This part of EN 60115 is a generic specification and is applicable to fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment. It establishes standard terms, inspection procedures and methods of test for use in sectional and detail specifications of electronic components for quality assessment or any other purpose.

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IEC 62812:2019 specifies methods of measurement and associated test conditions that eliminate or reduce the influence of adverse phenomena in order to improve the attainable accuracy of low-resistance measurements. The methods described in this document are applicable for the individual measurements of the resistance of individual resistors, and also for resistance measurements as part of a test sequence. They are applied if prescribed by a relevant component specification, or if agreed between a customer and a manufacturer.

  • Standard
    48 pages
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TAN - // IEC Corrigendum

  • Corrigendum
    3 pages
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Amendment of the detail specification, aiming to amend the ordering information for a proper discrimination between two different permissible product variants.

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Amendment of the detail specification, aiming to amend the ordering information for a proper discrimination between two different permissible product variants.

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Specific Amendment to the EN 140402 to add an Annex D which, owing to the nature of a Blank Detail Specification, consists of the blank template for the Annex with respective editorial comments.

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IEC 60115-1: 2008(E) is a generic specification and is applicable to fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment. It establishes standard terms, inspection procedures and methods of test for use in sectional and detail specifications of electronic components for quality assessment or any other purpose. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition issued in 1999 and Amendment 1 (2001). It constitutes a technical revision. It contains the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) implementation of Annex Q which replaces Clause 3; b) addition of new tests procedures in 4.34 through 4.38; c) removal of the property 'temperature characteristics' from 4.8; d) introduction of a new system of test severities for the shear test in 4.32; e) introduction of new bias voltages for the damp heat steady-state test in 4.24; f) furthermore, this fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1999 and constitutes minor revisions related to tables, figures and references.

  • Amendment
    6 pages
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Various parameters of this component are precisely defined in this specification. Unspecified parameters may vary from one component to another.

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    39 pages
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Various parameters of this component are precisely defined in this specification. Unspecified parameters may vary from one component to another.

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2013-09-09: Publication allocated to
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
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2013-09-09: Publication allocated to
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

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IEC 60195:2016 specifies a method of measurement and associated test conditions to assess the "noisiness", or magnitude of current noise, generated in fixed resistors of any given type. The method applies to all classes of fixed resistors. The aim is to provide comparable results for the determination of the suitability of resistors for use in electronic circuits having critical noise requirements. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - harmonization of the allocation of isolation resistors RM in the recommended operating conditions given in Table 2; - correction of erroneous numeric values of the contribution of system noise, f(T - S) in Table 3; - addition of advice on the prescription of requirements in a relevant component specification; - addition of a set of recommended measuring conditions for specimens with a rated dissipation of less than 100 mW; - complete editorial revision.

  • Standard
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2012-11-19: Publication editing allocated to
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
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IEC 60115-8-1:2014 is applicable to the drafting of detail specifications for fixed surface mount (SMD) low-power film resistors in rectangular chip shape (styles RR) or in cylindrical MELF shape (styles RC) classified to level G, which is defined in IEC 60115-8:2009, 1.5 for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, where the major requirement is function. Examples for level G include consumer products and telecommunication user terminals. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - It includes minor revisions related to tables, figures and references. - Dedication to resistors of product classification level G, which is for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, like e.g. consumer products, or telecommunication user terminals. - Implementation of the zero defect policy with the application of the single assessment level EZ in all test schedules. - Substitution of the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), specified over the full defined temperature range, for the inferior and less significant temperature characteristic. - Adition of a test for the immunity against electrostatic discharge. - Implementation of the concept of stability classes with coordinated requirements to the performance at all prescribed tests. - Addition of information relevant for the component user in his assembly process. - Addition of an Annex providing special provisions for 0 resistors (jumpers), which may be part of a range of products covered by a detail specification derived from this blank detail specification.

  • Standard
    52 pages
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IEC 60115-2:2014 is applicable to leaded fixed low-power film resistors for use in electronic equipment. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions) and product technology. The resistive element of these resistors is typically protected by a conformal lacquer coating. These resistors have wire terminations and are primarily intended to be mounted on a circuit board in through-hole technique. The object of this standard is to prescribe preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1, the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of resistor. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - it includes test conditions and requirements for lead-free soldering and assessment procedures meeting the requirements of a "zero defect" approach; - it introduces a product classification based on application requirements; - it includes an extension of the list of styles and dimensions; - it includes the use of an extended scope of stability class definitions; - it includes the extension of the lists of preferred values of ratings; - it includes test conditions and requirements for lead-free soldering, for periodic overload and for resistance to electrostatic discharge (ESD); - it includes a new set of severities for a shear test; - it includes definitions for a test board; - it includes the replacement of assessment level E and possible others by the sole assessment level EZ, meeting the requirements of a "zero defect" approach; - it includes an extended endurance test, a flammability test, a temperature rise test, vibration tests, an extended rapid change of temperature test, and a single pulse high-voltage overload test; - it includes requirements applicable to 0-ohm resistors (jumpers); - it includes recommendations for the denomination, description, packaging and quality assessment of radial formed styles; - it includes prescriptions for endurance testing at room temperature, supplementary to the rulings of IEC 60115-1.

  • Standard
    82 pages
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CLC/TC 40XB request - Correction to a translation mistake in Table 2b in the D version of EN 140101-806:2008.

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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CLC/TC 40XB request - Correction to two translation mistakes in Table 2a in the D version of EN 140401-802:2007.

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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Various parameters of this component are precisely specified in this specification. Unspecified parameters may vary from one component to another.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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2013-09-09: Publication allocated to
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
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2013-09-09: Publication allocated to
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
    5 pages
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2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
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IEC 60294:2012 applies to cylindrical capacitors and resistors for use in electronic equipment. This standard gives methods for measurement of the body length and for checking the excessive protective coating extending onto the wire terminations of components with axial wire terminations. It further provides a method for checking the overall body diameter of cylindrical components with axial wire terminations. NOTE: A measuring method for components with unidirectional terminations is given in IEC 60717. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1969, and constitutes a technical revision. The main technical changes with respect to the first edition are the following: - employment of SI units only, causing deletion of all imperial dimensions, - reduction of the tolerance on the chamfer depth in Figure 1 and Figure 2, - elaboration of the method for coating material extending onto wire terminations, - elaboration of the method for the overall body diameter, and - introduction of requirements on information to be given in a relevant specification.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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IEC 60115-8:2009(E) is applicable to fixed surface mount resistors for use in electronic equipment. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions). They have metallized terminations and are primarily intended to be mounted directly on to a circuit board. This second edition constitutes a technical revision and includes test conditions and requirements for lead-free soldering and assessment procedures meeting the requirements of a 'zero defect' approach. The major technical changes with regard to the first edition are the following: - introduction of a product classification based on application requirements; - extension of the list of styles and dimensions; - use of an extended scope of stability class definitions; - extension of the lists of preferred values of ratings; - inclusion of test conditions and requirements for lead-free soldering, for periodic overload and for resistance to electrostatic discharge (ESD); - inclusion of a new set of severities for a shear test; - inclusion of definitions for a test board; - replacement of assessment level E and possible others by the sole assessment level EZ, meeting the requirements of a 'zero defect' approach; - inclusion of an extended endurance test, a flammability test, a temperature rise test, vibration tests, an extended rapid change of temperature test, and a single pulse high-voltage overload test; - inclusion of requirements applicable to 0 resistors (jumpers).

  • Standard
    43 pages
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Standardizes a method of measurement and associated test conditions for determining the magnitude of non-linear distortion generated in a resistor. Has the status of a technical report. The contents of the corrigendum of September 1974 have been included in this copy.

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    19 pages
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A blank detail specification is a supplementary document to the sectional specification and contains requirements for style and layout and minimum content of detail specifications. Detail specifications not complying with these requirements shall not be considered as being in accordance with European standards nor shall they be so described. In the preparation of the detail specification the content of EN 140400:2003, 1.2 shall be taken into account. The detail specification should be written by using the preferred values given in EN 140400. The detail specification should contain a table of contents prior the first page of the actual specification. For the use of SI units refer to ISO 1000, for the use of letter symbols to be used in electrical technology, refer to EN 60027-1. Notes in this document shall be considered as guidance and are not part of the detail specification itself.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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D140/C021: Issue of a corrigendum to EN 140401-804:2011 approved to cover shortcomings that would cause difficulties to the user

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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IEC 60115-1: 2008(E) is a generic specification and is applicable to fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment. It establishes standard terms, inspection procedures and methods of test for use in sectional and detail specifications of electronic components for quality assessment or any other purpose. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition issued in 1999 and Amendment 1 (2001). It constitutes a technical revision. It contains the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) implementation of Annex Q which replaces Clause 3; b) addition of new tests procedures in 4.34 through 4.38; c) removal of the property 'temperature characteristics' from 4.8; d) introduction of a new system of test severities for the shear test in 4.32; e) introduction of new bias voltages for the damp heat steady-state test in 4.24; f) furthermore, this fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1999 and constitutes minor revisions related to tables, figures and references.

  • Standard
    81 pages
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A Blank Detail Specification is a supplementary document to the sectional specification and contains requirements for style and layout and minimum content of detail specifications. Detail specifications not complying with these requirements shall not be considered as being in accordance with European standards nor shall they be so described. In the preparation of the detail specification the content of EN 140100:2008, 1.2 shall be taken into account. The detail specification should be written by using the preferred values given in EN 140100. The detail specification should contain a table of contents prior the first page of the actual specification. For the use of SI units refer to ISO 1000, for the use of letter symbols to be used in electrical technology refer to EN 60027-1.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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Supersedes CECC 40 101-806:1997 * Corrigendum to EN issued October 2009
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Standard
    35 pages
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2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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This document relates to ceramic bodis with protected, insulated, spiralled resistance film and solder terminations, thin film, for application on rigid or flexible printed board.

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This specification is part of four documents describing fixed resistors for surface mount technology.

  • Standard
    34 pages
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2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

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prescribes preferred ratings and characteristics and selects from EN 60115-1, the appropriate Quality Assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and gives general performance requirements for this type of resistor.

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    19 pages
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is a supplementary document to the sectional specification and contains requirements for style, layout and minimum content of detail specifications

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    14 pages
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2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
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Supersedes CECC 40 201:1981

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This sectional specification prescribes the preferred values for characteristics and ratings and also the inspection requirements for fixed power resistors of assessed quality having a rated dissipation of up to 1 000 W. It selects from the generic specification, EN 140000, the appropriate methods of test to be used in detail specifications derived from this specification. Associated with this specificaion are one or more blank detail specifications each referenced by a CECC number. A blank detail specification which has been completed as specified i 2.5 of this specification forms a detail specification. Such detail specifications may be used for the granting of Qualification Approval to a resistor and for the performance f Quality Conformance Inspection in accordance with the CECC System.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to fixed surface mount resistors for use in electronic equipment. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions) and product technology. These resistors have metallized terminations and are primarily intended to be mounted directly onto a circuit board. The object of this document is to specify preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1, the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of resistor. Since the documents of the 60115-X series are exempted from the parallel procedure (D162/C089), this New Work Item Proposal aims to endorse the main IEC document IEC 60115-8:2023 as a European standard. The standard shall be published together with the finalised Common Modifications.

  • Draft
    107 pages
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This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to fixed surface mount resistors for use in electronic equipment. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions) and product technology. These resistors have metallized terminations and are primarily intended to be mounted directly onto a circuit board. The object of this document is to specify preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1, the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of resistor

  • Draft
    7 pages
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This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to fixed low-power film resistors with termination leads for use in electronic equipment, which are typically assembled in through-hole technology (THT) on circuit boards. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions) and product technology. The resistive element of these resistors is typically protected by a conformal lacquer coating. These resistors have wire terminations and are primarily intended to be mounted on a circuit board in through-hole technique. The object of this standard is to prescribe preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1, the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of resistor.

  • Draft
    98 pages
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This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to fixed power resistors for use in electronic equipment. This standard relates to resistors having a rated dissipation typically greater than 1W up to and including 1000W for use in electronic equipment. This standard is applicable to fixed power resistors with a maximum surface temperature (MET) higher than the preferred upper category temperature (UCT) of 200°C. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions) and product technology. The resistive element of these resistors is typically - protected by a conformal lacquer coating or - cement coating or - vitreous enamel or - a ceramic body or - any other housing, which is to be described in the relevant specification. The electrical connection of these resistors is typically achieved by means of - lead wire terminations or - punched terminals or lug terminals or - push on terminals or - screw terminals or - any other termination, which is to be described in the relevant specification In special cases, a heat sink may be applicable but not mandatory. The object of this standard is to prescribe preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1 the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of resistor. Test severities and requirements prescribed in detail specifications referring to this sectional specification shall be of equal or higher performance level, because lower performance levels are not permitted. Since the documents of the 60115-X series are exempted from the parallel procedure (D162/C089), this New Work Item Proposal aims to endorse the main IEC document IEC 60115-4:2022 as a European standard. The standard shall be published together with the finalised Common Modifications.

  • Draft
    116 pages
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This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to leaded fixed low-power film resistors for use in electronic equipment and is applicable to the drafting of detail specifications for leaded fixed low-power film resistors classified to level G, which is defined in IEC 60115-1:2020, 3.4 for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, where the major requirement is function. Examples for level G include consumer products and telecommunication user terminals. The resistors covered herein are classified to level G, as defined in IEC 60115-1:2020, 3.4 for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, where the major requirement is function. Examples for level G include consumer products and telecommunication user terminals. Since the documents of the 60115-X series are exempted from the parallel procedure (D162/C089), this New Work Item Proposal aims to endorse the main IEC document IEC 60115-2-10:2023 as a European standard. The standard shall be published together with the finalised Common Modifications.

  • Draft
    48 pages
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This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to leaded fixed low-power film resistors for use in electronic equipment and is applicable to the drafting of detail specifications for leaded fixed low-power film resistors classified to level G, which is defined in IEC 60115-1:2020, 3.4 for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, where the major requirement is function. Examples for level G include consumer products and telecommunication user terminals. The resistors covered herein are classified to level G, as defined in IEC 60115-1:2020, 3.4 for general electronic equipment, typically operated under benign or moderate environmental conditions, where the major requirement is function. Examples for level G include consumer products and telecommunication user terminals. This detail specification is based upon the blank detail specification IEC 60115-2-10:202X. This detail specification establishes test schedules and performance requirements permitting the quality assessment of the resistors covered herein according to the quality assessment procedures prescribed by IEC 60115-1:2020, Annex Q.

  • Draft
    5 pages
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This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to fixed low-power film resistors with termination leads for use in electronic equipment, which are typically assembled in through-hole technology (THT) on circuit boards. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions) and product technology. The resistive element of these resistors is typically protected by a conformal lacquer coating. These resistors have wire terminations and are primarily intended to be mounted on a circuit board in through-hole technique. The object of this standard is to prescribe preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1, the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of resistor. Since the documents of the 60115-X series are exempted from the parallel procedure (D162/C089), this New Work Item Proposal aims to endorse the main IEC document IEC 60115-2:2023 as a European standard. The standard shall be published together with the finalised Common Modifications.

  • Draft
    9 pages
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    1 day

This part of IEC 60115 is applicable to fixed power resistors for use in electronic equipment. This standard relates to resistors having a rated dissipation typically greater than 1W up to and including 1000W for use in electronic equipment. This standard is applicable to fixed power resistors with a maximum surface temperature (MET) higher than the preferred upper category temperature (UCT) of 200°C. These resistors are typically described according to types (different geometric shapes) and styles (different dimensions) and product technology. The resistive element of these resistors is typically - protected by a conformal lacquer coating or - cement coating or - vitreous enamel or - a ceramic body or - any other housing, which is to be described in the relevant specification. The electrical connection of these resistors is typically achieved by means of - lead wire terminations or - punched terminals or lug terminals or - push on terminals or - screw terminals or - any other termination, which is to be described in the relevant specification In special cases, a heat sink may be applicable but not mandatory. The object of this standard is to prescribe preferred ratings and characteristics and to select from IEC 60115-1 the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of resistor. Test severities and requirements prescribed in detail specifications referring to this sectional specification shall be of equal or higher performance level, because lower performance levels are not permitted

  • Draft
    8 pages
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This sectional specification prescribes the preferred values for characteristics and ratings and also the inspection requirements for fixed film resistors of assessed quality. These resistors generally have wire terminations and are primarily intended to be mounted directly on to printed boards. It selects from the generic specification, EN 60115-1, the appropriate methods of test to be used in detail specifications derived from this specification. Associated with this specification are one or more blank detail specifications each referenced by an EN number. A blank detail specification which has been completed as specified in 1.2 of this specification forms a detail specification. Such detail specifications may be used for the grant of Qualification approval and for the performance of Quality conformance inspection in accordance with an established quality assessment system (e.g. the IECQ-CECC system).

  • Standard
    27 pages
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CLC/TC 40XB request: not to be offered to IEC as purely European * Superseded by EN 60115-1:2011

  • Amendment
    9 pages
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