Industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Operating conditions - Part 1: Climatic conditions

Lists environmental climatic conditions e.g. air temperature humidity and air pressure in specified locations to which land-based and offshore industrial-process measurement and control systems may be exposed during operation, during periods when they are installed but inactive and during storage or transportation.

Leittechnische Einrichtungen für industrielle Prozesse - Umgebungsbedingungen - Teil 1: Klimatische Einflüsse

Matériels de mesure et de commande dans les processus industriels - Conditions de fonctionnement - Partie 1: Conditions climatiques

Enumère, pour des emplacements spécifiés, les conditions climatiques d'environnement, par exemple la température de l'air, l'humidité et la pression atmosphérique auxquelles les systèmes de mesure et de commande des processus industriels, situés à terre ou sur des plates-formes en mer, peuvent être exposés en cours de fonctionnement, au cours de périodes pendant lesquelles ils sont installés mais ne sont pas actifs, en cours de stockage ou en cours de transport.

Industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Operating conditions - Part 1: Climatic conditions (IEC 60654-1:1993)

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Industrial-process measurement and control  equipment - Operating conditions -
Part 1: Climatic conditions (IEC 60654-1:1993)
Industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Operating conditions -- Part 1:
Climatic conditions
Leittechnische Einrichtungen für industrielle Prozesse - Umgebungsbedingungen -- Teil
1: Klimatische Einflüsse
Matériels de mesure et de commande dans les processus industriels - Conditions de
fonctionnement -- Partie 1: Conditions climatiques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60654-1:1993
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Deuxième édition
STANDARD Second edition
Matériels de mesure et de commande
dans les processus industriels -
Conditions de fonctionnement -
Partiel :
Conditions climatiques
Industrial-process measurement and
control equipment - Operating conditions -
Part 1:
Climatic conditions
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- 3 -
654-1 ©IEC:1993
1 Scope 9
2 Normative references
General 3
Location classes with respect to climatic conditions
15 4.1 Air-conditioned locations (Class A)
15 4.2 Heated and/or cooled enclosed locations (Class B)
4.3 Sheltered locations (Class C)
17 4.4 Outdoor locations (Class D)
4.5 Climatic condition parameters
20 Annex A - Climatograms for location classes
20 Location Class Al Presentation 1 A.1
21 A.2 Location Class Al Presentation 2
22 A.3 Location Class B1 Presentation 1
23 A.4 Location Class B1 Presentation 2
Location Class B2 Presentation 1 A.5
Location Class B2 Presentation 2 A.6
26 A.7 Location Class B3 Presentation 1
27 A.8 Location Class B3 Presentation 2
Location Class Cl Presentation 1 A.9
A.10 Location Class C1 Presentation 2 29
A.11 Location Class C2 Presentation 1
31 A.12 Location Class C2 Presentation 2
A.13 Location Class C3 Presentation 1 32
A.14 Location Class C3 Presentation 2
A.15 Location Class D1 Presentation 1
A.16 Location Class D1 Presentation 2 35
A.17 Location Class D2 Presentation 1
A.18 Location Class D2 Presentation 2 37

654-1 © I EC:1993 — 5 —
Part 1: Climatic conditions
1) The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a world-wide organization for standardization
comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to
promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and
electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards.
Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in
the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and
non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC
collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with
conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.
2) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by technical committees on
which all the National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as
possible, an international consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
3) They have the form of recommendations for international use published in the form of standards, technical
reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC International
Standards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any
divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly
indicated in the latter.
This International Standard IEC 654-1 has been prepared by sub-committee 65A: System
aspects, of IEC technical committee 65: Industrial-process measurement and control.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1979, which was in
general in agreement with IEC 721. However some parameter values differed: these
divergences created problems for users as well as manufacturere.
During the process of revision it was deemed advisable to keep the Classes A, B, C,
described in the first edition of IEC 654-1, but to align the (limit) values of the environ-
mental parameters with those of Classes (3K1, 3K2, 3K3, 3K4, 3K5, 3K6, 3K7, 4K2, 4K3)
in IEC 721 (except for the low air pressure, where the more realistic value of 86 kPa,
taken from IEC Guide 106, was used).

654-1 © I EC:1993 — 7 —
In addition in the first edition of IEC 654-1, for Classes A, B and C (corresponding to indoor
locations) temperature was defined as the ambient air temperature, where as for Class D
(corresponding to outdoor locations) the high temperature was defined as the surface
temperature of the equipment. This was not very consistent, the more so as for Class D, no
reference to IEC 721-3 could then be made. This revised edition defines the high
temperatures as air temperatures instead of surface temperatures of the equipment.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
DIS Report on Voting
65A(CO)31 65A(CO)36
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the voting
report indicated in the above table.
Annex A is for information only.

654-1 ©IEC:1993 - 9 -
Part 1: Climatic conditions
1 Scope
of IEC 654 is to provide users and suppliers of industrial-process
The purpose of this pa rt
s of such systems with a uniform listing of
measurement and control systems and pa rt
the selected environmental conditions to which equipment may be exposed in specified
rt lists environmental climatic conditions e.g. air temperature, humidity and air
This pa
pressure in specified locations to which land-based and offshore industrial-process
measurement and control systems may be exposed during operation, during periods when
ation. Maintenance and repair
they are installed but inactive and during storage or transpo rt
conditions are not considered.
Environmental conditions directly related to fire and explosion hazards and conditions
related to ionized radiation are likewise not considered. Effects of the specific environ-
rt .
mental conditions on personnel are not within the scope of this pa
The influence quantities considered in this pa rt are limited to those which may directly
affect the performance of process measurement and control systems. Only environmental
conditions as such are considered.
rt establishes location classes with severity levels or sets of severity levels for the
This pa
environmental conditions listed. Other environmental conditions are covered in other parts
of the standard.
rt are defined and specified in IEC 721-3-3 and IEC 721-3-4.
The limit values of this pa
It is intended to serve as a basis for the preparation of comprehensive specifications for
environmental conditions by the user and by the supplier.
is to avoid problems which might result from neglecting
One of the purposes of this pa rt
ormance of systems
considerations of specific environmental conditions affecting the pe rf
and parts of systems.
is to aid in the choice of severity levels for use in the
An additional purpose of this pa rt
development of evaluation specifications of industrial-process measurement and control
654-1 ©IEC:1993 - 11 -
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this part of IEC 654. At the time of publication of this standard, the
editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties
to agreements based on this part of IEC 654 are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members
of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
IEC 721-3-1: 1987, Classification of environmental conditions - Pa rt 3: Classification of
groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Storage
Amendment 1 (1991)
IEC 721-3-2: 1985, Classification of environmental conditions - Pa rt 3: Classification of groups
of environmental parameters and their severities - Transpo rtation
Amendment 1 (1991)
IEC 721-3-3: 1987, Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification
of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Stationary use at weather-
protected location
Amendment 1 (1991)
IEC 721-3-4: 1987, Classification of environmental conditions - Pa rt 3: Classification of
groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Stationary use at non-
weatherprotected locations
Amendment 1 (1991)
3 General
A limited number of location classes with respect to climatic conditions is given in clause 4.
The established classes may be applied also for storage and/or transportation (e.g.
Class B2 for operation may be combined with Class C2 for transportation). Otherwise, it is
recommended to refer to the appropriate classes of IEC 721-3-1 and IEC 721-3-2.
Parameter severity values of the various operating conditions are shown by limit values
rather than by means of average values. These values cover usual ranges of environmental
conditions and are considered as having a low probability of being exceeded. It is
recognized that extreme or special environmental conditions may exist where values
are greater and/or less than the stated values. To accommodate this situation, "special"
categories for environmental conditions are provided. Specifications for equipment to
operate under "special" conditions are a matter for negotiation between user and supplier
but it is recommended to use values taken from IEC 721-3-1, IEC 721-3-2, IEC 721-3-3
and IEC 721-3-4.
- 13 -
654-1 © IEC:1993
climatic conditions
4 Location classes with respect to
Subclauses 4.1 to 4.5 establish types of locations such as:
Weatherprotected locations:
Class A: air-conditioned locations;
- Class B: heated and/or cooled enclosed locations;
- Class C: sheltered and/or unheated enclosed locations;
Non-weatherprotected locations:
- Class D: outdoor locations.
These types of locations are based on appropriate combinations of climatic condition
parameters and their limit values, corresponding to the climatic classes of IEC 721-3-3 and
IEC 721-3-4 as listed in table 1. Climatograms for the location classes are illustrated in
the charts given in annex A, since a simple description of a realistic combination of, for
example, high temperature and high humidity is difficult to make.
Temperature shall be considered as location temperature measured at a representative
point within the local environment, including adjacent heat-generating equipment. It shall
rface of
be taken into account that solar radiation may increase the temperature on the su
equipment. Similar considerations apply to the humidity measurement.
When a number of instruments are concentrated in one place, the actual air temperature
and the corresponding relative humidity may differ locally from the air temperature and
humidity at the representative point, due to the heat generated by the instruments.
The manufacturer shall specify the amount of heat generated by his equipment, so that
adequate measures can be taken to dissipate this heat.
Temperature gradients are specified for all locations. When the rate of change is signi-
ficant, it should be considered.
Solar radiation is specified for all locations. Classes A and B should include solar radiation
if equipment is located near windows.
Temperature gradients in the space of local environments caused by such phenomena as
one-sided radiation or cold wind can produce thermal stress in equipment. Preferred values
of gradients are not specified because they are dependent on the physical and material
characteristics of the equipment which will occupy the local environment.
The occurrence of condensation, wind-driven precipitation and formation of ice is also
654-1 ©IEC:1993 - 15 -
Detailed specifications for the air quality and other conditions important for the proper
operation and life of equipment on locations which are not otherwise covered in this part
are matters for negotiation between user and supplier.
Some variations of air pressure are due to weather conditions; major variations are, in
general, the result of altitude. Artificial pressurization may increase environmental pressure
in certai

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