ASTM C1145-98
(Terminology)Standard Terminology of Advanced Ceramics
Standard Terminology of Advanced Ceramics
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or
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Designation: C 1145 – 98
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Terminology of
Advanced Ceramics
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1145; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
absorbed moisture, n—water held within the materials and comminution, n—the act or process of reduction in particle
having physical properties not substantially different from size, usually but not necessarily by grinding or milling.
ordinary water at the same temperature and pressure. compositional inhomogeneity, n—as used in fractography, a
advanced ceramic, n—a highly engineered, high perfor- microstructural irregularity related to the nonuniform distri-
mance, predominately non-metallic, inorganic, ceramic ma- bution of an additive, a different crystalline or glass phase or
terial having specific functional attributes. in a multiphase material the nonuniform distribution of a
agglomerate, n— as used in fractography, a cluster of grains, second phase.
particles, platelets, or whiskers, or a combination thereof, continuous fiber ceramic composite (CFCC), n—a ceramic
present in a larger solid mass. matrix composite in which the reinforcing phase(s) consists
aggregate, n—a dense mass of particles held together by of continuous filaments, fibers, yarn, or knitted or woven
strong intermolecular or atomic cohesive forces. It is stable fabrics.
to normal handling and ordinary mixing techniques includ- crack, n—as used in fractography, a plane of fracture without
ing high-speed stirring and ultrasonics.(C-21, C242) complete separation.
base exchange, n—a surface property exhibited by collodial crack deflection, n—a toughening mechanism in advanced
inorganic materials, usually clays, whereby absorbed surface ceramics or ceramic matrix composites characterized by
cations are replaced by other cations. fracture surface roughening and crack tilting/twisting during
body, n—the structural portion of a ceramic article, or the propagation around grains or a reinforcing component
material or mixture from which it is made.(C-21, C 242) caused by stress fields around the grains or component
calcine, v (calcination, n)—firing or heating a granular or developed through mismatches in thermal expansion or
particulate solid at less than fusion temperature, but suffi- mechanical properties (such as elastic modulus), or both,
cient to remove most of its chemically combined volatile between grains or between reinforcement and matrix.
matter (that is, H O, CO ) and otherwise to develop the deairing, n—the process of removing entrapped air or ab-
2 2
desired properties for use. sorbed air from a mass or slurry, usually by application of a
capillary action, n—the phenomenon of intrusion of a liquid vacuum.
into interconnected small voids, pores, and channels in a depth of penetration, n—(1) the distance a penetrant has
solid, resulting from surface tension. entered into a solid material as measured from the surface of
casting, drain (hollow casting), v—forming ceramic ware by the material; (2) the maximum depth at which a magnetic or
introducing a body slip into an open, porous mold, and then ultrasonic indication can be measured in a test specimen.
draining off the remaining slip when the cast piece has diamond paste, n—diamond dust dispersed in a paste or slurry
reached the desired thickness.(C-21, C 242) for use as a grinding or polishing compound.
cermet, n—a composite material or article comprised of a diamond tool, n—any tool in which the working area is inset
ceramic and a metal or metal alloy, interdistributed in any of with diamonds or diamond dust.
various geometrical forms but intimately bonded together. diamond wheel, n—a bonded grinding wheel in which the
chatter, n—an undesirable pattern created on the surface of a abrasive grains are crushed and sized natural or synthetic
work piece, usually at regularly spaced intervals, due to an diamonds.
out-of-round, out-of-balance condition or due to an induced discontinuous fiber-reinforced composite, n—a ceramic ma-
natural frequency, or its harmonics, or both, in a grinding trix composite material reinforced by chopped fibers.
machine. dish grinder, n—a grinding machine equipped with a dish-
colloidal particle, n—a dispersed particle with a linear dimen- shaped abrasive wheel as a grinding mechanism
sion of 5 to 100 nm. dish wheel, n—dish-shaped abrasive grinding wheel.
disk feeder, n—a rotating disk beneath the opening of a bin
1 which delivers m
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