ISO/TC 85/SC 6/WG 3 - Power reactor, siting, design, construction, operation, and decommissioning
Power reactor, siting, design, construction, operation, and decommissioning". To develop, maintain and promote standards dealing with all topics related with the siting, design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear power plants and research reactors. Operation includes emergency equipments. Power reactors include non-electrical applications and transportable nuclear reactors. Excluded : the standardization of ventilation systems (dealt with by SC2) and technical issues of common interest for reactors and other nuclear installations (dealt with by SC5) and topics which are within the scope of work of SC 6/WG 1.
Réacteurs nucléaires de puissance : études de site, conception, construction, exploitation et démantèlement
Réacteur de puissance, choix du site, conception, construction, exploitation et déclassement. Développer, tenir à jour et promouvoir des normes traitant de tous les sujets liés à l'implantation, à la conception, à la construction, à l'exploitation et au déclassement des centrales nucléaires et des réacteurs de recherche. L'exploitation inclut les équipements d'urgence. Les réacteurs de puissance comprennent les applications non électriques et les réacteurs nucléaires transportables. Sont exclus : la normalisation des systèmes de ventilation (traitée par le SC 2) et les questions techniques d'intérêt commun relatives aux réacteurs et autres installations nucléaires (traitées par le SC 5) ainsi que les sujets qui relèvent du domaine d'application du SC 6/WG 1.
General Information
This document specifies the utilization and characteristics of instrumentation used to detect seismic events at nuclear power plants with water cooled reactors. The document can also be applied to other nuclear facilities after verifying its applicability. The following types of electrical systems and equipment are not covered by this document: — seismic instrumentation involved in the implementation of nuclear safety functions as defined by IEC 61226, for example automatic shutdown systems; — seismic instrumentation not involved in the implementation of nuclear safety functions as defined by IEC 61226 but which due, for example, to close proximity to other safety classified systems, requires hardware qualification to be performed. Such systems are specified, designed, manufactured, qualified, operated and dismantled according to the relevant requirements of IEC standards, in particular IEC 61513 and the lower level IEC standards according to the safety class and technologies used. Seismic instrumentation used for the implementation of seismic reactor trip systems are developed according to the requirements of IEC 63186. An automatic shutdown system is not covered by this document. This document specifies the requirements to be fulfilled by the seismic instrumentation such that, firstly, it can be ascertained whether any of the design quantities on which the plant walk-down level and the inspection levels are based have been exceeded and that, secondly, the recording of the time history of the earthquake provides the necessary input values for a post-seismic analysis. The requirements are specified such that, independent of the detection and recording system, comparable results within tolerances are achieved in the time range as well as the frequency range.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document applies to nuclear power plants with water cooled reactors. For other nuclear facilities check the applicability of the document in advance, before it might be applied correspondingly. This document specifies the requirements for the earthquake safety of components. The operation-specific safety-related requirements for each component, e.g. load-bearing capacity (stability), integrity and functionality (see 4.1) are not the subject of this document. With regard to analysing the mechanical behaviour of the individual components and verifying the fulfillment of their safety related functions, additionally, the respective component-specific standards need to be consulted. In this document, the term "mechanical components" refers to components such as vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, valves, lifting gear, distribution systems and pipe lines including their support structures in as far as these components are not considered to be civil structures in accordance with ISO 4917-3. Liners, crane runways, platforms and scaffoldings are not considered as being part of these mechanical components. In this document, the term electrical components refers to the combination of electrical devices including all electrical connections and their support structures (e.g. cabinets, frames, consoles, brackets, suspensions or supports). Supplementary to this document the seismic qualification of electrical components is reported in IEC/IEEE 60980-344. NOTE This document is independent of national standards. Recommendations, given in Annex A, are mainly based on the Eurocodes-Design-Philosophy and European Standards. Alternatively other equivalent standards or regulations can be used in case the general requirements given in this document together with Annex A can be met.
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document applies to nuclear power plants with water cooled reactors. This document does not apply to earthquakes stronger than the design basis earthquake. This document specifies guidance on the actions to be taken in preparation for and following an earthquake at a nuclear power plant. This document is intended to be used as a guideline for decision making regarding continued operation, shutdown and restart of the nuclear power plant after an earthquake. It can also be used to assist operating organizations in the preparation and implementation of an overall pre- and post-earthquake action programme for dealing with situations in accordance with the level of seismic ground motion experienced at the site, and the seismic design level of the plant.
- Standard12 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document applies to nuclear power plants with water cooled reactors and, in particular, to the design of components and civil structures against seismic events in order to meet the safety objectives. For other nuclear facilities the applicability of the document is checked in advance, before it might be applied correspondingly. Seismic isolation is not adressed in the series of ISO 4917. The following safety objectives are defined in order to ensure the protection of people and the environment against radiation risks: a) controlling reactivity; b) cooling fuel assemblies; c) confining radioactive substances; d) limiting radiation exposure.
- Standard17 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document applies to civil structures of nuclear power plants with water cooled reactors in order to achieve the safety objectives given in ISO 4917-1. For other nuclear facilities the applicability of the document needs to be checked in advance, before it might be applied correspondingly. This document specifies the requirements for civil structures for the verification of their load-bearing capacity in case of a seismic event. Additionally, requirements are specified pertaining to the verification of the serviceability of civil structures as far as necessary for maintaining their safety-related function in case of a seismic event (e.g. deformation and crack-width limitations). This document will be applied under the presumption that the geology and tectonics of the plant site have been investigated with special emphasis on the existence of active geological faults and lasting geological ground displacements, and that the site has been deemed suitable for a nuclear installation. To achieve these goals, this document deals with the requirements specific to the seismic design of civil structures above and beyond their conventional design. The basic requirements of these precautionary measures are dealt with in ISO 4917-1. This document does not apply to cranes, to detachment devices for lifting equipment nor to the supporting and mounting constructions of components. This document is independent of national standards. Recommendations, given in Annex A, are mainly based on the KTA Design-Philosophy and European standards. Alternatively other equivalent standards or regulations can be used in case the general requirements given in this document can be met. NOTE The term civil structures as used in this document comprise buildings and structural members made of reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete, steel, as well as steel composite structures and masonry. Among others, these include the containment, crane runways, platforms, fastening constructions and canals.
- Standard23 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document specifies requirements for the ice plug technique with liquid nitrogen or dry ice as refrigerant (cryogenic medium) on metal pipes of nuclear power plants. The freezing liquid can be water or water mixture (e.g. boric acid mixture). This document specifies technical requirements of ice plug generation, formation judgment and removal, measures before, during and after ice plugging and requirements for personnel and non-destructive testing. The application of the ice plug isolation technique is principally not allowed on cladded pipes or pipes with internal coatings. The application for pressure test is not in the scope of this document and will be qualified separately.
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document specifies the basic requirements of thermal insulation design of reactor coolant system (RCS) equipment and piping. Among thermal insulation of various RCS equipment and piping, the following two kinds of thermal insulations are described in detailed based on common design logic and requirements: — thermal insulation of reactor pressure vessel (RPV); — thermal insulation of RCS piping and other equipment. This document is valid for two types of thermal insulation: — metallic thermal insulation; — non-metallic thermal insulation. This document mainly applies to nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactor (PWR). For other reactor types, this document can be taken as reference.
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document gives guidelines for in-service system pressure tests of the reactor coolant circuit of light water reactors. This document specifies the test technique, the requirements for measuring equipment and additional devices, the preparation and performance of the test as well as the recording and documentation, for the purpose to ensure the reliability and comparability of tests. NOTE Data on (test) pressure, (test) temperature, scope of testing, rates of change of pressure and temperature, test schedule and inspection intervals can be obtained from the applicable national nuclear codes.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document gives guidelines for pre-service inspection (PSI) and in-service inspections (ISI) by eddy current tests on non-ferromagnetic steam generator heating tubes of light water reactors, whereby the test is carried out using mechanised test equipment outwards from the tube inner side. An in-service eddy current test of steam generator heating tube plugs as a component of the primary circuit is not an object of this document. Owing to the different embodiments of steam generator heating tube plugs, the use of specially adapted test systems to be qualified is necessary. Test systems for the localisation of inhomogeneities (surface) and requirements for test personnel, test devices, the preparation of test and device systems, the implementation of the testing as well as the recording are defined. NOTE Data concerning the test section, test extent, inspection period, inspection interval and evaluation of indications is defined in the nuclear safety standards. It is recommended that the technical specifications are based on experience on U-tube bends with even bend radius (similar to the S/KWU design). To test other kind of tube bends (e.g. U-tube bends with two 90° bends) further qualifications will be provided.
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document gives guidelines for pre-service inspection (PSI) and in-service inspections (ISI) for reactor coolant circuit components of light water reactors and their installations as direct or remote visual testing in the form of a — general visual testing (overview), or — selective visual testing (specific properties). This document is also applicable to other components of nuclear installations. The requirements in this document focuses on remote (mechanized) visual testing, but also specifies global requirements for direct visual testing. For specific requirements for direct visual testing of welds see ISO 17637. This document is not applicable to tests in respect to the general state that are carried out in conjunction with pressure and leak tests and regular plant inspections. This document specifies test methods that allow deviations from the expected state to be recognised, requirements for the equipment technology and test personnel, the preparation and performance of the testing as well as the recording. NOTE Data concerning the test section, test extent, inspection period, inspection interval and evaluation of indications is defined in the applicable national nuclear safety standards.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document gives guidelines for pre-service inspections (PSI) and in-service inspections (ISI) of the surfaces using the magnetic particle testing and penetrant testing on components of the reactor coolant circuit of light water reactors. This document is also applicable to other components of nuclear installations. Test systems for the localisation of surface inhomogeneities and requirements for test personnel, test devices, test media, accessories as well as optical auxiliaries, the preparation and implementation of the test as well as the recording are defined. NOTE 1 Data concerning the test section, test extent, inspection period, inspection interval and evaluation of indications are defined in the applicable national nuclear safety standards. NOTE 2 In general, this document is in accordance with ISO 3452 and ISO 9934 series. This document provides details to be considered in the standard test procedure (see Annex A).
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This document gives guidelines for pre-service-inspections (PSI) and in-service inspections (ISI) with mechanized ultrasonic test (UT) devices on components of the reactor coolant circuit of light water reactors. This document is also applicable on other components of nuclear installations. Mechanized ultrasonic inspections are carried out in order to enable an evaluation in case of — fault indications (e.g. on austenitic weld seams or complex geometry), — indications due to geometry (e.g. in case of root concavity), — complex geometries (e.g. fitting weld seams), or — if a reduction in the radiation exposure of the test personnel can be attained in this way. Ultrasonic test methods are defined for the validation of discontinuities (volume or surface open), requirements for the ultrasonic test equipment, for the preparation of test and device systems, for the implementation of the test and for the recording. This document is applicable for the detection of indications by UT using normal-beam probes and angle-beam probes both in contact technique. It is to be used for UT examination on ferritic and austenitic welds and base material as search techniques and for comparison with acceptance criteria by the national referencing nuclear safety standards. Immersion technique and techniques for sizing are not in the scope of this document and are independent qualified. NOTE Data concerning the test section, test extent, inspection period, inspection interval and evaluation of indications is defined in the applicable national nuclear safety standards. Unless otherwise specified in national nuclear safety standards the minimum requirements of this document are applicable. This document does not define: — extent of examination and scanning plans; — acceptance criteria; — UT techniques for dissimilar metal welds and for sizing (have to be qualified separately); — immersion techniques; — time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD). It is recommended that UT examinations are nearly related to the component, the type and size of defects to be considered and are reviewed in specific national inspection qualifications.
- Standard33 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard33 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
The document provides: — guidelines for determining the thermal effects to consider on fire barriers inside a given room; — guidelines for determining the global performance of the fire barriers based on standard test characterization; — guidelines for assessing the need for additional tests to verify the robustness of the solution. Requirements of applicable standards, numerical tools validation and verification (V&V), and the expected qualification of fire resistance laboratories are detailed. The limitations of the method's applicability and scope are discussed. The purpose and justification of this document is to describe a new methodology for the verification of the efficiency of fire barriers, which is initially based on a standardized fire resistance test. The significance of this work relates to the fact that the present methodology will enhance the level of safety by providing more realism to hazards analysis in combination with standardized test data. It completes the standard ISO-fire rating required for justifying the performance. The most relevant benefit of this method concerns the determination of the global performance of a barrier in a fire of extended duration compared to the classification given by the ISO-fire rating.
- Standard68 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard70 pagesFrench languagesale 15% off
ISO 18229:2018 defines the essential technical requirements that are addressed in the process of design and construction of Generation IV (GEN IV) nuclear reactors. It does not address operation, maintenance and in-service inspection of reactors. Six reactor concepts are considered for GEN IV: the sodium fast reactor, the lead fast reactor, the gas fast reactor, the very high temperature reactor, the supercritical water reactor and the molten salt reactor. Annex A details the main characteristics for the different concepts. The scope of application of this document is limited to mechanical components related to nuclear safety and to the prevention of the release of radioactive materials ? that are considered to be important in terms of nuclear safety and operability, ? that play a role in ensuring leaktightness, partitioning, guiding, securing and supporting, and ? that contain and/or are in contact with fluids (such as vessels, pumps, valves, pipes, bellows, box structures, heat exchangers, handling and driving mechanisms).
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard30 pagesFrench languagesale 15% off