CISPR 11:2024 applies to industrial, scientific and medical electrical equipment operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz and to domestic and similar appliances designed to generate and/or use locally radio-frequency energy. This document covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 400 GHz. For ISM RF applications in the meaning of the definition found in the ITU Radio Regulations (2020) (see Definition 3.1.18), this document covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 18 GHz. ISM equipment which incorporates radio transmit/receive functions (host equipment with radio functionality) is included in the scope of this document, see Annex F. However, the emission requirements in this document are not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU including their spurious emissions.
NOTE 1 This exclusion only applies to emissions from the intentional radio transmitter. However, combination emissions, for example emissions resulting from intermodulation between the radio and the non-radio subassemblies of the ISM equipment, are not subject to this exclusion.
NOTE 2 Emission requirements for induction cooking appliances are specified in CISPR 14-1.
Requirements for ISM RF lighting equipment and UV irradiators operating at frequencies within the ISM frequency bands defined by the ITU Radio Regulations are contained in this document.
Robots used for industrial, scientific and medical applications are in the scope of this document.
EXAMPLE Welding robots, spraying robots, handling robots, processing robots, assembly robots, medical robots, education and experimental robots. A comprehensive list of robots in the scope of this document is given on the IEC EMC zone.
NOTE 3 Flying robots, domestic helper robots, toy robots and entertainment robots are examples of robots in the scope of other CISPR standards.
Equipment covered by other CISPR product and product family emission standards are excluded from the scope of this document.
This seventh edition cancels and replaces the sixth edition published in 2015, Amendment 1:2016 and Amendment 2:2019. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) introduction of limits for radiated disturbances in the frequency range above 1 GHz for group 1 equipment in line with the requirements given in the generic emission standards;
b) introduction of limits for conducted disturbances on the wired network port in line with the requirements given in the generic emission standards;
c) introduction of requirements for equipment which incorporates radio transmit/receive functions;
d) introduction of definitions for various types of robots;
e) consideration of some particular conditions when measuring robots, such as measurement setups and operating modes of robots.

  • Standard
    313 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    194 pages
    English and French language
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CISPR TR 18-1:2017 which is a Technical Report, applies to radio noise from overhead power lines, associated equipment, and high-voltage equipment which may cause interference to radio reception. The scope of this document includes the causes, measurement and effects of radio interference, design aspects in relation to this interference, methods and examples for establishing limits and prediction of tolerable levels of interference from high voltage overhead power lines and associated equipment, to the reception of radio signals and services. The frequency range covered is 0,15 MHz to 3 GHz. Radio frequency interference caused by the pantograph of overhead railway traction systems is not considered in this document. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- updated description of the RF characteristics of spark discharges which might contain spectral radio noise components up to the GHz frequency range;
- addition of state of the art in HVDC converter technology
Keywords: radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment

  • Technical report
    80 pages
    English language
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  • Technical report
    161 pages
    English language
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CISPR TR 18-3:2017 which is a technical report, applies to radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment which may cause interference to radio reception, excluding the fields from power line carrier signals. The frequency range covered is 0,15 MHz to 3 GHz. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- localisation system of spark discharges which might contain frequency components up to 3 GHz;
- information regarding equations for predetermination of the radio noise level from HVDC overhead power lines.
Keywords: radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment

  • Technical report
    52 pages
    English language
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  • Technical report
    105 pages
    English language
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CISPR TR 18-2:2017 which is a Technical Report, applies to radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment which may cause interference to radio reception. The frequency range covered by this publication is 0,15 MHz to 3 GHz. A general procedure for establishing the limits of the radio noise field from the power lines and equipment is recommended, together with typical values as examples, and methods of measurement. The clause on limits concentrates on the low frequency and medium frequency bands and it is only in these bands where ample evidence, based on established practice, is available. No examples of limits to protect radio reception in the frequency band 30 MHz to 3 GHz have been given, as measuring methods and certain other aspects of the problems in this band have not yet been fully resolved. Site measurements and service experience have shown that levels of noise from power lines at frequencies higher than 300 MHz in normal operation are so low that interference is unlikely to be caused to television reception. The values of limits given as examples are calculated to provide a reasonable degree of protection to the reception of broadcasting at the boundary of the recognized service areas of the appropriate transmitters in the radio frequency bands used for a.m. radio broadcasting, in the least favourable conditions likely to be generally encountered. These limits are intended to provide guidance at the planning stage of the line and national standards or other specifications against which the performance of the line may be checked after construction and during its useful life. The measuring apparatus and methods used for checking compliance with limits should comply with the respective CISPR specifications, as e.g. the basic standards series CISPR 16, see [1]. This third edition of CISPR TR 18-2 is adapted to the modern structure and content of technical reports issued by IEC. The second edition of CISPR TR 18-2 underwent thorough edition and adaptation to modern terminology. This third edition now also covers an adequate method of measurement for radiated disturbances from HV overhead power lines and substations in the range 300 MHz to 3 GHz, since gap-type discharges can be a potential noise source disturbing modern digital radio communication.
Keywords: radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment

  • Technical report
    77 pages
    English language
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  • Technical report
    154 pages
    English language
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CISPR 11:2015 applies to industrial, scientific and medical electrical equipment operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz and to domestic and similar appliances designed to generate and/or use locally radio-frequency energy. This standard covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 400 GHz. Measurements need only be performed in frequency ranges where limits are specified in Clause 6. For ISM RF applications in the meaning of the definition found in the ITU Radio Regulations (see Definition 3.13), this standard covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 18 GHz. Requirements for ISM RF lighting equipment and UV irradiators operating at frequencies within the ISM frequency bands defined by the ITU Radio Regulations are contained in this standard. Equipment covered by other CISPR product and product family emission standards are excluded from the scope of this standard. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2009 and its Amendment 1 published in 2010. It constitutes a technical revision. It introduces and permits type testing on components of power electronic equipment, systems and installations. Its emission limits apply now to low voltage (LV) a.c. and d.c. power ports, irrespective of the direction of power transmission. Several limits were adapted to the practical test conditions found at test sites. They are also applicable now to power electronic ISM RF equipment used for wireless power transfer (WPT), for instant power supply and charging purposes. The limits in the range 1 GHz to 18 GHz apply now to CW-type disturbances and to fluctuating disturbances in a similar, uniform and technology-neutral way. For these measurements, two alternative methods of measurement are available, the traditional log-AV method and the new APD method. It has the status of a Product Family EMC standard in accordance with IEC Guide 107, Electromagnetic compatibility - Guide to the drafting of electromagnetic compatibility publications (2014).

  • Standard
    284 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    192 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    404 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    432 pages
    English and French language
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CISPR 18-1:2010(E), which is a technical report, applies to radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment which may cause interference to radio reception. The scope of this publication includes the causes, measurement and effects of radio interference, design aspects in relation to this interference, methods and examples for establishing limits and prediction of tolerable levels of interference from high voltage overhead power lines and associated equipment, to the reception of radio broadcast services. The frequency range covered is 0,15 MHz to 300 MHz. Radio frequency interference caused by the pantograph of overhead railway traction systems is not considered in this technical report. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1982. It is a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- while the first edition of CISPR 18-1 only covered the direct distance D0 for the establishment of standard profiles for the lateral radio noise field emanating from HV overhead power lines,
- this second edition now also allows for use of the lateral distance y0 for these purposes. This way it allows for the establishment of standard profiles for the lateral radio noise field also from modern HV overhead power line constructions with tall suspension towers.

  • Technical report
    71 pages
    English language
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CISPR 18-3:2010(E), which is a technical report, applies to radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment which may cause interference to radio reception, excluding the fields from power line carrier signals. The frequency range covered is 0,15 MHz to 300 MHz. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1986. It is a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- while the first edition of CISPR 18-3 only covered recommendations for minimizing the generation of radio noise emanating from high-voltage (HV) power systems,
- this second edition now also covers a new clause providing formulae for predetermination of the radio noise field strength levels from HV overhead power lines with large conductor bundles.
Furthermore, Annex A was accomplished with a collation of predetermination formulae developed and used by several institutions around the world. The tables also contain typical examples of radio noise field strength levels obtained during some measurements campaigns at several HV overhead power line constructions.

  • Technical report
    46 pages
    English language
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CISPR 18-2:2010(E), which is a technical report, applies to radio noise from overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment which may cause interference to radio reception. The frequency range covered is 0,15 MHz to 300 MHz. A general procedure for establishing the limits of the radio noise field from the power lines and equipment is recommended, together with typical values as examples, and methods of measurement. The clause on limits concentrates on the low frequency and medium frequency bands and it is only in these bands where ample evidence, based on established practice, is available. No examples of limits to protect radio reception in the frequency band 30 MHz to 300 MHz have been given, as measuring methods and certain other aspects of the problems in this band have not yet been fully resolved. Site measurements and service experience have shown that levels of noise from power lines at frequencies higher than 300 MHz are so low that interference is unlikely to be caused to television reception. The values of limits given as examples are calculated to provide a reasonable degree of protection to the reception of broadcasting at the boundary of the recognized service areas of the appropriate transmitters in the radio frequency bands used for a.m. broadcasting, in the least favourable conditions likely to be generally encountered. These limits are intended to provide guidance at the planning stage of the line and national standards or other specifications against which the performance of the line may be checked after construction and during its useful life. The measuring apparatus and methods used for checking compliance with limits should comply with the respective CISPR specifications, as e.g. the basic standards series CISPR 16. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1986. It is a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- while the first edition of CISPR 18-2 only considered the direct distance D0 for the establishment of standard profiles for the lateral radio noise field emanating from HV overhead power lines,
- this second edition now also allows for use of the lateral distance y0 for these purposes. This way it allows for conduction of on-site measurements and simplified recording and use of measurement data obtained at lateral distances y slant to the pathway of modern HV and UHV overhead power line constructions with tall suspension towers.

  • Technical report
    72 pages
    English language
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CISPR 11:2009 applies to industrial, scientific and medical electrical equipment operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz and to domestic and similar appliances designed to generate and/or use locally radio-frequency energy. CISPR 11:2009 covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 400 GHz. Measurements need only be performed in frequency ranges where limits are specified in Clause 6. For ISM RF applications in the meaning of the definition found in the ITU Radio Regulations (see Definition 3.1), this standard covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 18 GHz. Requirements for ISM RF lighting apparatus and UV irradiators operating at frequencies within the ISM frequency bands defined by the ITU Radio Regulations are contained in this standard. Equipment covered by other CISPR product and product family emission standards are excluded from the scope of this standard. This fifth edition of CISPR 11 cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2003, its Amendment 1 (2004) and Amendment 2 (2006). It constitutes a technical revision. This fifth edition of CISPR 11 got a more transparent structure, introduces another set of particular limits for conducted and radiated disturbances of 'heavy duty' general purpose equipment of class A group 1 with a rated input power in excess of 20 kVA, in accordance with the needs of the industries and refers to the full approach in respect of the measurement instrumentation uncertainty specified in CISPR 16 4 4. Furthermore, any kind of 'legal statements' were removed from the normative main body of this International Standard. It has the status of a Product Family EMC standard in accordance with IEC Guide 107, Electromagnetic compatibility - Guide to the drafting of electromagnetic compatibility publications (2009).

  • Standard
    106 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    115 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    4 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    4 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    7 pages
    English and French language
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The limits and methods of measurement laid down in this International Standard apply to industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment, and to electro-discharge machining (EDM) and arc welding equipment. Procedures are given for the measurement of radio-frequency disturbances and limits are laid down within the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz. Requirements for ISM lighting apparatus operating in the ISM frequency bands of 915 MHz (only allowed in region 2 as defined by the ITU Radio Regulations), 2,45 GHz and 5,8 GHz are contained in this standard. Requirements for other types of lighting apparatus are covered in CISPR 15.

  • Standard
    43 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    43 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    43 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    43 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    85 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    85 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    2 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    2 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    5 pages
    English and French language
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Electromagnetic radiation disturbance limits are developed for the purpose of protecting radiocommunication services and signal levels, as well as for taking frequency bands, signal levels, separation distances between the interfering and interfered equipment, desired signal ratio, etc. into account.

  • Standard
    69 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    73 pages
    English and French language
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Has the status of a technical report, and gives information on the various types of disturbances that can be expected on public power supply systems. The following disturbance phenomena are considered: - harmonics - inter-harmonics - voltage fluctuations - voltage dips and short supply interruptions - voltage unbalance - mains signalling - power frequency variation - d.c. components.

  • Technical report
    27 pages
    English language
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    e-Library read for
    1 day

Describes the electromagnetic environment. Intended as a basis to achieve electromagnetic compatibility in system and equipment design, using test standards and mitigation methods which satisfactorily take account of undesirable effects. The report is primarily concerned with characteristics and levels of electromagnetic fields and of non-network-frequency-related conducted emissions from unintentional sources of interference.

  • Technical report
    68 pages
    English language
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    e-Library read for
    1 day

This technical report provides the guidelines for emission levels within the bands designated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) application.

  • Technical report
    9 pages
    English and French language
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Contains a new clause 5 on methods for derivation of limits for the radio noise due to HVDC converter stations and similar installations.

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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Electromagnetic radiation disturbance limits are developed for the purpose of protecting radiocommunication services and signal levels, as well as for taking frequency bands, signal levels, separation distances between the interfering and interfered equipment, desired signal ratio, etc. into account.

  • Standard
    10 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    57 pages
    English and French language
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The methods of measurement detail the techniques and procedures for use when measuring fields on site near to an overhead line and also the techniques and procedures for making laboratory measurements of interference voltages and currents generated by line equipment and accessories. The procedures for determining limits define the expected values of radio noise field and the width of the "disturbed corridor" following the route of the line. This corridor takes into account the effective field strength of the wanted signal, the signal-to-noise ratio selected and the expected strength of the noise field for a given line. The procedures are valid only for long and medium waves.

  • Standard
    80 pages
    English and French language
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This publication forms a "a code of good practice" to reduce to a minimum the production of radio noise by power lines and equipment. It provides information to follow both when designing various fittings and components and when stringing the conductors and installing the hardware of the line. It also describes methods of detecting and locating defects resulting in unusually high interference levels, and provides prevention and correction procedures. Lastly, Part 3 provides formulae for predicting the most probable radio noise field of a line for various wheather conditions. In so far as radio noise is caused by conductor corona.

  • Standard
    33 pages
    English and French language
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This publication applies to radio noise from overhead power lines and high voltage equipment which may cause interference to radio reception, excluding the fields from power line carrier signals. The frequency range covered is 0.15 MHz to 300 MHz. The purpose of Part 1 is to discuss the physical phenomena involved in the generation of electromagnetic noise fields; it also includes the main properties of such fields and their numerical values. The data should facilitate the use of the recommendations given in CISPR 18-2 and 18-3.

  • Standard
    105 pages
    English and French language
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Describes a method of measurement for small microwave ovens (largest dimension less than 1 m) and a separate method of measurement for large microwave ovens (largest dimension exceeding 1 m).

  • Standard
    9 pages
    English and French language
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Reviews the position of CISPR limits for the protection of telecommunications from interference from ISM equipment, clarifies the roles of the CCIR and the CISPR in their collaboration in studies on the limits required for this purpose, summarizes the various proposals for methods of specifying limits and derives from these a recommended method which will meet the objectives of CISPR and CCIR. Deals only with radiation which occurs outside the bands designated by ITU for ISM use and does not include consideration of data-processing equipment.

  • Standard
    28 pages
    English and French language
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