Transportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded receptacles of a capacity not exceeding 150 litres - Part 1: Welded austenitic stainless steel cylinders made to a design justified by experimental methods

This European Standard gives minimum requirements concerning material, design, construction and workmanship, procedures and tests at manufacture of refillable transportable welded cylinders made of austenitic stainless steel, justified by experimental methods, of water capacities from 0,5 l up to and including 150 l for compressed or liquefied gases and of a test pressure up to 90 bar.
NOTE   This European Standard may also be used as a guideline for cylinders less than 0,5 litres water capacity.
This European Standard is primarily for industrial gases other than LPG but may also be applied for LPG. However for dedicated LPG cylinders, see EN 14140, Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)  Alternative design and construction prepared by CEN/TC 286 Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories.

Ortsbewegliche Gasflaschen - Wiederbefüllbare geschweißte Gefäße mit einem Fassungsraum von nicht mehr als 150 Liter - Teil 1: Flaschen aus geschweißtem, austenitischen, nichtrostendem Stahl, ausgelegt nach experimentellen Verfahren

Diese Europäische Norm legt Mindestanforderungen an Werkstoff, Gestaltung, Konstruktion und Ausführung,
Verfahren und Prüfung bei der Herstellung wiederbefüllbarer, ortsbeweglicher, geschweißter Flaschen aus
austenitischem, nichtrostendem Stahl fest, ausgelegt nach dem experimentellen Verfahren, mit Fassungs-räumen
von 0,5 l bis einschließlich 150 l für unter Druck gesetzte Gase oder Flüssiggase (LPG, en.: liquefied
petroleum gas) und für einen Prüfdruck von bis zu 90 bar.
ANMERKUNG Diese Europäische Norm darf auch als Leitlinie für Flaschen mit einem Fassungsraum von weniger als
0,5 l angewendet werden.
Diese Europäische Norm gilt hauptsächlich für andere Gase für den industriellen Einsatz als LPG, darf jedoch
ebenfalls auf LPG angewendet werden. Für Flaschen, die für LPG vorgesehen sind, siehe EN 14140,
Ortsbewegliche, wiederbefüllbare, geschweißte Flaschen aus Stahl für Flüssiggas (LPG) - Alternative
Gestaltung und Konstruktion, die vom CEN/TC 286 "Flüssiggas-Geräte und Zubehörteile" erarbeitet wurde.

Bouteilles à gaz transportables - Récipients soudés rechargeables d'une capacité inférieure ou égale à 150 litres - Partie 1: Bouteilles en acier inoxydable austénitique soudées conçues par des méthodes expérimentales

La présente Norme européenne indique les exigences minimales concernant les matériaux, la conception, la fabrication et la mise en oeuvre, les modes opératoires et les essais lors de la fabrication des bouteilles soudées transportables et rechargeables, fabriquées en acier inoxydable austénitique et conçues par des méthodes expérimentales. Ces bouteilles ont une capacité en eau comprise entre 0,5 l et 150 l inclus, une pression d’épreuve jusqu'à 90 bar et sont destinées à contenir des gaz comprimés ou liquéfiés.
NOTE   La présente Norme européenne peut également être utilisée comme lignes directrices pour les bouteilles d’une capacité en eau inférieure à 0,5 l.
Bien que la présente Norme européenne porte principalement sur les gaz industriels autres que le GPL, elle peut également s’y appliquer. Toutefois, pour les bouteilles destinées à contenir du GPL, se reporter à l’EN 14140, Bouteilles en acier soudé transportables et rechargeables pour gaz de pétrole liquéfié (GPL)  Autres solutions en matière de conception et de construction élaborée par le CEN/TC 286 Équipements et accessoires pour gaz de pétrole liquéfié.

Premične plinske jeklenke – Ponovno polnljivi varjeni vsebniki s prostornino ne večjo kot 150 litrov – 1. del: Varjene jeklenke iz avstenitnega nerjavnega jekla, izdelane po eksperimentalno potrjeni metodi

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EN 14638-1:2006
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Transportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded receptacles of a capacity not exceeding 150 litres - Part 1: Welded austenitic stainless steel cylinders made to a design justified by experimental methodsBouteilles a gaz transportables - Récipients soudés rechargeables d'une capacité inférieure ou égale a 150 litres - Partie 1: Bouteilles en acier inoxydable austénitique soudées conçues par des méthodes expérimentalesOrtsbewegliche Gasflaschen - Wiederbefüllbare geschweißte Gefäße mit einem Fassungsraum von nicht mehr als 150 Liter - Teil 1: Flaschen aus geschweißtem, austenitischen, nichtrostendem Stahl, ausgelegt nach experimentellen VerfahrenTa slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 14638-1:2006SIST EN 14638-1:2006en23.020.30MHNOHQNHPressure vessels, gas cylindersICS:SLOVENSKI
STANDARDSIST EN 14638-1:200601-oktober-2006

EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 14638-1May 2006ICS 23.020.30 English VersionTransportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded receptacles of acapacity not exceeding 150 litres - Part 1: Welded austeniticstainless steel cylinders made to a design justified byexperimental methodsBouteilles à gaz transportables - Récipients soudésrechargeables d'une capacité inférieure ou égale à 150litres - Partie 1: Bouteilles en acier inoxydable austénitiquesoudées, conçues selon des méthodes expérimentalesOrtsbewegliche Gasflaschen - Wiederbefüllbaregeschweißte Gefäße mit einem Fassungsraum von nichtmehr als 150 Liter - Teil 1: Flaschen aus geschweißtem,austenitischen, nichtrostendem Stahl, ausgelegt nachexperimentellen VerfahrenThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 23 March 2006.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the officialversions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels© 2006 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 14638-1:2006: E

Non destructive examination (NDE) of welds.25 Annex B (normative)
Description, evaluation of manufacturing defects and conditions for rejection of welded stainless steel gas cylinders at time of final visual inspection by the manufacturer.27 Annex C (informative)
Model - Production certificate.30 Annex D (informative)
Recommendations to be applied in case of heat treatments on austenitic stainless steels.33 Bibliography.34

1 Scope This European Standard gives minimum requirements concerning material, design, construction and workmanship, procedures and tests at manufacture of refillable transportable welded cylinders made of austenitic stainless steel, justified by experimental methods, of water capacities from 0,5 l up to and including 150 l for compressed or liquefied gases and of a test pressure up to 90 bar. NOTE This European Standard may also be used as a guideline for cylinders less than 0,5 litres water capacity. This European Standard is primarily for industrial gases other than LPG but may also be applied for LPG. However for dedicated LPG cylinders, see EN 14140, Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – Alternative design and construction prepared by CEN/TC 286 Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 287-1, Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels EN 473, Non destructive testing — Qualification and certification of NDT personnel — General principles EN 910, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests EN 962, Transportable gas cylinders — Valve protection caps and valve guards for industrial and medical gas cylinders — Design, construction and tests EN 970, Non-destructive examination of fusion welds — Visual examination EN 1435, Non destructive examination of welds — Radiographic examination of welded joints EN 10002-1, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature EN 10028-7, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 7: Stainless steels EN 10045-1, Metallic materials — Charpy impact test — Part1: Test method EN 10088-2, Stainless steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes EN 13445-2, Unfired pressure vessels — Part 2: Materials EN ISO 3651-2, Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels — Part 2: Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels — Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid (ISO 3651-2:1998) EN ISO 5817, Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 5817:2003) EN ISO 7539-6, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion testing — Part 6: Preparation and use of pre-cracked specimens for tests under constant load or constant displacement (ISO 7539-6:2003)

for the calculation under consideration; L, original gauge length, in millimetres, in accordance with EN 10002-1; n ratio of diameter of bend test former to the thickness of the test piece; Ph test pressure, in bar, above atmospheric pressure; Pb minimum burst pressure, in bar; Pba actual burst pressure, in bar; Rpi1,0 minimum value of 1,0 % proof stress in MPa, guaranteed by the cylinder manufacturer for the finished cylinder, at a determined area “i” of the cylinder; Rgi minimum value of tensile stress, in MPa, guaranteed by the cylinder manufacturer for the finished cylinder, at a determined area “i” of the cylinder; Rmi actual value of tensile stress, in MPa, determined by tensile test specified in Clause 7, at a determined area “i” of the cylinder; Rei yield stress means the stress at which a permanent elongation of 1 % of the gauge length on the test-piece, has been produced, at a determined area “i” of the cylinder; Reai actual value of yield stress used for calculation, in MPa, at a determined area “i” of the cylinder;

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