Standard Practice for Quality of Wood Members of Containers and Pallets

Each wood member contains a combination of characteristics which affects the performance of the container or pallet in which it is used. The requirements for classes, herein specified, have been established as these characteristics are related to the functional application of members in container and pallet construction and to the service that the container or pallet may be called upon to perform.
Any other specified requirements or limitations peculiar to a particular container or pallet construction or use, such as prohibiting knotholes or loose knots to provide siftproofness, limitation to certain wood groups or species, or the selection of applicable classes for specific members of or types of containers or pallet shall be the responsibility of the standard for that container or pallet.
1.1 This practice covers the quality requirements for three classes of hardwood and soft-wood members, excluding man-made or fabricated wood composites, used in the construction of boxes, crates, pallets, and blocking and bracing.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 This practice does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of the regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D6199-07(2012) - Standard Practice for Quality of Wood Members of Containers and Pallets
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: D6199 − 07 (Reapproved 2012)
Standard Practice for
Quality of Wood Members of Containers and Pallets
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6199; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 brash, n—decay characteristic, which is the breaking
1.1 This practice covers the quality requirements for three
of the grain without splintering.
classes of hardwood and soft-wood members, excluding man-
made or fabricated wood composites, used in the construction
3.2.2 crate frame members, n—those parts which form the
of boxes, crates, pallets, and blocking and bracing.
fundamental structure upon which the strength and rigidity of
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
crates depend.
as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for
3.2.3 diagonals, n—frame members placed at angles of
information only.
1.3 This practice does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
3.2.4 linderman joint, n—glued dove-tailed joint between
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
two or more pieces of wood.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of the regulatory limitations prior to use.
3.2.5 longitudinal frame members, n—horizontal members
of the side, end, and top panels of crates.
2. Referenced Documents
3.2.6 punk, n—decay characteristic, which is very dry,
2.1 ASTM Standards:
powdery, and crumbly wood.
D9 Terminology Relating to Wood and Wood-Based Prod-
ucts 3.2.7 siftproofness, n—the prohibition of the migration of
D996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ- material, of any size, from the interior to the exterior of a
ments container.
D4442 Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measure-
3.2.8 struts, n—vertical frame members placed between the
ment of Wood and Wood-Base Materials
upper and lower frame members of the side and end panels of
2.2 MHIA/ANSI Standard:
a crate that serve as columns for supporting vertical stacking
MHIA/ANSI MH1–2005 Pallets, Slip Sheets, and Other
Bases for Unit Loads
4. Significance and Use
3. Terminology
4.1 Each wood member contains a combination of charac-
3.1 Definitions—General definitions for packaging and dis-
teristics which affects the performance of the container or
tribution environments are found in Terminology D996. Gen-
pallet in which it is used. The requirements for classes, herein
eral definitions for wood are found in Terminology D9.
specified, have been established as these characteristics are
related to the functional application of members in container
This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D10 on Packaging and pallet construction and to the service that the container or
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.12 on Shipping Containers,
pallet may be called upon to perform.
Crates, Pallets, Skids and Related Structures.
Current edition approved April 1, 2012. Published May 2012. Originally
4.2 Any other specified requirements or limitations peculiar
approved in 1997. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D6199 – 97 (2007).
to a particular container or pallet construction or use, such as
DOI: 10.1520/D6199-07R12.
2 prohibiting knotholes or loose knots to provide siftproofness,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
limitation to certain wood groups or species, or the selection of
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
applicable classes for specific members of or types of contain-
the ASTM website.
3 ers or pallet shall be the responsibility of the standard for that
Available from Material Handling Industry MH1 Secretariat, 8720 Red Oak
Blvd., Suite 201, Charlotte, NC 28217, container or pallet.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D6199 − 07 (2012)
5. Wood Member Classification They are the heaviest and hardest domestic woods and are
difficult to work. They are especially useful where high
5.1 Class 1—Structural (highly stressed members).
fastener withdrawal resistance is required and many of them
5.2 Class 2—Structural (moderately stressed members).
make excellent rotary cut veneers for wirebound and plywood
5.3 Class 3—Non-structural (lightly stressed members).
6.1.2 Species—The species of wood, in the four groups, that
6. Wood Characteristics
may be used for wood members of containers or pallets are
6.1 Classification: classified as indicated in Table 1 (see Appendix X1, Table
6.1.1 Groups—For the purposes of this practice, North X1.1, for groups specific to pallet construction). When it is
American wood species are broken into four groupings. These stipulated that members shall be fabricated from a particular
groupings are general in nature (Table 1) and do not include all wood group, the species within that group may be mixed
species of wood.Woods used specifically in pallet construction together or used interchangeably.
are listed in MHIA/ANSI MH1–2005 Appendix A3–1 accord-
6.2 Surfaces—Rough lumber is permitted in the construc-
ing to similarities in mechanical properties, regional
tion of the crate bases, sheathed-crate framing, boxes, and
availability, and commercial uses in pallets. Table X1.1 pro-
pallets. For box and crate sheathing, at least one surface of all
vides a cross reference between the wood groups used herein
wood members will be sufficiently smooth to permit legible
and those listed in MHIA/ANSI MH1–2005.
marking. Group I—This group embraces the softer woods of
6.3 Dimensional Requirements:
both the coniferous and the broad-leafed species. These woods
are relatively free from splitting in nailing, have moderate
6.3.1 When nominal sizes of lumber are specified, the
fastener withdrawal resistance, moderate strength as a beam, Table 2.
minimum sizes shall be as shown in
and moderate shock resisting capacity. They are soft, light in
6.3.2 When sizes of wood members other than the nominals
cited in Table 2 are specified, undersizing in thickness and
are normally easy to dry.
width shall not be permitted in more than 10 % of the number Group II—This group consists of heavier coniferous
of pieces. In addition, these parts shall be no thinner than ⁄8 of
woods, only. These woods usually have a pronounced contrast 1
the stated thickness and no narrower than ⁄4 in. (6 mm) less
in the hardness of the springwood and the summerwood. They
than the stated width. An exception to this requirement is that
have a greater fastener withdrawal resistance than Group I
if members of nailed-wood boxes ⁄8 in. (10 mm) or more in
woods, but are more likely to split, and the hard summerwood
thickness are surfaced on both sides (to protect the contents)
bands occasionally deflect the nails causing them to run out at
then the thickness may be ⁄32 in. (1 mm) less than stated.
the sides of the piece.
6.3.3 Whennominal2in.(50mm)thicklumberisresawnto Group III—This group consists of hardwoods of
obtain 1 in. (25 mm) nominal thick members, the resulting
medium density. These woods have about the same fastener 11
minimum thickness shall be ⁄16 in. (18 mm) for dry lumber;
withdrawal resistance and strength as a beam as the Group II
except that for Class 1 structural members, which shall be ⁄4
woods, but are less likely to split and shatter under impacts.
in. (20 mm).
The species in this group are the most useful for constructing
6.4 Moisture Content—Container and pallet members shall
box ends and cleats. They also furnish most of the rotary-cut
have a moisture content (as measured by an electric type
veneers for wirebound boxes and plywood panels for construc-
moisture meter or by the oven drying method), at the time of
tion of plywood boxes.
fabrication, of not greater than 19 % nor less than 9 % of their Group IV—This group consists of the high density
ovendry weight.
hardwood species. They have both the greatest shock resisting
6.4.1 Methods of Determination:
capacity and fastener withdrawal resistance, but because of
their extreme hardness present difficulties with respect to the Moisture Meters—Meters measuring moisture con-
driving of nails, plus the greatest tendency to split at the nails. tents ranging as high as 30 % shall be used to determine
TABLE 1 Wood Groups
Group I
Aspen Basswood Buckeye Cedar Chestnut
Cottonwood Cypress Fir (true firs) Magnolia Pine
Redwood Spruce Willow Yellow poplar Red alder
Group II
Douglas fir Hemlock Southern yellow pine Tamarack
Western larch
Group III
Ash California black oak California maple
Soft Elm Soft maple Sweetgum Sycamore Tupelo
Group IV
Beech Birch Hackberry Hard maple Hickory
Oak Pecan Rock elm White ash
Except Southern yellow pine.
Except White ash.
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