IEC 62676-5-1:2024 defines measuring methods for performance values of video surveillance camera equipment and defines image quality tests under the given temperature and humidity environment. This document is mainly targeting cameras with integrated lenses as the lenses are a major component that can impact the results. If the lens is selectable, the lens will be stated together with the results.

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IEC 62676-2-11:2024 defines minimum requirement profiles for Video Management Systems (VMS) and cloud Video-Surveillance-as-a-Service (VSaaS) Systems to optimize interfacing with third parties. It defines minimum required VMS interoperability levels from video export to exclusive video control, for the sake of remote support, for example in crisis situations, regulating governmental organizations, national law enforcement, private security service companies, public transport operators and other authorities. This document is intended to set the common technical basis for national regulations requiring inter-organizational remote, local or on-site access, for example so that authorities can be granted temporary access to the VSS in the case of emergency situations. This standard is accordingly expected to supersede ISO 22311 (Societal Security - Video-surveillance - Export interoperability).

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This document applies to the planning, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of an emergency and danger response system. An emergency and danger response system is part of an overall solution for dealing with specific events such as emergencies or crises. This document - specifies: - technical processes and responsibilities for supporting all procedures from the registration of an event (emergency, danger) up to its final processing; - the technical risk management including the definition of safety/security goals and the workflow organization as well as the necessary specifications regarding a technical risk management file; - associated duties, responsibilities and activities as parts of an integrated overall risk management process to achieve the safety and security goals, effectiveness and efficiency as well as data and system safety/security; - three different grades of safety/security, with the respective product functionalities required to achieve them; - the basic requirements for emergency and danger response systems (EDRS) in public buildings such as education facilities (e.g. schools, universities), government facilities, kindergartens and similar facilities; - the responsibilities under applicable national law about Safety and Health at Work Laws and thus particularly addresses the responsibility of employers; - describes: - the process of establishing, maintaining and updating a risk management file in which, inter alia, the technical risks are listed and evaluated and the residual technical risks are defined, resulting in the grade and structure of the EDRS; - is intended to support the implementation of: - National legal and other provisions (e.g. Act on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities, Safety and Health at Work Laws, education laws); - gives relevant guidance on: - the organizational risk management; - does not replace the specifications of standards to the following systems: - fire safety systems including, but not limited to, fire detection and fire alarm systems, fixed firefighting systems, smoke and heat control systems, - security systems including, but not limited to, intrusion and hold-up alarm systems, electronic access control systems, external perimeter security systems and video surveillance systems, - applicable national standards on call systems. All such systems can, however, be integrated into an emergency and danger response system (EDRS), taking into account the relevant provisions made in the respective standards for such products and systems. Other products and systems from the entire field of standardization, such as alarm systems, danger warning and danger alarm systems, escape routing systems, public address systems used to respond to a danger, can also be used in or integrated into an emergency and danger response system if the relevant requirements of the standards for such products or systems are met. This document does not specify any risk levels, in particular no acceptable residual risks. Technical risk management and organizational risk management are equal parts of the overall risk management. This document is also applicable to non-public buildings with a similar risk and requirement for protection.

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This document specifies the minimum requirements for monitoring, receiving and processing of alarm messages generated by alarm systems taking place as a part of the total fire, safety and security solution. For the purpose of this document, the term “alarm” is used in the broad sense to include fault, status and other messages received from one or more of a range of safety and security alarm systems such as but not limited to fire detection and fire alarm systems, fixed firefighting systems, intrusion and hold-up alarm systems, access control systems, video surveillance systems, social alarms systems and combinations of such systems. This document gives requirements for two categories of ARC, category I and category II. A category I ARC will be designed, constructed and operated to a higher standard with respect to construction, security and integrity than a category II ARC. The categorization is determined according to the type(s) of alarm messages handled. Category I: ARCs handling messages from security applications: - I&HAS’s; - access control systems; - VSS in security applications that require an emergency response (for example loss prevention); - people monitoring, lone workers and object tracking systems for security applications; - alarm messages handled by category II ARCs; - combinations of the above systems. Category II: ARC’s handling messages from non-security applications: - fire alarm systems; - fixed firefighting systems; - social alarm systems; - audio/video door entry systems; - VSS in non-security applications (for example traffic flow); - people monitoring, lone workers and object tracking systems for non-security applications; - lifts emergency systems; - combinations of the above systems. The requirements apply to ARC’s (whether established in single or multiple sites) monitoring and processing alarms generated by systems installed at other locations and also to ARC’s monitoring solely alarms from systems within their own site. The document includes functional and specific requirements supporting the services of an ARC. The document does NOT apply to: - alarm systems used for non-civil purposes; - alarm systems for medical or health applications.

  • Amendment
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This European Standard specifies the general equipment requirements for the performance, reliability, resilience, security and safety characteristics of supervised premises transceiver (SPT) installed in supervised premises and used in alarm transmission systems (ATS). A supervised premises transceiver can be a stand-alone device or an integrated part of an alarm system. These requirements also apply to SPT’s sharing means of interconnection, control, communication and power supplies with other applications. The alarm transmission system requirements and classifications are defined within EN 50136-1. Different types of alarm systems may in addition to alarm messages also send other types of messages, e.g. fault messages and status messages. The term alarm is used in this broad sense throughout the document. Additional requirements for the connection of specific types of alarm systems are given in the relevant European Standards. Because the SPT can be applied in different applications (e.g. I&HAS, fire and social alarm systems), requirements for the SPT, additional to those of this European Standard, may be specified in separate application specific documents. This European Standard specifies the requirements specific to alarm transmission. Application specific requirements for the connection of the SPT to specific types of alarm systems are given in the EN/TS 50131 series for I&HAS, and EN 54 series for fire. For other SPT applications, see the relevant National or European standards.

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This document specifies the requirements for pyrotechnic obscuration security devices as a part of an IAS. It covers application and performance and specifies the necessary tests and trials to ensure efficiency and reliability of such obscuration devices. This document is not intended to cover Hold-up alarm systems, standalone or vehicular security pyrotechnic obscuration security device. This document also gives guidelines on the criteria for design, installation, operation and maintenance of security pyrotechnic obscuration security device. NOTE This document does not deal with CE marking, chemical (REACH/CLP) or transport regulation requirements for pyrotechnical devices set forth in the relevant European regulation and harmonized standards issued for this purpose.

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This part of the IEC 62676 series specifies management systems interfaces and mechanism for remote operational access to physical security devices such as video surveillance devices and systems. For video surveillance, the use cases focus on accessing live video and retrieving recordings. The mechanism defined in this specification are not restricted to surveillance applications but also cover remote access to security systems and electronic access control systems. Configuration of devices and management systems is out of scope of this specification. Clause 4 introduces to remote management access. Clause 5 defines a set of requirements that the protocol needs to fulfil. Clause 6 extends the token-based resource-addressing scheme of the underlying specification IEC 60839-11-31. Clause 7 describes how to retrieve information about remote resources. Clause 8 defines how to connect to devices that are not directly reachable because they are e.g. located behind firewalls.

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IEC 62676-2-31:2019 defines procedures for communication between network video clients and video transmitter devices. This new set of specifications makes it possible to build network video systems with devices and receivers from different manufacturers using common and well-defined interfaces. These interfaces cover functions such as media and imaging configuration, real-time streaming of audio and video, pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) control as well as analytics. The management and control interfaces defined in this document are described as web services. Annex F contains XML schema and Web Service Description Language (WSDL) definitions for the introduced network services. This first edition, together with IEC 60839-11-31 and IEC 62676-2-32, cancels and replaces IEC 62676-2-3:2013. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 62676-2-3:2013: a) addition of the Media2 service; b) additional methods for the imaging service; c) method duplicates from the device IO service have been removed; d) both the display and analytics device service are no more included.

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IEC 62676-2-32:2019 specifies the web service interface for the configuration of the recording of video, audio and metadata. Additionally, associated events are defined. Web service usage is outside the scope of this document. Please refer to the IEC 60839‑11-31 for more information. This first edition, together with IEC 60839-11-31 and IEC 62676-2-31, cancels and replaces IEC 62676-2-3:2013. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 62676-2-3:2013: a) an export file format has been added.

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This document specifies minimum requirements for secure connection and session for remote access to one or more alarm systems, for example fire safety systems, intruder and hold-up alarm systems, electronic access control systems, external perimeter security systems, video surveillance systems, and social alarm systems. This document specifies the requirements for the performance, reliability, integrity, and security characteristics of a Remote Access Infrastructure. This document specifies the requirements for a Remote Access Infrastructure between a Remote Access Client and an alarm system at the supervised premises and may be either integrated as part of the ATS or a separate infrastructure. In either case, the requirements of this European technical specification should apply. This document does not cover the provision of functions and features on the alarm system.

  • Technical specification
    12 pages
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This document specifies the requirements for Security Fog Devices as part of an I&HAS. It covers application and performance and also gives the necessary tests and trials to ensure efficiency and reliability of such obscuration devices. This document also gives guidance on the criteria for design, installation, operation and maintenance of Security Fog Devices.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for monitoring, receiving and processing of alarm messages generated by alarm systems taking place as a part of the total fire, safety and security solution. For the purpose of this standard, the term "alarm" is used in the broad sense to include fault, status and other messages received from one or more of a range of safety and security alarm systems such as but not limited to fire detection and fire alarm systems, fixed fire fighting systems, intrusion and hold-up alarm systems, access control systems, video surveillance systems, social alarms systems and combinations of such systems. This standard gives requirements for two categories of ARC, category I and category II. A category I ARC will be designed, constructed and operated to a higher standard with respect to construction, security and integrity than a category II ARC. The categorization is determined according to the type(s) of alarm messages handled. Category I: ARCs handling messages from security applications: - I&HAS’s; - access control systems; - VSS in security applications that require an emergency response (for example loss prevention); - people monitoring, lone workers and object tracking systems for security applications; - alarm messages handled by category II ARCs; - combinations of the above systems. Category II: ARC’s handling messages from non-security applications: - fire alarm systems; - fixed firefighting systems; - social alarm systems; - audio/video door entry systems; - VSS in non-security applications (for example traffic flow); - people monitoring, lone workers and object tracking systems for non-security applications; - elevator emergency systems; - combinations of the above systems. The requirements apply to ARC’s (whether established in single or multiple sites) monitoring and processing alarms generated by systems installed at other locations and also to ARC’s monitoring solely alarms from systems within their own site. The standard includes functional and specific requirements supporting the services of an ARC. The standard does NOT apply to - alarm systems used for non-civil purposes; - alarm systems for medical or health applications.

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This document includes requirements for warning devices used for notification in intrusion and hold up alarm systems installed in buildings. Four grades of warning device are described corresponding to each of the four security grades given in EN 50131-1. Requirements are also given for four environmental classes covering applications in indoor and outdoor locations as specified in EN 50130-5. This document does not deal with requirements for compliance with EC regulatory Directives, such as the EMC Directive, Low Voltage Directive, etc. except that it specifies the equipment operating conditions for EMC susceptibility testing as required by EN 50130-4.

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IT NC submits to CLC TC79 the request for an amendment work of the EN 62820-1-1:2016, within CLC/TC 79/WG 15

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This document is for passive infrared detectors installed in buildings and provides for security grades 1 to 4 (see EN 50131 1), specific or non-specific wired or wire-free detectors, and uses environmental classes I to IV (see EN 50130 5). This document does not include requirements for detectors intended for use outdoors. The purpose of the detector is to detect the broad spectrum infrared radiation emitted by an intruder, to analyse the resulting signals and to provide the necessary range of signals or messages to be used by the rest of the intrusion alarm system. The grade-dependent requirements of this document apply and it is essential that a detector fulfils all the requirements of the specified grade. Functions additional to the mandatory functions specified in this document can be included in the detector, providing they do not influence the correct operation of the mandatory functions. Requirements for system interconnections are not included in this document.

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This document is for microwave detectors installed in buildings and provides for security grades 1 to 4 (see EN 50131 1), specific or non-specific wired or wire-free detectors, and uses environmental classes I to IV (see EN 50130 5). This document does not include requirements for detectors intended for use outdoors. The purpose of the detector is to emit microwave signals and analyse the signals that are returned to detect an intruder and to provide the necessary range of signals or messages to be used by the rest of the intrusion alarm system. The grade-dependent requirements of this document apply and it is essential that a detector fulfils all the requirements of the specified grade. Functions additional to the mandatory functions specified in this document can be included in the detector, providing they do not influence the correct operation of the mandatory functions. Requirements for system interconnections are not included in this document.

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This standard specifies the requirements for the performance, reliability and security characteristics of alarm transmission systems. It covers the general requirements for connections providing signalling between an alarm system at a supervised premises and annunciation equipment at an alarm receiving centre. EN 50136-1 Applies to transmission systems for all types of alarm messages such as fire, intrusion, access control, social alarm, etc. Different types of alarm system may in addition to alarm messages also send other types of messages, e.g. fault messages and status messages. These messages are also considered to be alarm messages. The term alarm is used in this broad sense throughout the document. Additional requirements for the connection of specific types of alarm systems are given in the relevant European Standards.

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This part of IEC 60839 defines the Web services interface for electronic access control systems. This includes listing electronic access control system components, their logical composition, monitoring their states and controlling them. It also includes a mapping of mandatory and optional requirements in accordance with IEC 60839-11-1:2013, as covered by Annex B. This document applies to physical security only. Physical security prevents unauthorized personnel, attackers or accidental intruders from physically accessing a building, room, etc. Web services usage and device management functionality are outside the scope of this document. Refer to IEC 60839-11-31:2016 for more information. This document does not in any way limit a manufacturer to add other protocols or extend the protocol defined here. For rules on how to accomplish this, refer to IEC 60839-11-31:2016.

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    185 pages
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This European Standard provides for security grades 1 to 4, (see EN 50131-1) specific or non-specific wired or wire-free lock state contacts, and includes the requirements for four environmental classes covering applications in internal and outdoor locations as specified in EN 50130-5. Lock state contacts are installed in windows or doors and windows or doorframes to allow to monitor the lock/unlock status only or the lock/unlock status combined with the open/close status of a window/door simultaneously and are as such located in supervised premises. They provide the necessary range of signals or messages to be used by the rest of the intrusion alarm system. A detector fulfils all the requirements of the specified grade. Functions additional to the mandatory functions specified in this European Standard may be included in the detector, providing they do not influence the correct operation of the mandatory functions. The combination of the two separate units of the lock state contact is referred to in the body of this European Standard as the detector. This European Standard does not apply to system interconnections.

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IEC 62676-5:2018 defines recommendations and requirements for representation and measuring methods of performance values to be described in materials such as instruction manuals, brochures and specifications of video surveillance camera equipment. The first part of this document defines requirements for description of video surveillance camera specification items. The second part defines requirements for measurement methods of video surveillance camera specification items.

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This document specifies the minimum requirements for the performance, reliability and security characteristics of interconnections, alarm transmission systems and communications within a social alarm system.

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IEC 62820-3-2:2018 describes the basic application requirements for Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems (ASBIS) in public and private buildings with advanced safety and security needs. ASBIS are also used to meet the requirements of the Local Regulations of Workplace Safety and/or other relevant local regulations, in particular, protecting the life and limb of employees and all persons in the building, taking into account the inclusion of people with disabilities (e.g to achieve barrier-free access or calls for help) where required by local applicable law. The recommendations and requirements of IEC 62820-3-1 are mandatory for this document.

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IEC 62820-3-1:2017 gives guidelines for planning, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Building Intercom Systems (BIS), for use in security applications. The different technical requirements for BIS are specified in IEC 62820-1-1 and IEC 62820-1-2. The objectives of this document are to: - provide a framework to assist system integrators, installers, consultant engineers and system owners in establishing their requirements; - assist specifiers and system owners in determining the appropriate equipment required for a given application.

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This European Standard specifies the requirements, performance criteria and testing procedures for PS to be used as part of Intrusion and Hold up Alarm Systems. The PS will either be an integral part of an I&HAS component or stand-alone. The control functions of the PS may be incorporated as part of the PS device, or may be provided by another I&HAS component, e.g. a CIE. This European Standard is not applicable when the PS requirements for I&HAS components are included within the relevant product standard. The requirements correspond to each of the four security grades given in the European Standard EN 50131 1, Alarm Systems – Intrusion and Hold-Up Systems - Part 1: System requirements. Requirements are also given for four environmental classes covering applications in indoor and outdoor locations. This standard covers: a) mandatory functions which will be provided on all PS; and b) optional functions which may be provided. This European Standard does not deal with requirements for compliance with EC regulatory Directives, such as the EMC Directive, Low Voltage Directive, etc. except that it specifies the equipment operating conditions and reduced functional test for EMC susceptibility testing as required by EN 50130 4. Other functions associated with I&HAS not specified in this standard may be provided. Such functions will not affect the requirements of any mandatory or optional functions.

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This European Standard specifies the minimum equipment requirements for the performance, reliability, resilience, security and safety characteristics of the receiving centre transceiver (RCT) installed in ARC and used in alarm transmission systems. The alarm transmission system requirements and classifications are defined within EN 50136 1. Different types of alarm systems may in addition to alarm messages also send other types of messages, e.g. fault messages and status messages. These messages are also considered to be alarm messages. The term alarm message is used in this broad sense throughout the document. Where application specific standards exist, the RCT should comply with relevant standards called up by that application. The RCT can be either an integrated element of any receiving/annunciation equipment, or a stand-alone device. In either case, the requirements of this European Standard should apply. The function of the RCT is to monitor the ATPs, receive alarm messages, forward alarm messages to one or more AEs and send acknowledgements to the SPTs. Management of the transmission network is not in the scope of this European Standard.

  • Amendment
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2021-05-03: TC to correct wording in  13.3.2

  • Corrigendum
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This document applies to interconnections between intrusion and hold-up alarm system components using specific or non-specific wired interconnections (e.g. between SPT and CIE). The interconnected components are located within the supervised premises, or mounted on the outside of the supervised premises (e.g. external warning devices). This document does not apply to interconnections between components located within the same enclosure, or to interconnections between parts of an I&HAS component if covered by the relevant product standard. This document does not define the physical requirements of the interconnection media. This document is expected to be used in conjunction with the other parts of the EN 50131 series that define the functional requirements of the equipment regardless of the interconnection technique used. Where monitoring of the functionality of the interconnections is undertaken by an interconnected component, this is defined in the relevant product standard in the EN 50131 series. If a component standard indicates that an interconnection will be monitored, then this document determines the monitored conditions applicable to the interconnection. NOTE 1 For example, if there is no requirement in a detector standard to monitor a remote indication of detection input, this document does not apply to that particular interconnection. Requirements for the monitoring of the functionality of power connections between I&HAS components are defined in the relevant product standard and are not included within this document. This document defines the terms used in the field of intrusion and hold-up alarm equipment using such interconnections and includes the requirements relevant to the equipment interfaces. Wired interconnection media can include metallic single stranded insulated cable, metallic multi-stranded insulated cable, and fibre optic cable. These cables can comprise single or multiple cores. NOTE 2 Interconnections using RF techniques (i.e. wire free interconnections) are dealt with by EN 50131 5 3.

  • Technical specification
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IEC 62820-2:2017 specifies the technical requirements for the composition, function, performance and testing methods of Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems. This document is applicable for intercom systems used for any advanced security communication in buildings. Advanced security building intercom systems (ASBIS) are used for rapid emergency and danger messages verification by voice communication, warning of a danger, rapid notification of the responsible emergency services/intervention services and for sending instructions on how to proceed. The requirement for a suitable concept is prior risk assessment and a definition of the protection target.

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This document specifies a protocol for point-to-point transmission of alarms and faults, as well as communications monitoring, between a Supervised Premises Transceiver and a Receiving Centre Transceiver using the Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol is intended for use over any network that supports the transmission of IP data. These include Ethernet, xDSL, GPRS, WiFi, UMTS and WIMAX. The system performance characteristics for alarm transmission are specified in EN 50136-1. The performance characteristics of the supervised premises equipment should comply with the requirements of its associated alarm system standard and applies for transmission of all types of alarms including, but not limited to, fire, intrusion, access control and social alarms. Compliance with this document is voluntary.

  • Technical specification
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IEC 60839-11-5:2020 specifies the Open supervised device protocol (OSDP) for electronic access control systems. This includes communication settings, commands and replies between the ACU and the peripheral devices. It also includes a mapping of mandatory and optional requirements as per IEC 60839-11-1:2013 as covered by Annex. This document applies to physical security only. Physical security prevents unauthorized personnel, attackers or accidental intruders from physically accessing a building, room, etc.

  • Standard
    88 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements, performance criteria and testing procedures for PS to be used as part of Intrusion and Hold up Alarm Systems. The PS will either be an integral part of an I&HAS component or stand-alone. The control functions of the PS may be incorporated as part of the PS device, or may be provided by another I&HAS component, e.g. a CIE. This European Standard is not applicable when the PS requirements for I&HAS components are included within the relevant product standard. The requirements correspond to each of the four security grades given in the European Standard EN 50131 1, Alarm Systems - Intrusion and Hold-Up Systems - Part 1: System requirements. Requirements are also given for four environmental classes covering applications in indoor and outdoor locations. This standard covers: a) mandatory functions which will be provided on all PS; and b) optional functions which may be provided. This European Standard does not deal with requirements for compliance with EC regulatory Directives, such as the EMC Directive, Low Voltage Directive, etc. except that it specifies the equipment operating conditions and reduced functional test for EMC susceptibility testing as required by EN 50130 4. Other functions associated with I&HAS not specified in this standard may be provided. Such functions will not affect the requirements of any mandatory or optional functions.

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IEC 62820-1-2:2017 specifies the technical requirements for the composition, functions, performance and test methods of building intercom systems using the internet protocol (IP), and it is a supplement to IEC 62820-1-1. This document is applicable to the IP building intercom systems for both residential and commercial buildings.

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This European Standard specifies the requirements for manually and automatically activated trigger devices transmitting a triggering signal. This European Standard specifies the requirements and tests for trigger devices forming part of a social alarm system. This European Standard applies to all trigger devices that transmit a triggering signal to a local unit or controller using wired or wire-free interconnections methods.

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This document is for combined passive infrared and microwave detectors installed in buildings and provides for security grades 1 to 4 (see EN 50131-1), specific or non-specific wired or wire-free detectors, and uses environmental classes I to IV (see EN 50130-5). This document does not include requirements for detectors intended for use outdoors. The purpose of the detector is to detect the broad spectrum infrared radiation emitted by an intruder, to emit microwave signals and analyse the signals that are returned and to provide the necessary range of signals or messages to be used by the rest of the intrusion alarm system. For a combined detector where both detection technologies need to be in their activated state in order to generate an alarm condition, the grade-dependent requirements of this document apply. For combined detectors which can be configured or operated such that each detection technology can generate an alarm condition independently, the grade-dependant requirements as defined in EN 50131 2 2 and EN 50131-2-3 apply, when configured accordingly. Otherwise, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to clearly state that the detector does not comply to this document and not to EN 50131-2-2 and EN 50131 2-3 when put into such a configuration. It is essential that a detector fulfils all the requirements of the specified grade. Functions additional to the mandatory functions specified in this document can be included in the detector, providing they do not influence the correct operation of the mandatory functions. Requirements for system interconnections are not included in this document.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for Intrusion and Hold-up Alarm Systems installed in buildings using specific or non-specific wired interconnections or wire-free interconnections. These requirements also apply to the components of an I&HAS installed in a building which are normally mounted on the external structure of a building e.g. ancillary control equipment or warning devices. The standard does not include requirements for exterior I&HAS. This standard specifies performance requirements for installed I&HAS but does not include requirements for design, planning, installation, operation or maintenance. These requirements also apply to I&HAS sharing means of detection, triggering, interconnection, control, communication and power supplies with other applications. The functioning of an I&HAS shall not be adversely influenced by other applications. Requirements are specified for I&HAS components where the relevant environment is classified. This classification describes the environment in which an I&HAS component may be expected to function as designed. When the requirements of the four environmental classes are inadequate, due to the extreme conditions experienced in certain geographic locations, special national conditions are given in Annex A. General environmental requirements for I&HAS components are described in Clause 7. The requirements of this European Standard also apply to IAS and HAS when these systems are installed independently. When an I&HAS does not include functions relating to the detection of intruders, the requirements relating to intrusion detection do not apply. When an I&HAS does not include functions relating to hold-up, the requirements relating to hold-up do not apply. NOTE Unless otherwise stated the abbreviation I&HAS is intended to also mean IAS and HAS.

  • Amendment
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Harmonise system requirements with requirements for system components specified in standard published since EN 50131-1:2006 was published.

  • Amendment
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IEC 60839-11-32:2016 defines the Web services interface for electronic access control systems. This includes listing electronic access control system components, their logical composition, monitoring their states and controlling them. It also includes a mapping of mandatory and optional requirements as per IEC 60839-11-1. This document applies to physical security only. Physical security prevents unauthorized personnel, attackers or accidental intruders from physically accessing a building, room, etc. Web services usage and device management functionality are outside of the scope of this document. Refer to IEC 60839-11-31 for more information.

  • Standard
    76 pages
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IEC 60839-11-31:2016 defines procedures for communication between network clients and devices. This series of interoperability standards makes it possible to build an alarm and electronic security system with clients and devices from different manufacturers using common and well defined interfaces. The functions defined in this document covers discovery, device management and event framework. Supplementary dedicated services are defined in separate documents. The management and control interfaces defined in this document are described as Web services. This document also contains full XML schema and Web Service Description Language (WSDL) definitions. In order to offer full plug-and-play interoperability, this document defines procedures for device discovery. The device discovery mechanisms in this document are based on the WS-Discovery specification with extensions.

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    201 pages
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IEC 62820-1-1:2016 specifies the technical requirements for the composition, functions, performance, and test methods of general building intercom systems. This part is applicable to the general intercom systems for building entry in residential or commercial buildings. General building intercom systems have been classified into two grades: Grade 1 adopts lower requirements to cover door-entry-systems not used for relevant security applications while grade 2 adopts higher requirements for building intercom systems for security applications. Each grade may adopt different functional and performance requirements, test methods and normative references.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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Change of the following chapters, to allow products to pass the relevant test section based on the relevant Annex : 6.7.4 Immunity to Hard objects hitting the glass & Annex B

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Change of the following chapters, to allow products to pass the relevant test section based on the relevant Annex : 6.6.3 Immunity to Hard objects hitting the glass & Annex A

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Change of the following chapters, to allow products to pass the relevant test section based on the relevant Annex : 6.6.3 Immunity to Hard objects hitting the glass & Annex A

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This Technical Specification specifies a protocol for point-to-point transmission of alarms, faults, control signals and communications monitoring, between a Local Unit and Controller and an Alarm Receiving Centre using the Internet protocol (IP). The protocol is intended for use over any network that supports the transmission of IP data with sufficient quality of service to support VoIP or a separate voice channel. The Alarm Protocol is defined as an XML scheme including the alarm types, codes and necessary additional information. The alarm protocol is an application layer protocol using another Internet Protocol as a transport protocol to handle addressing and transport functions. The transport protocol initially defined in this Technical Specification is SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). The system performance characteristics for alarm transmission are specified in EN 50134-5. The performance characteristics of the Local Unit and Controller are expected to comply with the requirements of its associated alarm system standard and to apply for the transmission of social alarms. The protocols described in this standard are based on the SS 91100:2014 SCAIP standard [7] and defined to enable backwards compatibility with existing products based on the SCAIP standard.

  • Technical specification
    41 pages
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Corrigendum to add supersession information: EN 62676-3 supersedes EN 50132-5-3

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IEC 60839-11-2:2014 defines the minimum requirements and guidance for the installation and operation of electronic access control systems (EACS) and/or accessory equipment to meet different levels of protection. This standard includes requirements for planning, installation, commissioning, maintenance and documentation for the application of EACS installed in and around buildings and areas. The equipment functions are defined in IEC 60839-11-1.

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IEC 62676-4:2014 gives recommendations and requirements for the selection, planning, installation, commissioning, maintaining and testing video surveillance systems (VSS) comprising of image capture device(s), interconnection(s) and image handling device(s), for use in security applications. The objectives of this part of IEC 62676 are to: - provide a framework to assist customers, installers and users in establishing their requirements; - assist specifiers and users in determining the appropriate equipment required for a given application; - provide means of evaluating objectively the performance of the VSS.

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IEC 62676-3:2013 specifies physical, electrical and software interface (non-IP) specifications of analog and digital video interface in video surveillance systems (so far called CCTV) applications. Video interfaces are used both for connection and transmission of surveillance video, audio and control signals. This International Standard applies strictly to Video Surveillance Systems. This standard is based on broadcast television standards and other standards, and it defines the minimum requirements for analog and digital video interfaces to meet VSS's requirements, interoperability and de facto practice.

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These application guidelines include guidance on the application of the design, planning, operation, installation, commissioning and maintenance of alarm transmission systems for use in fire, I&HAS, Social Alarms and VSS applications. This document does NOT specify requirements. The requirements for ATS and ATE are specified in other parts of the EN 50136 series of standards. These application guidelines are intended to assist those responsible for establishing an ATS(n) to ascertain the appropriate design, planning, Installation, operation and maintenance of an ATS(n) and to determine the most appropriate ATS category for the required system performance. E.g. Installers and service providers, ATSPs and their ICT managers, Network operators (Telco’s), ARC’s and their ICT managers, Test houses and Certification inspectorates, Specifiers, Insurance companies, Manufacturers of ATE.

  • Technical specification
    22 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for External and Perimeter security systems (EPSS)- installed externally using specific or non-specific wired interconnections or wire-free interconnections. These requirements are not intended to apply to security system, e.g. intruder alarms, visual surveillance system (VSS), access control systems installed in buildings. This standard specifies performance requirements for installed EPSS but does not include requirements for design, planning, installation, operation or maintenance. These requirements also apply to EPSS sharing means of detection, triggering, interconnection, control, communication and power supplies with other applications. The operation of a EPSS shall not be adversely influenced by other applications. Requirements are specified for EPSS components where the relevant environment is classified. This classification describes the environment in which a EPSS component may be expected to operate as designed. Requirements for two environmental classes are specified for EPSS components. When the requirements of these two environmental classes are inadequate, due to the extreme conditions experienced in certain geographic locations, special national conditions are also specified in Annex A. Interconnections and products used to combine both an I&HAS and EPSS systems, e.g. control and indicating equipment, should comply to both the IEC 62642 (EN 50131) and EPSS suite of standards. The failure of either system or a fault in either system should not be adversely affect the performance of the other.

  • Technical specification
    37 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for integrating alarm applications with other systems, which may or may not be alarm applications. This document defines requirements and procedures for essential testing of the specific aspects of the functionality and integrity, related to the integration of the equipment or systems, in order to complement the individual alarm application standards.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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