SC 3C - Graphical symbols for use on equipment
Standardization in the field of graphical symbols for the human interaction with equipment regarding methods and rules. Included: Basic design rules for graphical symbols. The design of graphical symbols for particular applications. Graphical symbols for use on equipment are primarily intended to: identify the equipment or a part of the equipment (e.g. a control or display); indicate a functional state (e.g. on, off, alarm); designate connections (e.g. terminals, filling points for materials); provide information on packaging (e.g. identification of contents, instructions for handling); provide instruction for the operation of the equipment (e.g. limitations of use).
Symboles graphiques utilisables sur le matériel
Elaborer des normes définissant les méthodes et les règles pour : - les symboles graphiques utilisés dans les interactions homme/matériel Y compris : - Règles de conception de base pour les symboles graphiques - La conception des symboles graphiques pour les applications spécifiques
General Information
IEC 62648:2022 document provides guidelines to help ensure that the requirement in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2:2021, 28.6.2 is met, such that graphical symbols for use on equipment in IEC product publications are consistent with the requirements of horizontal publications IEC 60417, and ISO 7000. This document is intended to be used by any IEC and ISO committees to develop graphical symbols for use on equipment for inclusion in their product publications. This document is based on and develops upon IEC Guide 108:2019, Clause 8. For the creation of new graphical symbols for use on equipment, IEC 80416-1 and ISO 80416 2 are applied. For the application of standardized graphical symbols for use on equipment, IEC 80416-3 and ISO 80416-4 are applied. This horizontal publication is primarily intended for use by committees in the preparation of publications in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 108. One of the responsibilities of a committee is, wherever applicable, to make use of horizontal publications in the preparation of its publications. The contents of this horizontal publication will not apply unless specifically referred to or included in the relevant publications. IEC 62648:2022 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2012 and Amendment 1:2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) new terms and definitions in IEC Guide 108 have been incorporated;
b) the designation "IEC 60417 SDB" has been introduced following the publication of IEC Supplement:2022, Annex SK;
c) Subclause 6.3 has been adapted in line with IEC Guide 108:2019, Clause 8.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard44 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard9 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62687:2015(E) contains a collection of terms (glossary) used in IEC, ISO and ITU publications in the field of graphical symbols for use on equipment including some related fields. Some terms are annotated and/or modified for the purpose of clarification. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision and includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- The title has changed from "terminology" to "vocabulary";
- Annex A has been added.
- Technical report13 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62964:2015(E) provides the result of a study of some of the graphical symbols for use on equipment standardized in IEC 60417 being primarily intended to:
- identify the equipment or a part of the equipment (e.g. a control or display);
- indicate a functional state (e.g. on, off, alarm);
- designate connections (e.g. terminals, filling points for materials);
- provide information on packaging (e.g. identification of contents, instructions for handling);
- provide instruction for the operation of the equipment (e.g. limitations of use);
- in the focus of contemporary use of graphical symbols for use on multimedia equipment, and new possible meanings to be envisaged as well as new graphical symbols not yet standardized in IEC 60417.
- Technical report14 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62648:2012 provides guidelines to ensure that graphical symbols for use on equipment in IEC product publications are consistent with the requirements of horizontal standard IEC 60417, and ISO 7000. This document is intended to be used by any technical committees and subcommittees to develop graphical symbols for use on equipment for inclusion in their product publications. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
- Standard83 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 80416-3:2002+A1:2011 provides guidelines for the application of graphical symbols for use on equipment in order to maintain visual clarity and overall consistency when such graphical symbols are applied. It stipulates the permissible extent by which a symbol original may be modified in reproduction for actual use on equipment. It bears the edition number 1.1. The technical content is therefore identical to the base edition and its amendment and has been prepared for user convenience. A vertical line in the margin shows where the base publication has been modified by amendment 1. Additions and deletions are displayed in red, with deletions being struck through. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (2002) and its amendment 1 (2011). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
- Standard28 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
- Standard12 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC/TR 62687:2011(E) contains a collection of terms (glossary) used in IEC, ISO and ITU publications in the field of graphical symbols for use on equipment including some related fields. Some terms are annotated and/or modified for the purpose of clarification.
- Technical report9 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard – translation13 pagesSlovenian languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 80416-1:2008 provides basic principles and guidelines for the creation of graphical symbols for registration, and provides the key principles and rules for the preparation of title, description and note(s). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Clause 8 in the previous edition is moved to Clause 4;
b) Mandatory requirement for the line width in symbol originals is changed to 2 mm or 4 mm (see 6th paragraph of 7.3);
c) For negation of a graphical symbol, a single diagonal bar is allowed in addition to two diagonal bars at right angles;
d) A new meaning of negation "do not" is allowed;
e) Some freedom is given for use of the basic pattern such as for symbol originals to be within the 75 mm square instead of the octagon;
f) Annex A (normative) is newly introduced for provisions on title, description and notes;
g) The nature of notes is changed to be purely informative; and
h) Clause 10 in the previous edition is moved to Annex C (informative).
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108. This International Standard has been prepared in co-operation with ISO/TC145/SC 3. It is published as a double logo standard.
- Standard45 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
ISO 80416-4:2005 provides guidelines for the adaptation of graphical symbols for use on screens and displays (icons) on a wide range of equipment, such as photocopiers, vehicle dashboards and home appliances. It also provides principles for maintaining the fidelity of icons to the original graphical symbols.
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard19 pagesFrench languagesale 15% off
Provides guidelines for the application of graphical symbols for use on equipment in order to maintain visual clarity and overall consistency when such graphical symbols are applied. It stipulates the permissible extent by which a symbol original may be modified in reproduction for actual use on equipment
- Standard23 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
- Standard28 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
ISO 80416-2:2011 lays down the basic principles and the proportions for arrows used to indicate various elements, forces, functions or dimensions. The arrows defined in ISO 80416-2:2011 are used as graphical symbols or graphical symbol elements. When new symbol originals are created or graphical symbols in current use are revised, the principles established in ISO 80416-2:2011 are applicable.
- Standard7 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard7 pagesFrench languagesale 15% off
This Part 1 of the standard specifies the key principles for the creation of symbol originals for use on equipment. In accordance with the intended meaning of the symbol originals, it contains rules for design such as shape and size, and also for preparation of the accompanying texts. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
Contains a presentation of the graphical symbols with the corresponding descriptions in numerical order which does not necessarily represent any functional grouping. It is complemented by an alphabetical index and a graphical survey of the symbols. Additional information is provided to the user by classifications to form and function, and the examples of application. IEC 60417-1 and 60417-2 cancel and replace IEC 60417 and all its supplements.
- Standard179 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
This Part 1 of the standard specifies the key principles for the creation of symbol originals for use on equipment. In accordance with the intended meaning of the symbol originals, it contains rules for design such as shape and size, and also for preparation of the accompanying texts. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Establishes uniform graphical symbols, their graphic form, meaning and application. These graphical symbols are placed on equipment or parts of equipment of any kind in order to instruct the persons handling the equipment as to its use and operation; they are also placed on sites and ways where people may assemble, or move, giving them instructions, such as prohibitions, warnings, rules or limits, for their behaviour. They are used in pictorial reproductions, such as plans, drawings, maps, diagrams and similar documents. For use in information processing and retrieval systems, a coded designation is applied to each of the symbols in this publication. This is a loose-leaf publication; supplements, containing new and revised sheets, are issued from time to time (see below).
- Standard10 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard49 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
Contains a presentation of the graphical symbols with the corresponding descriptions in numerical order which does not necessarily represent any functional grouping. It is complemented by an alphabetical index and a graphical survey of the symbols. Additional information is provided to the user by classifications to form and function, and the examples of application. IEC 60417-1 and 60417-2 cancel and replace IEC 60417 and all its supplements.
- Standard199 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off