Machinery and equipment for working the soil — Mouldboard plough working elements — Vocabulary

Defines terms in English, French and Russian relating to soil working elments of ploughs and their parts. Applies to mouldboard ploughs. Some figures illustrate share types and various other parts. Alphabetical indexes of terms in English, French, and Russian appear at the end of the document.

Matériel de travail du sol — Pièces travaillantes des charrues à socs — Vocabulaire

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ISO 8910:1993
English language
12 pages
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Second edition
Deuxibme Edition
B~opoe H3A29HHe
Machinery and equipment for working the soil -
Mouldboard plough working elements - Vocabulary
Mathriel de travail du sol - Pi&es travaillantes des
charrues 6 sots - Vocabulaire
MawMHbl id OpyAWl AM o6pa6omw nOqBbl -
Pa6owe OpraHbl AWVIWJHO-OTBaAbHbiX flAyrOB -
Reference number
km&o de hf&ence
IS0 8910:1993( E/F/R)
MC0 8910:1993(A/@/P)

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
IS0 8910:1993(E/F/R)
KO 8910:1993(A/O/P)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing Inter-
national Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees.
Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has
been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also
take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electro-
technical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard re-
quires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 8910 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/rC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, Sub-Committee
SC 5, Equipment for working the soil.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 8910:1987), of
which it constitutes a technical revision.
0 IS0 1993
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permis-
sion in writing from the publisher./Droits de reproduction reserves. Aucune partie de cette
publication ne peut etre reproduite ni utilisee sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun
pro&de, electronique ou mecanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans I’accord
Wit de I’editeur.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland/lmprime en Suisse

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
IS0 8910:1993(E/F/R)
MC0 8910:1993(A/Ce>/P)
MC0 (MemqyapoAHa~ OpraHmaqHR no CTaH~aprHsa~wH) RBASleTcg BceMMpHOih
@eAepaqb+lei;r HauMOHaAbHblX OpraHU3aqHlii fl0 CTaHAapTH3aqklH (KOMHTeTOB-qAe-
6blTb llpeACTaBAeHHblM B 3TOM KOMMTeTe. h/k~yHapOAHble !IpaBHTeAbCTBeHHble
kl H@npaBMTeAbCTBeHHble OpraHM3aqHkl, MMelowbde CBW3H C MCO, TaKIKe hlpMHH-
MaKIT yclaC?kle B pa6oTax. UT0 KaCaeTCSII CTaHAapTkl3aqWl B 06AaCTVi BAeKTpO-
TexHMKld, Hco pa6oTae=r B TeCHOM COTpy@,HWeCfBe C hi!e~yH~pOAHOii BAeK-
npOeKTbl hde&&yHapOAHblX CTaHAapTOB, l7pklH5lTble TeXHl4’ieCKkfMM KOMHTeTaMH,
paCCblAa)BTCSl KOMHTeTaM-qAeHaM HZ4 %OAOCOBaHkle. MX Ony6AwKOBaHkfe B Kaqe-
CTB@ hhK&‘Hi3pOAHbiX eTaHAapTOB Tpe6yeT o,qo6peHw! i-i0 MeHblUeti Mepe 75 %
apOAHbIh CTaHAapT M@o 8910 6blA pa3pa6OTaH TeXHM’=leCKklM KOMHTe-
O/TK 23, TP~KTOP~I H MaumHb! ,QASI CeAbcKoro H AecHoro xo3mkTBa,
i-!O,iJKOMbUeT WK 5, h,hU4Hbbl H Op~,l!i,~e% &,/Vi o6padoTKH PIO~Bbl.
!-hCTOSl~eE? BTOpO4? M3AaHW? aHHyAL+fpyeT id 3dMeHWfZT IEPBOE? H3,il$Hl4e
(MC0 891o:I 987), M SIBAWTCB ero TeXHWeCKOh peBi43Hek

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
IS0 8910:1993(E/F/R)
MC0 8910:1993(A/@/P)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale
d’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elabo-
ration des Normes internationales est en general confree aux comites techniques
de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire par-
tie du comite technique tree a cet effet. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO participent
egalement aux travaux. L’ISO collabore etroitement avec la Commission electro-
technique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation Blectrotech-
Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques sont
soumis aux comites membres pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes inter-
nationales requiert l’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres vo-
La Norme internationale IS0 8910 a et6 elaboree par le comite technique
lSO/TC 23, Tracteurs et mat&iels agricoles et forestiers, sous-comite SC 5, Ma-
te’riel de travail du sol.
Cette deuxieme edition annule et remplace la premiere edition (IS0 8910:1987),
dont elle constitue une revision technique.

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
IS0 8910:1993(E/F/R)
MC0 8910:1993(E/@/P)
Materiel de travail du MaWMHbl M Opyp,MSl p,ASl
Machinery and
sol - Pi&es travaillantes o6paboTKm nO’4Bbl -
equipment for
des charrues & sots - Pa6owe opram
working the soil -
Vocabulaire AeMeWHO-OTBaAbHblX
Mouldboard plough
nAyrOB= CAOBapb
working elements -
Domaine d’application 06nacTb np~MeHeH~si
1 Scope
This International Standard defines La presente Norme internationale tiacrorr~id MeIKAyHapoAHbl# CTaHAapT
terms for soil-working elements of definit les termes relatifs aux pieces YCTaHaBAHBaeT TepMHHbl H OflpeAeAe-
travaillantes et aux elements des char- HH5l pa6owx OpraHOB AeMeUlHO-OT-
agricultural mouldboard ploughs and
rues a sots. BaAbHblX IlAyrOB H HX AeTaAeik
their parts.
Termes et dhfinitions TepMHHbl H onpeAenetir(ra
2 Terms and definitions
corps de charrue: Ensemble de pieces KOP~YC nnyra: OCHOBHO~ pa6owii op-
2.1 plough body; plough bottom:
raH nAyra, KOTOpblti noApe3aeT CAOti
Main plough working element which travaillantes principales d’une charrue,
nO’iBbl, nOAHHMaeT,
cuts a furrow, then raises, turns and provoquant la decoupe, le souleve- 060paYHBaeT H
breaks it. See figure 1. ment, le retournement et I’emiette- KpOWlT er0. CM. pHC. 1.
ment d’une bande de terre. Voir fi-
gure 1.
corps dkchiquetant: Corps dont la Kopnyc pwxnn~wk Kopnyc, @opMa
21.1 digger [cylindrical] body: Body
surface de travail cylindrique est ge- nOBepXHOCTH KOTOpOrO ~HAHHApH~e-
whose surface is cylindrical gener-
neree par une droite plus ou moins CKaSI, 06pa30BaHHan npgMoti, 6oAee
ated by a straight, more or less hori-
horizontale (generatrice) se depla$ant IlAM MeHee rOpH30HTaAbHOti AHHHel;j
zontal line (generator) following a
le long d’une directrice circulaire ou (odpa3ytoueti), nepeMeqawtqekg no
directrix which is circular or a para-
HaflpaBA5lKNJeti KOTOpasl fiBASleTCSI AyrO&
bolic arc. d’un arc de parabole.
0KpyxH0c~~ HAH napa6oAbi.
KopnyC o6wero tiamia’4ekiH~ [yHHBC?p-
2.1.2 general purpose [universal] corps universel: Corps dont la surface
body: Body whose surface is similar de travail est similaire a une surface CaAbHblti]: Kopnyc, @OpMa flOBepXHO-
cylindrique, mais dont une par-tie est CTH KOTOpOrO noAo6Ha ~PlAHHApHYeC-
to cylindrical, but over part of its sur-
generee par une courbe (generatrice). KOl;i IlOBepXHOCTH, HO qaCTb ee odpa-
face is generated by a horizontal
30Batia KpHBOti nwweti (o6pasytoueA).
curved line generator).

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IS0 8910:1993(E/F/R)
MC0 8910:1993(A/@/P)
2.1.3 spiral body: Body whose sur- corps renversant: Corps dont la surface Kopnyc, @opMa
face is generated by a more or less de travail est generee par une ligne nOBepXHOCTH KOTOpOrO 06pa30BaHa
straight line (generator) which turns plus ou moins droite (generatrice) qui 6oAee HAH MeHee npnMoi4 AHHHe$l
vertically, following the directrix line. tourne dans le plan vertical, le long de (o6paayloueti), spa~alo~etica B eeprH-
la directrice. KaAbHO&i nAOCKOCTl4 H nepeMe~aKN@l-
csI BAoAb HanpaBAatoiqei4 AHHHH.
elements du corps de charrue (voir AeranH KOpnyCa nnyra (CM. pbx. 2)
2.2 Plough body parts (see figure 2)
figure 2)
btanqon: Piece qui relie le corps de CTOihKa KOpnyCa: P,eTaAb, COeAHH5lKF
2.2.1 leg: Part which connects the
charrue au bati de la charrue. qasi kopnyc c paMon nAyra.
body to the plough frame.
In some plough designs, a swan neck Dans certaines conceptions de charrue, B HeKOTOpblX KOHCTpyKl@l5lX nAyrOB
serves as a leg. la haie a crochet du bati fait fonction @yHKl@lH CTOI;;IKH BblnOAH5leT KplWKO-
Bblii rpaAl+lAb paMbl.
2.2.2 frog: Part to *which the share, palette: Piece sur laquelle sont fixes le 6auJMaK KOpnyCa: &TWb, K KOTOPO~
KpenslTcsl AeMex,
the mouldboard and the landside are sot,

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