13.220.01 - Protection against fire in general
Protection against fire in general
Brandschutz im allgemeinen
Normes générales relatives a la protection contre l'incendie
Varstvo pred požarom na splošno
General Information
This document describes a protocol for the verification and validation of building fire evacuation models. This document mostly addresses evacuation model components as they are in microscopic (agent-based) models. Nevertheless, it can be adopted (entirely or partially) for macroscopic models if the model is able to represent the components under consideration. The area of application of the evacuation models discussed in this document includes performance-based design of buildings and the revie...view more
- Draft88 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard73 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard69 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Draft68 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Draft78 pagesEnglish language
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This document gives an overview of the evolution of regulations and application of Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) in Europe. Based on work performed in 2001-2002, a full update of information has been done. A global survey based on questionnaires defined in 2001, the evolution and possible perspectives of the FSE practices within two perimeters are presented:
- The first perimeter is the same perimeter analysed in 2001 corresponding to the European Union defined in 2001 extended to European coun...view more
- Technical report68 pagesEnglish language
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- Technical report68 pagesEnglish language
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IEC 62899-505:2020(E) specifies mechanical and thermal test methods for the determination of the reliability characteristics of a printed flexible gas sensor, which is operated at relatively low temperature and is composed of a flexible substrate, electrode, and gas sensing layer. The examples of target gas include in-door air pollutants, combustion gas from a fire situation, and industrial flue gas.
- Standard13 pagesEnglish language
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This document provides a complete example to illustrate ISO 23932-1. The example is a dry-cleaning store, for which the fire safety objective is life safety, for both people located inside or outside the shop, in the event of a fire within the shop. NOTE Generally, an FSE study is not needed for such a small shop. However, this example was chosen to demonstrate the application of ISO 23932-1 in detail while keeping the documentation provided sufficiently brief.
- Technical report45 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Technical report43 pagesEnglish language
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This document describes tools and gives guidance concerning interlaboratory trials related to fire effluent analyses. It explains the relative contributions from the physical fire model and analytical techniques to evaluate trueness and fidelity. It also explains the difficulties involved with the interpretation of round-robin data and with the evaluation of trueness in fire effluent analyses. This document complements ISO 12828-1, which deals with limits of quantification and detection and ISO ...view more
- Technical specification11 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Technical specification11 pagesFrench language
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This document provides principles for characterizing the measured production of toxic gases from a laboratory fire test and provides bases for comparing the results between different types and scales of such tests. It also includes consideration of the uncertainties in the gas determinations. The combined uncertainty is a key factor in the ability to establish similarity or difference of test results. The sufficiency of the agreement between a bench-scale test and a real-scale test depends on th...view more
- Standard21 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard19 pagesEnglish language
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This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for the fire safety of candles intended to be burned indoors.
- Standard15 pagesEnglish language
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- Draft15 pagesEnglish language
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This document gives guidelines whose primary focus is the assessment of the adverse environmental impact of fire effluents, including those from fires occurring in commercial and domestic premises, unenclosed commercial sites, industrial and agricultural sites, as well as those involving road, rail and maritime transport systems. It is not applicable to direct acute toxicity issues or wildland fires, which are covered by other existing ISO standards. It is intended to serve as a tool for the dev...view more
- Standard21 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard22 pagesFrench language
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This document specifies methods for identifying fire hazards resulting from machinery and for
performing a risk assessment.
It gives the basic concepts and methodology of protective measures for fire prevention and protection
to be taken during the design and construction of machinery. The measures consider the intended use
and reasonably foreseeable misuse of the machine.
It provides guidelines for consideration in reducing the risk of machinery fires to acceptable levels
through machine ...view more
- Standard59 pagesEnglish language
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The requirements in this document govern the application of a set of explicit algebraic formulae for the calculation of specific characteristics of radiation heat flux from an open pool fire. This document is an implementation of the general requirements provided in ISO 16730‑1 for the case of fire dynamics calculations involving a set of explicit algebraic formulae. This document is arranged in the form of a template, where specific information relevant to the algebraic formulae is provided to ...view more
- Standard40 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard42 pagesFrench language
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This document provides requirements to govern the application of explicit algebraic formulae sets to the calculation of fire phenomena. This document is an implementation of the general requirements provided in ISO 16730‑1 for the case of fire dynamics calculations involving sets of explicit algebraic formulae. This document is arranged in the form of a template, where specific information relevant to algebraic formulae are provided to satisfy the following types of general requirements: a) Requ...view more
- Standard4 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard4 pagesFrench language
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This document provides a methodology for assessing the performance of structures in the built environment when exposed to a real fire. This document, which follows the principles outlined in ISO 23932-1, provides a performance-based methodology for engineers to assess the level of fire safety of new or existing structures. NOTE The fire safety of structures is evaluated through an engineering approach based on the quantification of the behaviour of a structure for the purpose of meeting fire saf...view more
- Standard31 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard28 pagesEnglish language
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This document addresses the impact of wildland fires and firefighting activities on the environment (air, water, soil, wildlife and vegetation). It further addresses the impact of wildland fire effluents on exposed human population, including firefighters, as well as food production, land, sea and air traffic, and the built environment. It also describes the environmental impacts of firefighting activities. This document also provides requirements and recommendations to quantify such impacts of ...view more
- Technical specification22 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Technical specification24 pagesFrench language
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This document provides general principles and requirements for FSE, and is intended to be used by professionals involved in 1) performance-based fire safety design (of both new and existing built environments), 2) implementation for fire safety design plans, and 3) fire safety management. This document is not intended as a detailed technical design guide, but does provide the key elements necessary for addressing the different steps and their linkages in the fire safety design process. This docu...view more
- Standard28 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard26 pagesEnglish language
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This International Standard is intended to serve as general guidelines for the assessment of the fire threat to
people. It encompasses the development, evaluation and use of relevant quantitative information for use in
fire hazard and risk assessment. This information, generally obtained from fire-incidence investigation, fire
statistics, real-scale fire tests and from physical fire models, is intended for use in conjunction with
computational models for analysis of the initiation and develo...view more
- Standard12 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard14 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard17 pagesEnglish language
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This document provides definitions and equations for the calculation of toxic product yields and the fire conditions under which they have been derived in terms of equivalence ratio and combustion efficiency. Sample calculations for practical cases are provided. The methods are intended to be used to produce either instantaneous or averaged values for those experimental fires in which time-resolved data are available. This document is intended to provide guidance to fire researchers for — record...view more
- Standard36 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard33 pagesEnglish language
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ISO/TR 24679-6:2017 provides an example of fire safety engineering design in the application of ISO 24679‑1 to an office building. In ISO/TR 24679-6:2017, an overall structural analysis of a building is undertaken. It consists in a numerical assessment of the structural performance of an eight-storey concrete building when subjected to a fire. This analysis is performed in order to demonstrate that the fire safety objectives, for the relevant design fire scenarios, due to structural behaviour of...view more
- Technical report48 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Technical report52 pagesFrench language
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This document defines terminology relating to fire safety as used in ISO and IEC fire standards.
- Standard61 pagesEnglish language
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ISO 13943:2017 defines terminology relating to fire safety as used in ISO and IEC fire standards.
- Standard61 pagesEnglish language
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ISO/TR 24679-4:2017 provides a fire engineering application relative to the fire resistance assessment of a fifteen-storey steel framed building following the methodology given in ISO 24679-1. This document describes the adopted process which follows the same step by step procedure as that provided in ISO 24679-1. The annexes of this document present the detailed assessment results obtained for the most severe fire scenarios on the basis of the outcome of this specific fire safety engineering pr...view more
- Technical report49 pagesEnglish language
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