ISO 10893-5:2011 specifies requirements for magnetic particle inspection of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections on the tube body and the end/bevel face at the ends.
For the tube body, it specifies requirements for the detection of surface imperfections on all or part of the outside surface of tubes. However, by agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer, it can be applicable to the inside surface over a limited length from the ends of tubes, dependent on the tube diameter.
In addition, ISO 10893-5:2011 can be used, as appropriate, to locate the position of external surface imperfections detected by another non-destructive testing method (e.g. ultrasonic) prior to dressing of the tube surface, and to ensure complete removal of the imperfection after dressing is complete.
For the end/bevel face at the ends of plain-end and beveled-end tubes, ISO 10893-5:2010 specifies requirements for the detection of laminar imperfections which can interfere with subsequent fabrication and inspection operations (e.g. welding and ultrasonic inspection of the welds).
ISO 10893-5:2011 is applicable to the detection of imperfections, other than laminar imperfections, on the end/bevel face. In this case, magnetization is applied in the direction essentially perpendicular to the orientation of the particular imperfections being detected.
It can also be applicable to the testing of hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-2:2011 specifies requirements for automated eddy current testing of seamless and welded tubes with the exception of submerged arc-welded (SAW) tubes, for the detection of imperfections according to the different acceptance levels. It is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter greater than or equal to 4 mm.
It can also be applicable to the testing of hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-12:2011 specifies requirements for the automated full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc-welded (SAW) tubes, for wall thickness measurement. It specifies the testing method and corresponding calibration procedures.
It can also be applicable to the testing of circular hollow sections.
ISO 10893-12:2011 is applicable to the thickness measurement of tubes with a specified outside diameter equal to or greater than 25,4 mm and a minimum wall thickness of 2,6 mm, unless otherwise agreed on.

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ISO 10893-1:2011 specifies requirements for automated electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc-welded (SAW) tubes, for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness. It is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter greater than or equal to 4 mm, when testing with eddy current, and greater than 10 mm when testing with flux leakage method.
It can also be applicable to the testing of hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-4:2011 specifies requirements applicable to liquid penetrant testing of seamless and welded tubes for the detection of surface imperfections.
It is applicable to all or any part of the tube surface as required by the relevant product standards.
It can also be applicable to the testing of hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-3:2011 specifies requirements for automated full peripheral magnetic flux leakage testing of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc-welded (SAW) tubes, for the detection of imperfections.
Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, ISO 10893-3:2010 is applicable to the detection of predominantly longitudinal imperfections.
ISO 10893-3:2010 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 10 mm.
It can also be applicable to the testing of hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-10:2011 specifies requirements for automated full peripheral ultrasonic shear wave (generated by conventional or phased array technique) testing of seamless and welded [except submerged arc-welded (SAW)] steel tubes, for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections.
In the case of testing on longitudinal imperfections, Lamb wave testing can be applied at the discretion of the manufacturer.
For seamless tubes, by agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer, testing principles of ISO 10893-10:2011 can be applied to detect imperfections having other orientations.
ISO 10893-10:2011 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter greater than or equal to 10 mm, normally with an outside diameter-to-thickness ratio greater than or equal to 5.
It can also be applicable to the testing of circular hollow sections.

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  • Standard
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ISO 10893-9:2011 specifies requirements for the automated ultrasonic testing of strip/plate used in the manufacture of welded tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections carried out in the pipe mill before or during pipe production.
ISO 10893-9:2011 can also be applicable to the testing of strips/plates used in the manufacture of circular hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-8:2011 specifies requirements for automated ultrasonic testing for the detection of laminar imperfections in the pipe body (full peripheral testing) of seamless and welded, except submerged arc-welded (SAW), steel tubes, or in the area adjacent to the weld seam of welded steel tubes, and, optionally, at the ends (full peripheral testing) of seamless and welded tubes.
ISO 10893-8:2011 can also be applicable to the testing of circular hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-11:2011 specifies requirements for the automated ultrasonic shear wave (generated by conventional or phased array technique) testing of the weld seam of submerged arc-welded (SAW) or electric resistance and induction-welded (EW) steel tubes.
For SAW tubes, the test covers the detection of imperfections oriented predominantly parallel to or, by agreement, perpendicular to the weld seam or both.
For EW tubes, the test covers the detection of imperfections oriented predominantly parallel to the weld seam. In the case of testing on longitudinal imperfections, Lamb wave testing can be applied at the discretion of the manufacturer.
ISO 10893-11:2011 can also be applicable to the testing of circular hollow sections.

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  • Standard
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ISO 10893-6:2011 specifies requirements for film-based radiographic X-ray testing of the longitudinal or helical weld seams of automated fusion arc-welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections.
It can also be applicable to the testing of circular hollow sections.

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ISO 10893-7:2011 specifies the requirements for digital radiographic X-ray testing by either computed radiography (CR) or radiography with digital detector arrays (DDA) of the longitudinal or helical weld seams of automatic fusion arc-welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections. ISO 10893-7:2011 specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures.
ISO 10893-7:2011 can also be applicable to the testing of circular hollow sections.

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This European Standard establishes a system for qualification by the manufacturer of Level 1 and Level 2 NDT personnel engaged in non-destructive testing (NDT) of seamless and welded steel tubes and associated products, including flat products used in the manufacture of welded tubes, culminating in a declaration of competence by the manufacturer in respect of such personnel.

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This part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic full peripheral ultrasonic shear wave (including phased array technique) and Lamb wave testing of seamless and welded steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc-weld (SAW) tubes, for the detection of longitudinal imperfections. This European Standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures.
This part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter > 10 mm, and with an outside diameter-to-thickness ratio ³ 5.
For tubes with an outside diameter-to-thickness ratio < 5, one of the options specified in Annex B shall be used by agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.
The European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for radiographic X-ray testing of the longitudinal or helically weld seams of automatic fusion arc-welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies requirements for the ultrasonic testing of the area adjacent to the weld of welded steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections.  The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. Note: This inspection may alternatively, in accordance with EN 10246-15, be carried out on longitudinal edges of strip/plate (using in the manufacture of welded tubes) in the flat form prior to seam welding.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies requirements for the ultrasonic testing of strip/plate used in the manufacture of welded tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. NOTE 1: In the case of welded tube, an alternative ultrasonic testing specification for the detection of laminar imperfections is available which may be applied at the manufacturer's option by ultrasonic testing of the tube subsequent to seam welding in accordance with EN 10246-14.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for the automatic ultrasonic testing of the weld seam of submerged arc-welded (longitudinally or helically) tubes for the detection of imperfections oriented predominantly parallel to and/or at right angles to the weld seam. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. European Standard EN 102 46 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies requirements for the full peripheral ultrasonic testing of the ends of seamless and welded tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures.  This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of welded tubes with an outside diameter greater than 30 mm.  No lower limit of wall thickness is specified but see note in 3.1. European Standard EN 10246 "Non destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements and the acceptance levels for magnetic particle inspection of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections. This Part of EN 10246 is to be used for the detection of surface imperfections on the entire or any part of the outer surface of tubes, excluding the end bevel/face. In addition, this standard may be used, as appropriate, to locate the position of external surface imperfections, detected by another non destructive testing method, ...

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for magnetic particle inspection of the end/bevel face at the ends of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections. This Part of EN 10246 is to be used for the detection of laminar imperfections on the end/bevel face at the ends of plain end and bevelled end tubes which may interfere with subsequent fabrication and inspection operations (e.g. welding, ultrasonic inspection of the welds). This part of EN 10246 may be used as an alternative to or in addition to EN 10246-17.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies requirements for automatic eddy current testing of seamless and welded austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steel tubes with the exception of submerged arc-welded (SAW) tubes for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness. The standard specifies acceptance levels, calibration procedures and gives guidance on the limitations of the tests. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 4 mm. European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies requirements and acceptance levels for liquid penetrant testing of seamless and welded tubes for the detection of surface imperfections. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to all the tube surface. European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for the full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc welded (SAW) tubes, for wall thickness measurement. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. NOTE 1: Full peripheral testing does not necessarily mean that 100 % of the tube surface will be scanned.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing of seamless ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of transverse imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels, calibration procedures and gives guidance on the limitations of the tests. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 10 mm.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic ultrasonic shear wave testing of seamless steel tubes for the detection of transverse imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 10 mm. European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the Parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic ultrasonic shear wave and Lamb wave testing of the weld seam of electric welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 10 mm. European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the Parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc welded (SAW) tubes, for the detection of longitudinal imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels, calibration procedures and gives guidance on the limitations of the tests. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 10 mm. European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the Parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic eddy current testing of seamless and welded tubes with the exception of submerged arc-welded (SAW) tubes for the detection of imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels, calibration procedures and gives guidance on the limitations of the tests. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter equal to or greater than 4 mm. European Standard EN 10246 "Non-destructive testing of steel tubes" comprises the Parts shown in Annex A.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies requirements for automatic ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc welded (SAW) tubes, for the detection of laminar imperfections. The standard specifies acceptance levels and calibration procedures. NOTE: An alternative test method for the detection of laminar imperfections in steel strip/plate prior to tube forming of welded tubes, is given in EN 10246-15.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc - welded (SAW) tubes, for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness. This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection of tubes with an outside diameter greater than one or equal to 4 mm.

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This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements for automatic full peripheral ultrasonic shear wave testing of sean-dess and welded steel tubes, with the exception of submerged arc-welded (SAW) tubes, for the detection of longitudinal imperfections according to six different acceptance levels (see table I and associated notes).

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