Cereals - Vocabulary (ISO 5527:2015)

ISO 5527:2015 defines terms relating to cereals.

Getreide - Vokabular (ISO 5527:2015)

Diese Internationale Norm enthält eine Liste von Benennungen und deren Definitionen in Englisch und Französisch, die sich auf Getreide beziehen.
ANMERKUNG   Anhang A enthält eine Liste von Benennungen und Definitionen in Spanisch.
Die Begriffe sind unter den folgenden Überschriften angegeben:
1)   Allgemeine Terminologie
2)   Terminologie in Bezug auf die Physiologie
3)   Terminologie in Bezug auf die Morphologie
4)   Terminologie in Bezug auf die Technologie der Getreide
5)   Terminologie in Bezug auf die Getreideprodukte
6)   Terminologie in Bezug auf die Prüfverfahren
Alphabetische Indizes sind in Englisch und Französisch enthalten.
ANMERKUNG   Siehe ISO 5526:1986, Cereals, pulses an other food grains — Nomenclature, hinsichtlich einer Liste von Hauptgetreidearten mit deren botanischen Namen und den allgemeinen Namen in Englisch und Französisch (in Überarbeitung).

Céréales - Vocabulaire (ISO 5527:2015)

L'ISO 5527:2015 définit les termes relatifs aux céréales.

Žito - Slovar (ISO 5527:2015)

Standard podaja seznam 86 izrazov, ki se nanašajo na žita, in njihove definicije v angleškem in francoskem jeziku. Izrazi so podani pod naslednjimi naslovi: splošna terminologija, terminologija v zvezi s fiziologijo, terminologija v zvezi z morfologijo, terminologija v zvezi s tehnologijo žit, terminologija v zvezi z žitnimi izdelki, terminologija v zvezi s preskusnimi metodami. Vključena so abecedna kazala v angleškem in francoskem jeziku.

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Žito - Slovar (ISO 5527:2015)Getreide - Vokabular (ISO 5527:2015)Céréales - Vocabulaire (ISO 5527:2015)Cereals - Vocabulary (ISO 5527:2015)67.060QMLKCereals, pulses and derived products01.040.67Živilska tehnologija (Slovarji)Food technology (Vocabularies)ICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISO 5527:2015SIST EN ISO 5527:2015en,fr,de01-maj-2015SIST EN ISO 5527:2015SLOVENSKI

EN ISO 5527
February 2015 ICS 01.040.67; 67.060
English Version
Cereals - Vocabulary (ISO 5527:2015)
Céréales - Vocabulaire (ISO 5527:2015)
Getreide - Vokabular (ISO 5527:2015) This European Standard was approved by CEN on 5 December 2014.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2015 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN ISO 5527:2015 E SIST EN ISO 5527:2015

ISO 5527:2015(E/F) ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservésCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENTDOCUMENT PROTÉGÉ PAR COPYRIGHT©
ISO 2015All rights reservedä Unless otherwise speci Ðiedá no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any meansá electronic or mechanicalá including photocopyingá or posting on the internet or an intranetá without prior written permissionä Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOïs member body in the country of the requesteräDroits de reproduction réservésä Sauf indication contraireá aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédéá électronique ou mécaniqueá y compris la photocopieá lïaf Ðichage sur lïinternet ou sur un Intranetá sans autorisation écrite préalableä Les demandes dïautorisation peuvent être adressées à lïISO à lïadresse ciæaprès ou au comité membre de lïISO dans le pays du demandeuräISO copyright of ÐiceTel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax
v s
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ISO 5527:2015(E/F) Contents PageForeword .vIntroduction .vi1 Scope .1tTermsanddeÐinitions .1 tä s General terms .1 tä t Terms relating to physiology .11 tä u Terms relating to morphology .12 tä v Terms relating to technology of cereals .15 tä w Terms relating to cereal products .19 tä x Terms relating to test and sampling methods.22Bibliography .28© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés iiiSIST EN ISO 5527:2015

ISO 5527:2015(E/F)Forewordthrough ISO technical committeesä Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committeeä International organizationsá governmental and nonægovernmentalá in liaison with ISOá also take part in the workä electrotechnical standardizationäThe procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are different types of ISO documents should be notedä This document was drafted in accordance with the
Directivesá Part
tAttention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rightsä ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rightsä Details of any Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsementä
u vá Food Productsá Subcommittee SC
vá Cereals and pulses.
w wrevised. iv © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservésSIST EN ISO 5527:2015

ISO 5527:2015(E/F)IntroductionIn this edition of ISO
w w t yá the terms and de Ðinitions have been stored in the Online Browsing Platform The PDF version of ISO
w w t y also contains the terms and de Ðinitions in Chineseä © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés vSIST EN ISO 5527:2015

Cereals — Vocabulary1 ScopeThis International Standard de Ðines terms relating to cerealsäNOTE
s In addition to terms used in English and Frenchá two of the three of Ðicial ISO languagesá this document gives the equivalent terms in Spanishá German and Chineseâ these are published under the responsibility of the the terms and de Ðinitions given in the of Ðicial languages can be considered as ISO terms and de ÐinitionsäThe terms are given under the following subheadingsã2.1General terms2.2Terms relating to physiology2.3Terms relating to morphology2.4Terms relating to technology of cereals2.5Terms relating to cereal products tä x Terms relating to test and sampling methodsNOTE
t See ISO
w w t x[ x] for a list of principal cereal species with their botanic names and common namesätTermsanddeÐinitions2.1 General terms2.1.1blightfungus disease of cereals2.1.2bread-making cerealscereals that are suitable for making bread and other productsEXAMPLE Wheatá ryeá triticaleä2.1.3bulk storelarge store in which grain is stored unpackaged in large quantities2.1.4bunted graingrains
Ðilled with a fetid smelling dust comprising the spores of bunts2.1.5cerealsgrains of plantsá usually cultivatedá belonging to the Poaceae familyNote
s to entryã A list of these plants is given in ISO
w w t xä[ x]INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 5527:2015(E/F)© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés 1SIST EN ISO 5527:2015

ISO 5527:2015(E/F)2.1.6consignmentphysical quantity of grain on offerá dispatched or received at one timeá and covered by a particular contract or shipping documentNote
s to entryã A consignment may be composed of one or more lotsä2.1.7cultivarvarietyfrom generation to generation through its natural mode of reproduction2.1.8damaged grainwhole kernel which is distinctly discoloured or damaged by waterá insectsá heat or any other causes2.1.9ear cocklenematode seed gall having a blackish brown colouration and containing a mass of small driedæup nematode worms of the species Anguina tritici, which become active when immersed in waterNote
s to entryã ThLychnis githago Scop. or Agrostemma githago L.).2.1.10ergotsclerotium of the fungus Claviceps purpurea which may infect wheat but mostly ryeNote
s to entryã Sclerotia develop in the ear instead of a seedä Sclerotia contain more than
v r poisonous ergot alcaloidsä2.1.11extraneous matterfraction consisting of inorganic extraneous matter and organic extraneous matter2.1.12foreign grainseedsá other than cerealsá present in the sample or in the lot under consideration2.1.13fracturesurface presented by the endosperm of a broken grainá which can be either mealyá semiævitreous or vitreous in appearance2.1.14fusarium-contaminated graingrain of which the pericarp is contaminated by mycelia of Fusarium sppNote
s to entryã Such grain has a slightly scaldedá shrivelled appearance and shows diffuse spotsá with badly 2.1.15grains attacked by pestsgrains which show damage owing to attack by rodentsá insectsá mites or other pests2.1.16harmful seedtoxic seedseeds whichá if present in quantities above a certain limitá may have a toxicá harmfulá damaging or dangerous effect on healthá organoleptic properties or technological performance 2 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservésSIST EN ISO 5527:2015

ISO 5527:2015(E/F)2.1.17heat damaged grainresulting from the effect of heatá grain with a chestnut to black colourationá and of which a section of the endosperm is yellowishægrey or brownish black2.1.18hidden infestationthose insects which are present within individual grains because either they are at juvenile stages and have developed from eggs laid inside the grains or they have entered the interior of individual grains through cracks or other damageá usually to feedNote
s to entryã Hidden infestation is not normally apparent upon
Ðirst examination of the sampleä2.1.19impuritiesdamaged grains and all organic and inorganic materials other than cereals grainsNote
s to entryã The impurities comprise four main categories as followsã damaged grainsâ other cerealsâ 2.1.20impurity of animal origin2.1.21infestationpest speciesto the grain2.1.22initial observed infestationthose freeæliving insects that are immediately apparent to the eye when the sample is
Ðirst examined2.1.23mealy fracturefracture surface of endosperm that is completely loose in texture and starchy in appearance2.1.24mothspecies of the order Lepidoptera (Heterocera)á which are less brightly coloured than butter Ðlies and
Ðly mainly at nightNote
s to entryã Butter Ðlies (Rhophalocera) and moths (Heterocera) belong to the same order Lepidopteraá but butter Ðlies are not encountered in grain storageä2.1.25mouldy grainsgrains with moulds visible to the naked eye on
w r
¨ o2.1.26packed unitquantity of grain or milled product packed in a bag or a retail pack2.1.27pericarp damageprimary type of damage that causes kernel to be nonæwholeá consisting of cracksá cutsá abrasionsá and chips or pieces of missing endosperm © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés 3SIST EN ISO 5527:2015

ISO 5527:2015(E/F)2.1.28branmilling fraction obtained from removal of outer layer of cereals2.1.29seed graingrain intended for sowing2.1.30semi-vitreous fracturefracture surface of endosperm that is partly mealy and partly vitreous in appearance2.1.31shrivelled grainshrunken grainsgrains which are poorly
Ðilledá light and thiná whose buildæup of reserves has been halted due to physiological or pathological factors2.1.32small grainssound grains of small size which pass through a sieve of a particular aperture size2.1.33spring cereals2.1.34sprouted graingrains in which the radicle or plumule is clearly visible to the naked eyeNote
s to entryã Sas the falling numberä2.1.35stress cracktiny
Ðissure inside a kernel starting near the centre and extending outward through the vitreous endosperm but which does not extend all the way outward to the pericarp2.1.36total damaged kernelskernels and pieces of

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