ASTM D8-97
(Terminology)Standard Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pavements
Standard Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pavements
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Standard Terminology Relating to
Materials for Roads and Pavements
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 8; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
BITUMINOUS MATERIALS tion precipitated from asphalt by a designated paraffinic
Relating in General to Bituminous Materials naphtha solvent at a specified solvent-asphalt ratio.
DISCUSSION—The asphaltene fraction should be identified by the
anionic emulsion, n—a type of emulsion such that a particular
solvent and solvent-asphalt ratio used.
emulsifying agent establishes a predominance of negative
charges on the discontinuous phase.
asphalt rock (rock asphalt), n—a naturally occurring rock
bitumen, n—a class of black or dark-colored (solid, semisolid,
formation, usually limestone or sandstone, impregnated
or viscous) cementitious substances, natural or manufac-
throughout its mass with a minor amount of bitumen.
tured, composed principally of high molecular weight hy-
asphalt-rubber, n—a blend of asphalt cement, reclaimed tire
drocarbons, of which asphalts, tars, pitches, and asphaltites
rubber, and certain additives in which the rubber component
are typical.
is at least 15 % by weight of the total blend and has reacted
bituminous, adj—containing or treated with bitumen (also
in the hot asphalt cement sufficiently to cause swelling of the
bituminized). Examples: bituminous concrete, bituminized
rubber particles.
felts and fabrics, bituminous pavement.
naphthene-aromatics, n—a mixture of naphthenic and aro-
bituminous emulsion, n—(1) a suspension of minute globules
matic hydrocarbons which are adsorbed from a paraffinic
of bituminous material in water or in an aqueous solution,
solvent on an adsorbent during percolation and then des-
(2) a suspension of minute globules of water or of an
orbed with an aromatic solvent such as toluene.
aqueous solution in a liquid bituminous material.
DISCUSSION—The naphthene-aromatics fraction should be identified
cationic emulsion, n—a type of emulsion such that a particular
by the solvent, the solvent-asphalt ratio and the absorbing medium.
emulsifying agent establishes a predominance of positive
charges on the discontinuous phase. native asphalt, n—asphalt occurring as such in nature.
cut-back asphalt, n—petroleum residuum (asphalt) which has
polar-aromatics, n—a polar aromatic hydrocarbon fraction
been blended with petroleum distillates. that is adsorbed on an adsorbing medium from a paraffinic
solvent during percolation and then desorbed with a chlori-
DISCUSSION—Slow-curing materials may be made directly by distil-
nated hydrocarbon solvent such as trichloroethylene.
lation and are often referred to as road oils.
DISCUSSION—The polar-aromatics fraction should be identified by the
cut-back products, n—petroleum or tar residuums which have
solvent, the solvent-asphalt ratio and the absorbing medium.
been blended with distillates.
flux, n—a bituminous material, generally liquid, used for
reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), n—asphalt pavement or
softening other bituminous materials. paving mixture removed from its original location for use in
recycled asphalt paving mixture.
Relating Specifically to Petroleum or Asphalts
recycled asphalt paving mixture, n—a mixture of reclaimed
asphalt pavement with the inclusion, if required, of asphalt
asphalt, n—a dark brown to black cementitious material in
cement, emulsified asphalt, cut-back asphalt, recycling
which the predominating constituents are bitumens which
agent, mineral aggregate, and mineral filler.
occur in nature or are obtained in petroleum processing.
recycling agent (RA), n—a blend of hydrocarbons with or
asphalt cement, n—a fluxed or unfluxed asphalt specially
without minor amounts of other materials that is used to alter
prepared as to quality and consistency for direct use in the
or improve the properties of the aged asphalt in a recycled
manufacture of bituminous pavements, and having a pen-
asphalt paving mixture.
etration at 25°C (77°F) of between 5 and 300, under a load
rock asphalt—see asphalt rock.
of 100 g applied for 5 s.
saturates, n—a mixture of paraffinic and naphthenic hydro-
asphaltenes, n—the high molecular weight hydrocarbon frac-
carbons that on percolation in a paraffinic solvent are not
adsorbed on the adsorbing medium. Other compounds such
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road
as naphthenic and polar aromatics are adsorbed thus permit-
and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.95 on
Quality Control, Inspection and Testing Agencies. ting the
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