Railway applications - Infrastructure - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 1: Technical requirements for running

This document defines the specific technical railway requirements for running of machines and other vehicles used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, track formation and fixed electric traction equipment. Special national conditions applicable to specific member states are shown in Annex B.
This document applies to all railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - running exclusively on the railway (utilizing adhesion between the rail and wheels) and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment.
This document applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems.
NOTE   Other rail mounted railway maintenance and infrastructure inspection machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Technical Report CEN/TR 17498:2020.
This document is written for 1 435 mm nominal track gauge; special requirements can apply for running on infrastructures with narrow gauge or broad gauge lines, urban railways, railways utilizing other than adhesion between the rail and wheels and road-rail machines which are not included in this standard.
This document covers the railway specific requirements for movements of the machine as a train and movements to reach work sites.
This document applies to equipment and systems which are operational on machines in running mode.

Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Schienengebundene Bau- und Instandhaltungsmaschinen - Teil 1: Technische Anforderungen an das Fahren

Dieses Dokument legt die eisenbahnspezifischen technischen Anforderungen an das Fahren von Maschinen und anderen Fahrzeugen fest, die für Bau, Instandhaltung und Inspektion des Oberbaus, der Bauwerke, des Unterbaus und der Oberleitungsanlagen (Oberleitung und Stromschiene) verwendet werden. Besondere nationale Bedingungen, die für bestimmte Mitgliedstaaten gelten, sind in Anhang B enthalten.
Dieses Dokument gilt für alle schienengebundenen Maschinen und andere Fahrzeuge – nachfolgend Maschinen genannt – die ausschließlich auf Schienen arbeiten (unter Nutzung des Kraftschlusses zwischen den Schienen und der Schienenräder) und für den Bau, Instandhaltung und Inspektion des Oberbaus, der Bauwerke, der Infrastruktur und der Oberleitungsanlagen (Oberleitung und Stromschiene) verwendet werden.
Dieses Dokument gilt für Maschinen, die dazu gedacht sind, mit Signal- und Steuerungssystemen zu interagieren.
ANMERKUNG   Andere schienengebundene Eisenbahninstandhaltungsmaschinen und Maschinen zur Inspektion der Infrastruktur werden in anderen Europäischen Normen behandelt, siehe Technischer Bericht CEN/TR 17498:2020.
Dieses Dokument gilt für die Nennspurweite von 1 435 mm; besondere Anforderungen können für das Fahren auf Eisenbahninfrastrukturen mit Schmal- oder Breitspurgleisen, Schienennahverkehrssystemen, anderen Eisenbahnen, die nicht unter Nutzung des Kraftschlusses zwischen den Schienen und der Schienenräder angetrieben werden, und Zwei-Wege-Maschinen gelten, die nicht in dieser Norm enthalten sind.
Dieses Dokument behandelt die eisenbahnspezifischen Anforderungen beim Bewegen der Maschine als Zug und bei der Bewegung zu Baustellen.
Dieses Dokument gilt für Ausrüstung und Systeme, die an Maschinen im Fahrmodus in Betrieb sind.

Applications ferroviaires - Infrastructure - Machines de construction et de maintenance empruntant exclusivement les voies ferrées - Partie 1: Prescriptions techniques pour la circulation

Le présent document spécifie les exigences techniques ferroviaires à respecter pour la circulation des machines et autres véhicules utilisés pour la construction, la maintenance ou le contrôle de la voie, des ouvrages d'art, de la plateforme, des infrastructures et des installations fixes de traction électrique. Les conditions nationales particulières applicables à certains Etats membres sont présentées à l'Annexe B.
Le présent document s'applique à toutes les machines et autres véhicules, ci-après désignés « machines », circulant exclusivement sur les voies ferrées (utilisant l'adhérence rail/roue), et utilisés pour la construction, la maintenance et le contrôle de la voie, des ouvrages d'art, de l'infrastructure et des installations fixes de traction électrique.
Ce document s'applique aux machines prévues pour actionner les systèmes ferroviaires de signalisation et de contrôle.
NOTE   Les autres machines d'inspection de l'infrastructure et de maintenance ferroviaire montées sur rail sont traitées dans d'autres Normes européennes, voir Rapport technique CEN/TR 17498:2020.
Le présent document a été élaboré pour un écartement de rail nominal de 1 435 mm ; des exigences particulières de circulation peuvent s'appliquer aux infrastructures ferroviaires à voies larges ou étroites, aux chemins de fer urbains, aux chemins de fer autres que ceux à adhérence rail/roue, et aux machines rail/route  qui ne sont pas inclus dans la présente norme.
Le présent document couvre les exigences spécifiques aux voies ferrées pour la circulation de la machine en tant que train et les déplacements pour atteindre les zones de travail.
Le présent document s’applique aux équipements et systèmes fonctionnant sur des machines en mode circulation.

Železniške naprave - Infrastruktura - Težka tirna mehanizacija za gradnjo in vzdrževanje - 1. del: Tehnične zahteve za vožnjo

General Information

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4060 - Closure of enquiry - Enquiry
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prEN 14033-1:2025 - BARVE
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Standards Content (Sample)

Železniške naprave - Infrastruktura - Težka tirna mehanizacija za gradnjo in
vzdrževanje - 1. del: Tehnične zahteve za vožnjo
Railway applications - Infrastructure - Railbound construction and maintenance
machines - Part 1: Technical requirements for running
Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Schienengebundene Bau- und
Instandhaltungsmaschinen - Teil 1: Technische Anforderungen an das Fahren
Applications ferroviaires - Infrastructure - Machines de construction et de maintenance
empruntant exclusivement les voies ferrées - Partie 1: Prescriptions techniques pour la
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 14033-1
45.120 Oprema za gradnjo in Equipment for
vzdrževanje železnic oz. railway/cableway
žičnic construction and
93.100 Gradnja železnic Construction of railways
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

November 2024
ICS 45.120; 93.100 Will supersede EN 14033-1:2017
English Version
Railway applications - Infrastructure - Railbound
construction and maintenance machines - Part 1:
Technical requirements for running
Applications ferroviaires - Infrastructure - Machines de Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Schienengebundene
construction et de maintenance empruntant Bau- und Instandhaltungsmaschinen - Teil 1:
exclusivement les voies ferrées - Partie 1: Prescriptions Technische Anforderungen an das Fahren
techniques pour la circulation
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 256.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 14033-1:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 5
Introduction . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 12
4 Machine categorization . 13
4.1 General rules . 13
4.2 Demountable modules . 14
5 Rolling stock gauge . 14
5.1 General rules . 14
5.2 Stowing of moveable machine parts in running positions . 14
6 Frame . 15
6.1 Design of the machine frame and attachments . 15
6.2 Lifting and jacking points. 16
6.3 Hook for stowage on boats and for towing . 17
7 Bogie and running gear . 17
7.1 General. 17
7.2 Structural design . 18
7.3 Static wheelset loading . 19
7.4 Wheel profile . 19
7.5 Shape and dimensions of the axles and wheelsets . 19
7.6 Machine mass measurement . 21
7.7 Design for longitudinal compressive forces . 24
7.8 Lifeguards . 25
7.9 Obstacle deflector . 25
7.10 Minimum curve radius . 25
8 Running safety . 25
8.1 Running tests . 25
8.2 Safety on track twists . 26
8.3 Running simulation . 26
9 Brakes . 26
9.1 General. 26
9.2 Safety . 27
9.3 Trainwide brake control device . 28
9.4 Brake functions to keep a train stationary . 30
9.5 Brake function at vehicle level . 30
9.6 Additional brake systems . 31
9.7 Compressed air supply . 31
9.8 Brake hose connections . 32
9.9 Wheel-slide protection . 32
9.10 Enhanced wheel rail adhesion devices . 33
9.11 Performance . 33
9.12 Testing . 33
10 Buffing and draw gear . 34
10.1 General . 34
10.2 Conventional connection between machines/vehicles . 34
10.3 Connection between machines/vehicles . 35
10.4 Interaction forces between the machine and coupled vehicles . 36
10.5 Space to be kept free at the end of the machine . 36
10.6 Shunters' handrail . 37
10.7 Shunters' step . 37
11 Interaction with railway signalling and control systems . 37
11.1 Operation of track circuits . 37
11.2 Operation of axle-counters and treadles for level crossings . 37
11.3 Operation of hot axlebox and unreleased brake detectors . 38
11.4 On board hot box detection . 38
11.5 Interaction with onboard ETCS . 38
11.6 Operation of other signalling systems . 38
12 Running safety equipment . 39
12.1 Indication equipment . 39
12.2 Data recorder . 39
13 Warning equipment and lights . 39
13.1 Warning horns . 39
13.2 Headlights . 39
13.3 Lamp brackets and marker lights . 40
14 Driver’s cabs and driving positions . 43
14.1 General . 43
14.2 Access to cab . 43
14.3 Interior of cab . 44
14.4 Heating, cooling and ventilation . 45
14.5 Internal lighting . 45
14.6 Area of visibility . 46
14.7 Driver's desks . 46
14.8 Controls and indicators . 46
14.9 Driver's and assistant's seats . 48
14.10 Equipment and controls .

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