ISO 17901-1:2015
(Main)Optics and photonics — Holography — Part 1: Methods of measuring diffraction efficiency and associated optical characteristics of holograms
Optics and photonics — Holography — Part 1: Methods of measuring diffraction efficiency and associated optical characteristics of holograms
ISO 17901-1:2015 specifies the terms related to optical characteristics of holograms, the method to measure their diffraction efficiency, and the angular and wavelength selectivity measurement methods. These measurement methods are applicable to any type of hologram if the hologram yields a simple diffraction pattern, which means the reconstructed wave can be clearly separated from other diffracted and non-diffracted waves. In other words, holograms that yield complex diffraction patterns are excluded. There are no restrictions on the materials used to form the holograms.
Optique et photonique — Holographie — Partie 1: Méthodes de mesurage de l'efficacité de diffraction et caractéristiques optiques associées aux hologrammes
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 17901-1
First edition
Optics and photonics — Holography —
Part 1:
Methods of measuring diffraction
efficiency and associated optical
characteristics of holograms
Optique et photonique — Holographie —
Partie 1: Méthodes de mesurage de l’efficacité de diffraction et
caractéristiques optiques associées aux hologrammes
Reference number
ISO 2015
© ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland
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or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 3
5 Principles . 3
6 Measurement methods . 3
6.1 General . 3
6.2 Definition of the coordinate system . 4
6.3 Hologram measurement environment . 4
6.4 Measurement device and measures . 5
6.5 Diffraction efficiency measurement method . 5
6.5.1 General. 5
6.5.2 Absolute diffraction efficiency measurement method . 6
6.5.3 Relative diffraction efficiency measurement method . 7
6.5.4 Spectral diffraction efficiency by transmittance measurement for
volume holograms . 8
6.5.5 Spectral diffraction efficiency by reflectance measurement for
volume holograms . 9
6.6 Angular selectivity measurement method .11
6.7 Wavelength selectivity measurement method .11
7 Description of measurement results .12
7.1 General .12
7.2 Description of the diffraction efficiency measurement results .12
7.3 Description of the angular selectivity measurement results .12
7.4 Description of the wavelength selectivity measurement method .12
Bibliography .14
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 172, Optics and Photonics, Subcommittee SC 9,
Electro-optical systems.
ISO 17901 consists of the following parts, under the general title Optics and photonics — Holography:
— Part 1: Methods of measuring diffraction efficiency and associated optical characteristics of holograms
— Part 2: Methods for measurement of hologram recording characteristics
iv © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
The aim of this part of ISO 17901 is to specify the terms related to holograms and basic measurement
methods to characterize them.
A hologram is an optical device utilizing interference and diffraction phenomena and is characterized
differently from optical devices based on reflection, refraction, and scattering. By exploiting the
characteristics of holograms, they have been successfully applied in numerous applications such as
displays, metrology, and anti-counterfeit security.
The expanded market in holography has generated a need to agree on basic terms and definitions for
holograms and measurement methods and this part of ISO 17901 aims to satisfy that need.
Optics and photonics — Holography —
Part 1:
Methods of measuring diffraction efficiency and associated
optical characteristics of holograms
1 Scope
This part of ISO 17901 specifies the terms related to optical characteristics of holograms, the method
to measure their diffraction efficiency, and the angular and wavelength selectivity measurement
methods. These measurement methods are applicable to any type of hologram if the hologram yields
a simple diffraction pattern, which means the reconstructed wave can be clearly separated from other
diffracted and non-diffracted waves. In other words, holograms that yield complex diffraction patterns
are excluded. There are no restrictions on the materials used to form the holograms.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 15902, Optics and photonics — Diffractive optics — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 15902 and the following apply.
interference pattern formed between the wave emitted from the object and its coherent reference wave,
which is recorded in the recording material
Note 1 to entry: The holograms also include those formed through embossed copying of surface relief or those
recording the periodic structure spatially by etching or engraving.
object wave
object beam
wave emitted from an object and entering the recording material in the course of recording the hologram
reference wave
reference beam
wave entering the recording material while forming a certain angle with the object wave in the course
of recording the hologram
illuminating wave
illuminating beam
wave allowed to enter the hologram when reconstructing the image from the hologram
reconstructed wave
reconstructed beam
wave diffracted by the hologram
Note 1 to entry: Generally, this term indicates either the +first-order diffracted wave or –first-order diffracted
wave but can indicate second or higher order diffracted waves.
specular wave
perfectly reflected light waves, to be distinguished from diffuse reflection
transmission hologram
hologram using transmission reconstructed waves
Note 1 to entry: A hologram recording the interference pattern between objects and reference waves from the
same side of the recording material is a transmission hologram.
reflection hologram
hologram using reflection reconstructed waves
Note 1 to entry: A reflection hologram recording the interference pattern between an object wave and the reference
wave from the mutually opposite sides of the recording material is generally a volume reflection hologram and is
also called a Lippmann or Lippmann Denisyuk hologram. Of the surface relief hologram (3.13), the hologram using
the wave reflected from the relief surface is a surface relief reflection hologram.
phase hologram
hologram having a spatially-periodic phase modulation structure
amplitude hologram
hologram having a spatially-periodic amplitude modulation structure
volume hologram
hologram causing Bragg diffraction
Note 1 to entry: A hologram having a sinusoidal refractive–index distribution is one whose hologram recording
layer is sufficiently thicker than the interval of interference fringes. Holograms characterized by a Q-value Q1
are considered to be volume holograms.
plane hologram
hologram causing Raman-Nath diffraction
Note 1 to entry: This type of hologram is the one whose hologram recording thickness is sufficiently smaller than the
interval of interference fringes. Holograms characterized by a Q-value Q < 1 are considered to be plane holograms.
surface relief hologram
hologram recording the interference pattern as relief structure in the surface of the hologram
recording material
in the periodic structure based on the sinusoidal refractive-index distribution, the value of Q defines the
thickness of the diffraction grating and is determined by the following formula:
2 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
T is the thickness of hologram (μm);
λ is the wavelength in air (μm);
d is the interval of interference fringe (μm);
is the mean refractive-index of hologram
Note 1 to entry: This value is used to classify the hologram into the volume hologram and the plain hologram.
Note that this value is applicable only to the cyclic structure based on the sinusoidal refractive-index distribution.
diffraction efficiency
ratio of the radiant flux of the reconstructed wave relative to the radiant flux of the
illuminating wave
Note 1 to entry: The diffraction efficiency of holograms is generally expressed as a percentage (%).
angular selectivity
dependence of the radiant flux of the reconstructed wave on the angle of incidence
of the illuminating wave if the hologram is reproduced while using a monochromatic illuminating wave
wavelength selectivity
dependence of the radiant flux of the reconstructed wave on the wavelength of the
illuminating wave if the
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