This part of the EN 351 series establishes a classification of preservative-treated wood in terms of preservative penetration and gives guidance on a classification of retention. These can be used as a basis for specifying preservative treatments for particular products.
This part of the EN 351 series defines terminology to be used by the specifier when preparing a preservative treatment specification or product standard. It is not a treatment specification in itself.
This part of the EN 351 series is applicable to the production of preservative-treated solid wood, including glued laminated timber, suitable for use in those service conditions defined within the use classes in EN 335. It does not apply to any subsequent examination of treated wood in service.
NOTE 1   Glued laminated timber is not suitable for use in fresh or sea water.
This part of the EN 351 series is applicable to the protection of wood against attack by wood-destroying and wood-disfiguring fungi, insects and marine organisms.
NOTE 2   Protection against wood-disfiguring fungi is an optional property verified by testing in accordance with EN 599-1.
This part of the EN 351 series does not consider other properties of treated wood, for example odour, compatibility with other materials, such as corrosivity of fasteners. Nor does it consider any properties from the health, safety and environmental point of view.
This part of the EN 351 series does not apply to wood to be treated with formulations which are applied to timber in service to eliminate or control an existing fungal or insect infestation, or the prevention of attack by sapstain fungi, or insects in green timber.
Annex A (informative) provides a decision process for specifying preservative treatment requirements.
Annex B (informative) gives an example of the marking system.

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This part of the EN 351 series gives guidance for the general procedures to be used in obtaining samples of preservative-treated wood for the determination of penetration and retention of wood preservative. It also gives guidance on the measurement of penetration and retention of a wood preservative in the treated wood.
This part of the EN 351 series is applicable to the production of preservative-treated solid wood, including glued laminated timber, suitable for use in those service conditions defined within the use classes in EN 335.
NOTE   Glued laminated timber is not suitable for use in fresh or sea water.
This part of the EN 351 series is not applicable to preservative-treated wood in service. However, the sampling guidance provided within this part of the EN 351 series can be applied for the subsequent examination of treated wood in service.
Annex A (informative) provides a selection of number of sample units.
Annex B (informative) provides examples of retention measurements.

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This document specifies a laboratory method for the determination of the treatability of wood in order to determine the likely reaction of different wood species to impregnation with wood preservatives. It is also applicable to investigate variation between samples of the same species but of different origin.

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This document specifies a laboratory method for the determination of the treatability of wood in order to determine the likely reaction of different wood species to impregnation with wood preservatives. It is also applicable to investigate variation between samples of the same species but of different origin.

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This European Standard describes a method for determining total organic carbon by calculating the difference between the results of measurements of total carbon (TC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC). The identification of the bio-based content given by the stable isotopes such as 13C is described also.
This method is applicable to all wood species, wood-based materials (panels, plywood, wood-polymer, etc.) and woods containing chemicals in general.

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This CEN Technical Report specifies a laboratory method for determining the content of propiconazole in treated wood using either Gas Chromatography (GC) or High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
The method is aiming at determining the treatment quality at the time of treatment.
NOTE 1   Under appropriate circumstances the method is applicable for tebuconazole-treated wood as well as for the analysis of waste timber with respect to its propiconazole content.
The method has a detection limit lower than 1 µg propiconazole/g and a quantification limit corresponding to 30 µg propiconazole/g of wood material expressed as dry matter. It can be used over a measurement range up to a propiconazole content of 600 µg/g of dry matter.
NOTE 2   This method may need some modifications with some wood species such as hardwoods.

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This European Standard specifies the reference methods for determining the penetration and retention of creosote in timber freshly treated with creosote, principally in order to ascertain whether the treated timber conforms to specifications written in terms of EN 351-1. It also provides guidance on the acquisition of test samples and their handling between sampling and analysis.
NOTE   In the day-to-day practice at the plant, other methods (e.g. weighing the charge before and after treatment) can be used for determining the retention, provided that a significant relationship can be established with this method.

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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of benzo(a)pyrene in creosote using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
This standard is only applicable to creosotes containing more than 30 mg/kg benzo(a)pyrene.

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This European Standard specifies procedures for obtaining a representative sample from a consignment of creosote.
This standard is only applicable to consignments of creosote which are in a single phase at the time of the sampling.
NOTE 1   At ambient temperature, part of the creosote may be in crystalline form. In such cases, it is necessary to heat the creosote to a temperature above the crystallization point of the particular creosote at which it is entirely liquid before sampling.
NOTE 2   All personnel concerned with sampling and testing should be fully acquainted with the safety precautions relating to creosote. It is essential that proper safety measures for handling hazardous materials are followed when sampling creosote.

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This European Standard specifies a procedure for obtaining a sample of creosote from creosoted timber for subsequent analysis.

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This European Standard specifies a high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of the water-extractable phenols content of creosote.
For reasons of precision, this standard is applicable to the determination of the water-extractable phenols content of creosotes containing more than 10 g of water-extractable phenols per kilogram of creosote.

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This CEN Technical Report specifies a laboratory method of determining the content of quaternary ammonium compounds in commercially QAC-treated wood. The method described has a measurement range up to QAC contents of 1 500 mg/kg of dry matter.
NOTE 1   This method can need some modifications with some wood species such as hardwoods.
NOTE 2   It is applicable to QAC with a molar mass ranging between 200 g/mol and 500 g/mol.
NOTE 3   The method has a quantification limit corresponding to 250 mg of QAC per kilogram of wood expressed as dry matter.

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This Technical Report specifies a laboratory method of determining the pentachlorophenol content of wood. The method is applicable to all types of PCP- treated wood and wood-based materials as well as for the analysis of waste timber with respect to its PCP content.
The method has a quantification limit corresponding to 100 µg PCP per kilogram of wood material expressed as dry matter. The method described has a measurement range up to PCP contents of 25 mg/kg of dry matter. These figures refer to the given example (where an aliquot of 1 ml of the extract is used for acetylation, see 8.4).
NOTE 1   If lower quantification limits are required, a higher volume of extract aliquot can be used for derivatisation.
NOTE 2    This method could have some modifications with some wood species as hardwoods.

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This European Standard gives guidance on the general procedures to be followed in the sampling and preparation for analysis of wood preservatives and preservative-treated timber.
This European Standard is applicable to the provision of appropriate samples for analysis which can be used to check the content of active and other ingredients in preservative formulations, and the content of active and other ingredients of wood preservatives in treated timber, either before, during or after the service life of the timber.
NOTE 1   Methods of sampling creosote and creosote-treated timber are described in EN 1014-1, 1014-2 and EN 12490. These are to be used in preference to the recommendations in this European Standard.
NOTE 2   No attempt has been made in this document to lay down detailed procedures to be adopted for control purposes at manufacturing plants where large volumes of preservatives are to be sampled. Nor does it attempt to establish procedures for checking the compliance of batches of treated timber with specifications demanding a defined level of treatment (see 6.2).

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This part of EN 351 provides guidance on the general procedures used in obtaining samples of preservative-treated wood to determine the penetration and retention of wood preservative.
This part of EN 351 is applicable for the production of preservative-treated solid wood, including glued laminated timber, suitable for use in those service conditions defined by the use classes in EN 335-1. However, the sampling guidance provided within this part of EN 351 may be applied for the subsequent examination of treated wood in service.

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This Technical Report describes a laboratory method for the determination of the treatability of wood in order to determine the likely reaction of different wood species to impregnation with wood preservatives. It can also be used to investigate variation between samples of the same species but of different origin.

  • Technical report
    16 pages
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