Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 1-1: Specific weight of materials, self-weight of construction works and imposed loads for buildings

1.1   Scope of EN 1991-1-1
(1) EN 1991-1-1 gives rules on the following aspects related to actions, which are relevant to the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works including some geotechnical aspects:
-   specific weight of construction materials and stored materials;
-   self-weight of construction works;
-   imposed loads for buildings.
(2) Mean values for specific weight of specific construction materials, additional materials for bridges, stored materials and products are given. In addition, for specific materials and products the angle of repose is provided.
(3) Methods for the assessment of the characteristic values of self-weight of construction works are given.
(4) Characteristic values of imposed loads are given for the following areas in buildings according to the category of use:
-   residential, social, commercial and administration areas;
-   areas for archive, storage and industrial activities;
-   garage and vehicle traffic areas (excluding bridges);
-   roofs;
-   stairs and landings;
-   terraces and balconies.
NOTE   The loads on traffic areas given in this standard refer to vehicles up to a gross vehicle weight of 160 kN. Further information can be obtained from EN 1991-2.
(5) Characteristic values of horizontal imposed loads on parapets and partition walls acting as barriers are provided.
NOTE   Forces due to vehicle impact are specified in EN 1991-1-7 and EN 1991-2.
1.2   Assumptions
(1) The general assumptions of EN 1990 apply.
(2) EN 1991-1-1 is intended to be used with EN 1990, the other parts of EN 1991 and the other Eurocode parts for the design of structures.

Eurocode 1 - Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke - Teil 1-1: Wichte von Baustoffen und Lagergütern, Eigengewicht von Bauwerken und Nutzlasten im Hochbau

1.1   Anwendungsbereich von EN 1991-1-1
(1) EN 1991-1-1 enthält zu den folgenden Aspekten im Zusammenhang mit Einwirkungen Regelungen, die für den Entwurf und die Bemessung von Tragwerken für Hoch- und Ingenieurbauten einschließlich einiger geotechnischer Gesichtspunkte von Bedeutung sind:
-   Wichten von Baustoffen und Lagergütern;
-   Eigengewicht von Bauwerken;
-   Nutzlasten im Hochbau.
(2) Es werden Mittelwerte für die Wichte bestimmter Baustoffe, zusätzlicher Werkstoffe für Brücken, Lagergüter und Produkte angegeben. Des Weiteren werden für bestimmte Schüttgüter und Produkte die Böschungswinkel angegeben.
(3) Für die Bestimmung der charakteristischen Werte des Eigengewichtes von Bauwerksteilen und Bauwerken werden Verfahren angegeben.
(4) Charakteristische Werte für Nutzlasten werden entsprechend der Nutzungskategorie für die folgenden Bereiche in Hochbauten angegeben:
-   Wohnungen, Versammlungsräume, Geschäfts- und Verwaltungsräume;
-   Archive, Lagerflächen und Flächen für industrielle Nutzung;
-   Parkhäuser und Bereiche mit Fahrzeugverkehr (ausgenommen Brücken);
-   Dächer;
-   Treppen und Podeste;
-   Terrassen und Balkone.
ANMERKUNG   Die in dieser Norm angegebenen Lasten für Bereiche mit Fahrzeugverkehr beziehen sich auf Fahrzeuge mit einem Gesamtgewicht bis 160 kN. Weitere Angaben können EN 1991-2 entnommen werden.
(5) Charakteristische Werte für horizontale Nutzlasten an Brüstungen und Barrieren werden angegeben.
ANMERKUNG   Anpralllasten für Fahrzeuge sind in EN 1991-1-7 und EN 1991-2 festgelegt.
1.2   Annahmen
(1) Es gelten die allgemeinen Annahmen von EN 1990.
(2) Es ist Intention, dass EN 1991-1-1 zusammen mit EN 1990, den weiteren Teilen von EN 1991 und den anderen Teilen des Eurocode für die Tragwerksplanung angewendet wird.

Eurocode 1 - Actions sur les structures - Partie 1-1 : Poids volumiques des matériaux, poids propre des ouvrages de construction et charges d’exploitation applicables aux bâtiments

1.1   Domaine d'application de l'EN 1991-1-1
(1) L’EN 1991-1-1 donne des règles pour les aspects suivants relatifs aux actions, qui portent sur le calcul structural des bâtiments et des ouvrages de génie civil, y compris certains aspects géotechniques :
-   poids volumique des matériaux de construction et matériaux stockés ;
-   poids propre des ouvrages ;
-   charges d'exploitation pour les bâtiments.
(2) Des valeurs moyennes sont données pour le poids volumique de matériaux de construction spécifiques, de matériaux supplémentaires pour les ponts, et de matériaux et produits stockés. En outre, pour des matériaux et produits spécifiques, l'angle de talus naturel est donné.
(3) Les méthodes d'évaluation des valeurs caractéristiques du poids propre des ouvrages sont données.
(4) Les valeurs caractéristiques des charges d'exploitation sont données pour les zones de bâtiment suivantes en fonction de la catégorie d'usage :
-   zones résidentielles, sociales, commerciales et administratives ;
-   espaces d'archivage et de stockage, et surfaces affectées à des activités industrielles ;
-   garages et aires de circulation accessibles aux véhicules (hors ponts) ;
-   toitures ;
-   escaliers et paliers ;
-   terrasses et balcons.
NOTE   Les charges sur les aires de circulation données dans la présente norme concernent les véhicules d'un poids total autorisé en charge ne dépassant pas 160 kN. Des informations complémentaires peuvent être obtenues dans l’EN 1991-2.
(5) Les valeurs caractéristiques sont données pour les charges d’exploitation horizontales sur les garde-corps et les murs de séparation agissant comme barrières.
NOTE   Les forces dues aux chocs de véhicules sont spécifiées dans l'EN 1991-1-7 et l’EN 1991-2.
1.2   Hypothèses
(1)   Les hypothèses générales données dans l’EN 1990 s'appliquent.
(2) L'EN 1991-1-1 est destinée à être utilisée avec l’EN 1990, les autres parties de l’EN 1991 et les autres parties de l'Eurocode pour le calcul des structures.

Eurocode 1 - Vplivi na konstrukcije - 1-1. del: Specifična teža materialov, lastna teža konstrukcijskih del in koristne obtežbe stavb

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Standards Content (Sample)

Eurocode 1 - Vplivi na konstrukcije - 1-1. del: Specifična teža materialov, lastna
teža konstrukcijskih del in koristne obtežbe stavb
Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 1-1: Specific weight of materials, self-weight of
construction works and imposed loads on buildings
Eurocode 1 - Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke - Teil 1-1: Allgemeine Einwirkungen - Wichte
von Baustoffen und Lagergütern, Eigengewicht von Bauwerken und Nutzlasten im
Eurocode 1 - Actions sur les structures - Partie 1-1 : Poids spécifique des matériaux,
poids propre des ouvrages et charges d’exploitation des bâtiments
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 1991-1-1
91.010.30 Tehnični vidiki Technical aspects
91.040.01 Stavbe na splošno Buildings in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

prEN 1991-1-1
March 2023
ICS 91.010.30 Will supersede EN 1991-1-1:2002
English Version
Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General
actions - Specific weight of materials, self-weight of
construction works and imposed loads for buildings
Eurocode 1 - Actions sur les structures - Partie 1-1: Eurocode 1 - Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke - Teil 1-1:
Actions générales - Poids volumiques, poids propres, Allgemeine Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke - Wichten,
charges d'exploitation bâtiments Eigengewicht und Nutzlasten im Hochbau
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 250.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 1991-1-1:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

prEN 1991-1-1:2023 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 7
1.1 Scope of EN 1991-1-1 . 7
1.2 Assumptions . 7
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms, definitions and symbols . 8
3.1 Terms and definitions . 8
3.2 Symbols and abbreviations . 10
3.2.1 Latin upper-case symbols . 10
3.2.2 Latin lower-case symbols . 10
3.2.3 Greek lower-case symbols . 11
4 Specific weight of construction and stored materials . 11
5 Self-weight of construction works . 11
5.1 Design situations . 11
5.2 Classification . 12
5.3 Representation of actions . 12
5.4 Characteristic values of self-weight . 12
5.4.1 General . 12
5.4.2 Additional provisions for buildings. 13
5.4.3 Additional provisions for bridges . 13
6 Imposed loads on buildings . 14
6.1 Design situations . 14
6.2 Classification . 14
6.2.1 General . 14
6.2.2 Additional provisions for dynamic actions . 15
6.3 Representation of actions . 15
6.4 Load arrangements . 15
6.4.1 Floors, beams and roofs . 15
6.4.2 Columns and walls . 15
6.5 Characteristic values of imposed loads . 16
6.5.1 Field of application . 16
6.5.2 Categories of use and characteristic values. 16
6.5.3 Residential, social, commercial and administration areas (categories A to D) . 19
6.5.4 Areas for archive, storage and industrial activities (category E) . 22
6.5.5 Garages and vehicle traffic areas excluding ordinary roads and bridges (categories F
and G) . 25
6.5.6 Roofs (categories H to K) . 25
6.5.7 Stairs and landings (category S) . 26
6.5.8 Terraces and balconies (category T) . 26
6.6 Parapets, partition walls acting as barriers, balustrades and guard rails . 26
6.6.1 General . 26
6.6.2 Horizontal loads . 26
6.6.3 Vertical loads . 27
prEN 1991-1-1:2023 (E)
Annex A (informative) Tables for mean values of specific weight of construction materials,
and mean values of specific weight and angles of repose for stored materials . 28
A.1 Use of this Annex . 28
A.2 Scope and field of application . 28
A.3 Construction materials . 28
A.4 Stored materials . 34
Bibliography . 42

prEN 1991-1-1:2023 (E)
European foreword
This document (prEN 1991-1-1:2023) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 250
“Structural Eurocodes”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
CEN/TC 250 is responsible for all Structural Eurocodes and has been assigned responsibility for
structural and geotechnical design matters by CEN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 1991-1-1:2002.
The first generation of EN Eurocodes was published between 2002 and 2007. This document forms part
of the second generation of the Eurocodes, which have been prepared under Mandate M/515 issued to
CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association.
The Eurocodes have been drafted to be used in conjunction with relevant execution, material, product
and test standards, and to identify requirements for execution, materials, products and testing that are
relied upon by the Eurocodes.
The Eurocodes recognize the responsibility of each Member State and have safeguarded their right to
determine values related to regulatory safety matters at national level through the use of National
prEN 1991-1-1:2023 (E)
0.1 Introduction to the Eurocodes
The Structural Eurocodes comprise the following standards generally consisting of a number of Parts:
— EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of structural and geotechnical design
— EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
— EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
— EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
— EN 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
— EN 1995 Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures
— EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures
— EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design
— EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
— EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures
— New parts are under development, e.g. Eurocode for design of structural glass
The Eurocodes are intended for use by designers, clients, manufacturers, constructors, relevant
authorities (in exercising their duties in accordance with national or international regulations),
educators, software developers, and committees drafting standards for related product, testing and
execution standards.
NOTE Some aspects of design are most appropriately specified by relevant authorities or, where not specified,
can be agreed on a project-specific basis between relevant parties such as designers and clients. The Eurocodes
identify such aspects making explicit reference to relevant authorities and relevant parties.
0.2 Introduction to EN 1991 (all parts)
(1) EN 1991 specifies actions for the structural and geotechnical design of buildings, bridges and other
civil engineering works, or parts thereof, including temporary structures, in conjunction with EN 1990
and the other Eurocodes.
(2) EN 1991 does not cover the specific requirements of actions for seismic design. Provisions related to
such requirements are given in EN 1998 (all parts), which complement and are consistent with EN 1991.
(3) EN 1991 is also applicable to existing structures for:
— structural assessment,
— strengthe

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