Textile products and nanotechnologies - Guidance on tests to simulate nanoparticle release - Skin exposure

The effects of synthetic nanoparticles on human health and the environment are still poorly understood and therefore uncertain. In particular, it is unclear in which areas nanoparticles-dose caused negative effects in the organism or in the environment (unknown dose-response relationship). The underlying toxicological mechanisms and possible effects of nanoparticle exposure over long periods of time are poorly understood.
In product advertisements on the Internet and in reports in international journals, especially the functional properties of "nanotextiles" are described. The type of integration of the nanoparticles in textiles is often described only sparsely. Therefore, the present document is based primarily on research studies that include information on the integration of the nanoparticles in the textile material.
The purpose of the present document is to give some guidance on tests to nanoparticle release. The determination of the release of nanoparticles could be performed either through quantification by chemical analysis (5.1), or by determining the linting (5.2), for example.

Leitlinien für Messverfahren für unterschiedliche Aufnahmewege für Nanopartikel - Hautaufnahme

Produits textiles et nanotechnologies - Orientation pour la réalisation d’essais de simulation de nanoparticules libérées - Exposition de la peau

Les effets des nanoparticules synthétiques sur la santé humaine et l’environnement restent mal connus et sont donc incertains. En particulier, les effets négatifs des doses de nanoparticules sur l’organisme ou l’environnement (relation dose-effet inconnue) ne sont pas clairement établis. Les mécanismes toxicologiques sous-jacents et les possibles effets de l’exposition aux nanoparticules sur de longues périodes sont mal compris.
Certaines publicités de produits sur Internet et plusieurs rapports de publications internationales décrivent notamment les propriétés fonctionnelles des « nanotextiles ». En général, très peu d’informations sont fournies sur la façon dont les nanoparticules ont été intégrées dans les textiles. Par conséquent, le présent document est essentiellement fondé sur des études de recherche livrant des informations sur l’intégration des nanoparticules dans le matériau textile.
Le présent document a pour objectif de fournir des orientations pour la réalisation d’essais de relargage de nanoparticules. Ce relargage de nanoparticules pourrait par exemple être déterminé par une analyse chimique de quantification (5.1) ou par un essai de peluchage (5.2).

Tekstilni izdelki in nanotehnologije - Napotki za preskuse simulacije sproščanja nanodelcev - Izpostavljenost kože

Učinki sintetičnih nanodelcev na zdravje človeka in okolje so še vedno slabo razumljeni in zato negotovi. Še posebej nejasno je, na katerih področjih je odmerek nanodelcev povzročil negativne učinke v organizmu ali okolju (neznano razmerje med odzivom in odmerkom). Osnovni toksikološki mehanizmi in možni učinki izpostavljenosti nanodelcem za daljša časovna obdobja so slabo razumljeni.
V oglasih za izdelke v internetu in v poročilih v mednarodnih revijah so opisane predvsem funkcionalne lastnosti »nanotkanin«. Vrsta integracije nanodelcev v
tkanine je pogosto opisana le pomanjkljivo. Ta dokument zato temelji v glavnem na raziskovalnih študijah, ki vključujejo informacije o integraciji nanodelcev v tekstilni material.
Namen dokumenta je podati nekaj napotkov za preskuse sproščanja nanodelcev. Ugotavljanje
sproščanja nanodelcev se lahko izvede na primer s kvantifikacijo s
kemijsko analizo (5.1) ali z ugotavljanjem puščanja vlaken (5.2).

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TP CEN/TR 17222:2019 - BARVE
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Standards Content (Sample)

Textile products and nanotechnologies - Guidance on tests to simulate nanoparticle
release - Skin exposure
Leitlinien für Messverfahren für unterschiedliche Aufnahmewege für Nanopartikel -
Produits textiles et nanotechnologies - Guide d'essais de simulation de relargage de
nanoparticules - Exposition à la peau
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17222:2019
07.120 Nanotehnologije Nanotechnologies
59.080.01 Tekstilije na splošno Textiles in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 17222
April 2019
ICS 07.120; 59.080.01
English Version
Textile products and nanotechnologies - Guidance on tests
to simulate nanoparticle release - Skin exposure
Produits textiles et nanotechnologies - Guide d'essais Leitlinien für Messverfahren für unterschiedliche
de simulation de relargage de nanoparticules - Aufnahmewege für Nanopartikel - Hautaufnahme
Exposition à la peau
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 22 March 2019. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 248.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 17222:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 4
4 Nanoparticles in textile products . 6
4.1 Textile manufacturing process . 6
4.2 Application areas and products . 6
4.3 Are nanoparticles released from nanotextiles? . 9
4.4 Health impact . 9
5 Tests to simulate nanoparticle release . 9
5.1 Release of nano-particles (Ag and TiO ) from textiles into artificial perspiration
solution under physical stress . 9
5.2 Release of nano-particles from textiles using linting method (mechanical action) . 10
5.2.1 General . 10
5.2.2 Particle analysis . 10
Bibliography . 14

European foreword
This document (CEN/TR 17222:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 248
“Textiles and textile products”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
1 Scope
The effects of synthetic nanoparticles on human health and the environment are still poorly understood
and therefore uncertain. In particular, it is unclear in which areas nanoparticles-dose caused negative
effects in the organism or in the environment (unknown dose-response relationship). The underlying
toxicological mechanisms and possible effects of nanoparticle exposure over long periods of time are
poorly understood.
In product advertisements on the Internet and in reports in international journals, especially the
functional properties of “nanotextiles” are described. The type of integration of the nanoparticles in
textiles is often described only sparsely. Therefore, the present document is based primarily on
research studies that include information on the integration of the nanoparticles in the textile material.
The purpose of the present document is to give some guidance on tests to nanoparticle release. The
determination of the release of nanoparticles could be performed either through quantification by
chemical analysis (5.1), or by determining the linting (5.2), for example.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN ISO 105-C06, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part C06: Colour fastness to domestic and
commercial laundering (ISO 105-C06)
EN ISO 105-E04, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part E04: Colour fastness to perspiration
(ISO 105-E04)
EN ISO 9073-10, Textiles — Test methods for nonwovens — Part 10: Lint and other particles generation in
the dry state (ISO 9073-10)
CEN ISO/TS 80004-1:2015, Nanotechnologies — Vocabulary — Part 1: Core terms
(ISO/TS 80004-1:2015)
CEN ISO/TS 80004-2:2017, Nanotechnologies — Vocabulary — Part 2: Nano-objects (ISO/TS 80004-
ISO/TS 18110:2015, Nanotechnologies — Vocabularies for science, technology and innovation indicators
ISO 19430:2016, Particle size analysis — Particle tracking analysis (PTA) method
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/TS 18110, ISO 19430,
CEN ISO/TS 80004-1:2015 or CEN ISO/TS 80004-2:2017and the following apply.
NOTE They are repeated here for context and better understanding.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp
size range from approximately 1 nm to 100 nm
Note 1 to entry: Properties that are not extrapolations from a larger size are predominantly exhibited in this
length range.
[SOURCE: CEN ISO/TS 80004-1:2015, 2.1]
study, discovery and understanding of matter where size- and structure-dependant properties and
phenomena manifest, predominantly in the nanoscale (3.1), distinct from those associated with
individual atoms or molecules or extrapolation from larger sizes of the same material
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 18110:2015, 2.12]
application of scientific knowledge to manipulate and control matter predominantly in the nanoscale
(3.1) to make use of size- and structure-dependent properties and phenomena distinct from those
associated with individual atoms or molecules or extrapolation from larger sizes of the same material
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 18110:2015, 2.13]
material with any external dimension in the nanoscale (3.1) or having internal structure or surface
structure in the nanoscale
[SOURCE: ISO 19430:2016, 3.13]
Note 1 to entry: In Commission Recommendation of 18 October 2011 on the definition of nanomaterial
(2011/696/EU), the term “nanomaterial’ means “a natural, incidental or manufactured material containing
particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where, for 50 % or more of the
particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm-100 nm”.
discrete piece of material with one, two or three external dimensions in the nanoscale (3.1)
Note 1 to entry: The second and third external dimensions are orthogonal to the first dimension and to each
[SOURCE: CEN ISO/TS 80004-1:2015, 2.2]
nano-object with two similar external dimensions in the nanoscale (3.1) and the third dimension
significantly larger
Note 1 to entry: The largest external dimension is not necessarily in the nanoscale.
Note 2 to entry: The terms nanofibril and nanofilament can also be used.
Note 3 to entry: See CEN ISO/TS 80004-2:2017, 4.4, Note 1.
[SOURCE: CEN ISO/TS 80004-2:2017, 4.5]
nano-object (3.5) with all external dimensions in the nanoscale (3.1) where the lengths of the longest
and the shortest axes of the nano-object do not differ significantly
Note 1 to entry: If the dimensions differ significantly (typically by more than 3 times), terms such as nanofibre
(3.6) or nanoplate (CEN ISO/TS 80004-2:2017, 4.6) may be preferred to the term nanoparticle.
[SOURCE: CEN ISO/TS 80004-2:2017, 4.4]
textile incorporating nanoparticles
4 Nanoparticles in textile products
4.1 Textile manufacturing process
Various nanotechnologies can be used to produce “nanotextiles”.
The nanoparticles are:
a) integrated into the fibres, or
b) applied on the fibre surface (e.g. as a finish, a coating).
The present document is intended to clarify nanotextile manufacturing processes and application areas.
4.2 Application areas and products
Nanotechnology in the development of new materials in the textile industry is used:
• to improve existing functionality, or
• to produce a textile material with entirely new properties.
Foremost among the applications currently feasible are, in particular dirt and/or water-repellent and
antibacterial textiles and, although they are as yet produced on a very small scale, textiles which give UV
radiation protection and so-called “cosmetotextiles” (e.g. ladies tights) with woven-in nano-capsules
containing special body care substances. Bullet-proof vests containing carbon nanotubes are also
currently available, as are heat isolating and moisture-absorbent textiles.
Table 1 gives an overview of nanomaterials in relation to the possible properties of the “nanotextiles”.
Table 1 — Overview of nanomaterials in relation to the possible properties of the “nanotextiles”
Mechanical Mechanical strength X X       X X X X  X
Dimensional stability  X       X X
Rheological modification         X X X X  X
Impact strength, toughness and X X       X  X X  X
Low density, light weight X           X
Scratch resistance X     X   X
Tenacity X        X   X
Smoothness         X
Processing aid X X
Electrical Conductivity, antistatic  X        X
Thermal and optical Temperature resistance  X        X
UV resistance   X X  X       X
Transparency and optical effects X     X  X X    X
Colour improvements         X    X
Thermal conductivity X
Carbon nanotubes
Nano titaniumdioxide
Nano zincoxide
Nanosilver, or other
Nano aluminiumoxide
Nano ceriumoxide
Nano antimoniumtrioxide
Nano silica
Nano calcium carbonate
Quantom dots
Infrared absorption        X
Chemical Chemical resistance X X            X
Chemical reactivity              X
Fire resistance      X  X  X
Antimicrobial     X
Barrier properties  X       X X  X
Automization Self-cleaning   X
Self-healing X
NOTE (a cross "X" means that there is a possible relationship between the concerned nanomaterial column and property row).

Carbon nanotubes
Nano titaniumdioxide
Nano zincoxide
Nanosilver, or other
Nano aluminiumoxide
Nano ceriumoxide
Nano antimoniumtrioxide
Nano silica
Nano calcium carbonate
Quantom dots
4.3 Are nanoparticles released from nanotextiles?
As there are different manufacturing processes by which nanoparticles can be integrated in fibres or on
fibres, there can be variation in how tightly bound the nanoparticles are with the textile material. It is
these factors and the use to which the textile is subjected that determine whether and to what extent
nanoparticles can be released from it.
It is kn

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