This document specifies a method of vertical impact testing on a filled paper sack by dropping. It is performed either as a single test to investigate the effects of vertical impact or as part of a sequence of tests designed to measure the ability of a sack to withstand a distribution system that includes a vertical impact hazard.
This document specifies the testing procedure and how the results of tests are presented. It is based on ISO 2248 but is specifically related to paper sacks.

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This European Standard specifies the general characteristics, test methods and requirements for sacks, bags and bin liners, made from plastic films, used for household waste collection, or household selective waste collection including collection of biodegradable waste for organic recycling (biodegradation and composting).
For the purpose of this European Standard biodegradable and compostable sacks, including ties if any, are those which comply with EN 13432.
This European standard applies only to sacks, bags and bin liners for which the first use is for household waste collection, or household selective waste collection.
NOTE   For editorial reasons, in this document the terms "sack" and "bag" are synonymous.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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This European Standard covers the safety of flexible plastics packaging that is likely to be accessible to children in the home and may pose a risk of suffocation.
It includes flexible plastics packaging intended for single or repeated use.

  • Technical report
    8 pages
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This European Standard specifies the dimensional characteristics, mechanical requirements and requirements of fitness for purpose of plastics freezer bags used for freezing foodstuffs.
It specifies also test methods to check these requirements.
It is applicable to plastic bags reserved for household uses to freeze foodstuffs, including the following types:
   bags with tie closure, without gusset;
   bags with tie closure and lateral gussets;
   bags with re-closable features (or with zipper) without gusset.
NOTE 1   The above list of types of bags is neither restrictive nor exhaustive.
NOTE 2   The application of this European Standard does not exempt the supplier or purchaser from complying with national regulations.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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This standard describes methods for the quantitative determination of residual solvents in flexible packaging by dynamic headspace chromatography where the chemical identities of the residual solvents to be determined are known before commencing the analysis. Residues from thermal decomposition products are not within the scope of this standard.
The method is applicable to flexible packaging materials that may consist of mono- or multiplayer plastic films, paper or board, foil or combinations thereof.
This method does not apply to residual solvents with amounts lower than 0,5 mg/m².

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This standard describes methods of determining the puncture resistance of a flexible packaging material.  The method is applicable to multilayer flexible packaging materials.

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This European Standard specifies the general characteristics, type test performance and certification requirements for flexible carrier bags used for the transport of various not specified retail goods. For specified retail goods there shall be an agreement between buyer and supplier about the application of this standard.

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    14 pages
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This part 1 describes methods for the quantitative determination of residual solvents in flexible packaging by static headspace chromatography. The chemical identities of the residual solvents to be determined by this must be known before commencing the analysis. During the analysis there may be interferences from possible products of thermal decomposition. Residues from thermal decomposition products are not within the scope of this standard. Additional peaks due to these products shall not be considered for evaluation of residual solvents.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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This part 2 should be read in conjunction with prEN (261190) part 1 and describes rapid methods as commonly used in quality control for example for monitoring the level of residual solvents used in the production of flexible packaging by static headspace chromatography. The procedure described in this part involves one single injection of the headspace which implies an incomplete extraction of the solvent. The values obtained may be lower than the absolute content which should be determined according to Part 1. During the analysis there may be interferences from possible products of thermal decomposition.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for sacks made of woven polypropylene fabric. This European Standard is applicable to sacks made of woven polypropylene fabric, having a filling mass up to 50 kg, intended for the transport of food aid.

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    9 pages
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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for sacks made of lined cotton fabric. This European Standard is applicable to sacks made of lined cotton fabric, having a filling mass up to 50kg, intended for the transport of food aid.

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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for tubular sack packages made of composite film, for example PET/Alu/PE.

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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for sacks made of cotton/polyolefine fabric. This European Standard is applicable to sacks made of woven cotton/polyolefin fabric, having a filling mass up to 50kg, intended for the transport of food aid.

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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for sacks made of jute/polyolefine fabric. This European Standard is applicable to sacks made of woven jute/polyolefin fabric, having a filling mass up to 50kg, intended for the transport of food aid.

  • Standard
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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for sacks made of polyethylene film.

  • Standard
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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for sacks made of jute fabric. This European Standard is applicable to sacks made of jute fabric, having a filling mass up to 50kg, intended for the transport of food aid.

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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test of paper sacks. This European Standard is applicable to paper sacks, having a filling mass up to 50kg, intended for the transport of food aid.

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This European standard specifies the general characteristics, requirements and methods of test for sacks made of polyolefine fabric other than polypropylene. This European Standard is applicable to sacks made of woven polyolefin fabric other than polypropylene only, having a filling mass up to 50kg, intended for the transport of food aid.

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This part of ISO 6590 defines terms commonly used in paper sack manufacture. It refers to single- and multi-ply sacks made from paper; it does not refer to bags for the retail trade. It specifies types of sacks, constructional details, materials and describes parts of a sack. It delivers alphabetical indices in three languages.

  • Draft
    20 pages
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This standard specifies the general characteristics, test methods and requirements for sacks made from plastics films, used for household waste pre-collection or household waste collection or household selective waste collection.

  • Draft
    3 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method for airtightness of the closures for flexible tubes.
It is applicable to flexible single-layer metal or plastics tubes and multilayer or laminated tubes used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other domestic and industrial products.

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    6 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method to test the orientation of the flip-top cap on flexible tubes.
It is applicable to aluminium, plastic and laminated tubes used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other domestic and industrial products.

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This standard defines the technical vocabulary in German, French and English, widely in use for flexible tubes.
It is applicable to metal, plastic, multilayer or laminated tubes that are used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic,
hygiene, food and other domestic or industrial products.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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Le présent document spécifie une méthode de détermination de l’épaisseur du film de vernis appliqué à
l’intérieur des tubes en aluminium cylindriques ou coniques. Cette méthode est une méthode de référence.
Elle peut également servir de référence lors de l’étalonnage d’autres appareils électroniques appropriés pour
la détermination de l’épaisseur du revêtement, par exemple selon la méthode de mesurage de capacité par
courants de Foucault. Elle s’applique aux tubes en aluminium utilisés pour le conditionnement de produits
pharmaceutiques, produits cosmétiques, produits d’hygiène, ainsi que de produits alimentaires et d’autres
produits domestiques et industriels.
NOTE Même s’ils ne sont pas spécifiés dans la présente norme, d’autres appareils de mesure automatique de
l’épaisseur du film sont disponibles. Ils fournissent des résultats instantanés avec une bonne précision (< 1 µm).

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This standard specifies the diameter, length, wall thickness and shoulder geometry of cylindrical plastic flexible tubes.
It is applicable to tubes used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other domestic and industrial products.

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    6 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method to measure the deformation of the aluminium tube body.
It is applicable to cylindrical aluminium tubes used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other domestic and industrial products.

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This standard specifies a method for the determination of the adhesion of the internal and external protective lacquer of aluminium tubes.
It is applicable to aluminium tubes that are coated with an internal or external protective lacquer and which are used for packing, e.g. pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other household products.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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TC/CMC - Correction of reference standard number in Clause 4, Note 2, example 1) (and 2) in D); Clause 10, indent a), example 3 and example 4 - correction overlooked in the 2003 editing of the mother standard, missed in the amendment and not dealt with during the 2007 consolidation

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This standard specifies the general characteristics, test methods and requirements for sacks made from plastics films, used for household waste pre-collection or household waste collection or household selective waste collection.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This standard is applicable for internally coated aluminium tubes, mainly used for the packing of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food or other household products.
The internal coating is used as a barrier and should avoid any contact between aluminium and the product.
This standard defines two alternative methods – copper sulphate and sodium chloride method – to detect the electrolyte conductivity as one criterion for the quality of the internal coating.
NOTE   The electrolyte conductivity of the internal coating is only one criterion for evaluation of the quality of an internal coating. It does not give any information on the quantity or size of any pores or uncoated areas, nor any hint on possible reactions between the aluminium tube and the product. The electrolyte conductivity should never be used as the sole criterion for quality evaluation of the internal coating, but always with other parameters e.g. film thickness, acetone and/or ammonia resistance and of course results of enhanced stability studies.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This standard specifies the diameter, length, wall thickness and shoulder geometry of cylindrical plastic flexible tubes. It is applicable to tubes used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other dom stic and industrial products.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This standard specifies sizes and geometric characteristics for cylindrical laminated flexible tubes. It applies to tubes used for packaging pharmaceutical, cosmetic and hygiene products as well as for packaging food, industrial and domestic products.

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This standard specifies a method for the determination of the thickness of the lacquer film applied inside cylindrical and conical aluminium tubes. The method is a reference. It can also be used as a reference when calibrating other electronic instruments suitable for determining coating weight thickness by e.g., capacitance measurement by Eddy current. It is applicable to aluminium tubes used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other domestic products. NOTE : Although not specified in this standard there are available suitable automatic film thickness measurement instruments that provide instantaneous results with good accuracy (< 1 µm).

  • Standard
    6 pages
    English language
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TC - Modification in 9.2.3

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
    English, French and German language
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This standard specifies the general characteristics, test methods and requirements for sacks made from plastics films, used for household waste pre-collection or household waste collection or household selective waste collection.

  • Standard
    22 pages
    English language
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    1 day