Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software requirements

IEC 61508-3:2010 applies to any software forming part of a safety-related system or used to develop a safety-related system within the scope of IEC 61508-1 and IEC 61508-2; provides specific requirements applicable to support tools used to develop and configure a safety-related system within the scope of IEC 61508-1 and IEC 61508-2; requires that the software safety functions and software systematic capability are specified; establishes requirements for safety lifecycle phases and activities which shall be applied during the design and development of the safety-related software. These requirements include the application of measures and techniques, which are graded against the required systematic capability, for the avoidance of and control of faults and failures in the software; provides requirements for information relating to the software aspects of system safety validation to be passed to the organisation carrying out the E/E/PE system integration; provides requirements for the preparation of information and procedures concerning software needed by the user for the operation and maintenance of the E/E/PE safety-related system; provides requirements to be met by the organisation carrying out modifications to safety-related software; provides, in conjunction with IEC 61508-1 and IEC 61508-2, requirements for support tools such as development and design tools, language translators, testing and debugging tools, configuration management tools. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998. This edition constitutes a technical revision. It has been subject to a thorough review and incorporates many comments received at the various revision stages. It has the status of a basic safety publication according to IEC Guide 104. NEW! Also available:  IEC Standards+ 61508:2010, containing all parts, together with a commented Redline version. Changes made in this 2nd edition are highlighted and commented by a leading world expert.

Funktionale Sicherheit sicherheitsbezogener elektrischer/elektronischer/programmierbarer elektronischer Systeme - Teil 3: Anforderungen an Software

Sécurité fonctionnelle des systèmes électriques/électroniques/électroniques programmables relatifs à la sécurité - Partie 3: Exigences concernant les logiciels

La CEI 61508-3:2010 s'applique à tout logiciel faisant partie intégrante d'un système relatif à la sécurité ou utilisé pour développer un système relatif à la sécurité entrant dans le domaine d'application de la CEI 61508-1 et de la CEI 61508-2. Ce type de logiciel est désigné par le terme 'logiciel de sécurité'; fournit des exigences spécifiques applicables aux outils de support utilisés pour développer et configurer un système relatif à la sécurité dans le cadre du domaine d'application de la CEI 61508-1 et de la CEI 61508-2; nécessite que les fonctions de sécurité du logiciel et la capabilité systématique du logiciel soient précisées; établit des exigences concernant les phases et activités du cycle de vie de sécurité qui doivent être appliquées durant la conception et le développement du logiciel de sécurité. Ces exigences comprennent l'application de mesures et de techniques qui suivent une gradation basée sur la capabilité systématique requise, afin d'éviter et de maîtriser les anomalies et défaillances du logiciel; fournit les exigences pour les informations relatives aux aspects du logiciel applicables à la validation de la sécurité du système et devant être transmises à l'organisation en charge de l'intégration du système E/E/PE; fournit les exigences pour la préparation des informations et procédures concernant le logiciel requises par l'utilisateur pour le fonctionnement et la maintenance d'un système E/E/PE relatif à la sécurité; fournit les exigences devant être observées par l'organisation en charge des modifications du logiciel de sécurité; fournit, en accord avec la CEI 61508-1 et la CEI 61508-2, les exigences pour les outils de support tels que les outils de conception et développement, les traducteurs de langage, les outils d'essai et de mise au point et les outils de gestion de configuration; Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition publiée en 1998 dont elle constitue une révision technique. Elle a fait l'objet d'une révision approfondie et intègre de nombreux commentaires reçus lors des différentes phases de révision. Elle a le statut d'une publication fondamentale de sécurité conformément au Guide CEI 104.

Funkcijska varnost električnih/elektronskih/elektronsko programirljivih varnostnih sistemov - 3. del: Programske zahteve (IEC 61508-3:2010)

1.1 Ta del serije IEC 61508
a) je namenjen uporabi šele po temeljitem razumevanju IEC 61508-1 in IEC 61508-2;
b) velja za vso programsko opremo, ki je sestavni del varnostnega sistema ali ki se uporablja za razvoj varnostnega sistema v okviru IEC 61508-1 in IEC 61508-2. Taka programska oprema se imenuje varnostna programska oprema (vključuje operacijske sisteme, sistemsko programsko opremo, programsko opremo v komunikacijskih omrežjih, vmesniške funkcije človek-računalnik ter sistemske programe in uporabniško programsko opremo);
c) zagotavlja posebne zahteve, ki veljajo za podporna orodja, ki se uporabljajo za razvoj in konfiguracijo varnostnega sistema v okviru IEC 61508-1 in IEC 61508-2;
d) zahteva, da se opredelijo programske varnostne funkcije in sistemska zmogljivost programske opreme; OPOMBA 1: Če je to že opredeljeno kot del specifikacije varnostnih sistemov E/E/PE (glej točko 7.2 IEC 61508-2), v tem delu tega ni treba ponoviti.
OPOMBA 2: Opredelitev programskih varnostnih funkcij in sistemske zmogljivosti programske opreme je iterativen postopek; glej sliki 3 in 6.
OPOMBA 3: Za strukturo dokumentacije glej klavzulo 5 in dodatek A IEC 61508-1. Struktura dokumentacije lahko upošteva postopke podjetja in delovne postopke določenega applikacijskega sektorja.
OPOMBA 4: Pojasnilo: Za opredelitev izraza »sistemska zmogljivost» glej točko 3.5.9 IEC 61508-4;
e) vzpostavlja zahteve za faze in aktivnosti varnostnega cikla, ki se uporabijo med projektiranjem in razvojem varnostne programske opreme (model varnostnega cikla programske opreme). Te zahteve vključujejo uporabo tehnik in ukrepov, razvrščenih glede na zahtevano sistemsko zmogljivost, ki so namenjeni preprečevanju in nadzoru napak in okvar programske opreme;
f) zagotavlja zahteve za informacije v zvezi z vidiki programske opreme za validacijo varnosti sistema, namenjene organizaciji, ki izvaja integracijo sistemov E/E/PE;
g) zagotavlja zahteve za pripravo informacij in postopkov v zvezi s programsko opremo, ki jo potrebuje uporabnik za upravljanje in vzdrževanje varnostnih sistemov E/E/PE;
h) zagotavlja zahteve, ki jih mora izpolnjevati organizacija, ki izvaja spremembe varnostnih sistemov;
i) v povezavi z IEC 61508-1 in IEC 61508-2 zagotavlja zahteve za podporna orodja, kot so orodja za razvoj in projektiranje, jezikovni prevajalniki, orodja za preskušanje ter iskanje in odpravljanje napak, orodja za upravljanje konfiguracije;
OPOMBA 4: Slika 5 prikazuje razmerje med IEC 61508-2 in IEC 61508-3.
j) Ne velja za medicinsko opremo v skladu s serijo IEC 60601.
1.2 IEC 61508-1, IEC 61598-2, IEC 61508-3 in IEC 61508-4 so osnovne varnostne objave, čeprav ta status ne velja v okviru nezapletenih varnostnih sistemov E/E/PE (glej točko 3.4.3 IEC 61508-4). Kot osnovne varnostne objave so namenjeni temu, da jih uporabljajo tehnični odbori pri pripravi standardov v skladu z načeli, opredeljenimi v Vodilu IEC 104 in Vodilu ISO/IEC 51. IEC 61508-1, IEC 61508-2, IEC 61508-3 in IEC 61508-4 se lahko uporabljajo tudi kot samostojne objave. Horizontalno varnostno delovanje tega mednarodnega standarda ne velja za medicinsko opremo v skladu s serijo IEC 60601.
1.3 Ena od odgovornosti tehničnega odbora je, če je primerno, da uporabi temeljne varnostne objave pri pripravi svojih objav. V tem okviru zahteve, preskusne metode ali preskusni pogoji te temeljne varnostne objave ne veljajo, razen če se objave, ki so jih pripravili tehnični odbori, nanje izrecno sklicujejo ali jih vključujejo.
1.4 Slika 1 prikazuje celoten okvir serije IEC 61508 in nakazuje vlogo IEC 61508-3 pri doseganju funkcijske varnosti E/E/PE-varnostnih sistemov.

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SIST EN 61508-3:2007
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
- Part 3: Software requirements (IEC 61508-3:2010)
Funktionale Sicherheit sicherheitsbezogener
elektrischer/elektronischer/programmierbarer elektronischer Systeme - Teil 3:
Anforderungen an Software (IEC 61508-3:2010)
Sécurité fonctionnelle des systèmes électriques/électroniques/électroniques
programmables relatifs à la sécurité - Partie 3: Prescriptions concernant les logiciels CEI
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 61508-3:2010
25.040.40 Merjenje in krmiljenje Industrial process
industrijskih postopkov measurement and control
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 61508-3
May 2010
ICS 25.040.40 Supersedes EN 61508-3:2001

English version
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems -
Part 3: Software requirements
(IEC 61508-3:2010)
Sécurité fonctionnelle des systèmes Funktionale Sicherheit sicherheitsbezogener
électriques/électroniques/électroniques elektrischer/elektronischer/programmierbarer
programmables relatifs à la sécurité - elektronischer Systeme -
Partie 3: Exigences concernant Teil 3: Anforderungen an Software
les logiciels (IEC 61508-3:2010)
(CEI 61508-3:2010)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2010-05-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2010 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 61508-3:2010 E
The text of document 65A/550/FDIS, future edition 2 of IEC 61508-3, prepared by SC 65A, System
aspects, of IEC TC 65, Industrial-process measurement, control and automation, was submitted to the
IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as EN 61508-3 on 2010-05-01.
This European Standard supersedes EN 61508-3:2001.
It has the status of a basic safety publication according to IEC Guide 104.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN and CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2011-02-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2013-05-01
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61508-3:2010 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:
[1] IEC 61511 series NOTE  Harmonized in EN 61511 series (not modified).
[2] IEC 62061 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 62061.
[3] IEC 61800-5-2 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 61800-5-2.
[4] IEC 61508-5:2010 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 61508-5:2010 (not modified).
[5] IEC 61508-6:2010 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 61508-6:2010 (not modified).
[6] IEC 61508-7:2010 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 61508-7:2010 (not modified).
[7] IEC 60601 series NOTE  Harmonized in 60601 series (partially modified).
[8] IEC 61131-3 NOTE  Harmonized as EN 61131-3.
- 3 - EN 61508-3:2010
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

NOTE  When an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year

IEC 61508-1 2010 Functional safety of EN 61508-1 2010
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems -
Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61508-2 2010 Functional safety of EN 61508-2 2010
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems -
Part 2: Requirements for
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems
IEC 61508-4 2010 Functional safety of EN 61508-4 2010
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related systems -
Part 4: Definitions and abbreviations

IEC Guide 104 1997 The preparation of safety publications and the - -
use of basic safety publications and group
safety publications
ISO/IEC Guide 51 1999 Safety aspects - Guidelines for their inclusion - -
in standards
IEC 61508-3 ®
Edition 2.0 2010-04
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related
systems –
Part 3: Software requirements
Sécurité fonctionnelle des systèmes électriques/électroniques/électroniques
programmables relatifs à la sécurité –
Partie 3: Exigences concernant les logiciels

ICS 25.040.40 ISBN 978-2-88910-526-7
– 2 – 61508-3 © IEC:2010
1 Scope.9
2 Normative references .12
3 Definitions and abbreviations.13
4 Conformance to this standard.13
5 Documentation .13
6 Additional requirements for management of safety-related software .13
6.1 Objectives .13
6.2 Requirements.13
7 Software safety lifecycle requirements.14
7.1 General .14
7.1.1 Objective .14
7.1.2 Requirements .14
7.2 Software safety requirements specification.21
7.2.1 Objectives .21
7.2.2 Requirements .21
7.3 Validation plan for software aspects of system safety.24
7.3.1 Objective .24
7.3.2 Requirements .24
7.4 Software design and development.25
7.4.1 Objectives .25
7.4.2 General requirements .26
7.4.3 Requirements for software architecture design .29
7.4.4 Requirements for support tools, including programming languages.30
7.4.5 Requirements for detailed design and development – software
system design .33
7.4.6 Requirements for code implementation.34
7.4.7 Requirements for software module testing .35
7.4.8 Requirements for software integration testing .35
7.5 Programmable electronics integration (hardware and software) .36
7.5.1 Objectives .36
7.5.2 Requirements .36
7.6 Software operation and modification procedures .37
7.6.1 Objective .37
7.6.2 Requirements .37
7.7 Software aspects of system safety validation.37
7.7.1 Objective .37
7.7.2 Requirements .38
7.8 Software modification .39
7.8.1 Objective .39
7.8.2 Requirements .39
7.9 Software verification.41
7.9.1 Objective .41
7.9.2 Requirements .41
8 Functional safety assessment.44

61508-3 © IEC:2010 – 3 –
Annex A (normative) Guide to the selection of techniques and measures.46
Annex B (informative) Detailed tables .55
Annex C (informative) Properties for software systematic capability.60
Annex D (normative) Safety manual for compliant items – additional requirements for
software elements.97
Annex E (informative) Relationships between IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3.100
Annex F (informative) Techniques for achieving non-interference between software
elements on a single computer .102
Annex G (informative) Guidance for tailoring lifecycles associated with data driven
systems .107

Figure 1 – Overall framework of the IEC 61508 series .11
Figure 2 – Overall safety lifecycle .12
Figure 3 – E/E/PE system safety lifecycle (in realisation phase).16
Figure 4 – Software safety lifecycle (in realisation phase).16
Figure 5 – Relationship and scope for IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3 .17
Figure 6 – Software systematic capability and the development lifecycle (the V-model) .17
Figure G

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