Railway applications - Onboard auxiliary power converter systems

This Technical Specification defines the classification of the electric onboard auxiliary power converter system and defines its basic characteristics and interfaces. The onboard auxiliary power converter system consists of the auxiliary converter and the battery charger function. This Technical Specification applies to locomotive hauled passenger trains and electric multiple units with distributed power as well as trains with concentrated power heads. Relevant train configuration and concerned energy supply subsystems are defined in CLC/TS 50534. This Technical Specification provides a technical base for implementation of onboard auxiliary power systems on different trains. The objective of this specification is to define the required interfaces and characteristics of the onboard auxiliary power converter system in order to enable further standardisation: • interface between onboard auxiliary power converter system and onboard traction power system; • interface of the onboard auxiliary power supply system to the low voltage grid and to a shore supply (stationary workshop supply or external supply); • interfaces of the auxiliary converter and the battery charger; • characteristics of the onboard auxiliary power converter system. The electrical operational behaviour is defined by requirements. Requirements for the type tests as well as the routine test are referred.

Bahnanwendungen - Hilfsbetriebeumrichtersystem für Schienenfahrzeuge

Applications ferroviaires - Convertisseur auxiliaire pour les véhicules ferroviaires

Železniške naprave - Pomožni sistemi močnostnih pretvornikov na tirnih vozilih

Ta tehnična specifikacija opredeljuje razvrščanje električnih pomožnih sistemov močnostnih pretvornikov na tirnih vozilih in njihove osnovne značilnosti ter vmesnike. Pomožni sistem možnostnih pretvornikov na tirnih vozilih je sestavljen iz pomožnega pretvornika in napajalnika baterij.
Ta tehnična specifikacija velja za potniške vlake, ki jih vlečejo lokomotive, in električne večkratne enote z razporejeno močjo ter vlake z združenimi močnostnimi glavami. Ustrezna konfiguracija vlakov in zadevni napajalni podsistemi so opredeljeni v CLC/TS 50534. Ta tehnična specifikacija zagotavlja tehnično podlago za izvedbo pomožnih močnostnih sistemov na tirnih vozilih pri različnih vlakih.
Namen te specifikacije je opredeliti zahtevane vmesnike in lastnosti pomožnih sistemov močnostnih pretvornikov na tirnih vozilih, da bi se zagotovila nadaljnja standardizacija:
 vmesnika med pomožnim sistemom močnostnih pretvornikov na tirnih vozilih in vlečnim močnostnim sistemom na tirnih vozilih;
 vmesnika med pomožnim napajalnim sistemom na tirnih vozilih in nizkonapetostnim omrežjem in zemeljskim napajanjem (stacionarno napajanje v delavnici ali zunanje napajanje);
 vmesnikov med pomožnim pretvornikom in napajalnikom baterij;
 lastnosti pomožnega sistema močnostnih pretvornikov na tirnih vozilih.
Električno delovanje opredeljujejo zahteve. Navedeni so sklici na zahteve za tovrstne preskuse ter rutinski preskus.

General Information

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9093 - Decision to confirm - Review Enquiry
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TS CLC/TS 50535:2011
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Standards Content (Sample)

Railway applications - Onboard auxiliary power converter systems
Bahnanwendungen - Hilfsbetriebeumrichtersystem für Schienenfahrzeuge
Applications ferroviaires - Convertisseur auxiliaire pour les véhicules ferroviaires
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TS 50535:2010
45.060.01 Železniška vozila na splošno Railway rolling stock in
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CLC/TS 50535
April 2010
ICS 45.060.01
English version
Railway applications -
Onboard auxiliary power converter systems

Applications ferroviaires -  Bahnanwendungen -
Convertisseur auxiliaire pour les véhicules Hilfsbetriebeumrichtersystem
ferroviaires für Schienenfahrzeuge

This Technical Specification was approved by CENELEC on 2010-03-26.

CENELEC members are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to
make the TS available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting
national standards in force.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2010 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. CLC/TS 50535:2010 E
This Technical Specification was prepared by SC 9XB, Electromechanical material on board rolling
stock, of Technical Committee CENELEC TC 9X, Electrical and electronic applications for railways.
It was circulated for voting in accordance with the Internal Regulations, Part 2, Subclause and
was accepted as a CENELEC Technical Specification on 2010-03-26.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN and CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
The following date was fixed:
– latest date by which the existence of the CLC/TS

has to be announced at national level
(doa) 2010-06-26
This standardization project was derived from the EU-funded Research project MODTRAIN
(MODPOWER). It is part of a series of standards, referring to each other. The hierarchy of the
standards is intended to be as follows:

Annexes defined to be normative belong to the content of this Technical Specification; annexes
defined as informative are used only for information.
Annex A is normative and Annexes B, C and D are informative.

– 3 – CLC/TS 50535:2010
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 7
3.1 Terms and definitions . 7
3.2 Abbreviations .11
4 Onboard auxiliary power converter systems .11
4.1 Definitions for onboard auxiliary power converter systems .11
4.2 Classification of onboard auxiliary power converter systems .13
5 General requirements .15
5.1 Environmental conditions .15
5.2 Protection class .15
5.3 Shock and vibration .16
5.4 Reliability, availability, maintainability and lifetime .16
5.5 Material .16
5.6 Fire protection .16
5.7 Nameplate .17
5.8 Documentation .17
6 Electrical Interfaces .18
6.1 Electric power interface of the auxiliary power converter .18
6.2 Electric power interface of the battery charger .23
7 Control interface of the onboard auxiliary power converter system (APCS) .25
8 Tests .26
Annex A (normative) Single pole train line voltages (RIC train line) .27
Annex B (informative) Train configurations .28
B.1 Train types .28
B.2 Typical ratings of auxiliary power converters and battery chargers .28
Annex C (informative) Type code .29
Annex D (informative) Example of the APCS communication interface .31
D.1 Signal groups .31
D.2 General APCS data .31
D.3 Input circuit and/or power conversion data.33
D.4 Auxiliary converter output data .35
D.5 Battery charger and LVDC output data .37
Bibliography .40

Figure 1 – Typical interfaces of an onboard auxiliary power converter system .12
Figure 2 – Example of auxiliary power converter system (Train class A) .12
Figure 3 – Example of auxiliary power converter system (Train class C0 and C1) .13
Figure 4 – Interface between battery and battery charger .25
Figure 5 – Control interface between the train communication and monitoring system (TCMS) and
the onboard auxiliary power system (APCS) .26
Figure B.1 – Train types for the development of generic system architectures .28
Figure C.1 – Example of onboard auxiliary power converter system (Train class A) .29

Table 1 – Classification of power inputs of onboard auxiliary power converters .13
Table 2 – Classification of functionalities of onboard auxiliary power converters .13
Table 3 – Classification of power outputs of onboard auxiliary power converters .14
Table 4 – Classification of basic attributes of onboard auxiliary power converters .14
Table 5 – Type code definition of onboard auxiliary power converters with a single output .14
Table 6 – Type code definition of onboard auxiliary power converters with multiple outputs .14
Table 7 – Specification of input power interface.18
Table 8 – Specification of output 3 AC voltage .20
Table 9 – Specification of input supply voltage .23
Table 10 – Specification of output 1 DC voltage .24
Table A.1 – Nominal voltages and tolerances of the single pole train line voltage .27
Table A.2 – Frequencies of the single pole power supply train line voltage systems .27
Table C.1 – Classification of the onboard auxiliary power converter system .30
Table C.2 – Type code definition of the onboard auxiliary power converter system.30
Table D.1 – Data exchange from APCS to TCMS .32
Table D.2 – Data exchange from TCMS to APCS .33
Table D.3 – Data exchange from APCS to TCMS .34
Table D.4 – Data exchange from TCMS to APCS .35
Table D.5 – Data exchange from APCS to TCMS .36
Table D.6 – Data exchange from TCMS to APCS .37
Table D.7 – Data exchange from APCS to TCMS .38
Table D.8 – Data exchange from TCMS to APCS .39

– 5 – CLC/TS 50535:2010
This Technical Specification defines characteristics and interfaces for electric onboard auxiliary power
converter systems. This includes auxiliary power converters and battery chargers. The following
European Standards and Technical Specifications refer to the defined target energy supply system in
this present Technical Specification:
CLC/TS 50534 Railway applications – Generic system architectures for onboard electric
auxiliary power systems
(Characteristics and interface of generic system architectures for onboard
electric auxiliary power systems)
EN 50533 Railway applications – Three-phase train line voltage characteristics
(Characteristics of the voltage system used for auxiliary power supply)
EN 50546 Railway applications – Shore (external) supply system for rail vehicles
(Interface description of the shore supply including protection functions)
EN 50547 Railway applications – Batteries for rail vehicles
(Standardized batteries for rail vehicles and charging characteristics)
CLC/TS 50537 (series) Railway applications – Mounted parts of the traction transformer and
cooling system
(Standardized products used in conjunction with traction transformers and
traction cooling systems)
CLC/TS 50535 has to be understood as a basic document of a set of hierarchically structured
specifications as illustrated in the foreword. This set of European Standards and Technical
Specifications defines a consistent technical framework beginning on an architectural level, followed
by standards belonging to important system interfaces and concluding this hierarchy with Technical
Specifications on component level. The diagram in the foreword points up these different system
integration levels and shows the dependencies between the documents.
One main objective of this standardisation initiative is to simplify the cooperation between concerned
railway stakeholders in charge of operating onboard auxiliary power systems, designing systems able
to cope with the operational requirements and stakeholders manufacturing auxiliary power system
components, which provide the requested services.
At draft stage.
Under development.
1 Scope
This Technical Specification defines the classification of the electric onboard auxiliary power converter
system and defines its basic characteristics and interfaces. The onboard auxiliary power converter
system consists of the auxiliary converter and the battery charger function.
This Technical Specification applies to locomotive hauled passeng

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