ISO 19882:2018
(Main)Gaseous hydrogen — Thermally activated pressure relief devices for compressed hydrogen vehicle fuel containers
Gaseous hydrogen — Thermally activated pressure relief devices for compressed hydrogen vehicle fuel containers
This document establishes minimum requirements for pressure relief devices intended for use on hydrogen fuelled vehicle fuel containers that comply with ISO 19881, IEC 62282-4-101, ANSI HGV 2, CSA B51 Part 2, EC79/EU406, SAE J2579, or the UN GTR No. 13. The scope of this document is limited to thermally activated pressure relief devices installed on fuel containers used with fuel cell grade hydrogen according to SAE J2719 or ISO 14687 for fuel cell land vehicles, and Grade A or better hydrogen according to ISO 14687 for internal combustion engine land vehicles. This document also contains requirements for thermally activated pressure relief devices acceptable for use on-board light duty vehicles, heavy duty vehicles and industrial powered trucks such as forklifts and other material handling vehicles, as it pertains to UN GTR No. 13. Pressure relief devices designed to comply with this document are intended to be used with high quality hydrogen fuel such as fuel complying with SAE J2719 or ISO 14687 Type 1 Grade D. Pressure relief devices can be of any design or manufacturing method that meets the requirements of this document. This document does not apply to reseating, resealing, or pressure activated devices. Documents which apply to hydrogen fuel vehicles and hydrogen fuel subsystems include IEC 62282- 4- 101, SAE J2578 and SAE J2579. Annex A presents an informative record of recommended fuel container, fuel storage subsystem and vehicle level requirements. The statements in Annex A are intended as recommendations for consideration of inclusion by the organizations and committees developing standards on these sub system and vehicle level standards. Annex B presents a rationale for the design qualification tests in this document.
Hydrogène gazeux — Dispositifs limiteurs de pression thermiquement activés pour les conteneurs de carburant de véhicules à hydrogène comprimé
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Gaseous hydrogen — Thermally
activated pressure relief devices for
compressed hydrogen vehicle fuel
Hydrogène gazeux — Dispositifs limiteurs de pression thermiquement
activés pour les conteneurs de carburant de véhicules à hydrogène
Reference number
ISO 2018
© ISO 2018
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Service conditions . 3
4.1 General . 3
4.2 Design service life . 3
4.3 Nominal working pressure . 3
4.4 Durability test cycles . 3
4.5 Temperature range . 3
5 Quality assurance . 4
6 General requirements . 4
6.1 Material requirements. 4
6.2 Design requirements . 4
6.3 Flow capacity . 4
6.4 Rework and repair . 5
6.5 Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) . 5
7 Design qualification testing . 5
7.1 General . 5
7.2 Pressure cycling . 7
7.2.1 Sampling. 7
7.2.2 Procedure . 7
7.2.3 Acceptable results . 7
7.3 Accelerated life . 7
7.3.1 Sampling. 7
7.3.2 Procedure . 7
7.3.3 Acceptable results . 8
7.4 Thermal cycling . 8
7.4.1 Sampling. 8
7.4.2 Procedure . 8
7.4.3 Acceptable results . 8
7.5 Accelerated cyclic corrosion . 8
7.5.1 Sampling. 8
7.5.2 Procedure . 8
7.5.3 Acceptable results .11
7.6 Automotive fluids exposure .11
7.6.1 Sampling.11
7.6.2 Procedure .11
7.6.3 Acceptable results .11
7.7 Atmospheric exposure test .12
7.7.1 General.12
7.7.2 Oxygen aging .12
7.7.3 Ozone .12
7.8 Stress corrosion cracking resistance .12
7.8.1 Sampling.12
7.8.2 Procedure .12
7.8.3 Acceptable results .13
7.9 Impact due to drop and vibration .13
7.9.1 Impact due to drop .13
7.9.2 Vibration .13
7.10 Leakage .14
7.10.1 Sampling.14
7.10.2 Procedure .14
7.10.3 Acceptable results .14
7.11 Bench top activation .15
7.11.1 Sampling.15
7.11.2 Procedure .15
7.11.3 Acceptable results .15
7.12 Flow capacity .15
7.12.1 Sampling.15
7.12.2 Procedure .15
7.12.3 Acceptable results .16
7.13 High pressure activation and flow .16
7.13.1 Sampling.16
7.13.2 Procedure .16
7.13.3 Acceptable results .16
8 Inspection and acceptance testing .17
8.1 Inspection and acceptance testing plan .17
8.2 Inspector’s responsibilities .
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