Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 3: Mechanical influences

Considers the specific operating conditions of vibration, shock, seismic and mechanical stress conditions to which land-based and offshore industrial-process measurement and control systems or parts of systems may be exposed during operation, storage or transportation. Maintenance and repair conditions are not considered.

Einsatzbedingungen für Meß-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen in der industriellen Prozeßtechnik - Teil 3: Mechanische Einflüsse

Conditions de fonctionnement pour les matériels de mesure et commande dans les processus industriels - Partie 3: Influences mécaniques

Traite des conditions de fonctionnement spécifiques relatives aux vibrations, aux chocs, aux effets des séismes et aux contraintes mécaniques, auxquelles les systèmes de mesure et de commande dans les processus industriels ou les constituants de ces systèmes situés à terre ou en mer peuvent être exposés en cours de fonctionnement, de stockage ou de transport. Les conditions d'entretien et de réparation ne sont pas traitées.

Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment - Part 3: Mechanical influences (IEC 60654-3:1983)

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Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment -
Part 3: Mechanical influences (IEC 60654-3:1983)
Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment -- Part
3: Mechanical influences
Einsatzbedingungen für Meß-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen in der industriellen
Prozeßtechnik -- Teil 3: Mechanische Einflüsse
Conditions de fonctionnement pour les matériels de mesure et commande dans les
processus industriels -- Partie 3: Influences mécaniques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60654-3:1997
25.040.40 Merjenje in krmiljenje Industrial process
industrijskih postopkov measurement and control
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
Conditions de fonctionnement pour
les matériels de mesure et commande
dans les processus industriels
Troisième partie:
Influences mécaniques
Operating conditions for industrial-process
measurement and control equipment
Part 3:
Mechanical influences
Copyright — all rights reserved
© CEI 1983 Droits de reproduction réservés —
No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in
Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun pro-
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Genève, Suisse
Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3, rue de Varembé
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale CODE PRIX
International Electrotechnical Commission
McHutyHapoAHan 3neKrporexHH4ecKaa HOMHCCUR
• Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur

For price, see current catalogue

I EC 1983 - 3-
654-3 ©
1. Scope
2. Object
General 9
4. Vibrations 9
4.1 Low-frequency vibrations 11
4.2 High-frequency vibrations
4.3 Vibrational severity
4.4 Vibration time classes
5. Shock
5.1 Acceleration and duration method 15
5.1.1 Acceleration 17
5.1.2 Duration
5.2 Free-fall method
5.3 Shock repetition rate
6. Other mechanical stresses 19
APPENDIX A - Seismic effects (earthquakes) 23

654-3 © I EC 1983 - 5 -
Part 3: Mechanical influences
1) The formal decisions or agreements of the I EC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the
National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that
3) In order to promote international unification, the I EC expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the
text of the I EC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence
between the I EC recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in
the latter.
This standard has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No. 65: Industrial-process Measurement and Control.
It forms Part 3 of I EC Publication 654.
A first draft was discussed at the meeting held in Munich in 1973. Further drafts were discussed at the meetings held in
Moscow in 1975 and in Philadelphia in 1979. As a result of this latter meeting, a draft, Document 65(Central Office)22, was
submitted to the National Committees for approval under the Six Months' Rule in December 1980. Amendments,
Document 65(Central Office)25, were submitted to the National Committees for approval under the Two Months'
Procedure in December 1981.
The National Committees of the following countries voted explicitly in favour of publication:
Australia Egypt South Africa (Republic of)
Austria Finland Sweden
Belgium France Switzerland
Brazil Turkey
Bulgaria Israel Union of Soviet
Canada Japan Socialist Republics
Czechoslovakia Netherlands United Kingdom
Denmark Romania Yugoslavia
Other IEC publications quoted in this standard:
Publications Nos. 68: Basic Environmental Testing Procedures.
68-2-6: Part 2: Tests - Test Fc and Guidance: Vibration (Sinusoidal).
721-1: Classification of Environmental Conditions, Part 1: Classification of Environmental
Parameters and their Severities.
721-3-2: Part 3: Application of Classified Environmental Parameters and Their Severities.
Clause 2: Transportation. (In preparation.)

654-3 © I EC 1983 - 7 -
Part 3: Mechanical influences
1. Scope
Part 3 of the standard considers the specific operating conditions of vibration, shock,
seismic and mechanical stress conditions to which land-based, and off-shore, industrial-
process measurement and control systems or pa rts of systems may be exposed during
operation, storage or transportation. Maintenance and repair conditions are excluded from
consideration in this Part 3.
The operating influences considered in this part are limited to those which may directly
affect performance of process measurement and control systems. Effects of the specific
operating conditions on personnel are not within the scope of this pa rt. The appropriate
values of the physical parameters listed here should be used to describe local environments in
which equipment is expected to operate, be transported and stored. Only conditions as such
are considered; the effects of these conditions on instruments' performance are specifically
I EC Publication 68: Basic Environmental Testing Procedures gives the basic test condi-
tions for vibration and shock. This part establishes a list of selected limit values for the
operating conditions.
Note. - Similar questions are at present being studied by Technical Committee No. 75: Classification of Environ-
mental Conditions. Upon the issue of this committee's publication, the present publication should be recon-
2. Object
The object of Part 3 of the standard is to provide users and suppliers of industrial-process
measurement and control systems and parts of such systems with a uniform listing and classi-
fication of mechanical in fluences. The specified conditions to which equipment may be
exposed during operation, storage, handling and transportation are included. Conditions for
transportation are for equipment parts in suitable packages with appropriate locking and
clamping devices to prevent damage, as well as for complete systems mounted in mobile units.
The listed operating conditions are intended to serve as a basis for comprehensive specifica-
- 9 -
654-3 0 IEC 1983
One of the purposes of this pa rt is to minimize problems which might result from neglecting
considerations of specific operating conditions affecting performance of systems and pa rts of
An additional purpose of this part is to aid the choice of specific limit values for use in the
development of evaluation specifications for industrial-process measurement and control
3. General
Part 3 of the standard considers the specific operating conditions of vibration, shock,
seismic effects, and mechanical stress. The conditions of vibration are classified by severity
levels of acceleration and displacement in low and high frequency ranges, and by time of
occurrence. For conditions of shock, a list is made of values from which selected combina-
tions can be made to describe the local environment. Seismic effects are not classified but
included as Appendix A in which the scales of Richter and Mercalli-Cancani are compared
and explained.
While the above results in a large number of possible combinations of operating condi-
tions, this appears to represent the "real world", where predictable relations between types of
operating conditions do not exist.
It is recognized that extreme or special mechanical environmental conditions exist where
values are greater and/or less than the stated values. Specifications for equipment to operate
under special or extreme conditions are a matter for negotiation between supplier and user.
4. Vibrations
The criteria to be used for classifying a vibrational environment for industrial-
measurement and control equipment are very dependent on the kind or nature of the
equipment such as mass, size, mechanical parts, electronic components, wiring, specific func-
tional sensitivity, etc. As an example, a small mass such as the inside connections to an inte-
grated circuit is not influenced by large amplitude 1 Hz oscillations, whereas high acceler-
ation levels of high frequency vibrations could damage these connections. On the other hand,
large masses can be more easily damaged by lower frequency vibrations since they cannot
follow the high frequency in practice.
The way we wish to categorize the kind of in fluence on equipment that is thought to be
significant such as, direct damage, long-term damage (fatigue), measurement inaccuracy, etc.,
should also be taken into account.
Vibration usually has an undesirable effect on industrial-process measurement and control
equipment. The degree of this undesirable effect can be expressed by the magnitude of the
highest force that might be evoked in some critical part or connection, or can be expressed by
the kinetic energy that different masses of an instrument are imparted with and braked off, at
any one moment. Or again it could be expressed by the amount of energy imparted per unit of
time, in other words, the amount of power.

654-3 © I E C 1983 - 11 -
Because of the difficulty, as outlined above, of classifying vibrational effects, the historical
approach has been taken to depict a vibrational effect by a constant amplitude up to an
arbitrary cross-over frequency and a constant acceleration beyond this frequency. An addi-
tional classification was added on the basic philosophy of constant kinetic energy (see Sub-
clause 4.3).
Local sinusoidal vibrational environment is expressed by combinations of the following
interrelated parameters: frequency of oscillation f in hertz, peak acceleration a in metres per
second squared, peak displacement s in millimetres, and maximum velocity v in metres per
second. The relationships are defined by the formulae:
2 rc f
1 000
s - 4 2 f L
Apart from the sinusoidal vibration, random vibrations frequently occur in industrial-
process applications. These environments, which are not described in this standard, are under
4.1 Low frequency vibrations
The first graph (Figure 1, page 20) illustrates the low-frequency classes ranging from 0.1 Hz
to 150 Hz. This nomogram is intended to cover the most common vibrational spectrum found
within industrial environments and in transportation. The severity criteria chosen to present
the different vibration levels are lines of constant peak displacement below the frequency of
8 Hz to 9 Hz, and lines of constant acceleration above the frequency of 8 Hz to 9 I-Iz.
Seven classes have been identified in this frequency band.
Classes of low frequency vibrations
Peak displacement s below Peak acceleration a above
8 Hz to 9 Hz
8 Hz to 9 Hz
(mm) (m/sz)
<1 (-0.l x g)
V.L.1 <0.35
V.L.2 <0.75 <2(-0.2xg)
V.L.3 <1.5
V.L.4 <10(-1.0xg)
V.L.5 <7.5 <20(--2.0xg)
V.L.6 < 30 (- 3.0 x g)
< 10
V.L.7 <15 <50(--5.0xg)
>15 >50(-5.0xg)
where g is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth.
4.2 High frequency vibrations
The second nomogram (Figure 2, page 20) illustrates the higher frequency vibration condi-
tions ranging from 10 Hz to 10000 Hz. In this range, it has also been common practice to

654-3 I E C 1983 - 13 -
express vibration levels with lines of constant peak displacement below frequencies of 57 Hz
to 62 Hz, and lines of constant acceleration above these frequencies.
Six classes have been identified in this frequency band.
Classes of high frequency vibration
a above
Peak displacement s Peak acceleration
57 Hz to 62 Hz
below 57 Hz to 62 Hz
x g)
<2 (.--0.2
V.H.1 <0.015
<0.032 <5 (-'-0.5 x g)
< 10 (-1.0 x g)
V.H.3 <0.075
<20 (-2.0 x g)
V.H.4 <0.15
< 50 (— 5.0 x g)
V.H.6 <0.35
V.H.X >0.35
is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth.
where g
Vibrational severity*
ant to express the severity of vibration
For practical purposes in industry, it is impo rt
according to its effect on measurement and control equipment particularly if the equipment is
installed in the vicinity of the vibration source. Neither a constant amplitude line nor a
constant acceleration line over a broad frequency range can represent a constant vibrational
severity level.
Constant velocity lines were chosen as the most useful means to represent vibrational
severity* levels because the kinetic energy imparted on or braked off any mass m is '/2 mv2,
so that constant velocity lines represent constant kinetic energy lines of a mass m.
Four severity classes have been identified.
Classes of vibrational severity
y Frequency range
Control room and general industrial
V.S.1 1 to 150
Field equipment
V.S.2 < 10 1 to 150
Field equipment
V.S.3 <30 1 to 150
Field equipment including transpor-
V.S.4 <300 1 to 150
V.S.X > 300 To be specified
* This term "severity" is used in this standard with a different acceptation than that used in Clause 5 of I EC Publi-
2: Tests - Test Fc and Guidance: Vibration (Sinusoidal),
cation 68-2-6: Basic Envir

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