Analysis of quantification methodologies of greenhouse gas emissions for electrical and electronic products and systems

IEC/TR 62725:2013(E) is intended to provide users with guidance to understand methodologies and to evaluate carbon footprint of products (hereinafter referred to as CFP), by quantifying the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions (hereinafter referred to as CFP study) for Electrical and Electronic products (hereinafter referred to as EE products) based on life-cycle thinking. It is applicable to any type of EE products, which are new or modified (e.g. reconditioned, upgraded, etc.) and is based on the result of a comparative study on existing methodologies published or under discussion in representative international organizations.

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IEC TR 62725:2013 - Analysis of quantification methodologies of greenhouse gas emissions for electrical and electronic products and systems
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IEC/TR 62725 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-03
Analysis of quantification methodologies for greenhouse gas emissions for
electrical and electronic products and systems

IEC/TR 62725:2013(E)
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IEC/TR 62725 ®
Edition 1.0 2013-03
Analysis of quantification methodologies for greenhouse gas emissions for

electrical and electronic products and systems

ICS 13.020.30; 19.040 ISBN 978-2-83220-690-4

– 2 – TR 62725 © IEC:2013(E)
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative reference . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Principles . 11
4.1 General . 11
4.2 Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) . 11
4.3 Relevance . 11
4.4 Completeness . 12
4.5 Consistency . 12
4.6 Accuracy . 12
4.7 Transparency . 12
5 Comparative study on the existing relevant documents . 12
6 Quantification framework . 13
6.1 General . 13
6.1.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 13
6.1.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance for basic steps of CFP study . 14
6.2 Goal and scope definition . 15
6.2.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 15
6.2.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 15
6.3 Unit of analysis . 16
6.3.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 16
6.3.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 17
6.4 System boundary . 18
6.4.1 General . 18
6.4.2 Life cycle stage and process map . 20
6.4.3 Attributional and consequential approaches . 25
6.4.4 Time boundary . 26
6.4.5 Specific GHG sources and sinks . 27
6.4.6 Cut-off criteria . 28
6.5 Trial estimation and decision on boundary to be cut-off . 30
6.5.1 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 30
6.6 Data collection and quality assessment . 31
6.6.1 General . 31
6.6.2 Primary data . 34
6.6.3 Secondary data . 34
6.6.4 Data quality . 35
6.7 Calculating GHG emissions . 36
6.7.1 General . 36
6.7.2 Allocation . 38
6.8 Uncertainty . 39
6.8.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 39
6.8.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 40
6.9 Use and maintenance scenario. 41
6.9.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 41

TR 62725 © IEC:2013(E) – 3 –
6.9.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 42
6.10 End-of-life stage scenario . 42
6.10.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 42
6.10.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 43
7 CFP-PCR . 45
7.1 Provisions in CFP standards . 45
7.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance . 46
8 Documentation . 46
8.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 46
8.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance . 47
9 Communication and verification . 48
9.1 General . 48
9.1.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 48
9.1.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 49
9.2 Options of communication . 50
9.2.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 50
9.2.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 50
9.3 Verification and assurance . 51
9.3.1 Provisions in CFP and LCA standards . 51
9.3.2 Electrotechnical industry guidance. 52
Annex A (informative) Example of existing databases which can be used for
quantification as secondary data . 54
Annex B (informative) Study results of comparison analysis on selected existing
relevant documents including International Standards and regional and national
initiatives . 57
Annex C (informative) Examples of PCRs/Sector specific rules . 65
Annex D (informative) Additional information on trial estimation approach and
uncertainty . 73
Bibliography . 75

Figure 1 – Basic steps of CFP study related to LCA framework . 15
Figure 2 – Analysis of relationship of three types of data according to ISO/DIS 14067 . 33

Table 1 – An example of BOM . 25
Table 2 – Example of applicable data types . 37
Table 3 – Example of applicable emission factors for each life cycle stage/unit
processes . 37

– 4 – TR 62725 © IEC:2013(E)

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