CEN/TC 72 - Fire detection and fire alarm systems
To prepare standards, harmonised where necessary to meet the essential requirement 'Safety in case of fire' of the Construction Products Directive, in the field of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings, covering test methods, requirements and recommendations for: - components; - the combination of components into systems; - the planning, design and installation of systems for use in and around buildings; - usage, maintenance and servicing; - the connections to and control of other fire protection systems; - the combination with other systems to form integrated systems; - the combination with fixed firefighting systems; - the contribution of fire detection and fire alarm systems to fire safety engineering.
Naprave za avtomatsko javljanje požara
To prepare standards, harmonised where necessary to meet the essential requirement 'Safety in case of fire' of the Construction Products Directive, in the field of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings, covering test methods, requirements and recommendations for: - components; - the combination of components into systems; - the planning, design and installation of systems for use in and around buildings; - usage, maintenance and servicing; - the connections to and control of other fire protection systems; - the combination with other systems to form integrated systems; - the combination with fixed firefighting systems; - the contribution of fire detection and fire alarm systems to fire safety engineering.
General Information
This draft European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point smoke detectors that operate using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization, intended for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings (see EN 54 1:2011).
This European standard provides for the assessment of verification of consistency of performance (AVCP) of point smoke detectors to this EN.
For other types of smoke detector, or smoke detectors working on different principles, this standard should only be used for guidance. Smoke detectors with special characteristics and developed for specific risks are not covered by this standard.
NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not specified in this standard.
- Standard79 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point heat detectors intended for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings (see EN 54-1:2011).
This European Standard provides for the assessment of verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of point heat detectors to this EN.
For other types of heat detector, or for detectors intended for use in other environments, this standard should only be used for guidance.
Heat detectors with special characteristics and developed for specific risks are not covered by this standard.
- Standard62 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document defines the terms and definitions that are used throughout the EN 54 series of standards. It gives the principles on which each part of the series has been based and describes the functions carried out by the components of a fire detection and fire alarm system.
This document applies to fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings and civil engineering works.
This document does not apply to smoke alarm devices which are covered by EN 14604.
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the requirements for compatibility and connectability assessment of components of fire detection and fire alarm system or voice alarm system as a subsystem of fire detection and fire alarm system. The components comply either with the requirements of EN 54 or with a manufacturer’s specification where there is no EN 54 standard. This document only includes system requirements when these are necessary for compatibility assessment.
This document covers transmission path only between components. However ,requirements for TP between components of a function which is distributed are covered by the relevant EN 54 standard and not by this document.
This document also specifies requirements for the integrity of the fire detection and fire alarm system when connected to other systems.
This document does not specify the manner in which the system is designed, installed and used in any particular application.
This document recognizes that it is not practical to assess the compatibility or connectability of components in all possible configurations. Methods of assessment are specified to reach an acceptable degree of confidence within pre-determined operational and environmental conditions.
This document specifies requirements related to compatibility and connectability assessment methods and tests for the components belonging to FDAS or connecting FDAS. This document does not cover components or functions which are not included in a FDAS.
This document is applicable to systems where the components are interconnected by electrical wires or optical fibre or by radio frequency links or by any combination. For other interconnection technology between components , this standard may be used as a guidance.
NOTE Other European Standards are expected to cover the requirements of the other systems to which the fire detection and fire alarm system may be connected.
- Standard30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard applies to non-resettable line-type heat detectors consisting of a sensing element using an electrical sensor cable which can be connected to a sensor control unit or either directly or through an interface module to a control and indicating equipment intended for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings and civil engineering works (see EN 54 1:2011).
The non-resettable sensing element has a fixed temperature alarm threshold and does not distinguish between short circuit and alarm condition.
This European Standard specifies the requirements and performance criteria, the corresponding test methods and provides for the Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) of non-resettable line-type heat detectors to this European Standard.
This European Standard also covers non-resettable line-type heat detectors intended for use in the local protection of plant and equipment.
Non-resettable line-type heat detectors with special characteristics and developed for specific risks are not covered by this standard.
- Standard66 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard applies to resettable line-type heat detectors consisting of a sensing element using an optical fibre, a pneumatic tube or an electrical sensor cable connected to a sensor control unit, either directly or through an interface module, intended for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings and other civil engineering works (see EN 54-1:2011).
This European Standard specifies the requirements and performance criteria, the corresponding test methods and provides for the Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) of resettable line-type heat detectors to this EN.
This European Standard also covers resettable line-type heat detectors intended for use in the local protection of plant and equipment.
Resettable line-type heat detectors with special characteristics and developed for specific risks are not covered by this EN.
This European Standard does not cover line-type heat detectors that are based on non-resettable, fixed temperature electrical cables (so called digital systems).
- Standard74 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point detectors using carbon monoxide sensing for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings (see EN 54 1:2011).
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of consistency of performance (AVCP) of carbon monoxide point detectors to this EN.
This European Standard does not cover fire detectors incorporating at least one CO sensing element in combination with other elements sensing different fire phenomena.
CO detectors having special characteristics suitable for the detection of specific fire risks are not covered by this European Standard. The performance requirements for any additional functions are beyond the scope of this European Standard (e.g. additional features or enhanced functionality for which this standard does not define a test or assessment method).
- Standard79 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for line detectors using an optical beam that detect smoke by utilizing the attenuation and/or changes in attenuation of an optical beam, for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings (see EN 54 1:2011).
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of line detectors using an optical beam to this EN.
This European Standard does not cover:
- line detectors using an optical beam designed to operate with separations between opposed components of less than 1 m;
- line detectors using an optical beam whose optical path length is defined or adjusted by an integral mechanical connection;
- line detectors using an optical beam with special characteristics, which cannot be assessed by the test methods in this European Standard.
NOTE The term "optical" is used to describe that part of the electromagnetic spectrum produced by the transmitter to which the receiver is responsive; this is not restricted to visible wavelengths.
- Standard71 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point-type multi-sensor fire detectors for use in fire detection systems installed in buildings (see EN 54 1:2011), incorporating in one mechanical enclosure at least one optical or ionization smoke sensor and at least one heat sensor. The overall fire detection performance is determined utilizing the combination of the detected phenomena.
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of point detectors using a combination of smoke and heat sensors to this EN.
Point detectors using a combination of smoke and heat sensors having special characteristics suitable for the detection of specific fire risks are not covered by this European Standard. The performance requirements for any additional functions are beyond the scope of this European Standard (e.g. additional features or enhanced functionality for which this European Standard does not define a test or assessment method).
NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not specified in this European Standard.
- Standard96 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point-type multi-sensor fire detectors for use in fire detection systems installed in and around buildings (see EN 54 1:2011), incorporating in one mechanical enclosure at least one carbon monoxide sensor and at least one heat sensor and where the overall fire detection performance is determined utilizing the combination of the detected phenomena.
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of consistency of performance (AVCP) of multi-sensor fire detectors using a combination of carbon monoxide and heat sensors to this EN.
Multi-sensor fire detectors using carbon monoxide and heat sensors having special characteristics suitable for the detection of specific fire risks are not covered by this European Standard. The performance requirements for any additional functions are beyond the scope of this standard (e.g. additional features or enhanced functionality for which this European Standard does not define a test or assessment method).
- Standard97 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the requirements, test methods and performance criteria for fire alarm sounders, including voice sounders, in a fixed installation intended to signal an audible warning between the fire detection and fire alarm systems and the occupants of a building (see EN 54-1:2011).
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of fire alarm sounders to this EN.
This European Standard is not intended to cover:
a) loudspeaker type devices primarily intended for emitting emergency voice messages that are generated from an external audio source;
b) supervisory sounders, for example, within the control and indicating equipment.
- Standard67 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for fire detectors which detect smoke in air ducts in buildings as a part of a fire detection and fire alarm system or as an actuator for a fire protection system.
Duct smoke detectors with special characteristics and developed for specific risks are not covered by this document.
NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from one member state to another and are not specified in this standard.
- Standard81 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document provides guidelines for the application of automatic fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings. The guideline covers planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance of the systems.
The guidelines cover systems intended for the protection of life and/or the protection of property. The guidelines cover systems with a control and indicating equipment and at least one manual call point or one fire detector. In the event of a fire the systems may be capable of providing signals to initiate the operation of ancillary equipment (such as fixed fire extinguishing systems) and other precautions and actions (such as machinery shutdown or remote transmission of alarms). These guidelines do not cover the ancillary services themselves or ancillary circuits to interface with them.
The guidelines do not cover systems combining fire alarm functions with other non-fire related functions.
The guidelines do not recommend whether or not an automatic fire detection and/or fire alarm system should be installed in any given premises.
These guidelines should be used by appropriately competent persons. However, guidance is also given to other persons purchasing or using a fire detection and / or fire alarm system.
Smoke alarms according to EN 14604 are not fire detection and fire alarm systems.
- Technical specification90 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point-type multi-sensor fire detectors for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings (see EN 54 1:2011), incorporating in one mechanical enclosure at least one optical or ionization smoke sensor and at least one carbon monoxide (CO) sensor and optionally one or more heat sensors, utilizing the combination of the detected phenomena. This European Standard covers only modes of operation, where at least the signals of both smoke and carbon monoxide sensors are continuously evaluated.
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of point detectors using a combination of smoke, carbon monoxide and optionally heat sensors to this EN.
Point detectors using a combination of smoke, carbon monoxide and optionally heat sensors, which are having special characteristics suitable for the detection of specific fire risks are not covered by this European Standard. The performance requirements for any additional functions are beyond the scope of this standard (e.g. additional features or enhanced functionality for which this European Standard does not define a test or assessment method).
- Standard107 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification provides guidelines for the planning, design, installation, commissioning, use, maintenance and modification of voice alarm systems in and around buildings that broadcast information for the protection of lives in a fire emergency. See EN 54 1:2011, Figure 1, item C and item M.
These guidelines cover voice alarm systems that are triggered automatically by a fire detection and fire alarm system or that are manually triggered, or both.
This Technical Specification does not apply to fire detection and fire alarm systems that only use voice sounders, bells or sounders or a combination of these.
NOTE 1 CEN/TS 54-14 provides guidelines for these systems.
This Technical Specification does not exclude the use of voice alarm systems for emergency purposes other than fire emergency.
NOTE 2 When used for emergencies other than those due to fire, it might be appropriate to modify the guidance in this Technical Specification.
This Technical Specification does not exclude the use of voice alarm systems for non-emergency purposes.
- Technical specification80 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the requirements, test methods and performance criteria for visual alarm devices in a fixed installation intended to signal a visual warning of a fire between the fire detection and fire alarm system and the occupants of a building. It is intended to cover only those devices which derive their operating power by means of a physical electrical connection to an external source such as a fire alarm system.
This European Standard specifies the evaluation of conformity and the marking of the visual alarm devices.
This European Standard applies to visual alarm devices that rely on software for their operation and to those that do not.
This European Standard applies only to pulsing or flashing visual alarm devices, for example xenon beacons or rotating beacons. Devices giving continuous light output are excluded from this European Standard.
This European Standard is not intended to cover visual indicators, for example those on detectors or on the control and indicating equipment.
- Standard66 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for components used in fire alarms systems, installed in and around buildings, which use radio frequency links (RF links) to communicate. It also provides requirements for the evaluation of conformity of the components to the requirements of this European Standard. Where components work together and this requires knowledge of the system design, this document also specifies requirements on the system. When the fire detection and fire alarm systems (FDAS) use wired and RF links, the relevant parts of EN 54 apply together with this document. Requirements relevant to wire links are superseded or modified by those included in this European Standard. This document does not restrict: - the intended use of radio spectrum, e.g. frequency, power output of devices; - the allowed maximum number of the components using RF links within the FDAS or one transmission path and/or RF link; - the allowed maximum number of the components affected by loss of one transmission path and/or RF link. These requirements relate to national regulations and can vary from member state to member state.
- Corrigendum2 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for loudspeakers intended to broadcast a warning of fire between a fire detection and fire alarm system and the occupants of a building.
This European Standard specifies loudspeakers for two types of application environment: type A, generally for indoor use and type B, generally for outdoor use.
This European Standard does not cover loudspeakers for special applications, for example loudspeaker for use in hazardous applications, if such applications require additional or other requirements or tests than those given in this European Standard.
This European Standard is not intended to cover addressable loudspeakers, loudspeakers with active components.
Voice alarm sounders are covered in EN 54-3:2001.
- Standard58 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for components used in fire alarms systems, installed in and around buildings, which use radio frequency links (RF links) to communicate. It also provides requirements for the evaluation of conformity of the components to the requirements of this European Standard.
Where components work together and this requires knowledge of the system design, this document also specifies requirements on the system.
When the fire detection and fire alarm systems (FDAS) use wired and RF links, the relevant parts of EN 54 apply together with this document. Requirements relevant to wire links are superseded or modified by those included in this European Standard.
This document does not restrict:
the intended use of radio spectrum, e.g. frequency, power output of devices;
the allowed maximum number of the components using RF links within the FDAS or one transmission path and/or RF link;
the allowed maximum number of the components affected by loss of one transmission path and/or RF link.
These requirements relate to national regulations and can vary from member state to member state.
- Standard52 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, methods of test and performance criteria for voice alarm control and indicating equipment for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings, where the alarm signal is in the form of tone(s) or voice message(s), or both.
It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of the equipment to the requirements of this European Standard.
NOTE The overall requirements of a voice alarm system, especially concerning audibility and intelligibility, are not covered in this part of EN 54. The manufacturer should consider requirements of an overall system that may affect the equipment design. Such system requirements may be specified in another part of EN 54, in national legislation, codes and standards or in contractual documents.
- Standard65 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Specifies EMC and updates software and other requirements.
- Amendment25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the requirements, test methods and performance criteria for aspirating smoke detectors for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings.
Aspirating smoke detectors developed for the protection of specific risks that incorporate special characteristics (including additional features or enhanced functionality for which this standard does not define a test or assessment method) are also covered by this standard. The performance requirements for any special characteristics are beyond the scope of this standard.
NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not therefore specified in this standard.
- Standard80 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria against which the effectiveness and reliability of routing equipment capable of transmitting fire alarm and/or fault warning signals for use with fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings can be assessed (see EN 54-1). The routing equipment is designed to allow the system to function in accordance with the requirements of this European Standard. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of the equipment to the requirements of this standard.
- Standard34 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for short-circuit isolators, for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings (see EN 54-1).
Means of isolation or protection incorporated within control and indicating equipment (Item B in Figure 1 of EN 54-1:1996) are not covered by this European Standard.
- Standard41 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for input/output devices connected to a transmission path of a fire detection and fire alarm system, used to receive and/or transmit electrical signals to or from the transmission path, necessary for the operation of the fire detection and fire alarm system and/or fire protection system.
An input/output device may be a physically separate device or its function may be integrated into another device in which case this European Standard may be used to assess this function.
Control and indicating equipment, and ancillary control and indicating equipment (e.g. repeater panels and fire brigade panels) are not covered by this European Standard.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - Modification in Scope.
- Corrigendum2 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Corrects EN 14604:2005 (00072023)
TC - Modification to Clause 1, Scope.
- Corrigendum2 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
DOW = 2007-12-31 (SV on 2005-11-24)
- Amendment40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
AFNOR -, 1st paragraph - Translation correction
- Corrigendum2 pagesFrench languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
To produce the Harmonization annex ZA.
- Amendment13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - Modification to 4.3.1
- Corrigendum2 pagesEnglish, French and German languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies requirements, test methods, performance criteria, and manufacturer's instructions for smoke alarms that operate using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization, intended for household or similar residential application.
This document includes additional requirements for smoke alarms, which are also suitable for use in leisure accommodation vehicles.
For the testing of other types of smoke alarms, or smoke alarms working on different principles, this document should only be used for guidance. Special features of smoke alarms, such as radio interlinking or special characteristics and developed for specific risks, are not covered by this document.
This document allows, although it does not require, the inclusion within the smoke alarm of facilities for interconnection with other similar smoke alarms and/or accessories, and for alarm silencing. Where such facilities are included, this document specifies applicable requirements.
This document does not cover devices intended for incorporation in systems using separate control and indicating equipment.
NOTE Certain types of smoke alarms contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not specified in this document. Such smoke alarms should, however, comply with the applicable national requirements.
- Standard69 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
To produce the Harmonization annex ZA.
- Amendment10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
To produce the Harmonization annex ZA.
- Amendment13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point-type, resettable flame detectors that operate using radiation from a flame for use in fire detection systems installed in buildings.
This standard does not cover flame detectors working on different principles from those described in this standard (although the standard may be used as guidance in assessing such products).
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the requirements and methods of test for manual call points in fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings. It takes into account indoor and outdoor conditions, the appearance and operation of the manual call points for type A "direct operation" and type B "indirect operation" and covers those which are simple mechanical switches, those which are fitted with simple electronic components (e.g. resistors, diodes) and those which contain active electronic components and which work with the control panels for signalling and identifying, for example, an address or location.
This European standard does not cover manual call points for special applications, for example manual call points that are intrinsically safe or for use in hazardous conditions, if such applications require additional or other requirements or tests than those given in this standard.
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report provides additional information on the requirements of the European Standard EN 54-2: 1997, in order to avoid misinterpretations of the clauses and to improve the understanding of the requirements of the standard.
The interpretations are produced in the form of a table where in the first column the clauses of EN 54-2:1997 are listed for which an interpretation is considered necessary. In the second column the subject and in the third column the interpretation is given.
This Technical Report does not include additional requirements and should only be used in connection with EN 54-2: 1997. This Technical report is not a stand-alone document.
- Technical report10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - See historical background in the file
- Amendment with corrigendum35 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - See historical background in the file
- Amendment with corrigendum65 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies requirements, methods of test and performance criteria for power supply equipment (see component L of figure 1 of EN 54-1:1996) of fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings. Note: Power supply equipment with special characteristics, developed for particular appli- cations, is not necessarily the subject of this standard and may require further tests.
- Standard35 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies requirements, methods of test, and performance criteria for control and indicating equipment (see item B of figure 1 of EN 54-1) for usein fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings.
- Standard64 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies product characteristics, test methods and performance criteria for point detectors using carbon monoxide sensing (CO fire detectors) for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings and civil engineering works.
- Draft70 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Minor change to existing scope to bring it into line with other parts of the EN 54 series_
This document provides guidelines for the application of automatic fire detection and fire alarm systems for in and around buildings and civil engineering works. The guideline covers planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance of the systems.
The guidelines cover systems intended for the protection of life and/or the protection of property. The guidelines cover systems with a control and indicating equipment and at least one manual call point or one fire detector. In the event of a fire the systems may be capable of providing signals to initiate the operation of ancillary equipment (such as fixed fire extinguishing systems) and other precautions and actions (such as machinery shutdown or remote transmission of alarms). These guidelines do not cover the ancillary services themselves or ancillary circuits to interface with them.
The guidelines do not cover systems combining fire alarm functions with other non-fire related functions. The guidelines do not recommend whether or not an automatic fire detection and/or fire alarm system should be installed in any given premises.
These guidelines should be used by appropriately competent persons. However, guidance is also given to other persons purchasing or using a fire detection and / or fire alarm system.
Smoke alarms according to EN 14604 are not fire detection and fire alarm systems.
- Draft103 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point-type multi-sensor fire detectors for use in fire detection systems installed in buildings (see EN 54 1:2011), incorporating in one mechanical enclosure at least one optical or ionization smoke sensor and at least one heat sensor. The overall fire detection performance is determined utilizing the combination of the detected phenomena.
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of point detectors using a combination of smoke and heat sensors to this EN.
Point detectors using a combination of smoke and heat sensors having special characteristics suitable for the detection of specific fire risks are not covered by this European Standard. The performance requirements for any additional functions are beyond the scope of this European Standard (e.g. additional features or enhanced functionality for which this European Standard does not define a test or assessment method).
NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not specified in this European Standard.
- Draft4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for fire detectors which detect smoke in air ducts in buildings as a part of a fire detection and fire alarm system or as a detector for a fire protection system.
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of consistency of performance (AVCP) of duct smoke detectors to this EN.
For the testing of other types of smoke detectors, or smoke detectors working on different principles, this European standard can be used only for guidance.
Duct smoke detectors with special characteristics and developed for specific risks are not covered by this European standard.
- Draft4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This draft European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for components used in fire alarms systems, installed in and around buildings (either permanently or temporarily), which use radio frequency links (RF links) to communicate. It also provides requirements for the evaluation of conformity of the components to the requirements of this draft European Standard.
Where components work together and this requires knowledge of the system design, this document also specifies requirements on the system.
This draft European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of components using radio links to this EN.
When the fire detection and fire alarm systems (FDAS) use wired and RF links, the relevant parts of EN 54 apply together with this document. Requirements relevant to wire links are superseded or modified by those included in this draft European Standard.
This draft European Standard does not restrict:
- the intended use of radio spectrum, e.g. frequency, power output of devices;
- the allowed maximum number of the components using RF links within the FDAS or one transmission path;
- the allowed maximum number of the components affected by loss of one transmission path.
These requirements relate to national regulations and can vary from member state to member state.
- Draft88 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This draft European Standard specifies requirements, methods of test, and performance criteria for control and indicating equipment (CIE) (see EN 54 1:2011, Figure 1, function B) for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings.
- Draft144 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies product characteristics, methods of test and assessment and performance criteria for power supply equipment (PSE) of fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in and around buildings (Function L of Figure 1 of EN 54-1:2011).
This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of power supply equipment (PSE) to this EN.
- Draft67 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European standard specifies the requirements, test methods and performance criteria for aspirating smoke detectors for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in or around buildings or other civil engineering works.
This European standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of aspirating smoke detectors to this EN. Aspirating smoke detectors developed for the protection of specific risks that incorporate special characteristics (including additional features or enhanced functionality for which this standard does not define a test or assessment method) are also covered by this standard. The performance requirements for any special characteristics are beyond the scope of this standard.
NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not therefore specified in this standard.
- Draft96 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point-type, flame detectors that detect the radiation from the flames generated during the combustion of carbon based materials operate using radiation from a hydrocarbon flame for use in fire detection systems installed in and around buildings.
Flame detectors having special characteristics suitable for the detection of specific fire risks are not covered by this standard e.g. flame detectors that are used solely to detect metal fires or hydrogen fires (although the standard may be used as guidance in assessing such products). The performance requirements for any additional functions are beyond the scope of this standard (e.g. additional features or enhanced functionality for which this standard does not define a test or assessment method).
- Draft62 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day