Reference atmospheres for aerospace use — Addendum 1: Wind supplement

Atmosphères de référence pour l'application aérospatiale — Additif 1: Supplément "Vent"

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ISO 5878:1982/Add 1:1983 - Wind supplement
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ISO 5878:1982/Add 1:1983 - Supplément "Vent"
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ISO 5878:1982/Add 1:1983 - Supplément "Vent"
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Published 1983-02-15
Reference atmospheres
ADDENDUM 1 : Wind supplement
Addendum 1 to International Standard IS0 5878 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, and
was circulated to the member bodies in March 1979.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Austria India Romania
Belgium Italy South Africa, Rep. of
Japan Spain
Canada Korea, Rep. of Turkey
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya United Kingdom
France Mexico USA
Germany, F. R. Netherlands USSR
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
UDC 551.55 Ref. no. : IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Descriptors : aerodynamics, atmospheres, standard atmosphere, winds, characteristics, computation, meteorological data.
0 International Organization for Standardization, 1983 l
Printed in Switzerland Price based on 58 pages

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IS0 5878-1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
0 Introduction. . 3
1 Scope and field of application . 3
2 Methodological aspects and analysis of the data. . 3
3 Windmodels . 4
4 Calculation of wind characteristics by use of the circular normal distribution
....................................... 5
Tableslto5 .
Figureslto8 .
Bibliography.” .

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IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Reference atmospheres
ADDENDUM 1 : Wind supplement
0 Introduction It seems reasonable, therefore, the present wind data, aver-
aged over major regions, in the form of this addendum to
A specification summarizing the characteristics of the wind is IS0 5878.
required for many practical problems, such as aircraft design,
the planning and operation of air routes and airfields, estimates
of the global transport of atmospheric contaminants, etc., in
1 Scope and field of application
which the wind is one of the primary factors.
The addendum presents data on spatial distribution of wind
Air motions in the atmosphere occur as a result of phenomena
characteristics, for use in estimating the performance of aircraft
related to air temperature and atmospheric pressure, the nature
in the design stage or of aircraft already in service, for planning
of the surface over which the air is moving, the rotation of the
air routes and for estimating the global transport of atmospheric
earth, etc. Such a complex relationship leads to large wind
variations in time and space, including the seasonal variation of
the general circulation of the atmosphere and the formation of
disturbances on a wide range of scales from that of cyclones
and anticyclones to that of small-scale turbulence.
2 Meth odological asp ects and analysis of
the data
The observed features of the wind d istribution in the meridional
plane are as follows :
The tables and graphs given are based on a comprehensive
study and statistical analysis of wind data for the earth ’s sur-
a) a predominantly easterly component in the airflow of
face and eight isobaric surfaces over the northern hemisphere.
the lower and middle troposphere of tropical latitudes, and
in the whole of the atmosphere in equatorial latitudes;
The analysis is based on a large and uniform statistical sample,
the major part of which has been published[3# 41. About two
million observations from 369 serological stations for the nine-
b) the existence of systematic meridional components in
year period 1957 to 1965 were processed. In addition, statistical
the zone 0 to 30° N - a northerly component in the lower
data from 50 further stations[5, 61 were included in the analyses.
troposphere and a southerly component in the middle
Other work& 21 were also used.
The following maps were compi led on the
basis of the average
c) a predominantly westerly flow in sub-tropical latitudes
monthly wind characteristics at the main i sobaric surfaces :
(30 to 400); the wind speed increases sharply with altitude,
reaching a maximum at altitudes of 10 to 13 km in the sub-
a) mean scalar wind speed, vS;
tropical jet stream;
b) mean zonal component
d) in temperate latitudes (40 to 600), a generally westerly (zonal component of the vector
flow having a wave-like form; jet streams with axes at mean wind), TX;
altitudes of about 8 to 9 km are associated with systems of
mobile cyclones and are therefore more variable than the
mean meridional co lmponen
cl t( meridional component of
sub-tropical jet stream and much of the detail of their
the vector mean wind),
structure and location is lost in the averaging process;
d) standard deviation of the zonal component of the wind,
e) in the stratosphere, the air flow is characterized by a
CT l
seasonal of monsoon-type of direction change; to the north
of 30’ N, westerly winds occur in winter, changing to
deviation of the meridional of the
e) standa rd component
easterly in summer, with negative wind shears (wind speed
wind, a,.
decreasing with height) prevailing in the altitude range 9 to
20 km; to the north of 60 to 65O N, abrupt positive wind
The seasonal changes of the wind characteristics at the dif-
shears prevail in winter, and there is a strong westerly jet
ferent isobaric surfaces and the effects of topography and sur-
stream in the polar stratosphere.
face roughness were taken into account in the analysis of the
maps and in drawing isotachs.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and several
countries have published detailed tables and atlases of the wind
The information read off at the grid points at intervals of loo of
characteristics[JJ 2, 71, and these can be used to provide infor-
longitude and loo of latitude for the earth ’s surface and for the
mation in the form required for a given purpose. However, it
850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50 and 30 mbar isobaric surfaces
would probably be wrong to expect the specialist user, who
served as a basis for the calculation of the average wind
may not be a meteorologist, to extract the required information
characteristics within each of the latitude zones.
from the huge store of climatological material available.

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IS0 5878-1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Thus the mean value for a zone, 4) polar zone, 60 80° N (zone of the polar-night
7, of a characteristic is given
uation :
by the eq stratospheric weste jet stream of winter);
- -
,=1g vi
5) meridional cross-section along 140’ E : this iilustra-
. . .
tes the circulation near the east Asian coastline of the
f- I
Pacific Ocean, where the sub-tropical jet stream reaches
and the corresponding standard deviation, cr, by
its maximum intensity;
6) meridional cross-section along 80° E : this illustrates
1 n 1 fl -
ox -
0; + - (Vi- V)2 . . . the circulation over the Siberian anticyclone in winter,
c c
n M
J the jet streams over Tibet, the monsoon circulation over
i= 1 i= 1
India and the easterly jet stream over the northern parts
of the Indian Ocean;
is the mon thly mean value of the characteristic at the
5 7) meridional cross-section along 20’ E : the meridian
i-th grid point;
crosses eastern Europe and central Africa, and the cross-
section is characteristic of the area of cyclonic activity
is the standard deviation at the i-th grid point;
over Europe and the Vlediterranean and of the sub-
tropical jet stream over northern Africa;
n is the number of grid points within the region of averag-
ing; for each latitude circle, n = 36.
8) meridional cross-section along 80’ W : the meridian
crosses the eastern regions of North America and the
For each isobaric surface the mean values of the zonal and
Caribbean Sea, and the profile illustrates the jet streams
meridional components of the wind and the values of the scalar
over the western Atlantic.
mean wind speed were calculated from equation (l), and the
standard deviations of the components from equation (2). Then
each of the wind characteristics was plotted as a function of
The values of the quantities describing the wind fields, ob-
the geopotential altitude H, using the mean value of H for each
tained for the altitude range 0 to 25 km from actual observa-
isobaric surface. The values interpolated from these plots for
tions and by estimation using the circular normal distribution,
the required values of H were used in constructing the tables.
are presented for the above models for January and July.
The following quantities were obtained from the actual obser-
3 Wind models
vations :
Taking into account the features of the atmospheric circulation
of the wind, Vx, and mean
mean zonal component
over the northern hemisphere, namely the presence of long
meridional component of the wind, Vy;
waves within certain latitude zones and the existence of jet
streams in certain locations, the wind fields may be represented
nitude of t he vector mean
by the following models :
the vector mean wind, 0;
a) For latitude zones; in addition, within each latitude zone
data derived from actual observations are given for two
standard deviation of the vector mean wind, a,;
selected stations, one with very strong winds and the other
with very light winds (tables 1, 2, 3; figures 1 to 4).
maximum wind speed observed once in ten years, vmaX.
b) For meridional cross-sections (tables 4, 5; figures 5 to 8)
supplement the models and illustrate the global circulation
The speeds equalled or exceeded on 1, 10,20,80, 90 and 99 %
over the northern hemisphere.
of occasions were calculated using the circular normal distribu-
tion. The scalar mean wind speed, Vsf for each zone was both
Specifically, models are presented for the following
obtained from the actual observations, Vs,, and calculated
zones and meridians :
using the law of circular normal distribution, Vssc.
1) tropical zone, 0 - 20’ N (zone of the trade-wind cir-
For four meridional sections the mean speed & is given only
culation and easterly jet streams in the near-equatorial
based on actual observations
- &a”
upper troposphere and stratosphere);
2) sub-tropical zone, 20 - 40° N (region of the strong 4 Calculation of wind characteristics by use
westerly sub-tropical jet stream (at altitudes of 10 to
of the circular normal distribution
13 km);
Wind is a vector. In a sample of a large number of winds
observed over a long period of time, each individual vector is a
3) temperate zone, 40 - 60° N (zone of strong cyc-
Ionic activity horizontal turbulent stochastic, or random, value, and for estimating wind distribu-
and maximum
exchange); tions, probability theory may be used. For the calculation of the

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IS0 587891982/Add.l-1983 (E)
characteristics for latitude zones above ZOO N , where l/y does
characteristics, the circular normal distribution may be used,
not exceed 6 % of TX, and the absolute value is+not more
the probability density, f(v), being given by the equation : than
1 m/s, it is assumed that vY = 0, so that vr = This
Iv,1 = I v,L
distribution for zones 20
allows the basi c parameters of the
2 v v, -
=-e-iv*+ Ff)/Of x 1
V . . .
(31 60° and 60 - 80° N to be determined by Vx and
f( ) 0 4o ”, 40 -
r r
i I
where :
The values of wind speed which are likely to be equalled or
exceeded on 1, 10, 20, 80, 90 and 99 % of occasions may be
is the wind speed; estimated from equation (3). The expected scalar mean speed,
vS, is given by equation (4) (mathematical expectation) :
is the magnitude of the vector mean wind;
is the standard deviation of the vector mean wind; -
v = . . .
f(v) Vdv (4)
is the zero-order Bessel function of imaginary argu-
The analysis of the scalar mean speed derived from observa-
The circular normal distribution law may be regarded as valid
tions, and calculated from the circular normal distribution for
for the four latitude zones, since ax a, = a,/ &, taking into
each zone confirms that the circular normal distribution may be
account that or = d-1 with an accuracy acceptable for used to calculate the values of wind speed with an accuracy
most practical purposes. In addition, for calculating the mean sufficient for most practical purposes.

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IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second
- 20° N, January
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude k( - - 1 % 10 % 20 %
r r
v, sa max SC
low high low high high
- -- - - - - -
0 -2,9 -I,6
5,5 3,O 3J
1 - 3,9 -1,2 l4,7 II,0
76 59 60 LO 3,O 3,O %Q
2 -2,7 -0,7 15,2 IO,7
72 64 62 LO 3,O 3,O w3
3 -I,6 -0,3 60 16,0 ll,o
72 78 6,3 ItO 3,O 3,O w
4 59 17,0 II,6
-0,7 -0,2 I,0 3,3 %7
77 77 70 23
5 -0,l 59 18,5 12,7 IO,8
02 8,5 8,5 76 LO 3,Q 3,5
6 -0,l 61 20,7 l4,3 12,2
12 W 99 83 LO 3,O 4,3
7 IO,9 10,5 67 23,5 16,4 13,8
23 Q,Q 9 ‘7 3rd 3,4 5,O
8 12,3 II,6 76 ll,o 26,5 18,8 15,8
43 02 L7 44 62
l3,7 12,7 12,6 21,7 18,0
9 or4 80 2,o 30,3
68 43 79
10 15,4 l3,7 78 14,3 34,5 25,0 20,8
83 I,0 2,Q 5,5 8,5
11 IO,5 17,2 14,9 73 15,9 38,2 27,5 23,2
22 LO 6,5 99
12 II,5 18,8 15,9 70 16,9 40,5 29,5 25,8
23 LO 7,Q 93
13 II,2 18,6 15,7 73 16,5 40,2 28,7 25,0
23 -L7 615 99
14 16,9 14,5 85 15,0 37,7 26,0
2,3 L4 5,7 8,3 22,5
15,l 13,4 94 l3,7 34,0 23,5 20,3
15 12 5,O 713
8,O 13
16 13,6 12,4 100 12,2 LO 29,8 21,2 18,0
61 03 43 6,5
17 12,l 11,5 96 10,9 25,6 19,0 16,0
4,6 Q/J LO 4,Q 59
IO,8 IO,8 82 10,o 23,2 17,4 14,3
18 Or3 LO 3,6 5,5
IO,1 16,2 13,0
19 02 9,7 65 93 LO zo 3,4 5,2
l5,4 12,3
20 54 21,3
OJ QJ 8,7 g/7 8,7 LO 3,2 5,O
-0,4 48 21,0 l5,O 12,0
21 Q,Q $9 34 815 14 3,O 5,Q
22 -I,3 -0,l 44 21,0 15,2
8,6 9,4 88 LO 3,O 5,O
-0,2 42 21,5 15,6 12,6
23 -2,l 92 %7 8,7 LO 3,O 5,O
IO,3 39 -l6,3 13,3
24 -2,9 -0,2 93 93 LO 22,3 310 5,O
11,4 38 10,7 23,3 17,0 14,2
25 -3,5 -0,2 IO,9 LO 3,O 5,O

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IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 E)
- Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
Table 1
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (continued)
O- ZOO N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, - 1% 10 % 20 %
r r
km v, V,a max v,C
low high low high low high
- - - - - - -
0 - 0,6
02 5,2 3,4 3,Q
- I,4 15,8 12,0 10,o
1 013 7,8 70 614 IQ 2,3 4,O
2 - 2,2 68 LO 16,4 2,5 12,0 4,O 10,o
02 79 7,4
3 - 2,8 -0,l 60 LO 16,8 12,0 10,o
8,O 76 72 3,O 4,O
4 - 3,2 61 17,5 l2,7 IO,2
or0 719 716 79 LO 3,O 4,O
5 - 3,6 61 18,3 13,3 10,5
QJ 73 79 7,3 LO 3,O 4,O
19,0 14,0 ll,o
6 - 3,9 02 718 74 60 7,4 LO 4,O
7 - 4,l 58 19,5 14,l 11,2
02 8,Q 7,6 7,5 LO 3,O 4,O
8 - 4,3 58 20,o II,7
02 8,3 79 f3J LO 3,Q 4,2
9 - 4,4 59 20,5 14,5 12,5
QJ 83 8,4 8,4 ItO 3,Q 43
- 4,5 -0,l 10,2 61 15,8 14,0
10 99 92 LO a0 32 5,2
11 - 4,8 -0,5 12,4 12,4 65 11,8 26,8 19,0 17,0
LQ 3,4 60
13,6 14,0 69 13,4 31,2 19,5
12 - 5,4 -0,8 I,1 4,7 22,3 6,7
14,2 23,5
13 - 6,5 -0,7 13,8 14,3 73 33,0 5,4 7,4 20,2
24,0 20,l
14 - 7,6 -0,3 l3,7 14,0 76 l3,7 1,4 33,5
5,7 7,8
15 - 8,8 13,6 13,5 79 15,0 33,5 24,0 20,o
o,o 13 60 88
16 13,4 12,8 80 15,5 33,2 24,0 20,o
- 9,9 02 13 6,O 82
13,2 11,9 78 16,3 32,5 23,8 20,o
17 -IO,8 Q,3 ZQ 62 82
31,5 23,4
18 -II,6 14,0 10,8 70 15,4 20,o
Or3 2,3 6,5 8,5
14,2 30,7
19 -12,3 14,8 10,o 61 70 23,0 20,3
62 2 ‘5 %O
20 -13,l 15,7 53 l3,7 30,o 20,6
02 93 23 73 W3 93
-14,l l6,7 51 13,8 30,5 23,5 10,5 21,3
21 02 99 3J 82
-15,2 17,9 51 l4,7 32,4 25,0 11,3
22 0,3 93 3,5 83 a7
19,2 10,5 63 16,0 27,0 12,2 24,3
23 -16,5 3,8 3 ‘7 93
11,l l7,4 37,3 IO,0 29,0 13,0 27,3
24 -17,8 20,5 70 4,O
77 l8,7 IO,7 31,5 14,0 28,3
25 - 19,2 21,9 11,9 4,5 Jo,2

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IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (cohwed)
20 - 40° N, January
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, - - -
1 % 10 % 20 %
T- “r
km I/x sa max SC
low high low high low high
- - - -
- - -
0 14 6,4 5J
20,o 15,0 11,7
1 LQ 2,5
118 8,5 34 8,5 4,5
2 10,o IO,4 10,3 24,4 3,5 l7,5 14,5
4,7 l/Q 5,5
3 11,8 l1,5 70 12,6 29,2 20,8 l7,5
88 LQ 4,5 6,7
4 10,5 14,2 13,l 72 15,8 34,0 24,5 21,0
I,3 60 8,1
17,0 15,0 76 l7,3 39,5 28,8 25,0
5 13,2 13 7,Q 93
16,0 20,6 17,0 84 21,8 46,0 33,7 12,0 29,5
6 8 ‘5
7 18,8 24,2 19,2 102 24,7 53,5 IO,2 39,5 l4,7 35,0
8 21,5 27,0 21,3 124 28,l 62,5 12,2 47,0 17,5 41,0
9 24,3 29,5 140 31,6 70,o 13,8 53,8 19,7 45,5
=,7 4,4
10 26,8 31,6 23,4 142 72,5 15,0 55,7 21,0
W6 4,7 J&Q
11 28,7 33,2 23,4 132 35,6 72,2 l5,7 55,5 21,7
5,Q @w
29,7 34,0 124 36,l 70,o 16,0 47,0
12 5,Q WQ WQ
15,5 21,2
13 28,5 33,0 21,5 118 32,9 51,3
43 @Lo 447
l4,7 47 ‘7
14 26,5 31,l 19,9 112 29,6 20,o 41,6
417 58,5
15 24,3 28,4 l7,8 107 26,6 53,0 13,4 18,2 38,0
4,5 4Wf)
21,8 25,0 15,7 102 24,7 II,5 38,7 l5,7 33,5
16 43 48,3
18,l 21,o 14,0 96 21 ‘4 43,2 33,5 12,8 29,0
17 3,5 93
28,0 24,5
18 14,2 17,2 12,8 88 18,0 2,5 38,5 IO,2
19 IO,4 13,6 II,6 80 14,7 33,8 23,5 20,6
V3 5,6 8,Q
20 II,1 10,9 73 II,9 29,4 20,3
70 1,s 4,5 62
10,o IO,6 6a 10,8 26,2 18,6 l5,7
21 5,3 ‘I,0 4,Q 5,4
IO,8 65 IO,6 25,4 l8,2 15,2
22 414 98 I,0 33 5,4
11,l 62 IO,5 25,0 18,0 15,0
23 LQ 3,8 5,6
3,5 99
24 II,6 60 IO,8 25,0 18,0
23 93 18 411 61
25 12,4 60 11,3 25,0 18,3 15,0
2,3 93 14 4,5 6,7

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IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
- Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
Table 1
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (continued)
20 - 40° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
r r
altitude H, - 1% 10 % 20 %
r r
vx V,a max KC
low high low high low high
- - - - - - -
0 - 0,3
43 5,O 4,5
1 15,5 II,7
Of5 69 79 6,7 ItO 22 4,O 93
16,5 12,2 10,3
2 or9 72 718 7,1 LO 2,5 4,O
l7,7 l2,7 IO,8
3 61 1,Q 2,9 4,O
I,4 73 8,1 7,4
4 58 18,8 13,5 11,3
ZJ 60 8,4 77 18 3,Q 43
5 58 19,8 14,0 II,7
2,7 83 8,7 82 w 3,O 4,5
62 21,2 15,0 12,3
6 3,3 93 92 8,7 I,0 3J 5,O
23,5 16,8 13,7
7 IO,3 70 LO 3,5 5,4
43 93 93
11,6 IO,8 10,6 26,5 19,0 15,6
8 79 I,0 4,O 519
29 ‘7 21,3 17,6
9 13,0 12,l 87 12,2 w
63 43 6,5
10 14,3 l3,7 93 13,8 33,0 23,6
7,3 12 5,O 7,2
11 15,2 15,6 96 l5,7 36,2 25,8 21,8
718 L5 5,5 8,5
l5,7 16,5 92 16,7 38,6 27,8 23,6
12 U3 60 9s)
38,5 27,3 23,5
13 15,5 16,4 88 16,l 116 5,7 8,5
24,0 20,o
14 14,3 15,3 87 14,4 L5 34,5 5,O 7,3
12,8 14,0 89 12,8 30,3 20,7
15 3,O 12 43 60
11,8 12,4 91 II,2 26,5 18,0 14,7
16 03 I,0 4,3 5,2
- I,8 11,6 10,7 88 23,2 16,7 13,8
17 93 I,0 4,2 5,O
11,9 79 16,5 14,0
18 - 4,4 1J 22,4 43 5,5
99 83
16,7 14,4
19 - 6,7 12,4 70 83 Jr3 22,5 4,7 62
23,0 l7,2 15,0
20 - 8,8 13,0 64 13 5,2 TO
7,8 w3
24,0 18,0 16,O
21 l3,7 60
-10,5 7,5 w ZQ 6,O 8,5
19,3 l7,2
22 - 11,9 14,7 62 10,5 2,3 25,5 6,7
7,6 %Q
27,0 21,0 10,o 18,9
l5,7 65 11,l
23 -13,l 7,8 Z6 77
12,2 28,7 ll,o
24 -14,3 16,9 82 69 3,Q 83 Z6
13,l 30,5 IO,2 24,5 12,0 22,5
25 -15,4 18,2 74 3,2

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IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (continued)
40 - 60° N, January
Based on circular normal law of distribution
Actual observations
- -
altitude H, 1 % 10 % 20 %
r r
km vx sa
max v,C
low high low high low high
- - - - - -
12 62 83 82
18,5 15,2
1 10,2 11,8 IO,8 26,0
3,4 LQ 4,Q 60
2 II,5 12,7 12,5 28,8 20,5 17 ‘2
5,3 I,0 43 6,5
3 13,2 13,8 77 14,2 32,3 23,0 19,5
71 ItO 5,Q 72
4 15,l l5,4 88 16,0 36,5 26,4
W3 L5 5,7 8J 22,3
l7,2 17,2 18,0 41,5 30,4 25,5
5 IO,2 97 zo 6,7 92
19,5 47,4 34,5 IO,8 29,5
6 11,5 19,3 101 20,2 7,5
7 l2,7 21,8 21,2 102 53,0 38,0 32,5
222 23 8,3
8 14,0 23,7 23,0 101 24,l 57,5 40,8 13,5 35,o
3,Q 8,7
9 15,l 24,8 23,8 99 25,2 59,0 42,0 14,0 36,0
3,Q %I
16,2 24,5 98 24,0 57,5 41,2 14,0 35,3
10 222 3,Q 99
23,9 55,3 39,7 13,5 34,5
1-l 17,0 23,9 20,7 100 3,(9 92
38,0 l2,7
12 l7,4 23,l 19,4 99 23,9 52,7 33,5
3,O w
13 17,6 18,l 96 23,8 50,3 37,l 12,5 32,5
23 3,2 92
14 17,6 21,4 17,0 93 23,5 35,2 l2,4 31,3
3,2 J&Q 93
l7,3 20,6 16,1 91 23,4 45,7 34,0 12,3 30,l
15 3J 92
15,3 89 33,0 12,0 28,7
16 16,7 19,9 2ZJ 3,Q Q4Q %Q
14,8 20,7 43,0 32,3 II,5 27,J
17 16,0 19,4 88 2,5 85
18 15,5 19,0 14,6 89 20,l 42,5 31,8 27,0
2,3 82
19 15,0 18,9 14,9 90 19,7 42,5 31,5 ll,o 26,8
ZQ 810
20 14,6 19,0 15,5 91 17,6 42,8 32,0 II,0 27,0
2,Q 810
19,5 16,5 93 20,o 32,7 11,o 27,5
21 14,5 22 444 8,1
96 20,7 46,7 II,2 29,0
22 l4,7 20,3 l7,5 2,5 8,4 34,4
15,l 21,4 18,9 99 49,5 36,2 II,6 31,0
23 ZQ 23 W3
15,6 23,0 20,4 103 23,0 52,5 38,3 12,2 33,0
24 3,3 912
16,l 24,8 107 24,0 55,5 40,5 12,8 35,5
25 Z2 3,8 %7

---------------------- Page: 10 ----------------------
IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 EI
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (conhued)
40- 60° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, 1% 10 % 20 %
r r
km v, v,a max SC
low high low low
high high
- - - - - - -
0 W3 4,5 5,5
1 18,5 13,5 10,5
13 7,5 8,4 7,6 LO 3,O 3,6
2 19,5 14,5 11,4
2,9 f3,O 8,9 8,4 LO 310 4,2
70 20,8 15,9 12,7
3 411 8,9 9,5 9,3 Or9 3,O 5,O
4 10,o 10,2 69 10,4 23,2 17,5 14,4
5,3 03 3,7 5,7
11,4 11,l 69 11,5 26,5 19,5 16,4
5 W3
6,5 43 6,5
12,6 13,3 21,8 18,5
6 13,l 70 LO 31,5
7,8 5,O 7,3
7 15,4 14,4 73 15,0 36,7 25,0 21,2
9,O 12 53 82
8 10,5 17,5 16,2 76 16,8 41,3 28,5 24,0
1,5 60 9,3
11,5 19,0 17,9 79 18,9 45,0 31,5 10,4 26,6
9 1,9 6,5
12,7 18,8 20,6 47,0 33,8 11,5 28,5
10 20,o 82 2,O 73
11 13,6 20,3 18,8 83 21,3 zo 47,5 8,O 12,0 29,4
12 14,3 20,3 18,l 81 20,9 47,0 29,0
70 88 33
13 14,0 18,0 16,5 80 21,4 31,5 10,5 27,0
1,7 43,5 7,2
14 12,0 15,0 14,2 83 18,9 37,2 27 ‘0
1,5 6,3 f3,8 Z8
12,0 12,0 86 14,8 31,0 18,5
15 9,O 12 5,4 QO 72
10,2 89 11,o 25,5 18,5 15,5
16 1,1 43 5,8
60 9,8
21,5 16,0 13,2
17 88 8,9 LO 317 4,7
4,O 8,4 9,O
19,2 14,4 11,8
18 79 3,3
22 V 82 76 LO 4,3
19 70 17,6 13,3 10,7
OJ 72 7,6 68 LO 3,O 40
20 -1,8 63 16,8 12,5 10,l
68 72 617 LO 3,O 4,O
60 16,8 12,0 10,o
21 -3,l 72 72 14 3,O 4,O
17,5 12,5 10,7
22 -4,5 62 7,9 LO 3,l 4,3
7,2 713
18,5 13,5 11,5
23 -5,5 66 LO 3,4 43
v 7,4 8,6
19,6 14,5 12,5
24 -6,5 68 3,8 4,9
8,9 79 83 LO
15,8 14,0
-7,Z 10,4 72 21,0
25 73 83 LO 42 5,5

---------------------- Page: 11 ----------------------
IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (continue&r ’)
60 - 80° N, January
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, - - 1 % 10 % 20 %
r T-
VY sa max SC
low high low
low high high
- - - - - - -
o,o 5,3 7,3 68
1 10,3 15,5 13,8
L6 83 9,4 LO 22,5 3,O 5,O
2 10,6 11,4 10,4 24,5 17,2 14,6
2,5 LO 315 5,3
3 12,2 12,6 84 11,6 27,5 19,5 16,5
3,5 LO 42 60
4 13,8 14,3 13,5 31,4 23,0 19,0
93 19 5,O 7,O
5 15,2 16,4 100 15,5 36,0 21,6
5,7 13 5,8 718
6 16,6 18,l 102 17,0 39,8 29,0 24,0
6,3 TO 6,5 82
7 17,8 19,6 101 18,5 31,0 26,0
6,9 zo eo 68 9,4
19,0 20,5 100 19,4 45,3 32,6 27,5
8 73 zo TO 9,8
19,0 20,o 99 19,3 45,4 32,3 10,o 27,3
9 70 TO
18,7 31,0
10 17,8 98 18,5 43,5 26,0
8,7 zo 7,O 9,7
11 17,0 17,6 100 18,l 42,4 30,2 25,l
9,4 2,o 7,O 9,O
12 10,l 17,0 16,9 102 17,7 41,8 30,o 25,0
28 6,9 9,2
13 10,9 17,2 16,5 102 18,O 41,7 30,3 25,l
zo 68 9,7
14 11,9 17,8 16,3 102 18,4 41,8 30,8 10,2 25,5
2,o 6,9
12,9 18,6 16,4 101 18,7 42,5 31,5 10,6 26,5
15 210 70
19,6 16,7 l9,4 32,7 11,3 27,5
16 14,0 98 z1 713
21,0 l7,3 20,9 46,0 12,0 28,8
17 15,5 94 2,3 34,3
18 17,0 18,0 91 36,5 13,0 30,5
Z6 W2 2,5 483 83
19 18,7 24,4 19,0 90 23,8 52,4 39,0 14,0 33,0
2,7 9,5
20,5 26,4 20,3 94 25,8 56,5 10,4 42,0 15,4 36,0
20 3,O
11,3 16,5
21 28,6 99 28,8 61,3 46,0 39,2
22,5 G2 314
22 24,4 31,0 24,0 106 31,l 3,7 67,0 12,2 50,o 18,0 43,0
23 26,0 26,0 112 32,6 72,8 13,3 19,5
WO 4,1 54,5
24 27,5 37,0 28,0 119 34,0 79,4 14,3 59,5 21,0 52,0
28,8 40,4 30,o 126 35,0 86,O 15,5 65,0 57,0
25 5,O 22,s

---------------------- Page: 12 ----------------------
IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 EI
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (concluded)
60 - 80° N, July
Based on circular no rmal law of distribution
Actual obserb lations
- - 1% -rr 10 % 20 %
altitude H,
km I/x V,a Or max SC
low 1 high low high low high
4,6 - - - - _ -
0 5,0 -
02 49
. I I I I I
I I 1 -~
16,0 11,3
1 18 3,O 3,7 9,5
04 68 7,6 7,l
2 18,5 13,l 10,6
I6 7,5 8,4 7,6 18 3,O 4,5
61 21,0 15,0 12,l
3 29 W 9,3 W LO 3,l 5,O
10,5 64 23,5 17,0 14,0
4 3,O 9,5 93 LO 3,4 5,3
67 11,l 26,0 19,0 16,0
5 10,8 11,6 18 5,7
3,6 a7
6 12,3 13,7 74 12,9 28,5 21,5 6,3 18,5
4,5 LO 4,1
7 14,0 15,9 85 15,0 32,5 24,4 21,5
5,3 12 4,7 710
15,9 17,7 99 16,7 37,5 27,9 24,0
8 L6 5,3 8,O
17,l 18,6 17,6 41,0 30,o 25,0
9 109 zo 5,9 8,8
17,0 39,6 27,5 23,2
10 16,7 17,9 107 15 5 ‘7 8,4
23,6 20,2
11 14,9 15,6 96 15,2 35,5
6,5 12 5,5 7 ‘5
12 12,3 12,5 83 12,4 20,6 17,5
60 LO 4,7 6,7
13 10,3 10,5 76 10,5 25,0 18,0
5,2 13 4,O 517
71 21,5 15,5 13,0
14 4,3 8,7 8,9 8,9 LO 3,5 4,7
65 18,5 13,5 11,3
15 7,8 7,7 LO 2,7 4,O
3,4 73
15,8 11,7
16 61 LO 22 3,2 9,6
2,5 6,3 TO 618
17 59 14,l 2,o 10,4 8,5
115 5,6 6,4 5,9 LO 2,7
58 13,0 23 7,6
18 66 52 5,9 513 to zo 9,5
60 12,4
19 -0,3 5,6 V LO lt9 9,l 2,6 7J
20 -1,3 60 43 LO 1,9 9,O 2,7 6,9
43 5,3
60 12,0
21 -2,z 5,2 LO zo 9,O 3,O TO
4,8 5,2
22 -3,0 57 18 zo 9,1 310 7,4
5,l 5,O 5,3
23 -3,6 54 LO zo 9,4 3,O 7,9
5,5 5,O 5,6
24 -4,3 50 LO / zo W 3,O 8,5
61 5,O 5,9
14,5 10,o
-4,8 47 zo 3,O 9,3
25 619 511 60 18

---------------------- Page: 13 ----------------------
IS0 5878-1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 2 - Parameters of the observed wind distributions at four stations with strong winds, m/s
Vs v, max
Y-Y a,
- -
Surface - l,o -1,5
2 -1,5 48
5,7 -0,z 5,8 4,O
7,O 50
22 lt3 6,3 5,2
6 10,5 30
79 2,3 6,3 6,3
8 17,9 15,2 52
3,l 7,6 8,O
10 25,3 72 10,l
Z8 3,2 9,8
12 33,0 30,4 12,4
72 11,4
14 28,3 26,0 11,7
67 10,9
16 20,7 18,5 58 10,o
3,4 9,O
18 14,2 10,9 45
29 9,5 68
20 31
9,9 3,2 LO 9,4 5,2
22 - l,o 22
9,2 Or5 9,6 4,8
24 10,7 -2,0 20 10,3
0,5 5,8
25 11,6 -2,z -0,5 19 10,8
- - -
Surface 0,5 -3,l
2 13,4 11,2 -3,4 31
6,4 67
4 23,6 - 1,l 52
223 8,3 79
6 35,5 33,6 72 10,9
Or9 9,l
8 57,4 W6 113 13,5 12,8
w 124
10 70,o 15,5 15,2
@V 9,O
12 67,4 65,2 IO,6 99 16,6 14,3
; ‘g
o ”-
2 II
14 59,6 57,2 104 15,3 11,6
16 47,2 45,6 102 13,3
62 82
29,0 84
18 26,0 11,o
3,2 63
20 13,6 11,o 62
118 9,4 6,4
22 10,5 52 10,o
3,6 03 5,8
24 -0,8 48 11,4
9,3 or4 5,l
25 -2,4 46 12,4
910 09 4,8

---------------------- Page: 14 ----------------------
IS0 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 2 - Parameters of the observed wind distributions at four stations with strong winds, m/s (conc/&ed)
Station V
I/s v, max *X
- -
Surface -1,6
3,7 33
2 15,8 12,0 -2,l 44
8,4 9,5
4 23,3 19,5 -0,5 55 11,4
6 31,0 26,5
74 15,2 15,6
8 32,8 -0,l 89 18,8 18,5
10 42,8 -0,l 92 19,2 18,8
12 39,8 36,2 82 16,4
02 16,3
14 33,5 32,l 69
02 12,9 12,5
16 27,4 26,0
OJ 9,5 8,6

Published 1983-02-15
Reference atmospheres
ADDENDUM 1 : Wind supplement
Addendum 1 to International Standard ISO 5878 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraftandspace vehicles, and
was circulated to the member bodies in March 1979.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Austria India Romania
Belgium Italy South Africa, Rep. of
Brazil Spain
Canada Korea, Rep. of Turkey
United Kingdom
Czechoslovakia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
France Mexico USA
Germany, F. R. Netherlands USSR
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
Ref. no. : ISO 5878.1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
UDC 551.55
Descriptors : aerodynamics, atmospheres, standard atmosphere, winds, characteristics, computation, meteorological data.
@ International Organization for Standardization, 1983 0
Printed in Switzerland Price based on 58 pages

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
0 Introduction . 3
1 Scope and field of application 3
2 Methodological aspects and analysis of the data. 3
3 Windmodels . 4
4 Calculation of wind characteristics by use of the circular normal distribution . 5
Tableslto5 . 6-49
Figureslto8 . 50-57
Bibliography . 58

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO 587801982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Reference atmospheres
ADDENDUM 1 : Wind supplement
0 Introducti0n It seems reasonable, therefore, the present wind data, aver-
in the form of this addendum to
aged over major regions,
A specification summarizing the characteristics of the wind is ISO 5878.
required for many practical problems, such as aircraft design,
the planning and operation of air routes and airfields, estimates
of the global transport of atmospheric contaminants, etc., in
1 Scope and field of application
which the wind is one of the primary factors.
The addendum presents data on spatial distribution of wind
Air motions in the atmosphere occur as a result of phenomena
characteristics, for use in estimating the performance of aircraft
related to air temperature and atmospheric pressure, the nature
in the design stage or of aircraft already in service, for planning
of the surface over which the air is moving, the rotation of the
air routes and for estimating the global transport of atmospheric
earth, etc. Such a complex relationship leads to large wind
variations in time and space, including the seasonal variation of
the general circulation of the atmosphere and the formation of
disturbances on a wide range of scales from that of cyclones
and anticyclones to that of small-scale turbulence.
2 Methodological aspects and analysis of
the data
The observed features of the wind distribu tion in the meridional
plane are as follows :
The tables and graphs given are based on a comprehensive
study and statistical analysis of wind data for the earth’s sur-
a) a predominantly easterly component in the airflow of
face and eight isobaric surfaces over the northern hemisphere.
the lower and middle troposphere of tropical latitudes, and
in the whole of the atmosphere in equatorial latitudes;
The analysis is based on a large and uniform statistical sample,
the major part of which has been published[3# 41- About two
million observations from 369 aerological stations for the nine-
b) the existence of systematic meridional components in
year period 1957 to 1965 were processed. In addition, statistical
the zone 0 to 30° N - a northerly component in the lower
data from 50 further station& 61 were included in the analyses.
troposphere and a southerly component in the middle
Other works[lI 21 were also used.
The following maps were compiled on the basis of the average
c) a predominantly westerly flow in sub-tropical latitudes
monthly wind characteristics at the main isobaric surfaces :
(30 to 4OO); the wind speed increases sharply with altitude,
reaching a maximum at altitudes of 10 to 13 km in the sub-
a) mean scalar wind speed,
tropical jet stream; v,;
b) mean zona1 component component
d) in temperate latitudes (40 to 600), a generally westerly vector
mean wind), VX;
flow having a wave-like form; jet streams with axes at
altitudes of about 8 to 9 km are associated with systems of
mobile cyclones and are therefore more variable than the
mean meridional component meridional component of
sub-tropical jet stream and much of the detail of their
the vector mean wind), vY;
structure and location is lost in the averaging process;
d) standard deviation of the zona1 component of the wind,
e) in the stratosphere, the air flow is characterized by a
seasonal of monsoon-type of direction change; to the north
of 30° N, westerly winds occur in winter, changing to
e) standard deviation of the meridional component of the
easterly in summer, with negative wind shears (wind speed
wind, ay.
decreasing with height) prevailing in the altitude range 9 to
20 km; to the north of 60 to 65O N, abrupt positive wind
The seasonal changes of the wind characteristics at the dif-
shears prevail in winter, and there is a strong westerly jet
ferent isobaric surfaces and the effects of topography and sur-
stream in the polar stratosphere.
face roughness were taken into account in the analysis of the
maps and in drawing isotachs.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and several
countries have published detailed tables and atlases of the wind
The information read off at the grid points at intervals of 10° of
characteristics[lI 2, 71, and these cari be used to provide infor-
mation in the form required for a given purpose. However, it longitude and 10° of latitude for the earth’s surface and for the
850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50 and 30 mbar isobaric surfaces
would probably be wrong to expect the specialist user, who
served as a basis for the calculation of the average wind
may not be a meteorologist, to extract the required information
characteristics within each of the latitude zones.
from the huge store of climatological material available.

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
ISO 5878-1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Thus the mean value for a zone, v, of a characteristic is given
4) polar zone, 60 - 80° N (zone of the polar-night
by the equation : stratospheric westerly jet stream of winter);
1 n
=- 5) meridional cross-section along 140° E : this illustra-
v Vi . . .
tes the circulation near the east Asian coastline of the
I= 1
Pacifie Ocean, where the sub-tropical jet stream reaches
and the corresponding standard deviation, o, by
its maximum intensity;
6) meridional cross-section along 80° E : this illustrates
(21 the circulation over the Siberian anticyclone in winter,
the jet streams over Tibet, the monsoon circulation over
India and the easterly jet stream over the northern parts
of the Indian Ocean;
q is the monthly mean value of the cha racteristic at the
7) meridional cross-section along 20’ E : the meridian
i-th grid point;
crosses eastern Europe and central Africa, and the cross-
section is characteristic of the area of cyclonic activity
is the standard deviation at the i-th grid point;
Oi over Europe and the Mediterranean and of the sub-
tropical jet stream over northern Africa;
n is the number of grid points within the region of averag-
ing; for each latitude circle, n = 36.
8) meridional cross-section along 80° W : the meridian
crosses the eastern regions of North America and the
For each isobaric surface the mean values of the zona1 and
Caribbean Sea, and the profile illustrates the jet streams
meridional components of the wind and the values of the scalar
over the western Atlantic.
mean wind speed were calculated from equation (11, and the
standard deviations of the components from equation (2). Then
each of the wind characteristics was plotted as a function of
The values of the quantities describing the wind fields, ob-
the geopotential altitude H, using the mean value of Hfor each
tained for the altitude range 0 to 25 km from actual observa-
isobaric surface. The values interpolated from these plots for
tions and by estimation using the circular normal distribution,
the required values of H were used in constructing the tables.
are presented for the above models for January and July.
The following quantities were obtained from the actual obser-
3 Wind models
vations :
Taking into account the features of the atmospheric circulation
mean zona1 component of the wind, VX, and
over the northern hemisphere, namely the presence of long
meridional component of the wind, VY;
waves within certain latitude zones and the existence of jet
streams in certain locations, the wind fields may be represented
vector mean wind, vr, magnitude of the vector mean
by the following models :
wind, vr, and direction of the vector mean wind, 8;
the scalar mean wind speed, FS.;
a) For latitude zones; in addition, within each latitude zone
data derived from actual observations are given for two
standard deviation of the vector mean wind, a,;
selected stations, one with very strong winds and the other
with very light winds (tables 1, 2, 3; figures 1 to 4).
maximum wind speed observed once in ten years, v,,,.
b) For meridional cross-sections (tables 4, 5; figures 5 to 8)
supplement the models and illustrate the global circulation
The speeds equalled or exceeded on 1, 10,20,80,90 and 99 %
over the northern hemisphere.
of occasions were calculated using the circular normal distribu-
tion. The scalar mean wind speed, &, for each zone was both
for the followi ng latitude
Specifically, models are presented
obtained from the actual observations, vsa, and calculated
zones and meridians :
using the law of circular normal distribution, vs,.
1) tropical zone, 0 - 20’ N (zone of the trade-wind cir-
given only
For four meridional sections the mean speed V, is
culation and easterly jet streams in the near-equatorial -
based on actual observations
Upper troposphere and stratosphere);
2) sub-tropical zone, 20 - 40° N (region of the strong
4 Calculation of wind characteristics by use
westerly sub-tropical jet stream (at altitudes of 10 to
of the circular normal distribution
13 km);
Wind is a vector. In a sample of a large number of winds
3) temperate zone, 40 observed over a long period of time, each individual vector is a
- 60° N (zone of strong cyc-
lonic activity and maximum horizontal turbulent stochastic, or random, value, and for estimating wind distribu-
exchange); tions, probability theory may be used. For the calculation of the

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
above 20° N, where
characteristics, the circular normal distribution mav be used, characteristics for latitude v,, does
the probability density, f(v), being given by the equation :
not exceed 6 % of VX, and the absolute value isAnot mor’e than
1 m/s, it is assumed that vV = 0, SO that Fr = 1 yrl = 1 vXi. This
I \
allows the basic parameters of the distribution for zones 20 -
2 vv,
V =- e-(v2+ P~)/C$ x 1 1 - 1 . . .
f( ) (3) - 80° N to be determined by VX and or
4o”, 40 - 60° and 60
a2 0 2
r Or
where :
The values of wind speed which are likely to be equalled or
exceeded on 1, 10, 20, 80, 90 and 99 % of occasions may be
v is the wind speed;
estimated from equation (3). The expected scalar mean speed,
VS, is given by equation (4) (mathematical expectation) :
v, is the magnitude of the vector mean wind;
is the standard deviation of the vector mean wind;
v,, = . . .
f(v) Vdv (4)
is the zero-order Bessel function of
I,(x) imaginary argu-
The analysis of the scalar mean speed derived from observa-
The circular normal distribution law may be regarded as valid
tions, and calculated from the circular normal distribution for
for the four latitude zones, since aX = a, = a,/ 1/z, taking into
each zone confirms that the circular normal distribution may be
account that or = d= a, + a,, with an accuracy acceptable for used to calculate the values of wind speed with an accuracy
most practical purposes. In addition, for calculating the mean
suff icient for most practical purposes.

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
[SO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second
0 - 20° N, January
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
r r
altitude H,
1% 10 % 20 %
r r
v, v, max
low high low high low high
- - - - - - -
-2,9 -1,6
55 3,O 3J
-3,9 -1,2 l4,7 ll,o
V 59 60 1,o 3,O 3,O %O
-2,7 -0,7 15,2
72 64 62 J#O 3,O lO,7 3,O w3
-1,6 -0,3 Il,0
72 TO 60 16,0 310 98
6,3 LO 3,O
-0,7 -0,2
59 17,0 Il,6
7,7 A7 AO J#O 2,8 3,3 %7
5 -0,l 59 18,5 l2,7 10,8
02 815 8,5 v 1,o 3,O 3,5
6 -0,l 61 20,7 14,3 12,2
12 W 93 815 LO 3,O 4,3
7 10,9 10,5 67 23,5 16,4 13,8
23 w 13 5,O
9,7 3,4
8 Il,6 76 Il,0 18,8 15,8
4,8 02 12,3 26,5
L7 4,O 62
014 l3,7 l2,7 80 12,6 30,3 21,7 18,0
68 28 43 74
10 15,4 13,7 78 14,3 25,0 20,8
83 LO zo 34,5 5,5 8,5
11 10,5 l7,2 14,9 73 15,9 27,5 23,2
22 zo 32 6,5 9‘4
12 11,5 18,8 15,9 70 16,9 29,5 25,8
23 2,O 40,5 7,O 93
13 11,2 18,6 l5,7 73 16,5 28,7 25,0
Z8 Jr7 402 6,5 914
14 16,9 14,5 15,o 26,0
9,7 2,3 85 37,7 8,3 22,5
19 5,7
15 13,4 94 l3,7 34,0 23,5 20,3
8,O L8 12 5,O 73
16 13,6 12,4 100 12,2 29,8 21,2 18,0
61 69 18 43 615
17 12,l 11,5 96 10,9 25,6 19,0 16,0
4,6 w 18 4,O 59
18 10,8 l7,4 14,3
0,3 10,8 82 10,o 23,2 5,5
33 LO 316
19 10,l 65 16,2 52 13,0
v 02 917 93 LO zo 3,4
20 54 21,3 15,4 12,3
67 OJ 8,7 w 8,7 LO 3,2 5,O
21 -0,4 48 21,0 15,o 12,0
0, 0 914 8,5 J,O 3,O 5,O
22 -1,3 -0,l 44 21,0 15,2 12,2
f3,6 99 J,O 5,O
8,6 3,O
-2,1 15,6 12,6
23 -0,2 42 21,5 5,O
32 917 817 J#O 3,O
24 - 2,9 -0,2 10,3 39 16,3 5,O
93 93 Jr0 22,3 3,O
25 -3,5 -0,2 10,9 Il,4 38 10,7 23,3 17,0
1,o 3,O 5,O

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (conhued)
0 - ZOO N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H,
1 % 10 % 20 %
r r
Ka *r max
low high low high high
- - - - - - -
0 - 0,6
02 52 3,4 3,O
- 1,4 15,8 12,0 10,o
0,3 7,8 70 6,4 w 2,3 0
- 2,2 16,4 12,0 10,o
02 73 7‘4 633 LO 2,5 4,O
- 2,8 -0,l 16,8 12,0 10,o
8,O 60 LO 4,O
76 7,2 3,O
4 - 3,2 61 l7,5 12,7 10,2
oro 73 76 714 w 3,O 410
5 - 3,6 61 18,3 13,3 10,5
w 7,8 7,4 7,3 Jr0 310 0
6 - 3,9 60 19,0 14,0 11,O
02 73 7,4 T4 LO 310 4,O
7 14,l 11,2
- 4,l 02 8,O 7,6 58 LO 19,5 3,O 410
14,4 Il,7
8 - 4,3 02 58 20,o 42
8,3 79 8,1 1,o 3,O
14,5 12,5
9 - 4,4 59 20,5
OJ 8,8 8,4 8,4 LO 3,O 43
10 - 4,5 -0,l 10,2 61 15,8 14,0
94 92 J,O zo 32 5,2
11 - 4,8 -0,5 12,4 12,4 65 Il,8 26,8 19,0 17,0
1,o 3,4 610
12 - 5,4 -0,8 13,6 14,0 69 13,4 31,2 19,5
1,1 4,7 22,3 6,7
- 6,5 -0,7 13,8 14,3 73 14,2 23,5 20,2
13 12 ao 5,4 7,4
14 - 7,6 76 24,0 20,l
-0,3 l3,7 14,0 l3,7 1,4 5,7 7,8
15 - 8,8 13,6 13,5 79 l5,O 33,5 24,0 20,o
OfO 1,6 60 8,O
16 - 9,9 13,4 12,8 80 15,5 24,0 20,o
02 V3 33,2 610 82
17 -10,8 13,2 11,9 78 16,3 32,5 23,8 20,o
0,3 zo 62 82
15,4 23,4 20,o
18 -Il,6 0,3 14,0 10,8 70 2,3 31,5 6,5 8,5
14,2 23,0 20,3
19 -12,3 14,8 10,o 61 30,7 70 %O
02 2,5
20 -13,l l5,7 53 l3,7 30,o 278 93
02 9,6 2,s 7,5
23,5 10,5 21,3
21 -14,l l6,7 51 13,8 30,5
02 w 3J 82
25,0 11,3
22 -15,2 17,9 51 l4,7 32,4 z7
Ot3 93 3,5 83
23 19,2 10,5 63 16,0 27,0 24,3
-16,5 03 3,8 w7 93
-17,8 20,5 Il,1 70 17,4 37,3 10,o 29,0 13,0 27,3
24 07 4,O
Il,9 77 l8,7 10,7 31,5 14,0 28,3
25 - 19,2 21,9 4,5 4-02

---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind sped, in metres per second (contiwed)
20 - 40° N, January
Based on circular normal law of distribution
Actual observations
altitude H, r 1% 10 % 20 %
r r
km K Ka 5 vmax
low high low high low high
- - - - - - -
J,O 5J
6,4 5,5
20,o 15,0 11‘7
1,8 8,5 1,o 2,5 4,5
8,5 99
24,4 l7,5 14,5
10,o 10,4 10,3 3,5 5,5
4,7 LO
11,8 11,5 70 12,6 29,2 20,8 6‘7
8,O 1,o 4,5
4 10,5 14,2 13,l 72 15,8 24,5 21,0
113 WO 60 RI
5 13,2 l7,O 15,0 76 l7,3 39,5 28,8 25,0
V 7,O 93
21,8 46,0 12,0 29,5
6 16,0 20,6 17,0 84 22 8,5 a7
24,2 19,2 24,7 53,5 10,2 39,5 l4,7 35,0
7 18,8 102 Z8
12,2 47,0 l7,5 41,0
8 21,5 27,0 21,3 124 28,l 62,5
19,7 45,5
9 24,3 29,5 140 31,6 70,o 13,8
22,7 4,4 53,8
10 26,8 31,6 23,4 142 72,5 15,0 55,7 ao
W6 4,7
11 28,7 23,4 132 35,6 72,2 l5,7 55,5
332 5,O ao
29,7 124 36,l 70,o 16,0 47,0
12 WO Z8 5,O wo ZO
28,5 21,5 118 32,9 15,5 51,3 21,2
13 419 WO Qv
l4,7 47,7 20,o 41,6
14 26,5 31,l 19,9 112 29,6
4,7 58,5
18,2 38,0
15 24,3 28,4 l7,8 107 26,6 13,4
4,5 ao 43,5
16 21,8 25,0 l5,7 102 24,7 11,5 33,5
410 48,3 38,7
21,4 43,2 33,5 12,8 29,0
17 18,l 21,0 14,0 96 3,5 93
17,2 12,8 28,0 10,2 24,5
18 14,2 88 18,0 38,5 7‘3
23,5 20,6
19 10,4 13,6 Il,6 80 l4,7 33,8 8,O
L8 5,6
20 Il,1 10,9 73 Il,9 29,4 20,3
70 13 4,5 62
18,6 l5,7
21 10,o 10,6 68 10,8 26,2 5,4
5,3 1,o 4,O
22 10,8 10,6 25,4 18,2
43 65 LO 33 5,4
25,0 18,0 15,0
23 Il,1 62 10,5 1,o 33 5,6
3,5 93
18,0 15,0
24 Il,6 60 10,8 25,0 61
23 916 1,o 4J
25 12,4 60 11,3 25,0 18,3 6,7
2,3 W 1,4 4,5

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
ISO 587801982/Add.l-1983 (El
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (conthued)
20 - 40° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
Geopotential r
altitude H,
1% 10 %
km K V,a Or vmax
high low high
low high low
- - - - - - -
0 - 0,3
43 5,O 4,5
1 15,5 Il,7
0,5 69 7,4 6,7 Jr0 22 4,O 93
2 16,5 12,2 10,3
03 72 7,8 7J LO 2,5 4,O
3 l2,7
13 61 l7,7 410 10,8
73 61 74 LO 2,9
4 11,3
58 18,8 13,5
2J 8,O 8,4 77 1,o 3,O 43
58 19,8 14,0 11,7
2,7 8,5 8,7 82 LO 3,O 4,5
62 21,2 15,0 12,3
3,3 93 92 8,7 1,o 3J 5,O
10,3 70 23,5 16,8 l3,7
43 9,8 915 x0 3,5 5,4
8 11,6 19,0 15,6
10,8 79 10,6 1,o 26,5 5,9
5,6 0
9 21,3 17,6
13,0 12,l 87 12,2 29,7
66 1,o 43 6,5
10 19,5
14,3 13,7 93 13,8 33,0 23,6
73 12 5,O 7,2
11 15,2 15,6 96 l5,7 36,2 25,8 21,8
73 L5 5,5 8,5
12 15,7 16,5 92 l6,7 27,8 23,6
8,O 1,8 =,6 60 g,o
13 15,5 16,4 88 16,l 27,3 23,5
7,3 38,5 5,7 8,5
14 24,0 20,o
14,3 15,3 87 14,4
5,3 L5 34,5 5,O 7‘3
15 12,8 14,0 89 12,8 30,3 20,7
3,O 12 4,5 CO
16 11,8 12,4 91 11,2 26,5 18,0 14,7
Of8 LO 43 5,2
17 - 1,8 Il,6 10,7 88 23,2 16,7 13,8
w LO 4,2 5,O
18 - 4,4 11,9 79 16,5 14,0
w 8,9 1,1 Z4 4,5 5,5
19 - 6,7 16,7 14,4
12,4 70 4,7 62
8,4 853 L3 Z5
l7,2 15,0
20 - 8,8 13,0 64 23,0 7,O
7,8 8,s 1,5 5,2
18,0 16,0
21 --do,5 l3,7 60 24,0
7,5 93 zo 60 8,5
22 -Il,9 14‘7 62 10,5 25,5 19,3
7,6 23 6,7 %O
23 -13,l 15,7 65 11,l 27,0 21,0 10,o 18,9
7,8 2,6 7,7
24 -14,3 16,9 69 12,2 28,7 ll,o 20,7
3,O 8,9 Z6
10,2 24,5 12,0
25 -15,4 18,2 74 13,l 30,5 22,5
8,8 32

---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (continued)
40 - 60° N, January
Actual observations
r Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, 10 % 20 %
r r
km K V, Or vmax
low high low high low high
- - - - -
- -
62 8,9 82
10,2 11,8 10,8 26,0 18,5
3,4 LO 4,o 60
Il,5 12,7 12,5 28,8 20,5 17,2
5,3 x0 413 6,5
13,2 13,8 77 14,2 32,3 23,0 19,5
7J J,O 5,O 7,2
15,l 15,4 88 16,0 36,5 26,4
8,8 L5 5,7 8J 2213
5 10,2 17,2 17,2 97 18,0 41,5 30,4 25,5
zo 6,7 93
6 11,5 19,5 47,4 34,5 10,8 29,5
19,3 101 20,2
2,3 7,5
7 12,7 21,8 21,2 102 38,0 32,5
Z2 2,6 ao 8,3
13,5 35,0
8 14,0 23,7 23,0 101 24,l 57,5 40,8
3,O 8,7
9 15,l 24,8 23,8 99 25,2 59,0 42,0 14,0 36,0
3,O 9,1
10 16,2 24,5 98 24,0 57,5 41,2 14,0 35,3
222 3,O 9,4
11 17,0 23,9 20,7 100 23,9 55,3 39,7 13,5 34,5
3,O 92
17,4 12,7 33,5
12 23,l 19,4 99 23,9 52,7 38,0
3,O w
13 17,6 18,l 96 23,8 50,3 37,l 12,5 32,5
Z3 3,2 92
14 17,6 21,4 17,0 93 23,5 35,2 31,3
3,2 480 93
15 17,3 20,6 16,l 91 23,4 45,7 34,0 12,3 30,l
3J 92
16 16,7 19,9 15,3 89 12,0 28,7
Z1 3,O 440 %O =,o
16,0 19,4 14,8 32,3 11,5 27‘7
17 88 20,7
23 4-u 816
11,2 27,0
18 15,5 19,0 14,6 89 20,l 42,5 31,8
2,3 82
Il,0 26,8
19 15,0 18,9 14,9 90 19,7 42,5 31,5
zo 8,O
20 14,6 19,0 15,5 91 17,6 42,8 32,0 Il,0 27,0
zo 83
14,5 19,5 16,5 20,o 32,7 Il,0 27,5
21 93 22 40 W
14,7 il,2 29,0
22 20,3 17,5 96 20,7 46,7 34,4
215 8,4
23 15,l 21,4 18,9 99 49,5 36,2 Il,6
wo 23 83
24 15,6 23,0 20,4 103 23,0 52,5 38,3 12,2 33,0
3,3 92
16,l 24,8 107 24,0 55,5 12,8 35,5
25 Z2 4Q5
318 9,7

---------------------- Page: 10 ----------------------
60 5878-1982/Add.1-1983 (El
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (contliiued)
40- 60° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
r r
altitude H,
r r r
v, V, ci, max v,,
low high low high low high
- - - -
- - -
03 43 60 5,5
18,5 13,5 10,5
1,8 73 1,o 3,O 3,6
8,4 7,6
19,5 14,5 11,4
zg 8,O 83 814 1,o 3,O 4,2
70 20,8 15,9 l2,7
4J 819 93 93 03 3,O 5,O
10,o 10,2 69 10,4 23,2 17,5 14,4
513 W3 3,7 5,7
11,4 11,l 69 11,5 26,5 19,5 16,4
6,5 0,8 4,5 6,5
13,l 12,6 70 13,3 31,5 21,8 18,5
7,8 LO 5,O 73
15,4 14,4 25,0 21,2
w 73 15,0 12 36,7 82
8 10,5 17,5 16,2 76 16,8 1,5 41,3 28,5 93 24,0
9 Il,5 19,0 17,9 79 18,9 45,0 31,5 10,4 26,6
13 6,5
10 l2,7 20,o 18,8 82 20,6 47,0 11,5 28,5
2,O 7,5 =A
11 13,6 20,3 18,8 83 21,3 47,5 12,0 29,4
zo 8,O 34,5
12 14,3 20,3 18,l 11,9 29,0
81 20,9 47,0 8,O 333
13 14,0 18,0 16,5 80 21,4 31,5 27,0
X7 43,5 7,2
14 12,0 15,0 14,2 83 18,9 37,2 27,0
1,5 63 W3 Z8
15 12,0 12,0 86 14,8 31,0 18,5
w 12 5,4 QO 72
16 10,2 89 ll,o 25,5 18,5 15,5
60 93 1J 43 5,8
17 88 21,5 16,0 13,2
4,O 8,4 w 83 1,o 3,7 4,7
18 79 19,2 14,4 11,8
w 3,3 4,3
22 78 82 76
13,3 10,7
19 70 J#O 17,6 0
or1 72 7,6 68 3,O
12,5 10,l
20 -1,8 63 16,8 3,O
68 7,2 617 1,o 44
21 -3,l 60 16,8 12,0 10,O
6,8 72 72 w 3,O 0
22 -4,5 62 17,5 12,5 lO,7
7,2 7,3 73 1,o 3J 43
23 -5,5 66 l8,5 13,5 Il,5
J#O 3,4 4,5
7,8 73 83
19,6 14,5 12,5
24 -6,5 68 1,o 3,8 49
8,9 714 83
15,8 14,0
25 -7,2 JO,4 72 14 21,0 4,2 5,5
7,5 8,6

---------------------- Page: 11 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.I-1983 (El
- Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
Table 1
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (cohwed)
60 - 80° N, January
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, 1 % 10 % 20 %
v, V,, max v,,
low high
low high low high
- - - - - -
(40 5,3 7,3 68
10,3 15,5 13,8
1,6 8,8 w w 22,5 3,O 5,O
10,6 Il,4 24,5 17,2 14,6
10,4 LO 3,5 5,3
12,2 12,6 27,5 19,5 16,5
84 11,6 w 4,2 60
23,0 19,0
13,8 14,3 93 13,5 31,4 7,O
4,8 L4 5,O
5 15,2 16,4 100 15,5 36,0 26,5
5,7 Lf3 5,8 7,8
6 16,6 18,l 102 17,0 29,0 24,0
6,3 zo 393 6,5 82
7 l7,8 19,6 101 18,5 31,0 26,0
6,9 2,o 43,o 68 93
45,3 32,6 27,5
8 19,0 20,5 100 19,4 zo 7,O 9,8
32,3 10,o 27,3
9 19,0 20,o 99 19,3 45,4
80 zo 7,O
10 l7,8 l8,7 98 18,5 43,5 31,0
8,7 zo 7,O %7
11 17,0 l7,6 100 18,1 42,4 30,2 25,l
914 2s) TO w
12 10,l l7,O 16,9 102 l7,7 41,8 30,o 25,0
2,o 6,9 92
10,9 17,2 16,5 102 41,7 30,3 25,l
13 18,0 zo 68 %7
14 Il,9 l7,8 16,3 102 18,4 41,8 30,8 10,2 25,5
zo 6,9
18,6 42,5 31,5 10,6 26,5
15 12,9 16,4 101 i8,7
24 7,O
11,3 27,5
16 14,0 19,6 16,7 98 19,4 32,7
z1 4-W 7,3
12,0 28,8
17 15,5 21,0 17,3 94 20,9 34,3
2,3 eo 8,O
18 17,0 18,0 91 36,5 13,0 30,5
22,6 222 2,5 4W3 84
18,7 24,4 39,0 14,0 33,0
19 19,0 90 23,8 2,7 52,4 93
42,0 15,4 36,0
20 20,5 26,4 20,3 94 25,8 56,5 10,4
16,5 39,2
21 28,6 99 28,8 61,3 11,3 46,0
Z5 222 3,4
22 24,4 31,0 24,0 106 31,l 67,0 12,2 50,o 18,O 43,0
26,0 26,0 112 32,6 72,8 13,3 19,5
23 WO 4J W5
119 34,0 79,4 14,3 21,0 52,0
24 27,5 37,0 28,0 593
126 65,0 57,0
25 28,8 40,4 30,o 35,0 86,O 15,5 Z5

---------------------- Page: 12 ----------------------
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (concluded)
60 - 80° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, - 1 % 10 % 20 %
-- l
v, V,a Or vmax SC
low high low high low high
- -
5,0 - 4,6 - - - -
0 02 43
1 LO 16,0 Il,3
7J 3,O 3,7 915
66 68 7,6
13,l 10,6
2 1,O 18,5 3,O 43
1,6 75 814 716
15,0 12,l
3 61 LO 21,0 5,O
23 89 93 8,6 3J
4 10,5 64 J,O 23,5 17,0 14,0
3,O 93 9,8 3,4 513
5 10,8 Il,6 67 11,l LO 26,0 19,0 16,0
3,6 3,7 5,7
4,5 1 12,3 13,7 12,9 LO 28,5 21,5 18,5
6 74 4J 6,3
7 14,0 15,9 85 15,0 12 32,5 24,4 TO
5,3 4,7
8 15,9 l7,7 99 l6,7 1,6 37,5 27,9
6J 5,3 8,O
9 l7,l 18,6 109 17,6 zo 41,0 30,o 25,0
6,5 5,9 83
16,7 17,9 107 17,0 1,6 39,6 27,5 23,2
10 617 5,7 8,4
11 14,9 15,6 15,2 12 35,5 23,6 20,2
6,5 96 5,5 7,5
20,6 17,5
12 12,3 12,5 83 12,4 Jr0 29,2 6,7
60 4,7
18,0 15,2
13 10,3 10,5 76 10,5 LO 25,0 0 5,7
15,5 13,0
14 71 J#O 21,5 4,7
413 8,7 83 8,9 3,5
15 65 14 18,5 13,5 11,3
314 7,3 7,8 7,7 2,7 410
16 61 LO 15,8 Il,7
2,5 63 TO 68 22 3,2 9,6
14,l 10,4
17 59 KO 2,o 2,7 8,5
56 6,4 5,9
18 58 J#O 13,0 zo 96 216 7,6
0,6 52 5,9 5,3
19 60 LO 12,4 Z6 71
f 43 5,6 5,1 13 9,1
O3 I
20 -1,3 60 LO 12,0 63
5,3 43 Jr9 w 2,7
-2,2 LO 12,0 70
21 4,8 5,2 60 5,2 zo w 3,O
J#O 12,3
22 -3,0 57 5,3 zo 9J 310 73
5J 5,O
J,O 12,9
23 -3,6 54 zo 93 310 73
53 5,O 5,6
J,O 13,6
24 -4,3 50 zo 9,6 3,O 8,5
61 5,O 59
25 -4,8 47 14,5 70 3,O 9,3
63 5J 60 I 1,o

---------------------- Page: 13 ----------------------
ISO 587801982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 2
- Parameters of the observed wind distributions at four stations with strong winds, m/s
v, v, max
- - -
- 1,o -1,5
-1,5 -0,z 48
2 5,7 5,8 0
4 50 6,3 5,2
TO 23 L3
6 10,5 30
7,4 2,3 6,3 6,3
8 17,9 15,2 52
3J 7,6 60
10 25,3 72 10,l
22,8 3,2 93
m .
12 33,0 72 12,4 11,4
\ 30,4 1,6
; II
14 28,3 67 Il,7 10,9
16 20,7 18,5 58 10,o w
18 14,2 10,9 45
% 24 93 w3
20 31
93 3,2 J#O 9,4 5,2
22 -l,o 22
92 Ot5 9,6 4,8
24 10,7 -2,0 20 10,3
03 5,8
25 11,6 -2,z -0,5 19 10,8
- -
Surface -3,l
6,5 Or5
2 13,4 Il,2 -3,4 31
6,4 6,7
4 23,6 - 1,l 52
229 8,3 79
6 35,5 72 10,9
03 9J
13,5 12,8
8 57,4 113
S6 0
15,5 15,2
W 10 70,o 124
fW g,o
12 67,4 65,2 10,6 99 16,6
0 II
14 57,2 104 15,3 Il,6
St6 93
16 47,2 45,6 102 13,3
z 62
0 Il,0
18 29,0 26,0 84 69
20 13,6 Il,0 62 6,4
13 w
22 10,5 52 10,o 5,8
3,6 03
24 -0,8 48 11,4
92 03 5,1
25 -2,4 46 12,4
0,4 4,8

---------------------- Page: 14 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 2 - Parameters of the observed wind distributions at four stations with strong winds, m/s (concluded)
H --
Station V
vs max a,
Surface 3,7 3,3 -1,6 - - -
2 15,8 12,0 -2,l 44 8,4 93
4 23,3 19,5 -0,5 55 Il,4 12,0
E 74 15,2 15,6
6 31,0 26,5 CO
e 8 38,l 32,8 -0,l 89 18,8 18,5
3 10 42,8 38,3 -0,l 92 19,2 18,8
O& 12 39,8 36,2 02 82 16,4 16,3
s 11
z+ 14 33,5 32,l 02 69 12,9 12,5
16 55 93 8,6
à, 27,4 26,0 OJ
8 18 21,2 20,4 W3 42 7,5 5,3
s 20 14,8 14,4 13 37 6,7 3,7
22 13,l 12,3 22 37 7J 3,6
24 13,3 12,5 23 40 8,1 4,8
25 l3,7 12,8 3J 41 &8 5,6
Surface 8,5 12 -2,0 - - -
2 12,l 4,2 -0,l 48 9,1 10,3
4 14,6 71 -l,o 76 11,3 Il,7
E 6 19,2 93 -2,8 94 14,0 14,7
II 8 24,0 13,2 -4,7 94 l7,2 17,9
3 10 23,5 14,3 -4,6 95 18,3 17,9

Published 1983-02-15
Reference atmospheres
ADDENDUM 1 : Wind supplement
Addendum 1 to International Standard ISO 5878 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraftandspace vehicles, and
was circulated to the member bodies in March 1979.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Austria India Romania
Belgium Italy South Africa, Rep. of
Brazil Spain
Canada Korea, Rep. of Turkey
United Kingdom
Czechoslovakia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
France Mexico USA
Germany, F. R. Netherlands USSR
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
Ref. no. : ISO 5878.1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
UDC 551.55
Descriptors : aerodynamics, atmospheres, standard atmosphere, winds, characteristics, computation, meteorological data.
@ International Organization for Standardization, 1983 0
Printed in Switzerland Price based on 58 pages

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
0 Introduction . 3
1 Scope and field of application 3
2 Methodological aspects and analysis of the data. 3
3 Windmodels . 4
4 Calculation of wind characteristics by use of the circular normal distribution . 5
Tableslto5 . 6-49
Figureslto8 . 50-57
Bibliography . 58

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO 587801982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Reference atmospheres
ADDENDUM 1 : Wind supplement
0 Introducti0n It seems reasonable, therefore, the present wind data, aver-
in the form of this addendum to
aged over major regions,
A specification summarizing the characteristics of the wind is ISO 5878.
required for many practical problems, such as aircraft design,
the planning and operation of air routes and airfields, estimates
of the global transport of atmospheric contaminants, etc., in
1 Scope and field of application
which the wind is one of the primary factors.
The addendum presents data on spatial distribution of wind
Air motions in the atmosphere occur as a result of phenomena
characteristics, for use in estimating the performance of aircraft
related to air temperature and atmospheric pressure, the nature
in the design stage or of aircraft already in service, for planning
of the surface over which the air is moving, the rotation of the
air routes and for estimating the global transport of atmospheric
earth, etc. Such a complex relationship leads to large wind
variations in time and space, including the seasonal variation of
the general circulation of the atmosphere and the formation of
disturbances on a wide range of scales from that of cyclones
and anticyclones to that of small-scale turbulence.
2 Methodological aspects and analysis of
the data
The observed features of the wind distribu tion in the meridional
plane are as follows :
The tables and graphs given are based on a comprehensive
study and statistical analysis of wind data for the earth’s sur-
a) a predominantly easterly component in the airflow of
face and eight isobaric surfaces over the northern hemisphere.
the lower and middle troposphere of tropical latitudes, and
in the whole of the atmosphere in equatorial latitudes;
The analysis is based on a large and uniform statistical sample,
the major part of which has been published[3# 41- About two
million observations from 369 aerological stations for the nine-
b) the existence of systematic meridional components in
year period 1957 to 1965 were processed. In addition, statistical
the zone 0 to 30° N - a northerly component in the lower
data from 50 further station& 61 were included in the analyses.
troposphere and a southerly component in the middle
Other works[lI 21 were also used.
The following maps were compiled on the basis of the average
c) a predominantly westerly flow in sub-tropical latitudes
monthly wind characteristics at the main isobaric surfaces :
(30 to 4OO); the wind speed increases sharply with altitude,
reaching a maximum at altitudes of 10 to 13 km in the sub-
a) mean scalar wind speed,
tropical jet stream; v,;
b) mean zona1 component component
d) in temperate latitudes (40 to 600), a generally westerly vector
mean wind), VX;
flow having a wave-like form; jet streams with axes at
altitudes of about 8 to 9 km are associated with systems of
mobile cyclones and are therefore more variable than the
mean meridional component meridional component of
sub-tropical jet stream and much of the detail of their
the vector mean wind), vY;
structure and location is lost in the averaging process;
d) standard deviation of the zona1 component of the wind,
e) in the stratosphere, the air flow is characterized by a
seasonal of monsoon-type of direction change; to the north
of 30° N, westerly winds occur in winter, changing to
e) standard deviation of the meridional component of the
easterly in summer, with negative wind shears (wind speed
wind, ay.
decreasing with height) prevailing in the altitude range 9 to
20 km; to the north of 60 to 65O N, abrupt positive wind
The seasonal changes of the wind characteristics at the dif-
shears prevail in winter, and there is a strong westerly jet
ferent isobaric surfaces and the effects of topography and sur-
stream in the polar stratosphere.
face roughness were taken into account in the analysis of the
maps and in drawing isotachs.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and several
countries have published detailed tables and atlases of the wind
The information read off at the grid points at intervals of 10° of
characteristics[lI 2, 71, and these cari be used to provide infor-
mation in the form required for a given purpose. However, it longitude and 10° of latitude for the earth’s surface and for the
850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100, 50 and 30 mbar isobaric surfaces
would probably be wrong to expect the specialist user, who
served as a basis for the calculation of the average wind
may not be a meteorologist, to extract the required information
characteristics within each of the latitude zones.
from the huge store of climatological material available.

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
ISO 5878-1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Thus the mean value for a zone, v, of a characteristic is given
4) polar zone, 60 - 80° N (zone of the polar-night
by the equation : stratospheric westerly jet stream of winter);
1 n
=- 5) meridional cross-section along 140° E : this illustra-
v Vi . . .
tes the circulation near the east Asian coastline of the
I= 1
Pacifie Ocean, where the sub-tropical jet stream reaches
and the corresponding standard deviation, o, by
its maximum intensity;
6) meridional cross-section along 80° E : this illustrates
(21 the circulation over the Siberian anticyclone in winter,
the jet streams over Tibet, the monsoon circulation over
India and the easterly jet stream over the northern parts
of the Indian Ocean;
q is the monthly mean value of the cha racteristic at the
7) meridional cross-section along 20’ E : the meridian
i-th grid point;
crosses eastern Europe and central Africa, and the cross-
section is characteristic of the area of cyclonic activity
is the standard deviation at the i-th grid point;
Oi over Europe and the Mediterranean and of the sub-
tropical jet stream over northern Africa;
n is the number of grid points within the region of averag-
ing; for each latitude circle, n = 36.
8) meridional cross-section along 80° W : the meridian
crosses the eastern regions of North America and the
For each isobaric surface the mean values of the zona1 and
Caribbean Sea, and the profile illustrates the jet streams
meridional components of the wind and the values of the scalar
over the western Atlantic.
mean wind speed were calculated from equation (11, and the
standard deviations of the components from equation (2). Then
each of the wind characteristics was plotted as a function of
The values of the quantities describing the wind fields, ob-
the geopotential altitude H, using the mean value of Hfor each
tained for the altitude range 0 to 25 km from actual observa-
isobaric surface. The values interpolated from these plots for
tions and by estimation using the circular normal distribution,
the required values of H were used in constructing the tables.
are presented for the above models for January and July.
The following quantities were obtained from the actual obser-
3 Wind models
vations :
Taking into account the features of the atmospheric circulation
mean zona1 component of the wind, VX, and
over the northern hemisphere, namely the presence of long
meridional component of the wind, VY;
waves within certain latitude zones and the existence of jet
streams in certain locations, the wind fields may be represented
vector mean wind, vr, magnitude of the vector mean
by the following models :
wind, vr, and direction of the vector mean wind, 8;
the scalar mean wind speed, FS.;
a) For latitude zones; in addition, within each latitude zone
data derived from actual observations are given for two
standard deviation of the vector mean wind, a,;
selected stations, one with very strong winds and the other
with very light winds (tables 1, 2, 3; figures 1 to 4).
maximum wind speed observed once in ten years, v,,,.
b) For meridional cross-sections (tables 4, 5; figures 5 to 8)
supplement the models and illustrate the global circulation
The speeds equalled or exceeded on 1, 10,20,80,90 and 99 %
over the northern hemisphere.
of occasions were calculated using the circular normal distribu-
tion. The scalar mean wind speed, &, for each zone was both
for the followi ng latitude
Specifically, models are presented
obtained from the actual observations, vsa, and calculated
zones and meridians :
using the law of circular normal distribution, vs,.
1) tropical zone, 0 - 20’ N (zone of the trade-wind cir-
given only
For four meridional sections the mean speed V, is
culation and easterly jet streams in the near-equatorial -
based on actual observations
Upper troposphere and stratosphere);
2) sub-tropical zone, 20 - 40° N (region of the strong
4 Calculation of wind characteristics by use
westerly sub-tropical jet stream (at altitudes of 10 to
of the circular normal distribution
13 km);
Wind is a vector. In a sample of a large number of winds
3) temperate zone, 40 observed over a long period of time, each individual vector is a
- 60° N (zone of strong cyc-
lonic activity and maximum horizontal turbulent stochastic, or random, value, and for estimating wind distribu-
exchange); tions, probability theory may be used. For the calculation of the

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
above 20° N, where
characteristics, the circular normal distribution mav be used, characteristics for latitude v,, does
the probability density, f(v), being given by the equation :
not exceed 6 % of VX, and the absolute value isAnot mor’e than
1 m/s, it is assumed that vV = 0, SO that Fr = 1 yrl = 1 vXi. This
I \
allows the basic parameters of the distribution for zones 20 -
2 vv,
V =- e-(v2+ P~)/C$ x 1 1 - 1 . . .
f( ) (3) - 80° N to be determined by VX and or
4o”, 40 - 60° and 60
a2 0 2
r Or
where :
The values of wind speed which are likely to be equalled or
exceeded on 1, 10, 20, 80, 90 and 99 % of occasions may be
v is the wind speed;
estimated from equation (3). The expected scalar mean speed,
VS, is given by equation (4) (mathematical expectation) :
v, is the magnitude of the vector mean wind;
is the standard deviation of the vector mean wind;
v,, = . . .
f(v) Vdv (4)
is the zero-order Bessel function of
I,(x) imaginary argu-
The analysis of the scalar mean speed derived from observa-
The circular normal distribution law may be regarded as valid
tions, and calculated from the circular normal distribution for
for the four latitude zones, since aX = a, = a,/ 1/z, taking into
each zone confirms that the circular normal distribution may be
account that or = d= a, + a,, with an accuracy acceptable for used to calculate the values of wind speed with an accuracy
most practical purposes. In addition, for calculating the mean
suff icient for most practical purposes.

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
[SO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second
0 - 20° N, January
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
r r
altitude H,
1% 10 % 20 %
r r
v, v, max
low high low high low high
- - - - - - -
-2,9 -1,6
55 3,O 3J
-3,9 -1,2 l4,7 ll,o
V 59 60 1,o 3,O 3,O %O
-2,7 -0,7 15,2
72 64 62 J#O 3,O lO,7 3,O w3
-1,6 -0,3 Il,0
72 TO 60 16,0 310 98
6,3 LO 3,O
-0,7 -0,2
59 17,0 Il,6
7,7 A7 AO J#O 2,8 3,3 %7
5 -0,l 59 18,5 l2,7 10,8
02 815 8,5 v 1,o 3,O 3,5
6 -0,l 61 20,7 14,3 12,2
12 W 93 815 LO 3,O 4,3
7 10,9 10,5 67 23,5 16,4 13,8
23 w 13 5,O
9,7 3,4
8 Il,6 76 Il,0 18,8 15,8
4,8 02 12,3 26,5
L7 4,O 62
014 l3,7 l2,7 80 12,6 30,3 21,7 18,0
68 28 43 74
10 15,4 13,7 78 14,3 25,0 20,8
83 LO zo 34,5 5,5 8,5
11 10,5 l7,2 14,9 73 15,9 27,5 23,2
22 zo 32 6,5 9‘4
12 11,5 18,8 15,9 70 16,9 29,5 25,8
23 2,O 40,5 7,O 93
13 11,2 18,6 l5,7 73 16,5 28,7 25,0
Z8 Jr7 402 6,5 914
14 16,9 14,5 15,o 26,0
9,7 2,3 85 37,7 8,3 22,5
19 5,7
15 13,4 94 l3,7 34,0 23,5 20,3
8,O L8 12 5,O 73
16 13,6 12,4 100 12,2 29,8 21,2 18,0
61 69 18 43 615
17 12,l 11,5 96 10,9 25,6 19,0 16,0
4,6 w 18 4,O 59
18 10,8 l7,4 14,3
0,3 10,8 82 10,o 23,2 5,5
33 LO 316
19 10,l 65 16,2 52 13,0
v 02 917 93 LO zo 3,4
20 54 21,3 15,4 12,3
67 OJ 8,7 w 8,7 LO 3,2 5,O
21 -0,4 48 21,0 15,o 12,0
0, 0 914 8,5 J,O 3,O 5,O
22 -1,3 -0,l 44 21,0 15,2 12,2
f3,6 99 J,O 5,O
8,6 3,O
-2,1 15,6 12,6
23 -0,2 42 21,5 5,O
32 917 817 J#O 3,O
24 - 2,9 -0,2 10,3 39 16,3 5,O
93 93 Jr0 22,3 3,O
25 -3,5 -0,2 10,9 Il,4 38 10,7 23,3 17,0
1,o 3,O 5,O

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (conhued)
0 - ZOO N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H,
1 % 10 % 20 %
r r
Ka *r max
low high low high high
- - - - - - -
0 - 0,6
02 52 3,4 3,O
- 1,4 15,8 12,0 10,o
0,3 7,8 70 6,4 w 2,3 0
- 2,2 16,4 12,0 10,o
02 73 7‘4 633 LO 2,5 4,O
- 2,8 -0,l 16,8 12,0 10,o
8,O 60 LO 4,O
76 7,2 3,O
4 - 3,2 61 l7,5 12,7 10,2
oro 73 76 714 w 3,O 410
5 - 3,6 61 18,3 13,3 10,5
w 7,8 7,4 7,3 Jr0 310 0
6 - 3,9 60 19,0 14,0 11,O
02 73 7,4 T4 LO 310 4,O
7 14,l 11,2
- 4,l 02 8,O 7,6 58 LO 19,5 3,O 410
14,4 Il,7
8 - 4,3 02 58 20,o 42
8,3 79 8,1 1,o 3,O
14,5 12,5
9 - 4,4 59 20,5
OJ 8,8 8,4 8,4 LO 3,O 43
10 - 4,5 -0,l 10,2 61 15,8 14,0
94 92 J,O zo 32 5,2
11 - 4,8 -0,5 12,4 12,4 65 Il,8 26,8 19,0 17,0
1,o 3,4 610
12 - 5,4 -0,8 13,6 14,0 69 13,4 31,2 19,5
1,1 4,7 22,3 6,7
- 6,5 -0,7 13,8 14,3 73 14,2 23,5 20,2
13 12 ao 5,4 7,4
14 - 7,6 76 24,0 20,l
-0,3 l3,7 14,0 l3,7 1,4 5,7 7,8
15 - 8,8 13,6 13,5 79 l5,O 33,5 24,0 20,o
OfO 1,6 60 8,O
16 - 9,9 13,4 12,8 80 15,5 24,0 20,o
02 V3 33,2 610 82
17 -10,8 13,2 11,9 78 16,3 32,5 23,8 20,o
0,3 zo 62 82
15,4 23,4 20,o
18 -Il,6 0,3 14,0 10,8 70 2,3 31,5 6,5 8,5
14,2 23,0 20,3
19 -12,3 14,8 10,o 61 30,7 70 %O
02 2,5
20 -13,l l5,7 53 l3,7 30,o 278 93
02 9,6 2,s 7,5
23,5 10,5 21,3
21 -14,l l6,7 51 13,8 30,5
02 w 3J 82
25,0 11,3
22 -15,2 17,9 51 l4,7 32,4 z7
Ot3 93 3,5 83
23 19,2 10,5 63 16,0 27,0 24,3
-16,5 03 3,8 w7 93
-17,8 20,5 Il,1 70 17,4 37,3 10,o 29,0 13,0 27,3
24 07 4,O
Il,9 77 l8,7 10,7 31,5 14,0 28,3
25 - 19,2 21,9 4,5 4-02

---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind sped, in metres per second (contiwed)
20 - 40° N, January
Based on circular normal law of distribution
Actual observations
altitude H, r 1% 10 % 20 %
r r
km K Ka 5 vmax
low high low high low high
- - - - - - -
J,O 5J
6,4 5,5
20,o 15,0 11‘7
1,8 8,5 1,o 2,5 4,5
8,5 99
24,4 l7,5 14,5
10,o 10,4 10,3 3,5 5,5
4,7 LO
11,8 11,5 70 12,6 29,2 20,8 6‘7
8,O 1,o 4,5
4 10,5 14,2 13,l 72 15,8 24,5 21,0
113 WO 60 RI
5 13,2 l7,O 15,0 76 l7,3 39,5 28,8 25,0
V 7,O 93
21,8 46,0 12,0 29,5
6 16,0 20,6 17,0 84 22 8,5 a7
24,2 19,2 24,7 53,5 10,2 39,5 l4,7 35,0
7 18,8 102 Z8
12,2 47,0 l7,5 41,0
8 21,5 27,0 21,3 124 28,l 62,5
19,7 45,5
9 24,3 29,5 140 31,6 70,o 13,8
22,7 4,4 53,8
10 26,8 31,6 23,4 142 72,5 15,0 55,7 ao
W6 4,7
11 28,7 23,4 132 35,6 72,2 l5,7 55,5
332 5,O ao
29,7 124 36,l 70,o 16,0 47,0
12 WO Z8 5,O wo ZO
28,5 21,5 118 32,9 15,5 51,3 21,2
13 419 WO Qv
l4,7 47,7 20,o 41,6
14 26,5 31,l 19,9 112 29,6
4,7 58,5
18,2 38,0
15 24,3 28,4 l7,8 107 26,6 13,4
4,5 ao 43,5
16 21,8 25,0 l5,7 102 24,7 11,5 33,5
410 48,3 38,7
21,4 43,2 33,5 12,8 29,0
17 18,l 21,0 14,0 96 3,5 93
17,2 12,8 28,0 10,2 24,5
18 14,2 88 18,0 38,5 7‘3
23,5 20,6
19 10,4 13,6 Il,6 80 l4,7 33,8 8,O
L8 5,6
20 Il,1 10,9 73 Il,9 29,4 20,3
70 13 4,5 62
18,6 l5,7
21 10,o 10,6 68 10,8 26,2 5,4
5,3 1,o 4,O
22 10,8 10,6 25,4 18,2
43 65 LO 33 5,4
25,0 18,0 15,0
23 Il,1 62 10,5 1,o 33 5,6
3,5 93
18,0 15,0
24 Il,6 60 10,8 25,0 61
23 916 1,o 4J
25 12,4 60 11,3 25,0 18,3 6,7
2,3 W 1,4 4,5

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
ISO 587801982/Add.l-1983 (El
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (conthued)
20 - 40° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
Geopotential r
altitude H,
1% 10 %
km K V,a Or vmax
high low high
low high low
- - - - - - -
0 - 0,3
43 5,O 4,5
1 15,5 Il,7
0,5 69 7,4 6,7 Jr0 22 4,O 93
2 16,5 12,2 10,3
03 72 7,8 7J LO 2,5 4,O
3 l2,7
13 61 l7,7 410 10,8
73 61 74 LO 2,9
4 11,3
58 18,8 13,5
2J 8,O 8,4 77 1,o 3,O 43
58 19,8 14,0 11,7
2,7 8,5 8,7 82 LO 3,O 4,5
62 21,2 15,0 12,3
3,3 93 92 8,7 1,o 3J 5,O
10,3 70 23,5 16,8 l3,7
43 9,8 915 x0 3,5 5,4
8 11,6 19,0 15,6
10,8 79 10,6 1,o 26,5 5,9
5,6 0
9 21,3 17,6
13,0 12,l 87 12,2 29,7
66 1,o 43 6,5
10 19,5
14,3 13,7 93 13,8 33,0 23,6
73 12 5,O 7,2
11 15,2 15,6 96 l5,7 36,2 25,8 21,8
73 L5 5,5 8,5
12 15,7 16,5 92 l6,7 27,8 23,6
8,O 1,8 =,6 60 g,o
13 15,5 16,4 88 16,l 27,3 23,5
7,3 38,5 5,7 8,5
14 24,0 20,o
14,3 15,3 87 14,4
5,3 L5 34,5 5,O 7‘3
15 12,8 14,0 89 12,8 30,3 20,7
3,O 12 4,5 CO
16 11,8 12,4 91 11,2 26,5 18,0 14,7
Of8 LO 43 5,2
17 - 1,8 Il,6 10,7 88 23,2 16,7 13,8
w LO 4,2 5,O
18 - 4,4 11,9 79 16,5 14,0
w 8,9 1,1 Z4 4,5 5,5
19 - 6,7 16,7 14,4
12,4 70 4,7 62
8,4 853 L3 Z5
l7,2 15,0
20 - 8,8 13,0 64 23,0 7,O
7,8 8,s 1,5 5,2
18,0 16,0
21 --do,5 l3,7 60 24,0
7,5 93 zo 60 8,5
22 -Il,9 14‘7 62 10,5 25,5 19,3
7,6 23 6,7 %O
23 -13,l 15,7 65 11,l 27,0 21,0 10,o 18,9
7,8 2,6 7,7
24 -14,3 16,9 69 12,2 28,7 ll,o 20,7
3,O 8,9 Z6
10,2 24,5 12,0
25 -15,4 18,2 74 13,l 30,5 22,5
8,8 32

---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (continued)
40 - 60° N, January
Actual observations
r Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, 10 % 20 %
r r
km K V, Or vmax
low high low high low high
- - - - -
- -
62 8,9 82
10,2 11,8 10,8 26,0 18,5
3,4 LO 4,o 60
Il,5 12,7 12,5 28,8 20,5 17,2
5,3 x0 413 6,5
13,2 13,8 77 14,2 32,3 23,0 19,5
7J J,O 5,O 7,2
15,l 15,4 88 16,0 36,5 26,4
8,8 L5 5,7 8J 2213
5 10,2 17,2 17,2 97 18,0 41,5 30,4 25,5
zo 6,7 93
6 11,5 19,5 47,4 34,5 10,8 29,5
19,3 101 20,2
2,3 7,5
7 12,7 21,8 21,2 102 38,0 32,5
Z2 2,6 ao 8,3
13,5 35,0
8 14,0 23,7 23,0 101 24,l 57,5 40,8
3,O 8,7
9 15,l 24,8 23,8 99 25,2 59,0 42,0 14,0 36,0
3,O 9,1
10 16,2 24,5 98 24,0 57,5 41,2 14,0 35,3
222 3,O 9,4
11 17,0 23,9 20,7 100 23,9 55,3 39,7 13,5 34,5
3,O 92
17,4 12,7 33,5
12 23,l 19,4 99 23,9 52,7 38,0
3,O w
13 17,6 18,l 96 23,8 50,3 37,l 12,5 32,5
Z3 3,2 92
14 17,6 21,4 17,0 93 23,5 35,2 31,3
3,2 480 93
15 17,3 20,6 16,l 91 23,4 45,7 34,0 12,3 30,l
3J 92
16 16,7 19,9 15,3 89 12,0 28,7
Z1 3,O 440 %O =,o
16,0 19,4 14,8 32,3 11,5 27‘7
17 88 20,7
23 4-u 816
11,2 27,0
18 15,5 19,0 14,6 89 20,l 42,5 31,8
2,3 82
Il,0 26,8
19 15,0 18,9 14,9 90 19,7 42,5 31,5
zo 8,O
20 14,6 19,0 15,5 91 17,6 42,8 32,0 Il,0 27,0
zo 83
14,5 19,5 16,5 20,o 32,7 Il,0 27,5
21 93 22 40 W
14,7 il,2 29,0
22 20,3 17,5 96 20,7 46,7 34,4
215 8,4
23 15,l 21,4 18,9 99 49,5 36,2 Il,6
wo 23 83
24 15,6 23,0 20,4 103 23,0 52,5 38,3 12,2 33,0
3,3 92
16,l 24,8 107 24,0 55,5 12,8 35,5
25 Z2 4Q5
318 9,7

---------------------- Page: 10 ----------------------
60 5878-1982/Add.1-1983 (El
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (contliiued)
40- 60° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
r r
altitude H,
r r r
v, V, ci, max v,,
low high low high low high
- - - -
- - -
03 43 60 5,5
18,5 13,5 10,5
1,8 73 1,o 3,O 3,6
8,4 7,6
19,5 14,5 11,4
zg 8,O 83 814 1,o 3,O 4,2
70 20,8 15,9 l2,7
4J 819 93 93 03 3,O 5,O
10,o 10,2 69 10,4 23,2 17,5 14,4
513 W3 3,7 5,7
11,4 11,l 69 11,5 26,5 19,5 16,4
6,5 0,8 4,5 6,5
13,l 12,6 70 13,3 31,5 21,8 18,5
7,8 LO 5,O 73
15,4 14,4 25,0 21,2
w 73 15,0 12 36,7 82
8 10,5 17,5 16,2 76 16,8 1,5 41,3 28,5 93 24,0
9 Il,5 19,0 17,9 79 18,9 45,0 31,5 10,4 26,6
13 6,5
10 l2,7 20,o 18,8 82 20,6 47,0 11,5 28,5
2,O 7,5 =A
11 13,6 20,3 18,8 83 21,3 47,5 12,0 29,4
zo 8,O 34,5
12 14,3 20,3 18,l 11,9 29,0
81 20,9 47,0 8,O 333
13 14,0 18,0 16,5 80 21,4 31,5 27,0
X7 43,5 7,2
14 12,0 15,0 14,2 83 18,9 37,2 27,0
1,5 63 W3 Z8
15 12,0 12,0 86 14,8 31,0 18,5
w 12 5,4 QO 72
16 10,2 89 ll,o 25,5 18,5 15,5
60 93 1J 43 5,8
17 88 21,5 16,0 13,2
4,O 8,4 w 83 1,o 3,7 4,7
18 79 19,2 14,4 11,8
w 3,3 4,3
22 78 82 76
13,3 10,7
19 70 J#O 17,6 0
or1 72 7,6 68 3,O
12,5 10,l
20 -1,8 63 16,8 3,O
68 7,2 617 1,o 44
21 -3,l 60 16,8 12,0 10,O
6,8 72 72 w 3,O 0
22 -4,5 62 17,5 12,5 lO,7
7,2 7,3 73 1,o 3J 43
23 -5,5 66 l8,5 13,5 Il,5
J#O 3,4 4,5
7,8 73 83
19,6 14,5 12,5
24 -6,5 68 1,o 3,8 49
8,9 714 83
15,8 14,0
25 -7,2 JO,4 72 14 21,0 4,2 5,5
7,5 8,6

---------------------- Page: 11 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.I-1983 (El
- Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
Table 1
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (cohwed)
60 - 80° N, January
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, 1 % 10 % 20 %
v, V,, max v,,
low high
low high low high
- - - - - -
(40 5,3 7,3 68
10,3 15,5 13,8
1,6 8,8 w w 22,5 3,O 5,O
10,6 Il,4 24,5 17,2 14,6
10,4 LO 3,5 5,3
12,2 12,6 27,5 19,5 16,5
84 11,6 w 4,2 60
23,0 19,0
13,8 14,3 93 13,5 31,4 7,O
4,8 L4 5,O
5 15,2 16,4 100 15,5 36,0 26,5
5,7 Lf3 5,8 7,8
6 16,6 18,l 102 17,0 29,0 24,0
6,3 zo 393 6,5 82
7 l7,8 19,6 101 18,5 31,0 26,0
6,9 2,o 43,o 68 93
45,3 32,6 27,5
8 19,0 20,5 100 19,4 zo 7,O 9,8
32,3 10,o 27,3
9 19,0 20,o 99 19,3 45,4
80 zo 7,O
10 l7,8 l8,7 98 18,5 43,5 31,0
8,7 zo 7,O %7
11 17,0 l7,6 100 18,1 42,4 30,2 25,l
914 2s) TO w
12 10,l l7,O 16,9 102 l7,7 41,8 30,o 25,0
2,o 6,9 92
10,9 17,2 16,5 102 41,7 30,3 25,l
13 18,0 zo 68 %7
14 Il,9 l7,8 16,3 102 18,4 41,8 30,8 10,2 25,5
zo 6,9
18,6 42,5 31,5 10,6 26,5
15 12,9 16,4 101 i8,7
24 7,O
11,3 27,5
16 14,0 19,6 16,7 98 19,4 32,7
z1 4-W 7,3
12,0 28,8
17 15,5 21,0 17,3 94 20,9 34,3
2,3 eo 8,O
18 17,0 18,0 91 36,5 13,0 30,5
22,6 222 2,5 4W3 84
18,7 24,4 39,0 14,0 33,0
19 19,0 90 23,8 2,7 52,4 93
42,0 15,4 36,0
20 20,5 26,4 20,3 94 25,8 56,5 10,4
16,5 39,2
21 28,6 99 28,8 61,3 11,3 46,0
Z5 222 3,4
22 24,4 31,0 24,0 106 31,l 67,0 12,2 50,o 18,O 43,0
26,0 26,0 112 32,6 72,8 13,3 19,5
23 WO 4J W5
119 34,0 79,4 14,3 21,0 52,0
24 27,5 37,0 28,0 593
126 65,0 57,0
25 28,8 40,4 30,o 35,0 86,O 15,5 Z5

---------------------- Page: 12 ----------------------
Table 1 - Parameters of the observed wind distribution in selected latitude zones, and calculated values of the scalar
mean wind speed and of high and low percentile values of wind speed, in metres per second (concluded)
60 - 80° N, July
Actual observations Based on circular normal law of distribution
altitude H, - 1 % 10 % 20 %
-- l
v, V,a Or vmax SC
low high low high low high
- -
5,0 - 4,6 - - - -
0 02 43
1 LO 16,0 Il,3
7J 3,O 3,7 915
66 68 7,6
13,l 10,6
2 1,O 18,5 3,O 43
1,6 75 814 716
15,0 12,l
3 61 LO 21,0 5,O
23 89 93 8,6 3J
4 10,5 64 J,O 23,5 17,0 14,0
3,O 93 9,8 3,4 513
5 10,8 Il,6 67 11,l LO 26,0 19,0 16,0
3,6 3,7 5,7
4,5 1 12,3 13,7 12,9 LO 28,5 21,5 18,5
6 74 4J 6,3
7 14,0 15,9 85 15,0 12 32,5 24,4 TO
5,3 4,7
8 15,9 l7,7 99 l6,7 1,6 37,5 27,9
6J 5,3 8,O
9 l7,l 18,6 109 17,6 zo 41,0 30,o 25,0
6,5 5,9 83
16,7 17,9 107 17,0 1,6 39,6 27,5 23,2
10 617 5,7 8,4
11 14,9 15,6 15,2 12 35,5 23,6 20,2
6,5 96 5,5 7,5
20,6 17,5
12 12,3 12,5 83 12,4 Jr0 29,2 6,7
60 4,7
18,0 15,2
13 10,3 10,5 76 10,5 LO 25,0 0 5,7
15,5 13,0
14 71 J#O 21,5 4,7
413 8,7 83 8,9 3,5
15 65 14 18,5 13,5 11,3
314 7,3 7,8 7,7 2,7 410
16 61 LO 15,8 Il,7
2,5 63 TO 68 22 3,2 9,6
14,l 10,4
17 59 KO 2,o 2,7 8,5
56 6,4 5,9
18 58 J#O 13,0 zo 96 216 7,6
0,6 52 5,9 5,3
19 60 LO 12,4 Z6 71
f 43 5,6 5,1 13 9,1
O3 I
20 -1,3 60 LO 12,0 63
5,3 43 Jr9 w 2,7
-2,2 LO 12,0 70
21 4,8 5,2 60 5,2 zo w 3,O
J#O 12,3
22 -3,0 57 5,3 zo 9J 310 73
5J 5,O
J,O 12,9
23 -3,6 54 zo 93 310 73
53 5,O 5,6
J,O 13,6
24 -4,3 50 zo 9,6 3,O 8,5
61 5,O 59
25 -4,8 47 14,5 70 3,O 9,3
63 5J 60 I 1,o

---------------------- Page: 13 ----------------------
ISO 587801982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 2
- Parameters of the observed wind distributions at four stations with strong winds, m/s
v, v, max
- - -
- 1,o -1,5
-1,5 -0,z 48
2 5,7 5,8 0
4 50 6,3 5,2
TO 23 L3
6 10,5 30
7,4 2,3 6,3 6,3
8 17,9 15,2 52
3J 7,6 60
10 25,3 72 10,l
22,8 3,2 93
m .
12 33,0 72 12,4 11,4
\ 30,4 1,6
; II
14 28,3 67 Il,7 10,9
16 20,7 18,5 58 10,o w
18 14,2 10,9 45
% 24 93 w3
20 31
93 3,2 J#O 9,4 5,2
22 -l,o 22
92 Ot5 9,6 4,8
24 10,7 -2,0 20 10,3
03 5,8
25 11,6 -2,z -0,5 19 10,8
- -
Surface -3,l
6,5 Or5
2 13,4 Il,2 -3,4 31
6,4 6,7
4 23,6 - 1,l 52
229 8,3 79
6 35,5 72 10,9
03 9J
13,5 12,8
8 57,4 113
S6 0
15,5 15,2
W 10 70,o 124
fW g,o
12 67,4 65,2 10,6 99 16,6
0 II
14 57,2 104 15,3 Il,6
St6 93
16 47,2 45,6 102 13,3
z 62
0 Il,0
18 29,0 26,0 84 69
20 13,6 Il,0 62 6,4
13 w
22 10,5 52 10,o 5,8
3,6 03
24 -0,8 48 11,4
92 03 5,1
25 -2,4 46 12,4
0,4 4,8

---------------------- Page: 14 ----------------------
ISO 5878~1982/Add.l-1983 (E)
Table 2 - Parameters of the observed wind distributions at four stations with strong winds, m/s (concluded)
H --
Station V
vs max a,
Surface 3,7 3,3 -1,6 - - -
2 15,8 12,0 -2,l 44 8,4 93
4 23,3 19,5 -0,5 55 Il,4 12,0
E 74 15,2 15,6
6 31,0 26,5 CO
e 8 38,l 32,8 -0,l 89 18,8 18,5
3 10 42,8 38,3 -0,l 92 19,2 18,8
O& 12 39,8 36,2 02 82 16,4 16,3
s 11
z+ 14 33,5 32,l 02 69 12,9 12,5
16 55 93 8,6
à, 27,4 26,0 OJ
8 18 21,2 20,4 W3 42 7,5 5,3
s 20 14,8 14,4 13 37 6,7 3,7
22 13,l 12,3 22 37 7J 3,6
24 13,3 12,5 23 40 8,1 4,8
25 l3,7 12,8 3J 41 &8 5,6
Surface 8,5 12 -2,0 - - -
2 12,l 4,2 -0,l 48 9,1 10,3
4 14,6 71 -l,o 76 11,3 Il,7
E 6 19,2 93 -2,8 94 14,0 14,7
II 8 24,0 13,2 -4,7 94 l7,2 17,9
3 10 23,5 14,3 -4,6 95 18,3 17,9

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