Extended master connection file (χMCF) — Description of mechanical connections and joints in structural systems

This document specifies XML definitions that are used to describe data and information related to connections or joints in mechanical systems or structures. The following is within the scope of this document: — description and explanation of XML definitions for logical or process related data or other properties of a connection. The following aspects are outside the scope of this document: — geometry of fasteners or other parts, — handling of χMCF data in — product data management (PDM) systems, — subscriber data management (SDM) systems, and — other data management systems.

xMCF — Norme de description et de données pour les données de connexion et d'assemblage dans l'industrie automobile

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Technical specification
ISO/PAS 8329:2024 - Extended master connection file (χMCF) — Description of mechanical connections and joints in structural systems Released:30. 08. 2024
English language
151 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO/PAS 8329
First edition
Extended master connection
file (χMCF) — Description of
mechanical connections and joints
in structural systems
Reference number
© ISO 2024
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Email: copyright@iso.org
Website: www.iso.org
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .vi
Introduction .vii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Design principles and basic features of χMCF . 1
4.1 General .1
4.2 Design principles .2
4.3 Idealization of joints .2
4.4 Reconstruction of joints from χMCF .3
4.5 Description of topology .3
4.6 χMCF in the development processes .4
5 Keywords of XML specification . 5
5.1 Keywords.5
6 Parts, properties and assemblies . 7
6.1 General .7
6.2 Parts .7
6.2.1 General .7
6.2.2 Part labels .7
6.2.3 Part instances .7
6.3 Properties .7
6.4 Assemblies .8
7 File structure of χMCF . 8
7.1 General .8
7.2 Elements containing general information .9
7.2.1 General .9
7.2.2 Date .9
7.2.3 Time .9
7.2.4 Version .10
7.2.5 Unit system .10
7.3 Application, user and process specific data.10
7.3.1 General .10
7.3.2 User specific data .11
7.3.3 Finite element specific data . 12
7.4 Connection data . 13
7.4.1 General . 13
7.4.2 Connected objects .14
7.4.3 Contacts and friction .19
7.4.4 Joints . .21
7.5 Minimalistic example of a χMCF file .21
7.6 XML schema definition . 22
8 Data common to any connection .22
8.1 Indices and their properties . 22
8.2 Connection referencing . 23
8.2.1 Need for referencing . 23
8.2.2 Attribute label . 23
8.2.3 Attribute ident . 23
8.3 Dimensions and coordinates . 23
8.4 Attribute quality_control . . 23
8.5 Custom attributes list . 23
8.6 Distinction between and .27
8.6.1 General .27

8.6.2 Needs of different process roles, addressed by and
. 28
8.6.3 Needs of different applications, addressed by and
. 28
8.6.4 Different levels of and within χMCF data
model . 28
9 0D connections . .29
9.1 Generic definitions . 29
9.1.1 Identification . 29
9.1.2 Location . 30
9.1.3 Direction . 30
9.1.4 Type specification .31
9.2 Spot welds .31
9.2.1 General .31
9.2.2 Attribute diameter . .32
9.2.3 Attribute technology .32
9.3 Robscans .

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