This document specifies two methods for the measurement of the hydroxyl number of polyols used as polyurethane raw materials. The hydroxyl content of polyols are determined to properly formulate polyurethane systems. Method A is primarily applicable to readily esterified polyether polyols. It is also intended for polyols which have significant steric hindrance, such as those based on sugars. Method B is intended for polyether polyols, polymer polyols and amine-initiated polyols, but can give low results for sterically hindered polyols. Other polyols can be analysed by these methods if precautions are taken to verify applicability. These methods can be used for research and for quality control and specification purposes.

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Specifies a method for the determination of the apparent density of a moulding powder or a granular material. The sample is pured through a specified funnel into a measuring cylinder of 100 cubiccentimeter capacity, the excess is removed with a straightedge and the mass of the contents is determinded by weighing. Expression of the apparent density in grams per millilitre.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of volatile matter (predominantly water) in
aminoplastic moulding materials, by drying in an oven.

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This document specifies a method of determining the apparent density, i.e. the mass per unit of volume, of loose material (powder or granular material) that can be poured from a funnel of specified design.
NOTE            For a method of determining the apparent density of loose moulding material that cannot be poured from a specified funnel, see ISO 61.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of volatile matter (predominantly water) in aminoplastic moulding materials, by drying in an oven.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of volatile matter (predominantly water) in aminoplastic moulding materials, by drying in an oven.

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This document specifies a method of determining the apparent density, i.e. the mass per unit of volume, of loose material that cannot be poured from a funnel of specified design. NOTE For a method of determining the apparent density of loose moulding material that can be poured from a specified funnel, see ISO 60. This document is applicable to loose moulding materials such as slice, granular or powder.

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This document specifies a method of determining the apparent density, i.e. the mass per unit of volume, of loose material (powder or granular material) that can be poured from a funnel of specified design. NOTE For a method of determining the apparent density of loose moulding material that cannot be poured from a specified funnel, see ISO 61.

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This document specifies methods used to measure the water content of polyols employed as polyurethane raw materials. Method A is a manual amperometric method which has been included to better define the principles of the Karl Fischer measurement. Amperometric methods are applicable to a wide range of polyols, including those which have enough colour to obscure a visual end-point. Method B includes an automated amperometric procedure and an automated coulometric procedure. The coulometric procedure is an absolute method that does not require calibration and gives improved sensitivity compared with amperometric methods.

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This document specifies a microtitration method to measure the degree of unsaturation in polyether polyols used in the production of polyurethanes. It is based on the reaction of mercuric acetate with double bonds in the polyol. It does not apply to compounds in which the unsaturation is conjugated with carbonyl, carboxyl or nitrile groups.

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This document specifies a method for the measurement of trace amounts of basic materials present in polyether polyols used in the production of polyurethanes. It is important to know the trace amount of basicity in a polyol to prevent gelation of the reaction mass during the production of polyurethane prepolymers. It is also useful to control the basicity in polyols used for polyurethane production to assure consistent and reproducible reaction behaviour. This method is suitable for quality control, as a specification test and for research. The applicable range is 0 μg to 50 μg/g, expressed as KOH. The method is not applicable to amine-based polyols. The values can be reported as CPR (controlled polymerization rate) units.

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This document specifies the continuous measurement method of shrinkage for thermosetting resin and/or UV curable resin.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of the residual acrylonitrile monomer and styrene monomer in polymer polyols by gas chromatography.

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This document specifies a method whereby the heat of reaction generated during epoxy resin crosslinking is measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The degree of crosslinking is determined based on this result. This method is applicable to epoxy resin systems with a moderate or slow crosslinking-reaction speed. It might not be applicable to systems with a fast crosslinking-reaction speed at ambient temperature.

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ISO 20368:2017 specifies a method for determining the degree of crosslinking of crosslinked epoxy resins by the disappearance of the epoxy group during epoxy resin crosslinking measured by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) (with a transmittance mode) spectroscopy.

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ISO 15064:2017 specifies methods for the measurement of toluene-2,6-diisocyanate in mixtures of the 2,4- and 2,6-isomers. Two methods based on infrared spectroscopy are used to give accurate results over a broad range of isomer concentrations. Method A is applicable to toluenediisocyanate (TDI) samples containing between 5 % and 95 % of the 2,6-isomer. Method B is applicable to TDI samples containing 0 % to 5 % of the 2,6-isomer. Both methods are based on the quantitative measurement of absorption bands arising from out-of-plane C−H deformation vibrations of the aromatic ring at 810 cm−1 and 782 cm−1 (12,3 μm and 13,8 μm).

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ISO 26603:2017 specifies the determination of the total chlorine content of aromatic isocyanates used in the preparation of polyurethanes. The difference between the total chlorine content and the hydrolyzable chlorine content (see ISO 15028) is a measure of the process solvents left in the product. Both test methods are applicable to a variety of organic compounds, including aliphatic isocyanates, but the amount of sample used might need to be adjusted. These test methods can be used for research or for quality control. NOTE This document is technically equivalent to ASTM D4661?03.

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  • Standard
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This International Standard specifies a method of determining the moulding shrinkage and the shrinkage after
heat treatment of moulded test specimens of thermosetting moulding materials.
These characteristics are useful for the production control of thermosetting material and for checking
uniformity of manufacture. Furthermore, knowledge of the initial shrinkage of thermosetting materials is
important for the construction of moulds, and knowledge of post-shrinkage for establishing the suitability of the
moulding material for the manufacture of moulded pieces with accurate dimensions.

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ISO 4895:2014 specifies a method for determining the tendency of liquid epoxy resins to crystallize. The tendency to crystallize is determined by observing, at specified time intervals, changes in fluidity and the onset of crystallization.

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This International Standard specifies a method for determining the tendency of liquid epoxy resins to crystallize. The tendency to crystallize is determined by observing, at specified time intervals, changes in fluidity and the onset of crystallization.

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ISO 4895:2014 specifies a method for determining the tendency of liquid epoxy resins to crystallize. The tendency to crystallize is determined by observing, at specified time intervals, changes in fluidity and the onset of crystallization.

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The method specified in ISO 25761:2014 measures the basic constituents in polyols that are soluble in glacial acetic acid and reactive with perchloric acid. Samples containing 0,3 % to 10 % of nitrogen have been evaluated by this method. The method is applicable to amine-based polyols, polyether polyols and polyether polyol blends that are used in polyurethane reactions. The results are measures of batch-to-batch uniformity and may be used to estimate reactivity in polyurethane reactions.

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ISO 15028:2014 specifies a method for the determination of the hydrolysable-chlorine content of toluene-2,4-diisocyanate, toluene-2,6-diisocyanate or mixtures of the two. This test method may also be applied to other isocyanates of suitable solubility, such as crude or refined polymeric isocyanates.

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ISO 21048:2014 specifies a method for the determination of the 1,2-glycol content in epoxy resins.

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ISO 75-2:2013 specifies three methods, using different values of constant flexural stress, which can be used for the determination of the temperature of deflection under load of plastics (including filled plastics and fibre-reinforced plastics in which the fibre length, prior to processing, is up to 7,5 mm) and ebonite:
method A, using a flexural stress of 1,80 MPa;
method B, using a flexural stress of 0,45 MPa;
method C, using a flexural stress of 8,00 MPa.

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ISO 75-2:2013 specifies three methods, using different values of constant flexural stress, which can be used for the determination of the temperature of deflection under load of plastics (including filled plastics and fibre-reinforced plastics in which the fibre length, prior to processing, is up to 7,5 mm) and ebonite: method A, using a flexural stress of 1,80 MPa; method B, using a flexural stress of 0,45 MPa; method C, using a flexural stress of 8,00 MPa.

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ISO 3673-2:2012 specifies the methods of preparation of test specimens and the test methods to be used in determining the properties of crosslinked epoxy resins. The properties determined have been selected from the general test methods in ISO 10350‑1:2007.
Test methods for the determination of the properties of non-crosslinked epoxy resins are not included in this part of ISO 3673.
NOTE          Test methods for non-crosslinked epoxy resins are specified in ISO 18280.

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This part of ISO 3673 specifies the methods of preparation of test specimens and the test methods to be used in determining the properties of crosslinked epoxy resins. The properties determined have been selected from the general test methods in ISO 10350-1:2007. Test methods for the determination of the properties of non-crosslinked epoxy resins are not included in this part of ISO 3673.

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ISO 3673-2:2012 specifies the methods of preparation of test specimens and the test methods to be used in determining the properties of crosslinked epoxy resins. The properties determined have been selected from the general test methods in ISO 10350‑1:2007. Test methods for the determination of the properties of non-crosslinked epoxy resins are not included in this part of ISO 3673. NOTE Test methods for non-crosslinked epoxy resins are specified in ISO 18280.

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ISO 15063:2011 specifies a method for the determination of hydroxyl numbers of polyols using NIR (near-infrared) spectroscopy. Definitions and calibration techniques are given. Procedures for selecting calibration materials and for collecting and processing data to develop NIR calibrations are outlined. Criteria for building, evaluating and validating the NIR calibration model are also described. Procedures for sample handling, data gathering and evaluation are included. It is necessary to know the hydroxyl number of polyols in order to properly formulate polyurethane systems. ISO 15063 is suitable for use in research, quality control, specification testing and process control.

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ISO 175:2010 specifies a method of exposing test specimens of plastic materials, free from all external restraint, to liquid chemicals, and methods for determining the changes in properties resulting from such immersion. It does not cover environmental stress cracking (ESC) which is dealt with by the various parts of ISO 22088.
It only considers testing by immersion of the entire surface of the test specimen.
It is applicable to all solid plastics that are available in the form of moulding or extrusion materials, plates, tubes, rods or sheets having a thickness greater than 0,1 mm. It is not applicable to cellular materials.

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ISO 18280:2010 provides an overview of the ISO test methods used to characterize epoxy resins.

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ISO 21627-3:2009 specifies a method for the determination of the total amount of chlorine in epoxy resins.
The chlorine measured by this method, referred to as total chlorine, includes saponifiable organic chlorine and inorganic chlorine.

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ISO 21627-2:2009 specifies a method for the determination of easily saponifiable chlorine in epoxy resins.
The easily saponifiable chlorine content is the quantity of easily saponifiable chlorine in a given quantity of epoxy resin.
The values obtained are indicative of the concentration of easily saponifiable chlorine in chlorohydrin groups in the resin.

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ISO 21627-1:2009 specifies a direct potentiometric method for the determination of inorganic chlorine in epoxy resins, also called “ionic chlorine”.
The inorganic chlorine content is expressed in milligrams per kilogram of epoxy resin.

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This part of ISO 21627 specifies a method for the determination of easily saponifiable chlorine in epoxy resins. The easily saponifiable chlorine content is the quantity of easily saponifiable chlorine in a given quantity of epoxy resin. The values obtained are indicative of the concentration of easily saponifiable chlorine in chlorohydrin groups in the resin.

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This part of ISO 21627 specifies a direct potentiometric method for the determination of inorganic chlorine in epoxy resins, also called "ionic chlorine". The inorganic chlorine content is expressed in milligrams per kilogram of epoxy resin.

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This part of ISO 21627 specifies a direct potentiometric method for the determination of inorganic chlorine in epoxy resins, also called "ionic chlorine". The inorganic chlorine content is expressed in milligrams per kilogram of epoxy resin.

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ISO 21627-1:2009 specifies a direct potentiometric method for the determination of inorganic chlorine in epoxy resins, also called “ionic chlorine”. The inorganic chlorine content is expressed in milligrams per kilogram of epoxy resin.

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ISO 21627-2:2009 specifies a method for the determination of easily saponifiable chlorine in epoxy resins. The easily saponifiable chlorine content is the quantity of easily saponifiable chlorine in a given quantity of epoxy resin. The values obtained are indicative of the concentration of easily saponifiable chlorine in chlorohydrin groups in the resin.

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ISO 21627-3:2009 specifies a method for the determination of the total amount of chlorine in epoxy resins. The chlorine measured by this method, referred to as total chlorine, includes saponifiable organic chlorine and inorganic chlorine.

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ISO 14896:2009 specifies two methods for the measurement of the isocyanate content of aromatic isocyanates used as polyurethane raw materials. Method A is primarily applicable to refined toluene diisocyanate (TDI), methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) (MDI) and their prepolymers. Method B is applicable to refined, crude or modified isocyanates derived from toluene diisocyanate, methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) and polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate. It can also be used for isomer mixtures of toluene diisocyanate, methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) and polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate. Other aromatic isocyanates may be analysed by this method if precautions are taken to verify suitability. It is not applicable to blocked isocyanates.

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This lnternational Standard specifies two methods for the measurement of the isocyanate content of aromatic isoocyanates used as polyurethane raw materials. Method A is primarily applicable to refined toluene diisocyanate (TDI), methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) (MDI) and their prepolymers. Method B is applicable to refined, crude or modified isocyanates derived from toluene diisocyanate, methylene-bis- (4-phenylisocyanate) and polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate. It can also be used for isomer mixtures of toluene diisocyanate, methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) and polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate. Other aromatic isocyanates may be analysed by this method if precautions are taken to verify suitability. It is not applicable to blocked isocyanates.

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ISO 4597-1:2005 specifies a method of designation for epoxy resin hardeners and accelerators.
The object of the designation method is to allocate to each commercial product a group of digits, called the 'designation', giving in a coded form certain information on the product: chemical base, modifiers and solvents, viscosity and additives.
Thus all products having similar properties and therefore likely to have the same uses will have the same designation, so aiding users in their choice if producers list the designation in their data sheets.

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ISO 14896:2009 specifies two methods for the measurement of the isocyanate content of aromatic isocyanates used as polyurethane raw materials. Method A is primarily applicable to refined toluene diisocyanate (TDI), methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) (MDI) and their prepolymers. Method B is applicable to refined, crude or modified isocyanates derived from toluene diisocyanate, methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) and polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate. It can also be used for isomer mixtures of toluene diisocyanate, methylene-bis-(4-phenylisocyanate) and polymethylene polyphenylisocyanate. Other aromatic isocyanates may be analysed by this method if precautions are taken to verify suitability. It is not applicable to blocked isocyanates.

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This part of ISO 4597 specifies a method of designation for epoxy resin hardeners and accelerators. The object of this designation method is to allocate to each commercial product a group of digits, called the "designation", giving in a coded form certain information on the product: chemical base, modifiers and solvents, viscosity and additives. Thus all products having similar properties and therefore likely to have the same uses will have the same designation, so aiding users in their choice if producers list the designation in their data sheets.

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ISO 2577:2007 specifies a method of determining the moulding shrinkage and the shrinkage after heat treatment of moulded test specimens of thermosetting moulding materials. These characteristics are useful for the production control of thermosetting material and for checking uniformity of manufacture. Furthermore, knowledge of the initial shrinkage of thermosetting materials is important for the construction of moulds, and knowledge of post-shrinkage for establishing the suitability of the moulding material for the manufacture of moulded pieces with accurate dimensions.

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ISO 8988:2006 specifies three methods for the determination of the hexamethylenetetramine ("hexa") content of phenolic resins:
a Kjeldahl method;direct titration with perchloric acid;potentiometric titration with hydrochloric acid.

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