Space engineering - Agile software development handbook

This Handbook provides recommendations for the implementation of an Agile approach in space software projects complying with EN 16603-40 (based on ECSS-E-ST-40) and EN 16602-80 (based on ECSS-Q-ST-80).
This handbook is not an Agile development book, though it provides an Agile reference model based on Scrum and also covers other major Agile methods and techniques. Scrum has been selected as reference because of its widespread application in industry and its flexibility as a development framework to introduce or merge with other Agile methods and techniques. In relation to the EN 16603-40 and EN 16602-80, this handbook does not provide any tailoring of their requirements due to the use of the Agile approach, but demonstrates how compliance towards ECSS can be achieved. This handbook does not cover contractual aspects for this particular engineering approach, although it recognises that considering the approach of fixing cost and schedule and making the scope of functionalities variable, the customer and supplier need to establish specific contractual arrangements. Furthermore, it does not impose a particular finality for the use of Agile, either as a set of team values, project management process, specific techniques or supporting exploration by prototypes.

Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch zur agilen Softwareentwicklung

Ingénierie spatiale - Guide de développement logiciel en mode agile

Vesoljska tehnika - Priročnik o spreminjajočem se razvoju programske opreme

Ta priročnik podaja priporočila za izvajanje agilnega pristopa pri projektih vesoljske programske opreme, ki ustrezajo standardoma EN 16603-40 (na podlagi standarda ECSS-E-ST-40) in EN 16602-80 (na podlagi standarda ECSS-Q-ST-80).
Ta priročnik ni knjiga o agilnem razvoju, vendar pa podaja referenčni model agilnosti, ki temelji na metodi Scrum, in obravnava tudi druge glavne agilne metode in tehnike. Za referenco je bila izbrana metoda Scrum, saj se pogosto uporablja v industriji in velja za prilagodljiv razvojni okvir, primeren za uvajanje ali združevanje z drugimi agilnimi metodami in tehnikami. Zaradi uporabe agilnega pristopa ta priročnik v zvezi s standardoma EN 16603-40 in EN 16602-80 ne podaja prilagoditev zahtev iz teh standardov, temveč prikazuje, kako je mogoče doseči skladnost z določili ECSS. Ta priročnik sicer ne obravnava pogodbenih vidikov navedenega pristopa k inženiringu, priznava pa, da morata naročnik in dobavitelj skleniti posebne pogodbene dogovore, ki upoštevajo tak pristop pri določitvi stroškov, časovnega razporeda in zagotavljanju spremenljivosti nabora funkcij. Priročnik prav tako ne določa posebne dokončnosti za uporabo agilnosti, bodisi v okviru vrednot skupine, procesa vodenja projekta, posebnih tehnik ali v okviru podpiranja raziskovanja s prototipi.

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6060 - Definitive text made available (DAV) - Publishing
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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 17603-40-01:2022
English language
105 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Vesoljska tehnika - Priročnik o spreminjajočem se razvoju programske opreme
Space engineering - Agile software development handbook
Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch zur agilen Softwareentwicklung
Ingénierie spatiale - Guide de développement logiciel en mode agile
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17603-40-01:2022
35.080 Programska oprema Software
49.140 Vesoljski sistemi in operacije Space systems and
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


June 2022
ICS 49.140; 35.080
English version
Space engineering - Agile software development handbook
Ingénierie spatiale - Guide de développement logiciel Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch zur agilen
en mode agile Softwareentwicklung

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 20 April 2022. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/CLC/JTC 5.

CEN and CENELEC members are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

CEN-CENELEC Management Centre:
Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN/CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means
Ref. No. CEN/TR 17603-40-01:2022 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for
CENELEC Members.
Table of contents
European Foreword . 7
Introduction . 8
1 Scope . 9
2 References . 10
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 11
3.1 Terms from other documents . 11
3.2 Terms specific to the present document . 11
3.3 Abbreviated terms. 15
4 Introduction to the Agile software development approach . 17
4.1 Introduction to Agile . 17
4.1.1 General . 17
4.1.2 Agile characteristics (as derived from the manifesto) . 18
4.1.3 Lean management . 20
4.2 General issues implementing Agile . 21
5 Guidelines for Agile life cycle selection . 24
5.1 Selecting Agile . 24
5.2 Analysis of key factors for Agile selection . 24
5.2.1 General . 24
5.2.2 Customer context . 26
5.2.3 Supplier context . 27
5.2.4 Project context . 27
5.2.5 Team context . 29
5.2.6 Key Factors Summary . 30
5.3 Agile assessment process . 31
5.4 Selecting agile or waterfall . 32
6 Reference models for Scrum-like Agile software life cycle . 34
6.1 Introduction . 34
6.2 Roles and competences . 34
6.2.1 Overiew . 34
6.2.2 Scrum master . 34
6.2.3 Product owner . 35
6.2.4 Development team . 35
6.2.5 SCRUM team . 36
6.2.6 Agile coach . 36
6.2.7 Training and competencies . 36
6.3 Exemplary Agile activities . 37
6.3.1 Distinction between meeting or activity . 37
6.3.2 Planning I – What will be delivered . 38
6.3.3 Planning II – How will it be delivered . 38
6.3.4 Sprint backlog management . 39
6.3.5 Product backlog refinement . 39
6.3.6 Progress tracking . 40
6.3.7 Product backlog update . 40
6.3.8 Coding, testing and documenting . 40
6.3.9 User feedback . 41
6.3.10 Review preparation . 41
6.3.11 Sprint review . 41
6.4 Meetings . 42
6.4.1 Daily meeting . 42
6.4.2 Management meeting . 42
6.4.3 Retrospective . 42
6.5 Organising the Agile activities and meetings in a project to create a life-cycle
compliant to ECSS-E-ST-E-40 . 43
6.5.1 Preliminaries . 43
6.5.2 Product releases . 44
6.5.3 Start of the project: Sprint#0 . 44
6.5.4 Development phase: Sprints #1 - #N . 45
6.5.5 Acceptance phase. 45
6.6 Software lifecycle definition . 46
6.6.1 ECSS-E-ST-40 reviews . 46
6.6.2 Organising the ECSS-E-ST-40 reviews in an Agile software approach . 47
6.6.3 Selecting the right model . 56
7 Guidelines for software project management . 57
7.1 Introduction . 57
7.2 Software Project Management approach . 57
7.2.1 Overview . 57
7.2.2 Management objectives and priorities . 57
7.2.3 Schedule management . 61
7.2.4 Assumptions, dependencies and constraints. 63
7.2.5 Work breakdown structure . 64
7.2.6 Roles. 64
7.2.7 Risk management . 65
7.2.8 Monitoring and controlling mechanisms . 66
7.2.9 Staffing Plan. 70
7.2.10 Software procurement process. 72
7.2.11 Supplier management . 72
7.3 Software development approach . 73
7.3.1 Strategy to the software development . 73
7.3.2 Software project development lifecycle . 73
7.3.3 Relationship with the system development lifecycle . 73
7.3.4 Reviews and milestones identification and associated documentation . 73
7.4 Software engineering standards and techniques . 73
7.5 Software development and software testing environment . 73
7.6 Software documentation plan . 74
8 Guidelines for software engineering processes . 75
8.1 Overview . 75
8.2 Software related system requirements process . 75
8.3 requirements and architectural engineering . 75
8.3.1 Software requirements analysis . 75
8.3.2 Software architectural design . 81
8.4 Software design and implementation engineering . 83
8.5 Software validation . 85
8.6 Software delivery and acceptance . 86
8.7 Software verification . 88
8.8 Software operations . 91
8.9 Software maintenance . 91
8.9.1 Overview . 91
8.9.2 Agile maintenance challenges . 91
8.9.3 Tailoring Agile to Maintenance . 92
8.10 Independent software verification and validation . 95
9 Guidelines for software product assurance and configuration
management . 96
9.1 Software product assurance . 96
9.1.1 Introduction . 96
9.1.2 Planning of software product assurance activities . 97
9.1.3 Software product assurance reporting . 97
9.1.4 Technical Debt and noncompliance of Quality Requirements . 98
9.1.5 Software criticality . 99
9.1.6 Software problem management . 99
9.1.7 Control of non-conformances . 100
9.1.8 Software development environment aspects . 100
9.1.9 Summary of software product assurance

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