3 of EN 13417 defines a specification for woven fabrics made from continuous filament reinforcement yarns, tows and rovings, which may be used as the basis for specifications.
The specification defines those parameters which shall be specified plus other parameters which may be specified if required for a particular application or processing method.
1.2   The specification does not define absolute or nominal values for any parameter. The value of a specified parameter is to be defined by the manufacturer but this specification defines the method of test to be used to determine the value of each specified parameter and the tolerance about which the parameter shall be controlled by the manufacturer.
1.3   The parameters which shall always be defined in any woven reinforcement fabric specification are defined in 4.1. In 4.2 the manufacturer shall define other obligatory information to be included in the specification. Other parameters can be included in the specification by agreement between manufacture and customer. These parameters are defined in clause 4.3.

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1.1   This Part 2 of EN 13417 defines the test methods to be used to determine the designated and specified properties given in Parts 1 & 3 respectively.
1.2   This Part 2 of EN 13417 defines the general requirements applicable to the specification of all types of woven fabrics falling within the scope of this specification as defined in Part 1 of the standard.

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This Part 2 of EN 13473 defines the test methods to be used to determine the designated and specified properties given in Parts 1 and 3 respectively.
Part 2 of EN 13473 defines the general requirements applicable to the specification of all types of multi-axial multi-ply fabrics falling within the scope of this specification as defined in Part 1 of this standard.

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This part 1 of EN 13473 establishes a method of designation for multi-axial multi-ply fabrics which shall be used for specifications for the reinforcement of materials. The method of designation defines the structure of the multi-axial multi-ply construction and the binding system.
This designation system applies to multi-axial multi-ply fabrics made of reinforcement yarns, tows, rovings, fibre fleeces, films, foams or other materials which are intended to provide reinforcement in composite materials and which is bound to a multi-ply construction.
The designation of a multi-axial multi-ply fabric is structured in a product of multi-axial multi-ply fabrics. It is not intended that this hierarchy takes into account all the attributes of individual multi-axial multi-ply fabrics. Therefore multi-axial multi-ply fabrics having the same designation do not give necessarily the same performance. This part 1 of EN 13473 does not give engineering data, performance data or data which may be required to specify multi-axial multi-ply fabrics for a particular application or method of processing. If such additional properties are required they have to be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in EN 13473-2.

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This Part 3 of EN 13473 is a specification of multi-axial multi-ply fabrics made from reinforcement yarns, tows, rovings, fibre fleeces, films, foams or other materials which are intended to provide reinforcement in composite materials and which is bound to a multi-ply construction. This specification defines those parameters which are required for a particular application or processing method.
The parameter specifications do not define absolute or nominal values for any parameter. The values for specified parameters are defined by the application. This specification defines the test methods which shall be used to determine the values and tolerances for each specified parameter to be controlled by the textile manufacturer.
The parameters which shall be defined in the technical specification of multi-axial multi-ply fabrics are defined in clause 4 of this Part.

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Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): SC2 Res; 2/1998: UAP ballot shall be started ONLY after examination of ISO 7822 ++ is completed. This re-examination has not been completed and the UAP ballot has ++ not been approved by the SC2. SC2 requests the results of the voting not be con- ++ sidered (TA/990317)

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Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Mail from B. Dicker: No record in ISO database for // processing although it ++ corresponds to ISO/CD 11667 (TC61/SC13). ISO 11667 is recently published ++ (December 1997) TA/980205

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1.1 This part 2 of EN 12971 defines the test methods to be used to determine the designated and specified properties given in part 1 and 3 respectively. 1.2 This part 2 of EN 12971 defines the general requirements applicable to the specification of all types of chopped strand falling within the scope of this specification as defined in part 1 of the standard.

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1.1 This International Standard establishes a system of designation for filament yarns of carbon fibre which may be used as the basis for specifications.
1.2 This designation system is applicable to filament yarns used for the reinforcement of polymer composites.
It does not apply to discontinuous fibre products pyrolized in the form of staple yarns, woven fabrics, braids, knits,
mats, etc.
1.3 The types of filament yarns are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on appropriate levels of the designatory properties:
a) tensile modulus of elasticity;
b) tensile strength;
c) linear density.
1.4 It is not intended to imply that materials having the same designation give the same performance. This International Standard does not provide engineering data, performance data or data on processing conditions which may be required to specify a material for a particular application and/or method of processing.
1.5 In order to specify a filament yarn for a particular application or to ensure reproducible processing, additional
requirements may be given in data block 3 (see clause 3).

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1.1 This part 3 of EN 12971 gives a specification for chopped strands made from continuous filament textile glass. The specification defines those parameters which shall be specified plus other parameters which may be specified if required for a particular application or processing method. 1.2 The specification does not define absolute or nominal values for any parameter.

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1.1 This part 1 of EN 12971 establishes a method of designation for chopped strands made from continuous filament textile glass strands, which may be used as the basis for specifications. 1.2 This designation system is for chopped strands used for the reinforcement of plastics and the manufacture of synthetic bonded non-woven materials. It does not apply to chopped strands made from staple fibres.

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This part 2 of EN 13003 applies to high performance para-aramid fibre filament yarns and defines the methods of test which are to be used for the determination of the properties required for the designation and the specifications which are given respectively in the parts 1 and 3. This part 2 defines also the general requirements which apply to the specifications for para-aramid fibre filament yarns as listed in the part 3 of the present standard.

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1.1 The European Standard establishes a method of designation for para-aramid fibre filament yarns which may be used as the basis for specifications. 1.2 This designations system is for para-aramid fibre filament yarns used for the reinforcement of polymer composites to reinforce in mechanical properties. It does not apply to discontinuous fibres and para-aramid fibre products made in the form of staple yarns, woven fabrics, braids, knits, mats, etc.

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This standard applies to high performance para-aramid fibre filament yarns and provides the classification and the technical requirements with tolerances for the different properties of these yarns.

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This european standard specifies the general principles and procedures for the preparation of compression moulded test plates from fibre reinforced thermo- setting moulding compounds such as Sheet Moulding Compound (SMC), Bulk Moulding Compound (BMC) and Dough Moulding Compound (DMC). The purpose of this European Standard is to specify the preparation of flat test plates from which test specimens can be machined (for applicable test purposes see informative Annex A). Test plates are being manufactured to give representative results by the different test procedures using specimens machined out of these test plates.

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This European Standard describes the designation system for yarns based on continuous filament textile glass (single yarns, folded yarns) and excludes textures yarns and yarns based on staple fibre, rovings and pre-impregnated yarns.

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This International Standard specifies a method for determining the flexural properties of fibre-reinforced plastic composites under three-point (Method A) and four-point (Method B) loading. Standard test specimens are defined but parameters are included for alternative specimen sizes for use where appropriate. A range of testing speeds is included.

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This international standard specifies a procedure for determining the apparent interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of fibre-reinforced plastic composites by the beam method. The method is suitable for use with the following materials: - fibre-reinforced thermoset and thermoplastic composites incorporating unidirectional or non-unidirectional reinforcements such as mat, rovings, woven fabrics, woven rovings, chopped strands, combination and hybrid reinforcement, sheets made from preimpregnated material (prepreg).

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This International Standard specifies a procedure for determining the in-plane shear stress-shear strain, shear modulus and shear strength of fibre-reinforced plastic composites by the +/- 45° tension test method. The method is suitable f for use with the following materials: - thermoset and thermoplastic matrix laminates made from unidirectional layers and/or fabrics including unidirectional fabrics, with the fibres oriented at +/- 45° to the specimen axis. the lay-up shall be symmetrical and balanced about the specimen mid-plane.

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This European Standard specifies a method to determine the moulding shrinkage of compression moulded test specimens of thermosetting materials. It applies only to materials which exhibit no post-shrinkage after moulding such as polyester SMC and BMC. Knowledge of the shrinkage of these thermosetting materials is necessary for the construction of moulds and for establishing the suitability of the moulding material to produce parts with accurate dimensions.

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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the moisture content of reinfrocements products, such as continuous filament yarn, staple fibre yarn, rovings, chopped strands, mats, fabrics and other forms of reinforcements made form textile glass, carbon or aramid fibres.

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1.1 This International Standard specifies two methods for determining compressive properties, in directions parallel
to the plane of lamination, of fibre-reinforced plastic composites.
1.2 The compressive properties are of interest for specifications and quality-control purposes.
1.3 Two loading methods and two types of specimen are described. They are:
  Method 1: provides shear loading of the specimen (gauge length unsupported).
  Method 2: provides end loading, or mixed loading, of the specimen (gauge length unsupported).
NOTE For tabbed specimens end-loaded using method 2, some load is transferred into the specimen gauge length by
shear through the tabs.
  Type A specimen: rectangular cross-section, fixed thickness, end-tabbed.
  Type B specimen: rectangular cross-section, range of thicknesses, untabbed or end-tabbed (two sizes
Any combination of test method and specimen may be used, provided that the requirements of subclause 9.8 are
satisfied and that the specimen is representative of the material under test. These alternative test conditions will not
necessarily give the same result.
The type A specimen is the preferred specimen for unidirectionally reinforced materials tested in the fibre direction.
For other materials, the type A or B specimen may be used. The type B2 specimen is preferred for mat, fabric and
other multidirectionally reinforced materials.
1.4 The methods are suitable for fibre-reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic composites.
Unreinforced and particle-filled plastics, as well as those reinforced with short fibres (less than 1 mm in length), are
covered by ISO 604 (see bibliography).
1.5 The methods are performed using specimens which may be machined from a test panel made in accordance
with ISO 1268 or equivalent methods, or from finished or semi-finished products.
1.6 The methods specify required dimensions for the specimen. Tests which are carried out on specimens of other
dimensions, or on specimens which are prepared under different conditions, may produce results which are not
comparable. Other factors, such as the speed of testing, the support fixture used and the condition of the
specimens, can influence the results. Consequently, when comparative data are required, these factors must be
carefully controlled and recorded.
1.7 Fibre-reinforced plastics are usually anisotropic. It is therefore often useful to cut test specimens in at least the
two main directions of anisotropy, or in directions previously specified (for example a lengthwise direction
associated with the production process).

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Gives two calcination methods for the determination of the textile-glass and mineral-filler content of glass-reinforced plastics. Method A is used for the determination of the textile-glass content when no mineral fillers are present; method B is used when both components are present. Replaces the first edition.

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