Instrument transformers - Part 1: General requirements

IEC 61869-1:2023 is applicable to newly manufactured instrument transformers intended for applications where the nominal voltage is higher than 1 kV AC or 1,5 kV DC, with an analogue or a digital secondary signal for measuring, protection and control purposes, with rated frequencies from 15 Hz to 400 Hz, or for DC applications. The general requirements for instrument transformers for applications in LV systems (nominal voltage ≤ 1 kV AC or ≤ 1,5 kV DC) are covered by IEC 61869-201. This part of IEC 61869 is a product family standard and covers general requirements only. For each type of instrument transformer, the product standard is composed of this document and the relevant specific product standard. This part of IEC 61869 contains the requirements for the limits of the errors both for analogue and digital secondary signal. The other characteristics of a digital interface for instrument transformer are standardised in IEC 61869-9 as an application of the IEC 61850 horizontal standard series, covering communication networks and systems for power utility automation. This part of IEC 61869 considers bandwidth requirements. The accuracy requirements on harmonics and requirements for the anti-aliasing filter are specified in 5.7. IEC 61869-1:2023 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007 and IEC 61869 6:2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) merger with IEC 61869-6:2016; b) new scope: equipment for HV applications with a nominal voltage > 1 kV AC or 1,5 kV DC; c) new classification of some special tests as type tests or routine test; d) additional type tests, additional special tests and new clause for commissioning tests; e) new annexes E, F, G and I.

Messwandler - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen

Transformateurs de mesure - Partie 1: Exigences générales

L'IEC 61869-1:2023 s’applique aux transformateurs de mesure récemment fabriqués destinés à des applications dont la tension nominale est supérieure à 1 kV en courant alternatif ou à 1,5 kV en courant continu, qui utilisent un signal secondaire analogique ou numérique à des fins de mesure, de protection et de commande, avec des fréquences assignées comprises entre 15 Hz et 400 Hz, ou à des applications en courant continu. Les exigences générales concernant les transformateurs de mesure destinés à des applications dans les réseaux BT (tension nominale ≤ 1 kV en courant alternatif ou ≤ 1,5 kV en courant continu) sont couvertes par l’IEC 61869-201. La présente partie de l’IEC 61869 est une norme de famille de produits et couvre uniquement les exigences générales. Pour chaque type de transformateur de mesure, la norme de produit se compose du présent document et de la norme de produit spécifique appropriée. La présente partie de l’IEC 61869 contient les exigences relatives aux limites d’erreurs, tant pour le signal secondaire analogique que pour le signal secondaire numérique. Les autres caractéristiques d’une interface numérique d’un transformateur de mesure sont normalisées dans l’IEC 61869-9 en tant qu’application de la série de normes horizontales IEC 61850, couvrant les réseaux et les systèmes de communication pour l’automatisation des systèmes électriques. La présente partie de l’IEC 61869 traite des exigences relatives à la largeur de bande. Les exigences de précision concernant les harmoniques et les exigences relatives au filtre antirepliement sont spécifiées en 5.7. L'IEC 61869-1:2023 annule et remplace la première édition publiée en 2007 et l’IEC 61869‑6:2016. Cette édition constitue une révision technique. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l’édition précédente: a) fusion avec l’IEC 61869-6:2016; b) nouveau domaine d’application: matériel pour les applications HT avec une tension nominale > 1 kV en courant alternatif ou 1,5 kV en courant continu; c) nouvelle classification de certains essais spéciaux en essais de type ou en essais individuels de série; d) essais de type supplémentaires, essais spéciaux supplémentaires et nouvel article pour les essais de mise en service; e) nouvelles Annexes E, F, G et I.

Instrumentni transformatorji - 1. del: Splošne zahteve

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Instrumentni transformatorji - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Instrument transformers - Part 1: General requirements
Messwandler - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen
Transformateurs de mesure - Partie 1: Exigences générales
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 61869-1:2022
17.220.20 Merjenje električnih in Measurement of electrical
magnetnih veličin and magnetic quantities
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

IEC 61869-1 ED2
2022-05-13 2022-08-05
38/652/CD, 38/664A/CC
Italy Mr Filippo Frugoni

TC 10,TC 13,SC 17C,TC 33,TC 85,TC 95,TC 115
Other TC/SCs are requested to indicate their interest, if any,
in this CDV to the secretary.
Attention IEC-CENELEC parallel voting
The attention of IEC National Committees, members of
CENELEC, is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft
for Vote (CDV) is submitted for parallel voting.
The CENELEC members are invited to vote through the
CENELEC online voting system.
This document is still under study and subject to change. It should not be used for reference purposes.
Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which
they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Instrument transformers - Part 1: General requirements

this electronic file, to make a copy and to print out the content for the sole purpose of preparing National Committee
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IEC CDV 61869-1 © IEC:2022 – 2 – 38/702/CDV
5 1 Scope . 13
6 2 Normative references . 13
7 3 Terms and definitions . 17
8 Index of abbreviations . 17
9 4 Normal and special environmental conditions . 18
10 4.1 General . 18
11 4.2 Normal environmental conditions . 18
12 4.2.1 Ambient air temperature . 18
13 4.2.2 Altitude . 19
14 4.2.3 Vibrations or earth tremors . 19
15 4.2.4 Exposure to pollution . 19
16 4.2.5 Other environmental conditions for indoor instrument transformers . 19
17 4.2.6 Other environmental conditions for outdoor instrument transformers . 19
18 4.2.7 IT with outdoor parts . 20
19 4.3 Special environmental conditions . 20
20 4.3.1 General . 20
21 4.3.2 Altitude . 20
22 4.3.3 Ambient temperature . 20
23 4.3.4 Vibrations or earth tremors . 20
24 4.3.5 Earthquakes . 20
25 5 Ratings . 20
26 5.1 General . 20
27 5.2 Voltage ratings . 21
28 5.2.1 Highest voltage for equipment (U ) . 21
29 5.2.2 Power system earthing . 22
30 5.2.3 Standard values for rated primary voltage . 23
31 5.2.4 Standard values for rated secondary voltage . 23
32 5.2.5 Rated auxiliary power supply voltage . 23
33 5.3 Current ratings . 24
34 5.3.1 Standard values for rated primary current . 24
35 5.3.2 Standard values for rated secondary current . 24
36 5.3.3 Standard values for rated continuous thermal current . 24
37 5.3.4 Short-time current ratings . 24
38 5.4 Dielectric ratings . 24
39 5.4.1 General . 24
40 5.4.2 Rated primary terminal insulation level . 24
41 5.4.3 Other requirements for primary terminals insulation . 25
42 5.4.4 Between-section insulation requirements . 26
43 5.4.5 Insulation requirements for secondary terminals and low-voltage
44 components . 26
45 5.5 Rated frequency (f ) . 26
46 5.6 Output ratings . 27
47 5.6.1 Rated burden (Z ) . 27
IEC CDV 61869-1 © IEC:2022 – 3 – 38/702/CDV
48 5.6.2 Standard values for the rated delay time for EIT (t ) . 27
49 5.7 Rated accuracy class . 27
50 5.7.1 General . 27
51 5.7.2 Accuracy class extension for harmonics . 27
52 5.7.3 Accuracy requirements for harmonics . 28
53 5.7.4 Harmonic requirements for LPIT protection accuracy classes . 29
54 5.7.5 Anti-aliasing filter for EIT using digital data processing . 30
55 6 Design and construction . 32
56 6.1 Requirements for liquids used in equipment . 32
57 6.1.1 General . 32
58 6.1.2 Liquid quality . 32
59 6.1.3 Liquid level indicator . 32
60 6.1.4 Liquid tightness . 32
61 6.2 Requirements for gases used in equipment . 33
62 6.2.1 General . 33
63 6.2.2 Gas quality . 33
64 6.2.3 Gas monitoring device . 33
65 6.2.4 Gas tightness . 33
66 6.2.5 Pressure relief device . 34
67 6.3 Requirements for solid materials used in equipment . 34
68 6.4 Requirements for temperature rise of parts and components . 34
69 6.4.1 General . 34
70 6.4.2 Influence of altitude on temperature rise . 36
71 6.5 Requirements for earthing of equipment. 36
72 6.5.1 General . 36
73 6.5.2 Earthing of the enclosure . 36
74 6.5.3 Electrical continuity . 37
75 6.6 Requirements for the external insulation . 37
76 6.6.1 Pollution . 37
77 6.6.2 Altitude . 37
78 6.7 Mechanical requirements . 38
79 6.8 Multiple chopped impulses on primary terminals . 39
80 6.9 Internal arc fault protection requirements . 40
81 6.10 Degrees of protection by enclosures . 40
82 6.10.1 General . 40
83 6.10.2 Protection against access to hazardous parts and protection of the
84 equipment against ingress of solid foreign objects and water . 40
85 6.10.3 Protection of enclosure against mechanical impact under normal
86 operating conditions . 41
87 6.11 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) . 41
88 6.11.1 General . 41
89 6.11.2 Requirements for immunity . 41
90 6.11.3 Requirements for emission . 43
91 6.11.4 Requirements for transmitted overvoltage (TOV) . 43
92 6.11.5 Requirements for Radio Interference Voltage (RIV) . 43
93 6.12 Corrosion . 43
94 6.13 Markings . 44
95 6.13.1 General . 44
96 6.13.2 Terminal markings . 44

IEC CDV 61869-1 © IEC:2022 – 4 – 38/702/CDV
97 6.13.3 Rating plate markings . 44
98 6.14 Requirements for LPIT secondary terminal connection . 45
99 6.14.1 Requirements for optical connection . 45
100 6.14.2 Requirements for electrical wires for LPIT secondary connection . 46
101 6.15 EIT secondary signal noise . 47
102 6.16 Fire hazard . 47
103 6.17 Pressure withstand of gas-filled enclosures . 47
104 6.18 Failure detection of EIT . 47
105 6.19 Oper

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