Industrial automation systems and integration — Industrial manufacturing management data — Part 42: Time Model

ISO 15531-42:2005 specifies a generic framework for the description of topological properties applicable to a wide range of one dimension domains. Developments made in ISO 15531-42:2005 are focused on the time domain, thus providing a universal, self consistent model, independent of any event that may occur, or has already occurred, at a given point in time. The time model specified in ISO 15531-42:2005 enables any software application to provide an accurate time reference to any related event or sequence of events, whether in the past, in the present or in the future. This time model may be used by any application that needs to reference events, actions or sequences of action linked to time or intervals of time simultaneously. According to this, the scope of ISO 15531-42:2005 includes the following: the description of the topological properties of an one dimension domain; the description of the time model and of the related definitions; the EXPRESS definitions of entities, attributes and schemas as prescribed in ISO 10303-11 (the reference manual of the EXPRESS language); the EXPRESS-G diagrams of the model as prescribed in ISO 10303-11.

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Données de gestion de fabrication industrielle — Partie 42: Modèle du temps

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ISO 15531-42:2005 - Industrial automation systems and integration -- Industrial manufacturing management data
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ISO 15531-42:2005 - Industrial automation systems and integration -- Industrial manufacturing management data
English language
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STANDARD 15531-42
First edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Industrial manufacturing
management data —
Part 42:
Time Model
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Données de
gestion de fabrication industrielle —
Partie 42: Modèle du temps
Reference number
ISO 2005
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STANDARD 15531-42
First edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Industrial manufacturing
management data —
Part 42:
Time Model
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Données de
gestion de fabrication industrielle —
Partie 42: Modèle du temps
Reference number
ISO 2005
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ISO 15531-42 : 2005 (E)
Contents       page
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references. 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 2
3.1 Terms and definitions. 2
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 6
4 Overview of the whole ISO 15531 scope. 6
5 Domain property . 7
5.1 Preamble. 7
5.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions. 7
5.3 Domain property schema definition . 8
5.4 Domain property type definitions. 8
5.4.1 type_of_identifier_of_dom_gen_struct . 8
5.4.2 type_of_domain. 9
5.5 domain_property subtype constraint definitions . 9
5.5.1 covered_range . 9
5.5.2 complcompos_discrcont_bounded . 9
5.5.3 complete_composite. 9
5.5.4 discrete_continuous. 10
5.5.5 lower_upper. 10
5.5.6 compl_continuous_discrete . 10
5.5.7 compos_continuous_discrete. 11
5.5.8 cont_complete_composite . 11
5.5.9 disc_complete_composite. 11
5.5.10 both_bd_compl_compos_disc_cont . 11
5.5.11 low_bd_compl_compos_disc_cont . 12
5.5.12 up_bd_compl_compos_disc_cont . 12
5.5.13 compl_disc_low_both_up . 13
5.5.14 compl_cont_low_both_up . 13
5.5.15 compos_cont_low_both_up. 13
5.5.16 compos_disc_low_both_up . 14
5.6 Domain property entity definitions . 14
5.6.1 domain. 14
5.6.2 time_domain. 14
5.6.3 domain_generic_structure . 15
5.6.4 complete_or_composite_domain. 15
5.6.5 discrete_or_continuous_domain. 16
5.6.6 bounded_domain . 16
5.6.7 complete_domain . 16
5.6.8 composite_domain. 17
5.6.9 continuous_domain . 17
5.6.10 discrete_domain. 17
5.6.11 lower_bounded_domain . 18
5.6.12 upper_bounded_domain . 18
5.6.13 both_sides_bounded_domain . 18
5.6.14 complete_continuous_domain. 19
5.6.15 lower_bounded_complete_continuous_domain . 19
 ISO 2005 All rights reserved

ISO 15531-42 : 2005 (E)
5.6.16 upper_bounded_complete_continuous_domain . 19
5.6.17 both_sides_bounded_complete_continuous_domain . 20
5.6.18 composite_continuous_domain . 20
5.6.19 lower_bounded_composite_continuous_domain . 20
5.6.20 upper_bounded_composite_continuous_domain . 20
5.6.21 both_sides_bounded_composite_continuous_domain . 21
5.6.22 complete_discrete_domain . 21
5.6.23 lower_bounded_complete_discrete_domain . 21
5.6.24 upper_bounded_complete_discrete_domain . 21
5.6.25 both_sides_bounded_complete_discrete_domain . 22
5.6.26 composite_discrete_domain . 22
5.6.27 lower_bounded_composite_discrete_domain . 22
5.6.28 upper_bounded_composite_discrete_domain . 22
5.6.29 both_sides_bounded_composite_discrete_domain . 23
5.6.30 domain_point. 23
6 Time domain. 23
6.1 Preamble. 23
6.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions. 24
6.3 Time domain schema definition . 24
6.4 Time domain type definitions. 25
6.4.1 type_of_description_of_tranformation_rule. 25
6.4.2 type_of_value_of_point_or_interval_in_time. 25
6.5 Time domain entity definitions . 26
6.5.1 interval_of_time . 26
6.5.2 point_in_time. 26
6.5.3 frequency_of_event. 26
6.5.4 time_domain_relation. 27
6.5.5 rule_of_reference_to_origin_relation. 27
6.5.6 rule_of_unit_relation. 28
6.5.7 time_unit_relation . 28
6.5.8 point_in_time_event_assignment . 28
6.5.9 point_in_time_event_assignment_role. 29
6.6 Time domain function definition. 29

Annex A (normative) Use of ASN.1 Identifiers in SC4 standards. 31
Annex B (informative) EXPRESS listing . 32
Annex C (informative) EXPRESS-G figures. 39

Bibliography. 42
Index. 43

Figure C.1 domain_property schema . 39
Figure C.2 time_domain schema (1/2) . 40
Figure C.3 time_domain schema (2/2) . 41

 ISO 2005 All rights reserved

ISO 15531-42 : 2005 (E)
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national
standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 15531 may be the
subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This part of ISO 15531 was prepared by the Technical committee ISO/TC 184 Industrial automation
systems and integration, Sub-Committee 4 Industrial data.

A complete list of parts of ISO 15531 is available from the Internet.


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