Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water services

This document provides guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities and the assessment of drinking water services. This document is applicable to publicly and privately owned and operated water utilities. It does not favour any particular ownership or operating model. This document addresses drinking water systems in their entirety and is applicable to systems at any level of development (e.g. on-site systems, distribution networks, treatment facilities). The following are within the scope of this document: — the definition of a language common to different stakeholders; — the definition of the components of drinking water supply systems; — guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities; — guidelines for objectives, service assessment criteria and related performance indicators, appropriate for the assessment of drinking water services. The following are outside the scope of this document: — target values and thresholds for proposed objectives, service assessments criteria and related performance indicators; — matters relating to the design and construction of drinking water systems; — matters relating to the management structure of drinking water utilities; — matters relating to the regulation of drinking water services, including management and operational activities; — matters relating to regulating the content of contracts or subcontracts; — installations between point of delivery and point of use.

Activités relatives aux services de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement — Lignes directrices pour la gestion des services publics d'eau potable et pour l'évaluation des services fournis

Le présent document fournit des lignes directrices pour la gestion des services publics de l'eau potable et l'évaluation des services fournis. Le présent document est applicable à tous les services publics de l'eau, qu'ils soient détenus et exploités par le secteur public ou privé, mais il ne favorise aucun modèle de propriété ou de fonctionnement. Le présent document concerne les systèmes d'alimentation en eau potable dans leur totalité et s'applique à des systèmes, quel que soit leur niveau de développement (par exemple les installations autonomes, les réseaux de distribution et les installations de traitement). Les éléments suivants relèvent du domaine d'application du présent document: — la définition d'un langage commun aux différentes parties intéressées; — la définition des éléments des systèmes d'alimentation en eau potable; — des lignes directrices pour la gestion des services publics de l'eau potable; — des lignes directrices quant aux objectifs, aux critères d'évaluation du service et aux indicateurs de performance correspondants permettant l'évaluation des services de l'eau potable. Les éléments suivants ne relèvent pas du domaine d'application du présent document: — les valeurs cibles et les seuils des objectifs proposés, des critères d'évaluation du service et des indicateurs de performance correspondants; — les aspects relevant de la conception et de la construction des systèmes d'alimentation en eau potable; — les aspects relevant des structures de management des services publics de l'eau potable; — les aspects relevant de la réglementation des services de l'eau potable, y compris le management et les activités opérationnelles; — les aspects relevant de la réglementation du contenu des contrats ou des sous-contrats; — les installations entre le point de livraison et le point de consommation.

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ISO 24512:2024 - Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water services Released:23. 02. 2024
English language
51 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO 24512
Second edition
Activities relating to drinking
water and wastewater services —
Guidelines for the management
of drinking water utilities and for
the assessment of drinking water
Activités relatives aux services de l'eau potable et de
l'assainissement — Lignes directrices pour le management des
services publics de l'eau potable et pour l'évaluation des services
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Components of drinking water supply systems . 4
4.1 General .4
4.2 Types of drinking water supply systems .5
4.3 Water source.5
4.4 Intake and transport .5
4.5 Treatment .5
4.6 Storage, transport and distribution .6
4.7 Disposal of residues .6
5 Objectives for the water utility . . 6
5.1 General .6
5.2 Protection of public health .8
5.3 Meeting users’ needs and expectations .8
5.4 Provision of services under normal and emergency situations .8
5.5 Sustainability of the water utility .8
5.6 Promotion of sustainable development of the community .9
5.7 Protection of the environment .9
5.8 Climate change .10
5.9 Higher user and regulatory demand .10
5.10 Available technologies .10
6 Management components of a water utility . 10
6.1 General .10
6.2 Activities and process management .11
6.3 Resources management .11
6.4 Asset management .11
6.5 Customer relations management . 12
6.6 Information management . 12
6.7 Environmental management . 12
6.8 Risk management . 13
7 Guidelines for the management of water utilities .13
7.1 General . 13
7.2 Organization .14
7.2.1 General .14
7.2.2 Organizational structure and responsibilities .14
7.2.3 Organization of work flow . 15
7.2.4 Operational documents and records . 15
7.3 Planning and construction . 15
7.4 Operations and maintenance .16
7.4.1 General .16
7.4.2 Technical activities .17
7.4.3 Support activities .19
8 Assessment of water services .21
8.1 General .21
8.2 Assessment policy . 22
8.3 Goal and scope of the assessment . . 22
8.4 Parties involved in the assessment . 23
8.5 Methodology of assessment . 23
8.6 Service assessment criteria . 23

8.7 Resources to conduct the assessment.24
8.8 The production of output and recommendations for the use of the output .24
9 Performance indicators.24
9.1 General .24
9.2 Performance indicator systems .24
9.2.1 Key components of a performance indicator system .24
9.2.2 Performance indicators . 25
9.2.3 Variables . 25
9.2.4 Context information . 26
9.3 Quality of the information . 26
9.4 Example of a performance indicator . 26
Annex A (informative) Schematics of drinking water supply systems .28
Annex B (informative) Possible actions to achieve the objectives of the water utility .30
Annex C (informative) Possible actions related to the management of the water utility .33
Annex D (informative) Examples of an assessment methodology for deciding on the
implementation and calculation of performance indicators for water utilities, objectives
and related performance indicators .36
Annex E (informative) Examples of service assessment criteria related to the water utility
objectives, performance indicators related to assessment criteria and service
assessment criteria related to components of a drinking water system .

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