ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009
(Main)Information technology — Accessibility considerations for people with disabilities — Part 3: Guidance on user needs mapping
Information technology — Accessibility considerations for people with disabilities — Part 3: Guidance on user needs mapping
ISO/IEC TR 29136-3:2009 provides guidance on the mapping of the set of user needs with the provisions of a particular standard, technical report, or set of guidelines. It provides both basic guidance that should be used for all user needs mapping and optional guidance that may be added to the basic guidance. User needs mapping is a voluntary activity intended to help improve accessibility for all users and in particular for users with special needs that might otherwise be overlooked. User needs mapping is not intended to be used to evaluate, certify, or otherwise judge a given standard or set of guidelines.
Technologies de l'information — Considérations d'accessibilité pour les personnes infirmes — Partie 3: Guidage sur le mappage des besoins de l'usager
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information technology — Accessibility
considerations for people with
disabilities —
Part 3:
Guidance on user needs mapping
Technologies de l'information — Considérations d'accessibilité pour les
personnes infirmes —
Partie 3: Guidage sur le mappage des besoins de l'usager
Reference number
ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009(E)
ISO/IEC 2009
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ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009(E)
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ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 Benefits of user needs mapping.1
3 Normative references.2
4 On-line references.2
5 Terms and definitions .2
6 User needs mapping overview.3
6.1 Persons performing user needs mapping .3
6.2 Steps in performing user needs mapping .3
6.3 Contents of a user needs mapping .3
7 Structure and contents of a user needs mapping template.3
8 Mapping individual requirements and recommendations .4
9 Cross-referencing the mapping (optional).5
9.1 The role of cross-referencing.5
9.2 Preparing a mapping for creating a cross-reference.5
9.3 Creating a cross-reference.5
9.4 Checking the cross-reference.6
9.5 Using the cross-reference in a standard.6
10 Reporting the mapping results .6
10.1 Reporting results to standards developers.6
10.2 Reporting results to ISO/IEC SWG-A (optional) .6
10.3 Reporting results to the general public .7
11 Combining the results of multiple mappings .7
Annex A (informative) Optional enhancements.8
A.1 Optional columns in the user needs mapping template .8
A.2 Optionally recording new types of specific user need.9
Annex B (informative) Sample user needs mapping template .10
Annex C (informative) Developers of this part of ISO/IEC TR 29138 .21
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ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, the joint technical committee may propose the publication of a Technical Report
of one of the following types:
⎯ type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International Standard,
despite repeated efforts;
⎯ type 2, when the subject is still under technical development or where for any other reason there is the
future but not immediate possibility of an agreement on an International Standard;
⎯ type 3, when the joint technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that which is
normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example).
Technical Reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publication, to decide whether
they can be transformed into International Standards. Technical Reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to
be reviewed until the data they provide are considered to be no longer valid or useful.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC TR 29138-3, which is a Technical Report of type 3, was prepared by Joint Technical Committee
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology.
ISO/IEC TR 29138 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology —
Accessibility considerations for people with disabilities:
⎯ Part 1: User needs summary
⎯ Part 2: Standards inventory
⎯ Part 3: Guidance on user needs mapping
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The user needs summary can be mapped to existing and developing standards to identify which user needs
the standard provides guidance for meeting. Mappings can help standards developers to consider the
potential for addressing particular needs in their standards. Mappings can be included as informative annexes
within standards to help developers to find guidance addressing particular user needs within the standard.
Compilations of mappings can help developers to identify standards containing guidance addressing particular
user needs.
Some standards cover limited domains and in such cases some user needs will not apply. For example, visual
accessibility needs are generally not relevant to standards addressing the ability to exert force.
Standardization organizations can selectively use the user needs summary for their own purposes.
JTC1 encourages standardization organizations to utilize the user needs summary in a variety of ways,
including developing and improving the coverage of accessibility issues in their ICT standards. JTC1 SWG-A
would appreciate feedback from standardization organizations on how they have used the user needs
summary, their findings in general and new work initiated as a result.
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Information technology — Accessibility considerations for
people with disabilities —
Part 3:
Guidance on user needs mapping
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC TR 29136 provides guidance on the mapping of the set of user needs with the provisions
of a particular standard, technical report, or set of guidelines. It provides both basic guidance that should be
used for all user needs mapping and optional guidance that may be added to the basic guidance.
User needs mapping is a voluntary activity intended to help improve accessibility for all users and in particular
for users with special needs that might otherwise be overlooked. User needs mapping is not intended to be
used to evaluate, certify, or otherwise judge a given standard or set of guidelines.
2 Benefits of user needs mapping
User needs mapping benefits standards developers and developers of style guides by:
⎯ alerting them to the range of accessibility-related user needs,
⎯ helping them to identify the accessibility-related user needs that their standards deal with,
⎯ helping them to identify standards materials that address particular needs, where mappings exist for
these other standards,
⎯ helping them to identify where additional guidance might be added to their standards to deal with further
accessibility-related user needs.
User needs mapping benefits end users by encouraging that their needs will be considered by standards (and
similar documents) and the developers products and services who apply these standards (and similar
User needs mappings to standards can also benefit policy makers and accessibility advocates by helping
them to identify standards materials that address particular needs.
User needs mapping benefits ISO/IEC JTC1 by providing information on the accessibility related provisions of
different standards. This information can be used:
⎯ to provide information on the set of existing standards that deal with various accessibility concerns,
⎯ to identify the potential for new standards to deal with additional accessibility concerns.
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ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009(E)
3 Normative references
ISO/IEC TR 29138-1, Information technology — Accessibility considerations for people with disabilities —
User needs summary
4 On-line references
The latest version of the user needs summary and the user needs mapping template can be obtained from the
ISO/IEC JTC1 / SWG-A website at
5 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
requirement or recommendation within a standard or other document that is being mapped to the set of user
identifiable portion of a standard or other document that contains some specific guidance
expression in the content of a document conveying that among several possibilities one is recommended as
particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but
not necessarily required, or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is deprecated
but not prohibited
[ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2004, Definition 3.12.2]
expression in the content of a document conveying criteria to be fulfilled if compliance with the document is to
be claimed and from which no deviation is permitted
[ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2004, Definition 3.12.1]
identifiable document that contains some specific guidance
NOTE In the context of this part of ISO/IEC TR 29138, standards include: all ISO and ISO/IEC standards, technical
reports, publicly available specifications and all documents of other organizations that have a similar function to these ISO
and ISO/IEC documents.
specific user need
individual entry from the user needs summary
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ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009(E)
6 User needs mapping overview
6.1 Persons performing user needs mapping
While user needs mapping can be performed by anyone, it is preferable that it be performed by someone with
considerable expertise in the standard being mapped.
6.2 Steps in performing user needs mapping
User needs mapping involves three steps:
a) Mapping individual requirements and recommendations.
b) Cross-referencing the mapping (optional).
c) Reporting the mapping results.
6.3 Contents of a user needs mapping
User needs mapping should be recorded using spreadsheet containing a user needs mapping template that is
based on the latest version of the user needs summary.
NOTE The use of spreadsheet makes the various steps of user needs mapping easier to do and makes the results
easier to combine with other user needs mappings.
7 Structure and contents of a user needs mapping template
Annex B contains a copy of the user needs mapping template that was current on 2008-07-03.
The latest version of the user needs mapping template can be obtained from the ISO/IEC JTC1 / SWG-A
Website at
The user needs mapping template contains a row of headings followed by multiple rows documenting:
⎯ User needs categories,
NOTE Categories are primarily used as headings to organize groups of user needs.
⎯ Specific user needs.
NOTE Mapping is primarily done on specific user needs (as discussed in the following clauses).
The following columns are used for all user needs mappings:
a) Column A: Standard
⎯ All cells in this column contain the name of the standard being mapped.
NOTE This supports the combination of multiple user needs mappings.
b) Column B: Category
⎯ Cells in this column contain the category number from the “Category” column in the user needs
NOTE This supports sorting the user needs mappings.
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c) Column C: Need id
⎯ Cells in this column contain:
⎯ for rows containing user needs categories: the value “0”,
⎯ for rows containing specific user needs: the need id number from the “User Needs” column in
the user needs summary.
NOTE This supports sorting the user needs mappings.
d) Column D: User needs (SOME NEED…)
⎯ Cells in this column contain:
⎯ for rows acting as user needs categories: the category description from the user needs summary,
⎯ for rows containing specific user needs: the descriptions of user needs (from the user needs
summary) for rows identifying specific user needs.
e) Column E: Maps to (location in standard)
⎯ Cells in this column contain:
⎯ for rows acting as user needs categories: this value can be left blank,
NOTE The procedures for mapping (discussed below) suggest optional uses for these cells.
⎯ for rows containing specific user needs: an identifier of locations in the standard that provide
guidance intended to meet that need (e.g. 6.3.2).
⎯ If the guidance that maps is within a paragraph or set of paragraphs, the contents of column
E can explicitly identify the location of the guidance (e.g. 6.3.2 Paragraph 2 Sentence 3).
⎯ If the guidance that maps is within a note or example, the contents of column E can
explicitly identify the note or example (e.g. 6.3.2 Note 2).
Columns F – H contain additional optional columns that can be left blank. Information regarding these
additional optional columns (which are available for use in the user needs mapping template) is provided in
Annex A.1.
8 Mapping individual requirements and recommendations
The user needs mapping of each standard starts with a fresh copy of the user needs mapping template.
Mapping identifies guidelines in a standard that relate to a specific user need.
NOTE User needs categories are not normally mapped.
Mapping can be performed by dealing with each specific user need, one need at a time, in the order that user
needs occur in the user needs mapping template.
⎯ For each specific user need, identify all guidelines in the standard that address the specific user need.
⎯ Record the location of each identified guideline in the user needs mapping, (as discussed in Clause 6
for Column E: Maps to (location in standard)),
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⎯ (Optionally) you can also record the level of the mapping of the guidance (as discussed in Annex A
for Column F: Mapping level),
⎯ (Optionally) you can also record the guidance or a summary of the guidance (as discussed in
Annex A for Column G: Guidance in standard).
⎯ (Optionally) if multiple guidelines are intended to be used together to meet a single Specific User Need
this can be indicated in Column H (as discussed in Annex A for Column H: Comments).
⎯ (Optionally) other types of comments can also be placed in Column H: Comments (as discussed in
Annex A for Column H: Comments).
⎯ (Optionally) if no guidelines were identified in this mapping, it is recommended that you record the lack of
any guideline (as discussed in Annex A for Column F: Mapping level).
9 Cross-referencing the mapping (optional)
9.1 The role of cross-referencing
A user needs mapping cross-reference is a special case of a user needs mapping that is sorted based on
locations within a standard rather than sorted based on the user needs categories and need Id’s.
User needs mapping will provide a good picture of which user needs the standard addresses. However, it can
be useful to cross check the mapping and to be able to point users of the standard from guideline to the
Specific User Needs that they support.
This clause provides guidance on how cross-referencing can be performed and used.
9.2 Preparing a mapping for creating a cross-reference
Cross-referencing involves a maximum of 1 mapping per row in the spreadsheet. If there are multiple
guidelines that map to a particular detailed user need, use separate rows for each mapping by:
a) Inserting sufficient new rows below the row containing specific user need with multiple mappings to
accommodate the additional mappings (1 new row per additional mapping),
b) Copying the contents of Columns A-D for the specific user need into each of the new rows,
c) Separating the addresses of the guidelines (contained in column E) among these rows so that there is
one address per row to map to the specific user need.
NOTE Separate rows can be used for separate mappings during the user needs mapping process, so that a user
needs mapping cross-reference can be created directly without having to do this separation.
9.3 Creating a cross-reference
To create a user needs mapping cross-reference:
a) Create and save a copy of the completed user needs mapping under a different name that identifies it as
a user needs mapping cross-reference.
b) Sort the data contained in the user needs mapping cross-reference for all rows except the headings in
row1, based on Column E: Maps to (location in standard). This will provide a mapping that is sorted in the
same order as the standard.
c) Record the results of cross-referencing in the cross-reference spreadsheet.
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9.4 Checking the cross-reference
Many standards may include a number of guidelines that are not necessarily accessibility-related. However, a
cross-reference can be used to help identify whether individual guidelines that are not already mapped, have
any relation to accessibility.
Checking a cross-reference involves going through a standard one guideline at a time and seeing whether or
not that guideline appears in the cross-reference.
For each guideline that does not appear in the cross-reference:
⎯ If the guideline is accessibility-related, then
⎯ If a specific user need can be found that it maps to, it was missed in the mapping
⎯ revise the row to indicate this mapping in the same way used for the initial user needs mapping.
⎯ If there is not an existing specific user need is identified, it may involve a new type of specific user
need. A method of optionally recording this new type of Specific User Need is contained in Annex A.2.
NOTE It is requested that any potentially new user needs be reported to ISO/IEC JTC1 / SWG-A at the address
found at for possible inclusion in new versions of the user needs summary.
⎯ If the guideline is not accessibility-related, then it can be ignored.
9.5 Using the cross-reference in a standard
The contents from columns E, B, C, and D (in this order) can provide useful information to readers of a
standard. Where desired standards developers can include this information (along with a reference to the user
needs summary) as an informative annex to their standard.
10 Reporting the mapping results
10.1 Reporting results to standards developers
It is requested that persons developing a user needs mapping for a standard provide a copy of this mapping to
the committee responsible for developing the standard. This can be done to
⎯ get their agreement that the mapping is accurate,
⎯ get input from them as to any copyright issues with information listed in Column G: Guidance in Standard,
⎯ provide them information that they might wish to use during their standards development activities,
⎯ provide them with information to use in an informative annex to cross reference their guidance to the user
needs summary.
10.2 Reporting results to ISO/IEC SWG-A (optional)
It is requested that persons mapping a standard to the user needs summary provide a copy of this mapping to
ISO/IEC JTC1 / SWG-A by e-mailing it to the Secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC1 / SWG-A at the address found at, with the accompanying information discussed below:
⎯ Contact information for the person who developed the mapping;
⎯ Identification of the activities conducted {User Needs Mapping, Cross-Referencing the Mapping};
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⎯ A statement of whether or not any information contained in Column G: Guidance in Standard needs to be
restricted in its distribution due to copyright issues;
⎯ A statement of whether or not the mapping has been approved by the committee responsible for the
development of the standard.
10.3 Reporting results to the general public
Developers of user needs mappings are free (as individuals or as organizations) to report their results to the
public in whatever manner they choose (including as cross-references associated with the standards) as long
as they:
⎯ Respect any copyrights of the owners of the standard,
⎯ Do not state or imply that the mapping was approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 / SWG-A.
11 Combining the results of multiple mappings
The structure of a user needs mapping (as described in Clause 7) readily supports the combining of multiple
user needs mappings as long as each of the mappings follows this structure.
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ISO/IEC TR 29138-3:2009(E)
Annex A
Optional enhancements
A.1 Optional columns in the user needs mapping template
The following (optional) columns provided in the user needs mapping template can be used to record
additional helpful information within user needs mappings:
a) Column F: Mapping level
⎯ It is recognized that there may be differences in the level of generalization or specificity of guidance
and the user needs to which they map.
⎯ It is recommended that the following keywords be placed as the contents of column E
⎯ The keyword “MAPS” denotes a direct mapping, where the guidance is approximately at the
same level as the stated user need.
⎯ The keyword "MORE" denotes a related mapping, where the guidance is more detailed than the
stated user need and/or that it may only meet part of the need.
⎯ The keyword "LESS" denotes a related mapping, where the guidance is more general than the
stated user need and/or that users of the guidance may not necessarily recognize the particulars
of the need from the guidance.
⎯ The keyword "NONE" denotes a lack of any mapping. It can be added, after attempting to find
mappings, to indicated that no mapping has been found.
⎯ Additional keyword to denote a need that is outside the scope of a standard.
⎯ The keyword "N/A" can be used instead of "NONE" to denote that the specific user need is
explicitly outside the scope of the standard. This symbol is for very limited use and is most
appropriate for use in situations where this exclusion is supported by the wording of the scope of
the standard and where this wording is then noted or summarized in Column G.
b) Column G: Guidance in standard
⎯ It is useful to be able to have an understanding of the guidance that is being mapped. However,
publicly disseminated user needs summaries should not circumvent legitimate copyright interests in
the standard being mapped.
⎯ Even where copyright is involved, guidance from the standard could be used for private working
drafts during the mapping exercise, and then removed prior to distributing copies of the mapping.
⎯ For copies of the user needs summary that are distributed:
⎯ If copyright is not involved, the actual guidance can be placed in column C.
⎯ If copyright is involved, it is possible that a brief summary phrase (or an available heading) can
describe the guidance without violating copyright.
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c) Column H: Comments
⎯ Additional comments can be placed in this column.
⎯ Where multiple clauses need to be used together to meet a particular user need, a comment could
contain the set of clause numbers that are used together fully meets the need.
⎯ If you have comments about a specific user need in the user needs matrix, please include these
comments here. Examples of comments include:
⎯ When the wording of a need is not clear,
⎯ If the need is more specific than the level of typical guidance.
A.2 Optionally recording new types of specific user need
If a new type of specific user need has been identified, this identification is made known in a new entry in the
user needs mapping cross-reference in Section 99 “Newly identified user needs (if any)” that has the following
⎯ the name of the standard the same as other entries in Column A: Standard
⎯ “99” to indicate that this is a guideline that does not map to currently identified user needs in Column B:
⎯ sequentially allocated numbers starting at 1 (to identify this as involving a detailed need as opposed to a
category) in Column C: Need id
⎯ a suggested wording of the user need you have identified in Column D: User Needs (SOME NEED…)
⎯ the identification of the location of the guideline within the standard in Column E: Maps to (Location in
⎯ (optionally) the level of mapping in Column F: Mapping
⎯ (not optional in this situation) the guidance that has identif
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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