This document defines terms relating to intelligent transport systems (ITS).

  • Technical specification
    87 pages
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A variety of general-purpose data distribution technologies have emerged within the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) industry. These technologies generally provide services at the Open System Interconnect (OSI) session, presentation and application layers (i.e. layers 5-7). Within Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), these layers roughly correspond to the facilities layer of the ITS station (ITS-S) reference architecture, as defined within ISO 21217. This document investigates the applicability of these data distribution technologies within the ITS environment.

  • Technical report
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This document defines the rules and processes used to assign and manage identifiers to items of interest within the ITS community.

  • Standard
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An intelligent transport system (ITS) reference architecture is a tool that describes how an ITS delivers one or more ITS services. It includes a high-level description of the major elements and the interconnections among them that are needed for the service(s) to be provided to stakeholders. It provides the framework around which the interfaces, specifications, and detailed ITS designs can be standardized within ITS standards. By contrast, ITS standards are often focused on design details. While the development of these standards may be initiated by a single ITS user need, they are often (and properly) written in a generic format that allows for application in a broad array of contexts. However, this can present a challenge to the reader in understanding the original purpose of a standard and whether the standard is intended for other environments. This document defines documentation rules for standards that define interfaces between or among system elements of an ITS reference architecture. This includes: a) requirements for documenting aspects of the ITS reference architecture; b) terminology to be used when documenting or referencing aspects of the ITS reference architecture. In compiling this document, the authors have assumed that contemporary systems engineering practices are used. Such practices are not defined within this document.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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  • Standard
    21 pages
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This document aims to promote ITS web services interoperability. Historically, web services interoperability evolved through activities shown in Figure 2. Applying the first two steps properly is the key to interoperability. This document focuses on the following topics: — WS-policy language; — domain specific policy metadata: — WS-Aaddressing policy metadata; — WS-ReliableMessaging policy metadata; — WS-Security Policy metadata; — SOAP Message transmission optimization Policy; — other policies.

  • Technical report
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ISO 14813-6:2017 provides a formal means to achieve consistency in the use of ASN.1 when specifying data types that are to be used in ITS International Standards. This is designed to ensure unambiguous and interoperable data exchange while providing consistent documentation of these exchanges. This document provides the necessary specifications to ensure consistent interpretation by providing formal references to several standards and in some cases specifying additional rules to promote greater consistency among standards. ISO 14813-6:2017 does not require the use of ASN.1 for anything other than providing data type definitions in a common and flexible form. This document makes specific provision for the support of: - Embedding other extant standardised encoding formats, e.g. jpg, while maintaining interoperability and reuse within ITS; - Allowing alternative representations of data type definitions, e.g. XML schema; - Allowing alternative encoding of defined data. The rules presented in this document enable data types to be recorded in a common ITS data registry, and in ITS International Standards, in a common and consistent form.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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  • Standard
    15 pages
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ISO 14817-3:2017 specifies how to assign an object identifier to a data concept under the "its" arc of the international object identifier tree.

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ISO 24097-1:2017 establishes a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the realization of interoperable web services for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Web service behaviour is described at the metadata level, i.e. a higher level of abstraction, to enable auto-generation of both a ?service requester' program as well as a ?service provider' program. Figure 1 presents the principal entities involved in a web service scenario. They are service provider, service requester, and 'registry'. The registry includes business information and technical information such as interface and policy. Figure 1 also depicts the actions of the service provider and the service requester. A service provider interacts with the registry to enable it to "publish" the provided service. The service is characterized in the form of a web service interface describer in the form of a standardized web service description language (WSDL) and policy (WS-Policy). A service requester interacts with the registry to "discover" a provider for the service he is seeking. That interaction takes place through "Universal Description Discovery, and Integration" (UDDI) dialogue and endpoint reference (EPR). Once the service requester identifies a service provider, he "binds" to the service provider via an SOA protocol. ISO 24097-1:2017 is applicable to inter-ITS sector web services as well as ITS web services for non-ITS users.

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  • Standard
    40 pages
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ISO 14817-1:2015 specifies the logical structure (framework) and the data content (substance) of intelligent transport systems (ITS) data dictionaries (DDs). Specifically, this part of ISO 14817 specifies the following: - framework used to identify and define all data concepts; - meta-attributes used to describe, standardize and manage each of the data concepts defined within this framework; - requirements used to record these definitions; - naming conventions for the data concepts; - a set of preferred data concepts within the ITS domain; - data modelling method for defining ITS data concepts, when used. DDs support data concepts derived from any number of international, regional or national system architecture methodologies and/or techniques. Common data formats and operating procedures will ease migration and interoperability between such approaches. A data concept registry is an electronic data dictionary that supports some additional features. The CIDCR refers to the specific implementation of an ITS data concept registry that is operated under the auspices of ISO/TC 204. The term "data concept registries" may refer to the CIDCR and/or any other national or regional data concept registry that chooses to conform to this part of ISO 14817.

  • Standard
    65 pages
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ISO 14817-2:2015 specifies the registration process to enter data concepts into the Central ITS Data Concept Registry (CIDCR). The CIDCR is designed to include data concepts that conform to ISO 14817-1. These data concepts may be derived from the system architecture defined in ISO 14813, but may also support data concepts using alternative International, Regional or National System Architecture methodologies or techniques.

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    23 pages
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ISO/TR 24097-2:2015 elaborates on ISO 24097-1 by discussing Interface metadata. ISO/TR 24097-2:2015 covers the following: - interface metadata standard version selection (WSDL 1.1 or WSDL 2.0); - SOAP version selection (SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2); - WSDL 1.1 SOAP 1.2 binding; - WS-I conformant WS development.

  • Technical report
    20 pages
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ISO 14813-1:2015 provides a description of the primary services that an ITS implementation can provide to ITS users. Those services with a common purpose can be collected together in "'ITS service domains'" and within these there can be a number of "'ITS service groups'" for particular parts of the domain. This part of ISO 14813 identifies thirteen service domains, within which numerous groups are then defined. In this version of ISO 14813-1:2015 an indication has been provided to show the relationship of each service to Cooperative-ITS. Cooperative-ITS provides services that have previously been unavailable, notably those for ITS users who are on the move. For many other services, Cooperative-ITS can actually be seen as a "delivery mechanism" that can be used to enhance their use and availability. Thus for some services, Cooperative-ITS is essential, whilst for others it adds value. However for a small number of services it is not relevant. ISO 14813-1:2015 is intended for use by at least two groups of people involved in the ITS sector. The first group is those looking for ideas about the services that ITS implementations can provide and the second is for those who are developing standards. For the first group, this part of ISO 14813 provides service descriptions that can act as the catalyst for more detailed descriptions. It is possible for the level of detail to differ from one ITS implementation to another, depending on whether or not a national ITS architecture is involved, and whether this architecture is based directly on services, or on groups of functions. For standards developers, this part of ISO 14813 is applicable to the working groups of ISO TC 204 and other Technical Committees who are developing standards for the ITS sector and associated sectors whose boundaries cross into the ITS sector (such as some aspects of public transport (transit), plus inter-modal freight and fleet management). This part of ISO 14813 is designed to provide information and explanation of services that can form the basis and reason for developing standards. ISO 14813-1:2015 is in itself, by its nature, advisory and informative. It is designed to assist the integration of services into a cohesive reference architecture, plus interoperability and the use of common data definitions. Specifically, services defined within the service groups shall be the basis for definition of 'use cases', 'user needs' or "user service requirements' depending on the methodology being used to develop the resultant ITS architecture functionality, along with definition of applicable data within data dictionaries, as well as applicable communications and data exchange standards.

  • Standard
    88 pages
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ISO/TR 17465-3:2015 is to provide a description of the release procedures for standards that is to be used within ISO TC 204. In the main, these will be International Standards produced by ISO TC 204; however, it is likely that some standards produced by other Standards Development Organizations will have to be included in some releases. Initially, this release procedure will be applied to the deployment of standards for cooperative-ITS, however, in principle at least, it should be possible to apply it to standards for other ITS domains. It also has to be possible for this release procedure to be used by other Standards Development Organizations that do not already have their own procedures and with suitable changes to the identities of the people and groups involved, by any other organization that needs to produce a consistent set of documents.

  • Technical report
    5 pages
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ISO/TR 17465-2:2015 provides guidance for the structure that is to be used in multi-part ISO/CEN standards for particular services or applications to be included in Cooperative-ITS. The guidance of ISO/TR 17465-2:2015 may also be considered for use in multi-part standards for other ITS services and applications.

  • Technical report
    12 pages
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ISO/TR 17465-1:2014 provides a definition of the term "Cooperative-ITS".

  • Technical report
    9 pages
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ISO 24531:2013 assists ITS standards developers and users of ITS standards who wish to use XML, by providing a consistent definition of the rules and rule references for the use of XML within ITS systems. ISO 24531:2013 defines consistent rules and rule references to provide a framework to be used when implementing XML-based applications in ITS, and particularly in specifying XML in ITS standards, ITS data registries and ITS data dictionaries. ISO 24531:2013 also provides guidance and examples in respect of the use of XML in ITS, and the elaboration of XML within the ASN.1 data definitions required by ISO 14813-6 and ISO 14817.

  • Standard
    123 pages
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ISO TR 25100:2012 provides guidance on the harmonisation of data concepts that are being managed by data registry and data dictionaries such as those described in ISO 14817:2002. ISO TR 25100:2012 describes processes for harmonisation of such data concepts to arrive at preferred definitions for use in formal standards, specifications, technical reports and information models. It is based on consideration of a harmonisation process used by international groups involved in the ITS sector and in the wider sector of transport and logistics information and control systems.

  • Technical report
    33 pages
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ISO/TR 12859:2009 gives general guidelines to developers of intelligent transport systems (ITS) standards and systems on data privacy aspects and associated legislative requirements for the development and revision of ITS standards and systems.

  • Technical report
    18 pages
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ISO/TR 24529:2008 deals with the use of UML within International Standards, Technical Specifications and Technical Reports and related documents. It discusses the application of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) to the development of standards within the context of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).

  • Technical report
    14 pages
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ISO/TR 25102:2008 discusses the application of use cases for requirements and related aspects of a software-intensive system such as an intelligent transport system (ITS). The scope of this ISO/TR 25102:2008 is to provide a pro-forma template for the consistent consideration and development of use cases within ITS International Standards and associated deliverables.

  • Technical report
    13 pages
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ISO/TR 25104:2008 discusses the development for generic education and training requirements for the teaching of ITS architecture, and the acquisition of skills to interpret and develop ITS architectures. ISO/TR 25104:2008 provides suggestions to those planning education and/or training courses associated with ITS system architecture as to the subjects that should be studied.

  • Technical report
    11 pages
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The scope of ISO/TR 26999:2012 is the use of the so-called process-oriented method (POM) in International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and related documents. The Technical Report discusses the use of POM in the development of high-level system architectures for intelligent transport systems (ITS). It is based on the results of the work of the FRAME‑S project and the FRAME Forum. Much of the text from Clause 2 through to the end of the document is therefore reproduced by kind permission of the European Commission and the FRAME Forum.

  • Technical report
    26 pages
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ISO 14813-5:2010 gives requirements for the description and documentation of the architecture of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in standards dealing with ITS. It also gives the definitions of terms to be used when documenting or referencing aspects of architecture description in those standards.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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ISO 14813-6:2009 provides an 'enabling' structure for use in the ITS sector. It provides a formal means to enact the ISO/TC 204 decision by resolution to use ASN.1 for data definitions within ITS International Standards. This provides a common message form to enable interoperability and reuse. It provides consistency of use so that where other aspects of ASN.1 (defined within ISO/IEC 8824 and ISO/IEC 8825), such as transfer rules, are selected to be used, they are used in a common and consistent way in order to maximize interoperability and reuse. It is important to note that ISO 14813-6:2009 does not require the use of ASN.1 for anything other than providing a common and flexible form of data definition and this document makes specific provision for the support of use of other extant standardised syntax notations (EDIFACT, XML, etc.) whilst maintaining interoperability and reuse by defining these practices within an ASN.1 data definition. Specific implementation requirements, other than those determined in the syntax notations identified above, are beyond the scope of this document. ISO 14813-6:2009 also provides a means where particular ITS sector requirements, or existent International Standards, that require particular message forms and procedures that are expressed in other notations (EDIFACT, XML, etc.), may be referenced and reused by other ITS applications. Thus it presents an unambiguous system for identifying all the different data types and describing them in ITS International Standards in a common way.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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ISO 24097-1:2009 establishes a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the realization of interoperable Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) web services (WS). Web service behaviour is described at the metadata level (i.e. a higher level of abstraction) to enable auto-generation of both a "Service requestor" program, as well as a "Service provider" program.

  • Standard
    44 pages
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The scope of ISO/TR 25100:2008 is harmonization of data concepts that are being managed by data registry and data dictionaries such as those described in ISO 14817:2002.

  • Technical report
    15 pages
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ISO 24531:2007 has been developed to assist developers and users of intelligent transport systems (ITS) standards who wish to use extensible markup language (XML), by providing a consistent definition of the rules and rule references for the use of XML within intelligent transport systems. The scope of ISO 24531:2007 is to define consistent rules and rule references to provide a framework to be used when implementing XML-based applications in ITS, and particularly, in specifying XML in ITS standards, ITS data registries and ITS data dictionaries. ISO 24531:2007 also provides guidance and examples in respect of the use of XML in ITS, and the elaboration of XML within the abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) data definitions required by ISO 14813-6 and ISO 14817.

  • Standard
    60 pages
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ISO/TR 17452:2007 gives guidelines for using the unified modelling language (UML) for defining and documenting interfaces between intelligent transport systems (ITS) and transport information and control systems (TICS). It presents these guidelines in the context of a case study for the creation of an ITS/TICS data dictionary and submissions to the ITS/TICS data registry.

  • Technical report
    24 pages
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ISO/TR 24098:2007 describes the procedure for developing Intelligent Transport System (ITS) deployment plans utilizing ITS system architectures. The document consists of the basic policy of ITS deployment and the procedure for developing ITS deployment plans. Framework, procedures and requirements for developing regional ITS deployment plans utilizing regional ITS architecture are reported.

  • Technical report
    12 pages
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ISO 14813-1:2007 provides a definition of the primary services and application areas that can be provided to Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Users. Those with a common purpose can be collected together in ITS service domains, and within these there can be a number of ITS service groups for particular parts of the domain. ISO 14813-1:2007 identifies 11 service domains, within which numerous groups are then defined. Within this framework, there are varying levels of detail related to definition of different services. These details differ from nation to nation, depending on whether the specific national architecture building blocks are based directly upon services or on groups of functions. Thus, the intent is to address groups of services and the respective domains within which they fit. As these domains and service groups evolve over time, it is intended that this International Standard be revised to include them. ISO 14813-1:2007 is applicable to the working groups of ISO TC 204 and other TCs which are developing International Standards for the ITS sector and associated sectors whose boundaries cross into the ITS sector (such as some aspects of urban light railways, intermodal freight and fleet). It is designed to provide information and explanation to those developing ITS International Standards and to those developing specifications, implementations and deployments for ITS. ISO 14813-1:2007 is advisory and informative. It is designed to assist the integration of services into a cohesive reference architecture, assist interoperability and common data definition. Specifically, services defined within the service groups will be the basis for definition of use cases and the resultant reference architecture functionality, along with definition of applicable data within data dictionaries, as well as applicable communications and data exchange standards.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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ISO TR 24532:2006 clarifies the purpose of CORBA and its role in ITS. It provides some broad guidance on usage, and prepares the way for further ISO deliverables on the use of CORBA in ITS.

  • Technical report
    8 pages
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ISO 14817:2002 specifies the framework, formats, and procedures used to define information exchanges within the Intelligent Transport System/Transport Information and Control Systems (ITS/TICS) sector. It defines the content of the ITS/TICS central Data Registry and Data Dictionaries, the registration process to enter data concepts into the Data Registry. Throughout the text, the Data Registry should be taken to mean the ITS/TICS central Data Registry. Specifically, ISO 14817:2002 specifies: framework used to identify and define all information exchanges; framework used to extend standardized information exchanges to support local customizations and combinations; information modelling method for defining ITS/TICS data concepts, when used; meta attributes used to describe, standardize and manage each of the data concepts defined within this framework; requirements used to record these definitions; and formal procedures used to register these definitions within the Data Registry. The Data Registry described herein supports, and is designed to include, data concepts using alternative International, Regional or National System Architecture methodologies or techniques. A common Data Registry will ease migration and interoperability between such approaches.

  • Standard
    92 pages
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