Standard Specification for Airframe Emergency Parachutes for Light Sport Aircraft

This specification covers minimum requirements for the design, manufacture, and installation of airframe emergency parachutes for light sport aircraft. Materials used for parts and assemblies, shall meet the conditions specified for (1) suitability and durability, (2) strength and other properties assumed in the design data, and (3) effects of environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, expected in service. Parachute model designations shall include the following: (1) parachute system parts list, (2) new parachutes model designations, (3) design changes, and (4) installation design changes. The strength requirements shall be specified in terms of limit loads and ultimate loads. The following minimum performance standards for the basic parachute system design shall be met: (1) parachute strength test to determine the ultimate load factor, (2) rate of descent, (3) component strength test, (4) staged deployment, and (5) environmental conditions. The installation design requirements are specified for the following: (1) coordination, (2) weight and balance, (3) system mounting, (4) extraction performance, (5) parachute attachment to the airframe, (6) activating housing routing, and (7) occupant restraint. Other requirements such as system function and operations and product marking are also detailed.
1.1 This specification covers minimum requirements for the design, manufacture, and installation of parachutes for light sport aircraft.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. There may be values given in parentheses that are mathematical conversions to inch-pound units. Values in parentheses are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.2.1 Note that within the aviation community mixed units are appropriate in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreements. While the values stated in SI units are regarded as standard, certain values such as airspeeds in knots and altitude in feet are also accepted as standard.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.

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ASTM F2316-08(2010) - Standard Specification for Airframe Emergency Parachutes for Light Sport Aircraft
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation:F2316 −08(Reapproved 2010)
Standard Specification for
Airframe Emergency Parachutes for Light Sport Aircraft
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2316; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 4. Materials and Manufacture
4.1 Materials—Materials used for parts and assemblies, the
1.1 This specification covers minimum requirements for the
failure of which could adversely affect safety, must meet the
design, manufacture, and installation of parachutes for light
following conditions:
sport aircraft.
4.1.1 The suitability and durability must be established by
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
experience or tests.
standard. There may be values given in parentheses that are
4.1.2 The strength and other properties assumed in the
mathematical conversions to inch-pound units. Values in pa-
design data must meet approved specifications.
rentheses are provided for information only and are not
4.1.3 The effects of environmental conditions, such as
considered standard.
temperature and humidity, expected in service must be taken
1.2.1 Note that within the aviation community mixed units
into account.
are appropriate in accordance with International CivilAviation
5. Parachute Model Designations
units are regarded as standard, certain values such as airspeeds
5.1 Parachute System Parts List—Apartslistisrequiredfor
in knots and altitude in feet are also accepted as standard.
each parachute system for each airframe model in accordance
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
with this specification.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
5.2 New Parachute Model Designations—Each new para-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
chute system model must be qualified in accordance with this
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.
5.3 Design Changes—Design or configuration changes that
2. Referenced Documents
impact the parachute installation, performance, or operability
require a new parachute model designation. Each design
2.1 FAA Document:
change of a part or component of a parachute system qualified
FAA Special Conditions 23-ACE-76(Docket No. 118C),
by this specification must be evaluated relative to the require-
Ballistic Recovery Systems, Modified for Small General
ments of this specification.
Aviation Aircraft
5.4 Installation Design Changes—Any airframe
manufacturer, builder, or owner changing the design of their
3. Terminology
aircraft under this specification shall, as soon as possible,
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
inform the parachute manufacturer about changes that may
3.1.1 armed or arming, v—the next action activates the
affect the mounting, attaching, deployment, egress, or specifi-
cations of the parachute system. Discussion—Armed or arming is not simply remov-
ing a safety pin.
6. Parachute System Design Requirements
6.1 Strength Requirements:
6.1.1 Strength requirements are specified in terms of limit
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F37 on Light
loads (the maximum loads to be expected in service) and
Sport Aircraft and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F37.70 on Cross
ultimate loads (loads that are experienced while performing
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2010. Published March 2011. Originally
parachute strength tests according to 6.2.1 to gain a safety
approved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as F2316–08. DOI:
factor (ultimate load factor) of 1.5). Compliance with strength
requirements for components other than the parachute assem-
Available from Ballistic Recovery Systems, Inc., 380 Airport Rd., South St.
Paul, MN 55075. bly may be demonstrated by analysis or testing.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F2316−08 (2010)
6.1.2 System evaluation by analysis must use an accepted 6.3.2 Weight and Balance—Theinstallationoftheparachute
computationalmethodthathasbeenverifiedthroughtesting.In system must not adversely affect the center of gravity of the
other cases, load testing must be conducted. subject aircraft.
6.1.3 System evaluation by testing must be supported with
6.3.3 System Mounting—The hardware used to install the
instrument calibration verified by an applicable weights and
parachute system shall not become loosened or detached as a
measures regulatory body, for example, state and federal
result of normal wear and tear.
6.3.4 Extraction Performance—It must be shown that the
6.2 System Design—The following minimum performance extraction device will cleanly penetrate any covering or re-
standards for the basic parachute system shall be met. move the parachute system’s cover, if any, and extract the
parachute assembly to full line stretch without inhibiting or
6.2.1 Parachute Strength Test—A minimum of three suc-
cessfuldroptestsoftheparachuteassemblyshallbeconducted damaging the parachute upon egress. Airframe and parachute
under ultimate load conditions to demonstrate the parachute’s manufacturers must coordinate to ensure that the extraction
strength.Anew parachute assembly may be used for each test. device and those components extracted by it have an unob-
Data acquisition shall include recordings of inflation loads as a
structed trajectory away from the aircraft. While it is recog-
function of time.Atest under ultimate load condition is meant nized that the aircraft configuration is unpredictable in an
to achieve a safety factor (ultimate load factor) of 1.5 by
emergency situation (for example, broken parts creating
applyingtheEnergyMethodrepresentedbyE= ⁄2mv .Based debris), all due care must be taken to provide a path of least
on the assumption that the parachute opening force correlates
resistance assuming an extremely rapid rate of departure.
to the kinetic energy present, the ultimate load factor of 1.5 is
6.3.5 ParachuteAttachment to theAirframe—Theparachute
assembly must be attached to the primary structure of the
(2) increasing the limit load test speed by 1.1. Therefore, the
aircraft with an airframe attachment harness that may be
Ultimate Load Factor = (1.25) × (1.1) = 1.5 and a parachute
composed of a single harness section or a series of harness
strength test under ultimate load conditions shall be conducted
sections. The airframe and parachute manufacturers must
as follows:
Min. Test weight = 1.25 × Aircraft Gross Takeoff Weight
the subject airframe complies with the following conditions:
Min. Test Speed = 1.1 × Aircraft’s Maximum Intended Parachute Parachute deployments induce unique load distribu-
Deployment Speed
tions to the airframe, largely due to geometric locations of the
6.2.2 Rate of Descent—Rate of descent data shall be re-
harness attachment points. The airframe attachment points and
corded for all tests in 6.2.1. This data may be corrected for the
airframe attachment harness for each individual aircraft type
increase in test vehicle weight to determine the rate of descent
must comply with the ultimate loads determined in the para-
at the gross weight of the specific aircraft. Descent rate data
chute strength test described in 6.2.1.
fromparachutecanopiesshallbecorrectedto1500-m(5000-ft) The harness system and attach points must be
density altitude and standard temperature.
configured in a manner that presents the aircraft in a descent
6.2.3 Component Strength Test—All critical components
and landing attitude that maximizes the ability of the aircraft
(such as bridles, lanyards, harnesses, activation cables, and so
the probability of injury to the occupants.
in 6.1.
6.2.4 Staged Deployment—The parachute assembly shall be The airframe attachment harness must be routed
from the installed parachute to the airframe attachment points
designed to stage the deployment sequence in an orderly
manner to reduce the chances of entanglements or similar and secured in a manner that will prevent it from impacting
normal operations. It must also be shown that the harness will
be satisfactorily stripped free upon extraction and inflation of
6.2.5 Environmental Conditions—The system must be
the parachute.
evaluated for operations in temperature conditions of −40 to
48.9°C (−40 to 120°F). The airframe attachment harness design must mini-
mize the potential for conflict with the propeller. If conflict
6.3 Installation Design—Each manufacturer of an emer-
with the propeller is unavoidable by installation design or
gency parachute system shall provide a specific Parachute
operator instructions such as shutting down the engine, the
Installation Manual (PIM) for the installation into each per-
aircraft attachment harness must be manufactured from mate-
taining aircraft with the documentation described in S2. The
rials that yield a reasonable likelihood of surviving a conflict
with the propeller.
6.3.6 Activating Housing Routing—The parachute system
6.3.1 Coordination—Airframe and parachute manufacturers
must coordinate and agree to ensure proper installation. Air-
and parachute manufacturers must coordinate and agree to
frame manufacturers of light sport aircraft–special (fully built)
insure that the installation of the activation system in the
must not alter the installation without consulting the parachute
subject airframe complies with the following conditions:
system manufacturer. For light sport aircraft–experimental (kit
built), the parachute manufacturer shall work with a new The routing of the activation system shall not create
original equipment manufacturer, the aircraft builder, or the friction points or other interruptions that may reduce the
aircraft owner to create a proper installation design. occupant’s ability to activate the system.
F2316−08 (2010) Theactivatingsystemshallbesecuredalongitspath 9.5 Specific climates may require modification to the para-
such that it will not change during the normal operating life of chute system’s inspection procedures.
the parachute system.
10. Operating Limitations If dual activating handles are used, they must be of
a design that allows activation with one handle, even if the
10.1 Operating limitations must be prescribed to ensure
other handle is inoperable. An airframe manufacturer electing
proper operation of the parachute system.
11. Product Marking
the manufacturer of the ballistic parachute system. It must be shown that arming and activating the
11.1 Key components of the parachute system must be
system can only be accomplished in a sequence that makes
marked on the container with the following information:
inadvertent deployment extremely improbable. The system
11.1.1 Manufacturer’s identification,
must not be armed before the initiation of activation proce-
11.1.2 Part number and revision,
11.1.3 Serial number, Somemeanstosecuretheactivationsystemmustbe
11.1.4 Date of manufacture, and
implemented when the aircraft is not in service.
11.1.5 Service interval date.
6.3.7 Occupant Restraint—Each seat in an airplane modi-
11.2 The parachute manufacturer or airframe manufacturer
fied or fitted with the emergency parachute system must be
must supply placards or labels for placement in unobstructed
equipped with a restraint system consisting of a seat belt and
view of the occupants or anyone near the egress point
shoulder harness that will protect the occupants from head and
(exterior). Refer to 10.1 for operating limitations.
upper torso injuries during parachute deployment and ground
11.3 The owner/operator must display placards or labels for
impact at the critical load conditions.
the cockpit or exterior such that these placards or labels can be
seen by first responders at accident or incident sites.
7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
11.3.1 Scope—These placards or labels are to provide a
7.1 Workmanshipmustbeofahighstandardandperformed
visual warning to rescue or other personnel at the scene of an
in accordance with QA standards as established by industry
accident or incident in the event that the aircraft involved is
consensus (possibly stand-alone standards established within
equipped with a ballistically-deployed emergency parachute
the ASTM structure, see S3.1).
system. A ballistic device may include rocket motor, mortar,
explosive projectile, spring, or other stored energy device.
8. System Function and Operations
11.3.2 Source—The manufacturer of parachute system or
8.1 The installation design and location of the extraction
airframe shall supply the required warning placards or labels
with the product in accordance with this specification.
of the parachute system and reduce this potential as much as
11.3.3 Installation and Size of Placard or Label—The
possible without compromising function of the extraction
airframe manufacturer or builder shall permanently install the
warning placards or labels in a manner specified by this
8.2 The parachute system must be labeled to show its Danger Placard—A 7.62-cm (3-in.) minimum tri-
identification, function, and operation limitations.
angular placard or label with the word “Danger” (see proposed
8.3 All components of the parachute system must be pro-
placard in Appendix X1) must be placed adjacent to the
tected against deterioration or loss of strength in service as a
parachute egress point for enclosed aircraft where the para-
result of normal wear, weathering, corrosion, and abrasion.
chute system may not be visible from the exterior.
NOTE 1—Not all ballistically-deployed emergency parachutes egress
9. Inspection and Maintenance
the upper surface of an aircraft. Some systems egress the underside of the
9.1 Owners of parachute system must follow the parachute
aircraft. Therefore, an aircraft turned upside down in an accident or

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