ISO 3134-1:1985
(Main)Light metals and their alloys — Terms and definitions — Part 1: Materials
Light metals and their alloys — Terms and definitions — Part 1: Materials
This part of ISO 3134 defines relating to materials special terms to aluminium and aluminium alloys and general terms such as alloy, alloying element, impurity, wrought alloy, casting alloy, master alloy, heat-treatable alloy etc. Magnesium and magnesium alloys will be classified to a later time.
Métaux légers et leurs alliages — Termes et définitions — Partie 1: Matériaux
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Light metals and their alloys - Terms and definitions -
Part 1 : Materials
First edition - 1985-06-01
Corrected and reprinted - 1989-04-15
Metaux Iegers et leurs alliages - Termes et definitions -
Partie 1 : Matbiaux
Premiere Edition - 1985-06-01
Corrigke et r6imprim6e - 1989-04-15
Jlerwe MeTanJlbl Pl Plx GnJlaBbl - TepMIdtib~ ll 0npeAeneww -
qacrb 1: MaTepidanbl
nepeoe HsAawe - 1985-06-01
McnpaBneHHoe M nepeneqaTaiit-ioe - 19894445
UDC/CDU/YAK 669.7U.72 : 001.4 Ref. No./Mf. no :
ISO 3134/1-1985 (E/F/R)
CCblflKa N":MCO 3134/1-1985 (A/@/P)
Descriptors : metals, light alloys, materials, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : metal, alliage leger, materiau, vocabulaire. /AecKpmtopbi : MeTaJUIbl,
cnnasbl nerwe, MaTepuranbl, cnosapb.
Price based on 6 pages/Prix base sur 6 pages/ueHa paccwTaHa Ha 6 CTP.
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is nor-
mally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject
for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that
committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
ISO, also take patt in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They
are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member
bodies voting.
prepa red Technical Committee ISO/TC 79, Light
International Standard ISO 3134/1 was bY
metals and their alo ys.
lt cancels and replaces ISO Technical Report ISO/TR 3134/1-1977, of which it constitutes a
technical revision.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes internatio-
nales est confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cr& a cet effet. Les organisations internatio-
nales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO, participent egalement
aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees conformement aux procedures de
I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 3134/1 a etc elaboree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC 79,
legers et leurs alliages.
Elle annule et remplace Ie Rapport technique ISO/TR 3134/1-1977, dont elle constitue une revi-
sion technique.
MC0 (MemAyHapofiriafi Oprari i43aqm no CraHAaprusaqM@ frßnfiercfr BceMMpHoM @eAepauMeti
Ha~MOHaJlbHblX OpraHl43aqPlti n0 CTaHfJapTVl3aqWl (KOMVITeTOB-WeHOB MCO). AeRTeflbHOCTb n0
Jjblti KOMVlTeT-WleH, 3aMHTepeCOBaHHblti B &eflTeflbHOCTVl, ~JlFl KOTOpOti 6bln CO3flaH TeXHPlYeCKPllil
KOMMTeT, MMeeT npaB0 6blTb npefJCTaBJleHHblM B 3TOM KOMMTeTe. Me>i<~yHapO/JHble npaBuiTeJlb-
CTBeHHble M HenpaBlATeJlbCTBeHHble OpraHM3a~MM, MMelO~Vle CBR3M C MCO, TaKIKe npl4HMMalOT
yqacrue B pa6orax.
npOeKTbl MeIKfJyHapO~HblX CTaHQapTOB npl4HfiTble TeXHM~eCKMMM KOMklTe TaMM, paccbinato-rca
MX yTBepx#eHkleM COBeTOM MC0 B TBe MexflyHa-
KOMMTeTa M-weHaM Ha oflo6peHuie nepeq Kaclec
pO#HblX CTaHAapTOB. OHM OQO6pFllOTCFl B COOTBeTCTBMM C nOpflflKaMl4 pa6OT 1/1co; Tpe6ytOqYrMil
OP(O6peHm n0 MeHblUeti Mepe 75 % KOMMTeTOB-clJleHOB, npl4HIAMatO~klX yL(aCTkle B rOJlOCOBaHMl4.
MemflyHapORHblti CTaH#apT L/Ico 313411 6biJ-i MCOITK 79,
J7erwe Memannbi u ux cnnaßbr.
OH aHHyJWlp)feT kl 3aMeHneT Tex HMldeCKOe coo6qewe MCO/-l-C 313411-1977 M FIBnfleTCFI er0
TeXHMqeCKOti peBM3
@ International Organkation for Standardkation, 1985 l
@ Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1985 l
@ MemAynapoRHaa Oprawmaqm no CTawflapwsaqw, 1985 0
Printed in Switzerland/lmprime en Suisse/MsaaHo B UlBeGqapm
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ISO 3134/1-1985 (E/F/R)
MC0 3134/1-1985 (A/Q,/P)
Light metals and Nletaux kgers et leurs flertwe MeTannbl H
their alloys - Terms alliages - Termes HX CIlJlaBbl - TepMHHbl
et definitions -
and definitions - H 0npeAenetiwi -
Partie 1 : Matkiaux qacn 1: n/kepbmhi
Part 1 : Materials
0 lntroduction 0 BBepleHMe
0 lntroduction
Terms and definitions listed in this part
Les termes et definitions cites dans Ia TepMuHbi M onpeAeneHufl, nepewcneH-
of ISO 3134 have been approved in
presente Partie de I’ISO 3134 ont etc Hble 6 HaCTOfliqeti L1aCTM MC0 3134, npVlH-
principle by the Customs Co-Operation approuves dans leur Principe par Ie
~WWlaflbHO 0406peHbl COBeTOM TaMO)KeH-
Council KCC) to form the basis of the
Conseil de cooperation douaniere Horo CoTpyQHwecTsa (CCC), M 06pa3ylOT
Harmonized Commodity Description (CCD) pour former Ia base du Systeme
oc~osy Cornacoeaworo onwawrfi npo-
and Coding System (Harmonized Sys- harmonise de designation et de codi- ,fJyKTOB M CMCTeMbl KO~MpOBaHMR (COrfla-
tem) for the revision of chapters 76 and fication des marchandises (Systeme coBaHHafl ct4cTeMa) finfi nepewo-rpa rnae
“Aluminium” and “Magnesium” harmonise) en vue de Ia revision des 76 Vl 77. HOMeHKIlaTypbl ccc, COOTBeT-
chapitres 76 et 77, «Aluminium» et
respectively, of the CCC-Nomenclature. CTBeHHO ,,AJIOMMHMM“ M ,,tdarHNt‘.
(( Magnesium )) respectivement, de Ia
Nomenclature du CCD.
1 Scope and field of 1 Objet et domaine i 06xeKT id 06naCTb
application . d’application flpblMeHeHWl
This part of ISO 3134 gives terms for La presente Partie de I’ISO 3134 donne
B HaCTOfllqeti YaCTM MC0 3134 nplABOAflT-
and definitions of materials in the field les termes et les definitions des mate-
cfl TepMMHbl M 0npeAeneHvw MaTepkIanoB
of light metals and their alloys. riaux dans Ie domaine des metaux i3 o6nacTM nerwrx Merannor3 VI MX cnnasos.
Egers et de leurs alliages.
2 Termes gh&aux et 2 06u(He TepMHHbl H
2 General terms and
def initions definitions 0npeAeneHbw
2.1 alloy : A metallic substance con- Substance metallique 2.1 cnnae : MeTannwecKoe r3ewec-rB0,
2.1 alliage :
sisting of a mixture of the basic metallic resultant du melange d’un element cocToqee t43 cMeci4 ocHoBHor0 MeTanna
metallique de base (element predomi-
element (the element predominating by (MeTann npeO6naflaeT no Macce) M flpyrux
mass) and other elements such as alloy- nant en masse) et d’autres elements, WeMeHTOB, TaKMX KaK nerVlpytO~l4e 3ne-
ing elements and impurities. comme par exemple elements d’alliage MeHTbl M npVlMeCVl.
et impuretes.
2.2 alloying element: Metallic or
2.2 Mment d’alliage : Element 2.2 nerHpylou(ulH 3nemheHT : MeTann bi
non-metallic elements intentionally
metallique ou non, intentionnellement wwr riewrerannbi, ~06aBJlReMble B OCHOB-
added to, or retained by, a basic metal ajoute a, ou conserve dans, un metal de Hoti MeTann uni4 ygepxaHHble MM AnR
for the purpose of giving that metal cer- base en vue de conferer a celui-ci des
npt4AaHwr MeTanny HeKoTopbix cneuwnb-
tain special properties. proprietes particulieres. HblX CBOtiCTB.
---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
ISO 3134/1-1985 (E/F/R)
MC0 3134/1-1985 (A/@/P)
2.3 impurity: Metallic or non-metallic 23 impuretes : Elements metalliques 2.3 npuMecb4 : Mettann bi mu HeMeTann bi,
0; non presents, mais non intentionnel- npVlCyTCTBytOl&vie B MeTanne, HO He &oGa-
elements present but which are not in-
BnfleMble HaMepeHHO B Hero, MnM yflep-
tentionally added to, or retained by, a lement ajoutes 5, ou retenus par, un
metal de base. XaHHble l4M.
2.4 alliage de corroyage: Alliage 2.4 nec#mpMupyeMblH cnnae : Cnnas,
2.4 wrought alloy : An alloy pri-
principalement destine a Ia production rnaBHblM o6pa30M flpefJHa3HaqeHHblti ,qnsi
marily intended for the production sf
de produits corroyes par deformation npOl43BOACTBa l43flenMti, JJeCfIOpMVlpOBaH-
wrought products by hot and/or cold
plastique Zr chaud et/ou a froid. Hblx BcneAcTBtie ropfweti t4hnvr xonoAHoW
plastic deformation.
nnacTr4qeckorir Ae@opMaqw.
2.5 alliage de moulage: Alliage
2.5 JWlTeihHblti CllJlaB: CnnaB, rnaBHblM
2.5 casting alloy : An alloy primarily
principalement destine a Ia production
intended for the production of castings. o6pa30M npeAHa3HaqeHHblti flnfl npous-
de produits moules.
2.6 master alloy : An alloy intended 2.6 alliage mere: Alliage destine
2.6 nwaTypa : Cnnas, npeAHa3HaqeH-
only for addition to a melt to adjust seulement 3 etre ajout6 a une Charge en Hbll;i TOnbKO AJ’lfI 406aBneHWl B paCnnaB
composition or to control impurities. vue d’ajuster Ia composition ou de con- c qenbto perynt4poBaHm cocTaBa um4
troler les impuretes. KOHTpOnFI nptiMeceW.
2.7 alliage & traitement thermi- 2.7 TepMoynporHfleMblti cnnae : Cnnas,
2.7 heat-treatable alloy : An alloy
que : Alliage capable de durcir par trai-
capable of being strengthened by suit- CnOCO6Hblti ynpOqHflTbCSl COOTBeTCTBy-
tement thermique approprie.
able thermal treatment. IOqeti TepMlNeCKOti 06pa60TKoti.
2.8 alliage sans traitement ther-
2.8 non-heat-treatable alloy : An 2.8 HeTepMOyllpO’dHfieMblih cnnae: CmaB,
mique : Alliage durcissant par deforma-
alloy strengthened by cold working only yllpO’-lHFleMbllil TOnbKO XOnOfiHOlil Ae-
tion a froid seulement, et incapable de
and incapable of being substantially @OpMaqVleti, HeCnOCO6Hblti CyqeCTBeHHO
durcir sensiblement sous I’effet d’un
yIlpOqHflTbCfi TepMMreCKOti 06pa60TKoM.
strengthened by thermal treatment.
traitement thermique.
3 Classification of 3 Classif ication 3 Knaccb@~Kaqw aJltOMb4HWl
aluminium and aluminium d’aluminium et des alliages H NltOMl4Hl4eBblX CllJlaBOB
Aluminium and aluminium alloys are L’aluminium et les alliages d’aluminium AnIOMMHVIti M anlOMMHMeBble cnnaebl
classified as follows (for further details,
sont classes comme suit (voir I’annexe Knaccuc@qupyK)Tcfi cneayroqtiM o6pa-
see the annex) : pour d’autres details) : 30M (Am nOJqIO6HOCTeti CM. npmo>cteHue):
3.1 Aluminium 3.1 AJWOMWHHW
3.1 Aluminium
Metal with a minimum content of Metal d’un titre minimal en aluminium
MeTann C MMHMManbHblM COp(epxaHMeM
99,0 % (mlm) of aluminium, provided de 99,0 % (mlm), pour autant que Ia an0MuHm 99,0 % (no Macce) npu ycno-
that the content by mass of any other teneur des autres elements ne depasse
w114, wo codepxaHMe no Macce nro6oro
pas les limites indiquees dans Ie tableau
element does not exceed the Iimit flpyroro 3neMeHTa He npesbltuae-r npe-
specified in the following table: ci-apres :
Aeena, yKa3aHHoro B cnefiymwefi Ta6nMqe :
Autres elements
Tableau - TaGnwqa - flpOWe 3neMeHTbl
Table - Other elements
Teneur npeRenbtioe
ilhment limite 3nenmefiT coflepxawe
% bnlm) % (no Macce)
/ I l I
Fe + Si (total fer + silicium) Fe + Si (meneso + KpeMHMti)
Ir0 170
Autres elements l), chacun 0,102) t-ipOWle 3JleMeHTbl’), KaXaOrO 0,102)
1) Autres elements, notamment Cr, Cu, 1) flpOWlMM 3fleMeHTaMM RBflFilOTCFI, Hanpl’l-
1) Other elements are, for example, Cr, Cu,
Mg, Mn, Ni,
Questions, Comments and Discussion
Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.