This CEN-CENELEC Guide provides mechanisms and details the characteristics and development process of the CEN and/or CENELEC deliverable known as the 'CEN and/or CENELEC Workshop Agreement'.

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This Guide sets out the policy for the distribution, sale, copyright and therefore any Reproduction of Content.
Compliance with this Guide is mandatory for CEN, CENELEC, their respective Members, Organizations having
a cooperation framework or partnership agreement with CEN or CENELEC, CEN and CENELEC staff
members, experts, delegates, and other contributors to the work of Technical Committees or Working Groups
and other parties recognized by the CEN and CENELEC Rules.
Reproducing the Content, including structured data related to Publications, does not only fulfil the objective of
disseminating and encouraging the application of Publications throughout Europe and the rest of the world. It
is also the primary funding mechanism for standardization activities for many of the Members and a cornerstone
of the sustainability of the CEN and CENELEC standardization system. Therefore, the Reproduction of the
Content must be based on commercial principles and conducted in a way that secures the value of the Content
to CEN, CENELEC, their respective Members and the End-Users.
This Guide establishes practices in line with European Union (EU) competition law. As a result, this Guide is
not intended to give rise to or encourage any direct or indirect price fixing, market sharing and/or exchange of
commercially sensitive information between CEN, CENELEC and their respective Members. This Guide also
complies with the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles regarding dissemination of adopted standards,
including voluntary application, openness, effectiveness, and relevance in terms of availability to End-Users.
Any issue regarding the Reproduction of the Content that is not covered by this Guide or related documents, or
may require specification, shall be referred to the CEN and CENELEC Director General, who shall reasonably
seek the advice of the relevant governing bodies of CEN and CENELEC.
Any issue regarding compliance with this Guide shall be addressed to CCMC. In case of non-compliance with
this Guide, CCMC will take appropriate action according to the CEN and CENELEC Rules. In particular,
Members that do not comply with this Guide may ultimately be expelled from CEN or CENELEC according to
article 9.1.2 of the Statutes of CEN or CENELEC. Organizations having a cooperation framework or partnership
agreement with CEN or CENELEC, technical experts, delegates or other contributors to the work of Technical
Committees or Working Groups may be excluded from CEN and CENELEC activities, in accordance with the
CEN and CENELEC Rules.

  • Guide
    11 pages
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The main target audience of this Guide are the researchers and providers of new technologies who want to see
their research outcome or new technology taken up by the market as well as innovators, entrepreneurs and startups who want their innovation to enter the market, and are interested to know whether and how standardization
can help them to meet their objective.
The use of standardization in support of the uptake of an innovation by the market consists of:
• the application of existing standards on which the innovative product/service relies;
• contributions to and participation in the standardization process, to ensure the standards accommodate
the innovative product/service

  • Guide
    16 pages
    English language
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This Guide complements, and should be read in conjunction with, the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC included in CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations Part 1 (IR1), Part 1D.
This Guide supersedes CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2015 and Guide 22:2018, in line with the decisions of the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies taken in June 2021 to review the organizational structure and processes for the assessment of the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC.
This Guide aims to illustrate the organizational model implementing the management of the exercises of peer assessment, external assessment or self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification of the membership criteria laid down in IR1, Part 1D, as well as their reports and follow-up of actions.
The agreed organizational model aims at building trust and accountability of the CEN-CENELEC system, while ensuring efficient and effective management. Indeed, the implementation of such an assessment system replies to the ambitious goal of “excellence” embedded in the provisions of the membership criteria.
The assessment exercises are handled under the supervision of a recognized super partes body, and independent Chair and by competent assessors, be they independent from the Member assessed (e.g. in case of peer or external assessment) or within the same Member (self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification).
The blend of competence and independence of judgment of the Chair and assessors and the effective and efficient processes of follow-up actions will ensure the integrity of the CEN-CENELEC assessment system and the recognition of those CEN and CENELEC stakeholders closely linked to, and benefiting from, standardization.

  • Guide
    79 pages
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This document provides guidance on multifuel stations. It was prepared to facilitate the integration of alternative fuels in existing fuelling stations and to facilitate the design, authorization and operation of multifuel stations.
This document compares the terms and definitions used in a selection of standards applicable to each fuel: electricity, hydrogen, compressed and liquefied natural gas, LPG, diesel and petrol.
It compares the requirements addressed in these standards for each fuel.
It describes the internal and external separation distances applied for different fuels.
It gives guidance on the design and operation of Emergency Shut Down systems and on combined activities.

  • Guide
    76 pages
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In recent years, a number of representatives have been appointed by the CEN/CENELEC Governing Bodies (AGs, CAs, BTs) to represent the interests of CEN/CENELEC in external groups (e.g. European Commission Expert groups) and specific events (e.g. UN/EC, conferences).
Given the important role that these representatives play, it is necessary to define their roles and responsibilities and make them aware of the expected commitment, in order to ensure that they:
- act in line with the CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030 (and subsequent strategies beyond 2020);
- are informed of the policies, priorities and positions of the organizations (CEN, CENELEC or CEN-CENELEC) they represent;
- understand the message and priorities to be conveyed;
- provide effective and efficient reporting and feedback to the CEN/CENELEC Governing Bodies.
To this end, once appointed, the representative is to abide by the stipulations of the guidance document as included in Annex A, which identifies a set of basic practices to be followed to ensure proper coordination, reporting and follow-up.
The list of appointed representatives is kept by CCMC. Regular updates will be provided to the CEN/CENELEC Governing Bodies.
Note: This Guide does not apply to the appointment of elected CEN and CENELEC Officers.

  • Guide
    7 pages
    English language
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This document provides guidance on addressing research and innovation (R&I) in European standardization activities and deliverables.
Secretaries and chairpersons of CEN/CENELEC Technical Bodies as well as CEN/CENELEC national members are encouraged to actively promote the application of this document.

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    16 pages
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This Guide sets out the rules for the drafting and presentation of candidate harmonized European Standards (hENs) for construction products drafted in the framework of Regulation (EU) 305/2011 (Construction Products Regulation).
This Guide gives rules which are additional to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3 (based on ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2) when this is necessary because of the special provisions of harmonized product standards in the construction sector.
This Guide applies to all new candidate hENs and for new Work Items (WIs) revising/amending existent hENs.

  • Guide
    14 pages
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CEN and CENELEC have had an intellectual property rights (IPR) policy for many years under the provision of the CEN-CENELEC Guide 8 "Standardization and intellectual property rights (IPR)"; the purpose of these common guidelines is to provide in simple words practical guidance to the participants in their technical bodies in case patent or other intellectual property rights matters arise.
For the sake of clarity this document refers to "patents", as most - but not all - IPR issues that CEN and CENELEC technical bodies have to deal with concern patent rights. However, the same implementation principles shall apply to other statutory intellectual property rights based on inventions that may arise, such as utility models or registered semiconductor topographies (see Clause  2, Terms and definitions).
Considering that technical experts are not normally familiar with the complex issue of patent law, the Common Patent Policy for ISO/IEC/ITU endorsed by CEN and CENELEC (hereafter referred to as the "Patent Policy") was drafted in its operative part as a checklist covering the three different cases which may arise if a deliverable requires licences for patents to be practiced or implemented, fully or partly.
These Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Policy on Patents for CEN and CENELEC (hereafter referred to as the "Guidelines") are intended to complement, clarify and facilitate the implementation of the Patent Policy, a copy of which can be found in Annex 1 and also on the websites of both organisations.
The CEN and CENELEC Patent Policy requests stakeholders participating in technical Committees, and in particular patent holders, to proceed to early disclosures and identification of patents that may be considered, at the best of their knowledge, to be essential for the future use of the deliverables under development. In doing so, greater efficiency in standards development is possible and potential patent rights problems can be avoided.
CEN and CENELEC are not involved in evaluating patent relevance or essentiality with regard to deliverables, nor to interfere with licensing negotiations, or engage in settling disputes on patents. This is left to the parties concerned.

  • Guide
    16 pages
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This Guide provides standardization committees with the information necessary to develop product information requirements in as uniform and complete manner as possible. It concentrates on safety information, but also contains other kinds of information.
Some European Directives have specific requirements for product information relating to consumer safety or the safety of employees. Compliance with this Guide may not meet these requirements.
This Guide can be consulted where:
   products are not (yet) covered by standards and/or codes of good practice;
   products are covered by standards without product information requirements;
   more in-depth guidance on product information is sought.

  • Guide
    23 pages
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In May 2017, this Guide was updated to include the specific rights given by CEN and CENELEC to Societal “Partner” Organizations representing consumers and environmental and social interests in European standardization activities, and which are covered by Annex III of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European standardization. In November 2021, this Guide was further updated following recommendations from the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards and the CEN and CENELEC Advisory groups to the Boards on Policy matters, as well as to align with the CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030 goals, to further clarify the criteria defining the different categories of cooperation and overall wording of the concepts. This is a step towards strengthening the participation of European stakeholders for an inclusive European Standardization System.

  • Guide
    18 pages
    English language
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This CEN-CENELEC Guide provides mechanisms and details the characteristics and development process of the CEN/CENELEC deliverable known as the 'CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement'.

  • Guide
    24 pages
    English language
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This document provides the guidelines of CEN and CENELEC’s policy towards building partnerships with
European organizations, associations and other recognized stakeholders who have an interest in European
standardization and are willing and able to provide added-value knowledge and to actively contribute with
inputs and proposals to CEN and/or CENELEC corporate and technical bodies

  • Guide
    18 pages
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This Guide sets out the policy for the copyright, dissemination and sale of CEN-CENELEC Publications at all stages of their development, together with their national implementations and national products containing them, in all formats, distributed by all media and in all language versions in all territories.
This Guide establishes practices in line with competition law and with the World Trade Organization (WTO) criteria regarding dissemination of adopted standards under the openness criterion and the criterion on effectiveness and relevance in terms of availability to users.
This Guide replaces CEN-CENELEC Guide 10:2015.

  • Guide
    21 pages
    English language
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This Guide complements, and should be read in conjunction with, the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC included in CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations Part 1 (IR1), Part 1D).
This Guide supersedes CEN-CENELEC Guide 22:2015 in line with the decisions of the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies taken in June 2017 to review the organizational structure and processes for the assessment of the membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC.
This Guide aims to illustrate the organizational model implementing the management of the exercises of peer assessment or self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification of the membership criteria laid down in IR1, Part 1D, as well as their reports and follow-up of actions.
The agreed organizational model aims at building trust and accountability of the CEN-CENELEC system, while ensuring efficient and effective management. Indeed, the implementation of such an assessment system replies to the ambitious goal of “excellence” embedded in the provisions of the membership criteria.
The assessment exercises are handled under the supervision of a recognized super partes body, and independent Chair and by competent assessors, be they independent from the member assessed (e.g. in case of peer assessment) or within the same member (self-assessment combined with EN ISO 9001 certification).
The blend of competence and independence of judgment of the Chair and assessors and the effective and efficient processes of follow-up actions will ensure the integrity of the CEN-CENELEC assessment system and the recognition of those CEN and CENELEC stakeholders closely linked to, and benefiting from, standardization.

  • Guide
    66 pages
    English language
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    1 day