2010-01-4867 - Pravilnik o zgornjem ustroju železniških prog
Pravilnik o zgornjem ustroju železniških prog
Pravilnik o zgornjem ustroju železniških prog
General Information
The purpose of this document is to provide methods for quantifying the ride comfort of a passenger in a rail vehicle in response to the track sections it is operated over.
The methods aim to quantify the effects of vehicle body motions on ride comfort and to make the assessment of passenger comfort predictable, repeatable, objective and meaningful.
The methods and comfort scales are validated for people of good health.
This document applies to passengers in rail vehicles operating on heavy rail networks.
This document may also be used as a guide for example on urban rail systems, but their operational routes/environments may make it difficult to comply with the requirements of the test methods.
This document applies to measurements of motions. It also applies to simulated motions. Guidance is provided on:
- which method described within the document should be used for different scenarios;
- typical values for different comfort levels;
- the application of simulation.
This document excludes health and safety issues, non-passenger carrying vehicles, vehicle homologation and safety, limit values, motion sickness, discomfort caused by accelerating and braking, design guidelines and measurement technology.
- Standard83 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies technical requirements and tolerances for the acceptance of works on ballasted track situated on
- plain line,
- switches and crossings and
- rail expansion devices as part of the track
for 1 435 mm and wider track gauge railways.
The works on ballasted track, hereinafter referred to as track works, concern construction of new track, track renewal and track maintenance.
This document specifies the requirements for subsoil works, relative track geometry, absolute track position, working parameters of on track machines, track components, ballast cross section, structure gauge, stressing work, specific measurements and quality checks for switches and crossings and rail expansion devices and for the measuring systems used to perform measurements, verifications and checks for the scope of acceptance. Requirements for responsibilities and documentation necessary for the acceptance of track works are specified.
This document also requires compliance of all track materials with the customer’s relevant acceptance criteria and specifications provided by the supplier.
This document does not cover works related to reprofiling the railhead or the associated measurements, except for some measurements related to safety, as these works are covered by other parts of EN 13231 series.
Platform reconstruction works and level crossing works are not covered by this document.
This document does not apply to Urban Rail Systems or ballastless track.
- Standard90 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The scope of this European Standard is to:
- establish a working terminology for fixed crossings and their constituent parts, and identify the main types;
- specify the different and varying ways by which crossings can be described using the following parameters:
- geometry of the crossing;
- types of construction;
- design criteria;
- manufacturing processes;
- tolerances and inspection.
- Standard32 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard provides an accepted "terminology" for switch and crossing work. With the assistance of diagrams, the various components are given definitions, and these specific names are regarded as obligatory.
The definitions cover the constituent parts and design geometry of switch and crossing work, and include the movement of switches. Additional terminology of a more specific nature will be defined in the relevant part of the series.
The present definitions set out the terms most generally used for the geometrical form and the construction of switches and crossings, omitting those of too special a nature.
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The scope of this European Standard is:
- establish a working definition for switches and their constituent parts and identify the main types;
- specify the minimum requirements for the manufacture of the switches and/or constituent parts;
- specify codes of practice for inspection and tolerances of both full and half sets of switches and their constituent parts;
- establish the limits and scope of supply;
- list the methods by which switches and their parts should be identified and traced;
- list the different and varying ways by which switches can be described using the following parameters:
- geometry of the switches;
- types of construction;
- performance requirements;
- design criteria;
- tolerances and inspection.
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of this European Standard covers the following subjects:
- geometric design principles for wheel guidance;
- definition of basic limits of supply;
- applied forces and their adequate support;
- tolerance levels.
These are illustrated herein by application to a turnout. The main switch and crossing components are represented in turnouts and the principles used in turnouts apply equally to more complex layouts
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of this European Standard specifies:
- characterisation of wheel and track dimensions;
- geometric design principles for wheel guidance;
- design principles for wheel load transfer;
- deciding whether movable crossings are needed.
These are illustrated by their application to turnout components:
- switches;
- crossings;
- check rails.
but the principles apply equally to more complex layouts.
- Standard61 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard determines the interface between moveable parts and the actuation, locking and detection equipment, and defines the basic criteria of switches and crossing with moveable parts in respect of the interface.
It concerns:
- rules parameters and tolerances for alternative positions of the moveable parts;
- criteria and limits for the forces which move and restrain the moveable parts.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The scope of this part is:
- to establish a working terminology for crossings with moveable parts, which means crossings with moveable parts to close the gap of the running edge, and their constituent parts, and identify the main types;
- to list the minimum informative requirements for the manufacture of crossings with moveable parts and/or their constituent parts;
- to formulate codes of practice for inspection and tolerances for crossings with moveable parts and/or their constituent parts;
- to establish the limits and extent of supply;
- to list the method by which crossings with moveable parts and their constructional parts should be identified and traced;
- to list the different and varying ways by which crossings with moveable parts can be described, using the following parameters:
- geometry of crossings;
- types of construction;
- performance requirements;
- design criteria;
- tolerances and inspection.
- Standard58 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The scope of this part is:
- to describe the design process of switches and crossings, and the use of the other parts of this standard;
- to define the main criteria to be taken into account during the design of the layout, including the safety and functional dimensions as well as geometrical and material aspects;
- to define the main criteria to be verified during the design approval;
- to define the geometrical and non-geometrical acceptance criteria for inspection of layouts assembled both in the fabrication plant and at track site in case of layouts that are delivered non or partially assembled or in a "kit" form;
- to determine the limits of supply;
- to define the minimum requirements for traceability.
This European Standard applies only to layouts that are assembled in the manufacturing plant or that are assembled for the first time at trackside.
Other aspects such as installation and maintenance also influence performance; these are not considered as part of this European Standard.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of EN 13232 covers the following subjects: to establish a working terminology for expansion devices, for their constituent parts and for the types; to specify the minimum manufacturing requirements for expansion devices and their constituent parts; to formulate codes of practice for inspection and tolerances; to define the method by which expansion devices and their parts should be identified and traced.
- Standard32 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements for the;
- approval of training facilities, testing and maintaining the skills of aluminothermic welders and welding trainers. It applies to those aluminothermic welding processes compliant with the requirements of EN 14730-1. It requires that the system for training and testing of welders shall be approved by the railway authority.
- approval of aluminothermic welding contractors. It applies to those contractors using aluminothermic welding processes compliant with the requirements of EN 14730-1 and who employ welders in the possession of a valid permit to weld as defined in section 4 of this standard.
- acceptance of the final aluminothermic weld inspections and aluminothermic weld inspectors approved by the railway authority. It does not cover any previous weld inspections by the welder or others.
The standard also applies to aluminothermic welds produced on Vignole railway rail 46 kg/m and above, as contained in EN 13674-1.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for track geometry measuring principles and systems in order to produce comparable results when measuring the same track. It applies to all measuring systems, attended or unattended, fitted on any vehicle, except track construction and maintenance machines. Only systems put into service after the standard comes into force are concerned.
This standard does not define the requirements for vehicle acceptance.
This standard does not apply to measuring systems dedicated to urban rail such as tramways, light rail or similar networks.
- Standard44 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies a direct method for characterizing the surface roughness of the rail and
wheel associated with rolling noise ("acoustic roughness"), in the form of a one-third octave band spectrum. This
standard describes a method for:
a) selecting measuring positions along a track or selecting wheels of a vehicle;
b) selecting lateral positions for measurements;
c) the data acquisition procedure;
d) measurement data processing in order to estimate a set of one-third octave band roughness spectra;
e) presentation of this estimate for comparison with limits of acoustic roughness;
f) comparison with a given upper limit in terms of a one-third octave band wavelength spectrum;
g) the measuring system requirements.
It is applicable to:
a) the performance testing of reference track sections in relation to the acceptance test for noise emitted by
railway vehicles;
b) the performance testing of track sections in relation to noise emitted by railway vehicles;
c) the acceptance of the running surface condition only in the case where the acoustic roughness is the
acceptance criterion;
d) the assessment of the wheel surface condition as an input for the acoustic acceptance of brake blocks;
e) the assessment of the wheel and rail roughness as input to the calculation of combined wheel rail
f) the diagnosis of wheel-rail noise issues for specific tracks or wheels;
g) the assessment of the wheel and rail roughness as input to rolling noise modelling;
h) the assessment of the wheel and rail roughness as input to noise source separation methods.
It is not applicable to the:
a) measurement of roughness using an indirect method;
b) direct measurement of combined wheel-rail roughness;
c) analysis of the effect of wheel-rail interaction, such as a “contact filter”;
d) approval of rail and wheel reprofiling, including rail grinding operations, except for those where the
acoustic roughness is specifically the approval criterion (and not the grinding quality criteria as provided
in e.g. EN 13231);
e) characterisation of track and wheel geometry except where associated with noise generation.
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard gives definitions for the principal track geometry parameters and specifies minimum requirements for measurement, the analysis methods and the presentation of results. The aim is to allow the comparability of the output of different measuring systems.
- Standard50 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines the minimum requirements for the quality levels of track geometry, and specifies the safety related limits for each parameter as defined in EN 13848-1 and measured by any track geometry measurement system as defined in EN 13848-2, EN 13848-3 and EN 13848-4.
This standard covers the following topics:
- immediate action limits;
- recommendations on tolerance levels for isolated defects;
- relative importance of parameters with respect to the vehicle behaviours;
The necessity to measure, the frequency of measurements and the selection of measured parameters are not covered by this standard.
This European Standard applies to high-speed and conventional lines, including switches and crossings, of 1 435 mm and wider gauge railways provided that the vehicles operated on those lines comply with EN 14363 and other vehicle safety standards.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies Vignole railway rails of 46 kg/m and greater linear mass, for conventional and high speed railway track usage.
Nine pearlitic steel grades are specified covering a hardness range of 200 HBW to 440 HBW and include non heat treated non alloy steels, non heat treated alloy steels, and heat treated non alloy steels and heat treated alloy steels .
There are 23 rail profiles specified in this standard.
Two classes of rail straightness are specified, differing in requirements for straightness, surface flatness and crown profile. Two classes of profile tolerances are specified.
- Standard122 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The purpose of this European standard is to specify rules and limits for track alignment design parameters, including alignments within switches and crossings. Several of these limits are functions of speed. Alternatively, for a given track alignment, it specifies rules and limits that determine permissible speed.
This European Standard applies to track gauges 1435 mm and wider with speeds up to 360 km/h. Informative Annex A describes the conversion rules which should be applied for tracks with gauges wider than 1435 mm. Normative Annex B is applied for track gauges wider than 1435 mm.
This European Standard is also applicable where track alignment takes into account vehicles that have been approved for high cant deficiencies (including tilting trains).
More restrictive requirements of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) and other (national, company, etc.) rules will apply.
This European Standard need not be applicable to lines or dedicated parts of railway infrastructure that are not interoperable with railway vehicles tested and approved according to European Standard EN 14363.
- Standard97 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines the laboratory tests and requirements for approval of an
aluminothermic welding process using welds produced in workshop conditions.
It applies to the joining of new Vignole rails as described in EN 13674-1 of the same profile and steel
Compliance with the requirements of this standard does not of itself ensure the suitability of a welding
process for specific conditions of track and traffic.
The standard does not cover welds made between different rail sections, differently worn rails and
different rail grades.
In addition to the definitive requirements this standard also requires the items detailed in Clause 4 to
be documented. For compliance with this standard, it is important that both the definitive requirements
and the documented items be satisfied.
- Standard42 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard:
- defines the various profiles needed to install, verify and maintain the various structures near the structure gauge;
- lists the various phenomena to be taken into account to determine the structure gauge;
- defines a methodology that may be used to calculate the various profiles from these phenomena;
- lists the rules to determine the distance between the track centres;
- lists the rules to be complied with when building the platforms;
- lists the rules to determine the pantograph gauge;
- lists the formulae needed to calculate the structure gauges in the catalogue.
The defined gauge includes the space to be gauged and maintained to allow the running of rolling stock, and the rules for calculation and verification intended for sizing the rolling stock to run on one or several infrastructures without interference risk.
This standard defines methodologies to demonstrate gauge compatibility between infrastructure and rolling stock.
This standard defines the responsibilities of the following parties:
a) for the infrastructure:
1) gauge clearance;
2) maintenance;
3) infrastructure monitoring.
b) for the rolling stock:
1) compliance of the operating rolling stock with the gauge concerned;
2) maintenance of this compliance over time.
The gauges included in these standards have been developed as part of their application on European railways. Other networks such as regional, local, urban and suburban networks may apply the gauge regulations defined in this standard. They may be required to make use of specific methodologies, particularly where:
- specific rolling stock is used (for example: underground trains, trams, etc. operating on two rails);
- use occurs in other ranges of radii;
- others, etc.
The catalogue included in this standard only includes a selection of gauges and is not exhaustive. Each network is free to define the gauges in accordance with their own needs.
- Standard177 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard185 pagesFrench languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of EN 13230 defines technical criteria and control procedures which have to be satisfied by the constituent materials and the finished concrete sleepers and bearers, i.e.: precast concrete sleepers, bearers for switches and crossings, and special elements for railway tracks.
The main requirement of concrete sleepers and bearers is the transmission of vertical, lateral and longitudinal loads from the rails to the ballast or other support. In use they are also exposed to frost damage and to moisture, which can result in detrimental chemical reactions within the sleeper.
In this standard mechanical tests are defined which provide assurance of the capability of sleepers or bearers to resist repetitive loading and provide sufficient durability. In addition controls are placed on manufacturing processes and tests to ensure that the concrete will not suffer degradation in service through chemical reaction and frost damage.
- Standard37 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies requirements for natural crushed unbound aggregates for use in construction of railway track. For the purposes of this standard the aggregate is referred to as railway ballast. The necessity for testing for all properties specified in this standard is limited, depending upon the end use of the railway ballast.
- Standard35 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines wood species, quality requirements, origin, manufacturing conditions, forms, dimensions and tolerances as well as the durability and preservation of wood sleepers and bearers for use in railway tracks. It does not cover specific finishing processes which may be required by the customer. It does not apply to other track timbers.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day