Apples — Cold storage

Gives a guidance on conditions for the cold storage of apples (Malus communis L.). Cancels and replaces the first edition, which has been technically revised.

Pommes — Entreposage réfrigéré

Jabolka - Hlajeno skladiščenje

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ISO 1212:1995 - Apples -- Cold storage
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ISO 1212:1996
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Standards Content (Sample)

Second edition
19954 0-01
Apples - Cold storage
Pommes - En treposage rbfrig&6
Reference number
ISO 1212:1995(E)

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ISO 1212:1995(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodiesj. The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnicai Commission
(1 EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an international
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 1212 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 34, Agricu/tura/ food products, Subcommittee SC 14, Fresh fruits
and vegefables.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition
which has been technically revised.
(ISO 1212:1976),
Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.
0 ISO 1995
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utiiized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organrzatron for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed In Switzerland

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO 1212:1995(E)
This International Standard provides guidance of a very general nature
only. Because of the variability of the product according to the time and
place of cultivation, local conditions may make it necessary to define other
conditions for harvesting or other physical conditions in the store.
This International Standard does not apply unreservedly, therefore, to all
varieties (cultivars) in all climates, and it will remain for each specialist to
be the judge of any modifications to be made.
Subject to all restrictions arising from the fact that apples are living ma-
terial, application of the guidance contained in this International Standard
should enable much wastage in storage to be avoided and long-term
storage to be achieved in most cases.

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Apples - Cold storage
c) the ground colour of the outer skin (period of
1 Scope
Change from green to yellow) which is judged
with the aid of Standard tables;
This International Standard gives guidance on con-
ditions for the successful cold storage of apples
d) the age of the fruit, expressed as the number of
(Malus communis L.).
days from full bloom to harvest;
e) firmness of the flesh;
2 Normative reference
f) presence of starch in the flesh;
The following Standard contains provisions which,
g) fruit should be placed in storage immediately be-
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
fore or at the preclimacteric respiratory minimum
of this International Standard. At the time of publica-
for best storage Performance.
tion, the edition indicated was valid. All Standards are
subject to revision, and Parties to agreements based
These criteria are not universally valid; for a given
on this International Standard are encouraged to in-
cultivar they vary from one region to another and it is
vestigate the possibility of applying the most recent
for the grower to decide on his own criteria for pick-
edition of the Standard indicated below. Members of
ing, on the basis of experience.
IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
ISO 2169:1981, fruits and vegetables - Physical
3.2 Characteristics for storage
conditions in cold stores - Definitions and measure-
Fruits put into storage should be of quality “Extra
Class” or “Class 1 ”, the characteristics of which are
defined in UN-ECE Standard No. FFV-01 l) as follows.
3 Conditions for harvesting and storage
Apples are classified into three classes as follows.
3.1 Harvesting “Extra” class
Apples in this category should be of superior
The principal criteria used to determine the optimal
quality. In shape, size and colouring they should
state of maturity for harvesting are as follows:
be typical of the variety and the stalk should be
intact. They should have no defects with the ex-
a) ease of picking (the fruit is picked when it is easily
ception of very slight alterations of the skin pro-
separated from its Spur; this is not, however, an
vided that these do not detract from the quality
objective criterion);
and the general appearance of the fruit and/or the
b) total soluble solids content of the juice (TSS); contents of the package.
1) UN-ECE Standard No. FFV-01 :1981 I Dessert and culinary apples and pears.

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ISO 1212:1995(E)
b) Class I
3.3 Precooling
Apples in this class should be of good quality. Fruits should be cooled as quickly as possible after
They should have the characteristics typical of the harvest. Apples are not injured by rapid cooling. Rapid
particular variety. However, the following may be removal of field heat and precooling of harvested ap-
ples are essential for long storage.
1) a slight defect in shape;
3.4 Packing
a slight defect in development;
The fruit should be handled with care. The packages
should allow the free circulation of air. Storage densi-
a slight defect in colouring;
ties of 200 kg to 250 kg per cubic metre of usable
space are considered as the maxima for apples.
the stalk may be slightly damaged;
The use of box pallets makes possible an increase of
5) the flesh should be perfectly Sound; skin de-
10 % to 20 % in storage capacity.
fects not liable to impair the general appear-
ante and keeping qualities are, however,
4 Optimum storage conditions
allowed for each fruit within the following
For definition and measurement of the physical quan-
tities affecting storage, see ISO 2169.
- defects of elongated shape should not ex-
ceed 2 cm in length;
4.1 Temperature
- in the case of other defects, the total area
affected should not exceed 1 cm ’, with The storage temperature of apples depends upon the
the exception of speckles which should variety. The Optimum storage temperature is between
not extend over more than 0,25 cm2 in
- 1 “C and 0 “C. Cultivars which are not susceptible
area. to chilling should be stored nearly at the freezing
Point. The highest freezing Point for apples is about
c) Class II
- 1,5 “C. Chill-sensitive cultivars should be stored
between 2 “C and 4 “C.
This class includes apples which do not qualify for
Table 1 gives the recommended storage temperatures
inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the
in air for different cultivars marketed internationally.
minimum requirements specified above.
Defects in shape, development and colouring are
4.2 Relative humidity
allowed provided that the fruit retains its essential
characteristics as regards quality, the keeping
The Optimum relative humidity for storage of apples
quality and presentation. The stalk may be miss-
is between 90 % and 95 %. The high relative humidity
ing, provided that the skin is not damaged. is needed in long-term storage to control excessive
fruit shrivel of cultivars (such as Golden Delicious) that
The flesh shall be free from major defects. Skin are prone to shrivel.
defects are, however, allowed for each fruit,
within the following limits:
4.3 Air circulation
- defects of elongated shape should not
There should be a uniform distribution of air within the
4 cm in length;
cold store, the rate of mixing being sufficient to keep
the spatial differentes in temperature and humidity
- in the case of other defects, the total area af-
within reasonable Iimits. Devices such as carbon fil-
fected should not exceed 2,5 cm2, with the
ters and air washers to remove volatile organic prod-
exception of speckles which should not extend
ucts of metabolism are of doubtful value. Scrubbers
2 -
over more than 1 cm In area.
do not maintain the necessary low level of volatiles
(particularly ethylene).
NOTE 1 This class is not suitable for storage. Re-
quirements are given for information only.
Some Ventilation should be provided. The circulation
System should be designed to provide 0,25 m/s to
0,35 m/s air-flow around the stacked Containers. This

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
0 ISO ISO 1212:1995(E)
tan be obtained with a circulation System which pro-
5.2 Storage in plastic packages
vides at least 7,5 air changes per hour based on the
The use of certain types of plastic films known to be
volume of the empty storage room.
suitable for contact with food products has been
found to reduce considerably loss in mass during
storage. Interesting results have been obtained in this
5 Other methods of storage
way by lining boxes of apples with plastic film or by
a plastic
covering a certain quantity of cases witt
5.1 Controlled-atmosphere storage
Recommended atmospheres are 1,5 % to 3 % oxy-
6 Storage life
gen and 1 % to 3 % carbon dioxide. Apple cultivars
sensitive to chilling benefit the most from controlled- Tables 1 and 2 give the expected storage ife for dif-
atmosphere storage. ferent cultivars marketed intern

SIST ISO 1212:1996
Apples -- Cold storage
Pommes -- Entreposage réfrigéré
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 1212:1995
67.080.10 Sadje in sadni proizvodi Fruits and derived products
SIST ISO 1212:1996 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 1212:1996

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SIST ISO 1212:1996
Second edition
19954 0-01
Apples - Cold storage
Pommes - En treposage rbfrig&6
Reference number
ISO 1212:1995(E)

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------

SIST ISO 1212:1996
ISO 1212:1995(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodiesj. The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnicai Commission
(1 EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an international
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 1212 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 34, Agricu/tura/ food products, Subcommittee SC 14, Fresh fruits
and vegefables.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition
which has been technically revised.
(ISO 1212:1976),
Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.
0 ISO 1995
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utiiized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organrzatron for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed In Switzerland

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------

SIST ISO 1212:1996
ISO 1212:1995(E)
This International Standard provides guidance of a very general nature
only. Because of the variability of the product according to the time and
place of cultivation, local conditions may make it necessary to define other
conditions for harvesting or other physical conditions in the store.
This International Standard does not apply unreservedly, therefore, to all
varieties (cultivars) in all climates, and it will remain for each specialist to
be the judge of any modifications to be made.
Subject to all restrictions arising from the fact that apples are living ma-
terial, application of the guidance contained in this International Standard
should enable much wastage in storage to be avoided and long-term
storage to be achieved in most cases.

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SIST ISO 1212:1996
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SIST ISO 1212:1996
Apples - Cold storage
c) the ground colour of the outer skin (period of
1 Scope
Change from green to yellow) which is judged
with the aid of Standard tables;
This International Standard gives guidance on con-
ditions for the successful cold storage of apples
d) the age of the fruit, expressed as the number of
(Malus communis L.).
days from full bloom to harvest;
e) firmness of the flesh;
2 Normative reference
f) presence of starch in the flesh;
The following Standard contains provisions which,
g) fruit should be placed in storage immediately be-
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
fore or at the preclimacteric respiratory minimum
of this International Standard. At the time of publica-
for best storage Performance.
tion, the edition indicated was valid. All Standards are
subject to revision, and Parties to agreements based
These criteria are not universally valid; for a given
on this International Standard are encouraged to in-
cultivar they vary from one region to another and it is
vestigate the possibility of applying the most recent
for the grower to decide on his own criteria for pick-
edition of the Standard indicated below. Members of
ing, on the basis of experience.
IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
ISO 2169:1981, fruits and vegetables - Physical
3.2 Characteristics for storage
conditions in cold stores - Definitions and measure-
Fruits put into storage should be of quality “Extra
Class” or “Class 1 ”, the characteristics of which are
defined in UN-ECE Standard No. FFV-01 l) as follows.
3 Conditions for harvesting and storage
Apples are classified into three classes as follows.
3.1 Harvesting “Extra” class
Apples in this category should be of superior
The principal criteria used to determine the optimal
quality. In shape, size and colouring they should
state of maturity for harvesting are as follows:
be typical of the variety and the stalk should be
intact. They should have no defects with the ex-
a) ease of picking (the fruit is picked when it is easily
ception of very slight alterations of the skin pro-
separated from its Spur; this is not, however, an
vided that these do not detract from the quality
objective criterion);
and the general appearance of the fruit and/or the
b) total soluble solids content of the juice (TSS); contents of the package.
1) UN-ECE Standard No. FFV-01 :1981 I Dessert and culinary apples and pears.

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SIST ISO 1212:1996
ISO 1212:1995(E)
b) Class I
3.3 Precooling
Apples in this class should be of good quality. Fruits should be cooled as quickly as possible after
They should have the characteristics typical of the harvest. Apples are not injured by rapid cooling. Rapid
particular variety. However, the following may be removal of field heat and precooling of harvested ap-
ples are essential for long storage.
1) a slight defect in shape;
3.4 Packing
a slight defect in development;
The fruit should be handled with care. The packages
should allow the free circulation of air. Storage densi-
a slight defect in colouring;
ties of 200 kg to 250 kg per cubic metre of usable
space are considered as the maxima for apples.
the stalk may be slightly damaged;
The use of box pallets makes possible an increase of
5) the flesh should be perfectly Sound; skin de-
10 % to 20 % in storage capacity.
fects not liable to impair the general appear-
ante and keeping qualities are, however,
4 Optimum storage conditions
allowed for each fruit within the following
For definition and measurement of the physical quan-
tities affecting storage, see ISO 2169.
- defects of elongated shape should not ex-
ceed 2 cm in length;
4.1 Temperature
- in the case of other defects, the total area
affected should not exceed 1 cm ’, with The storage temperature of apples depends upon the
the exception of speckles which should variety. The Optimum storage temperature is between
not extend over more than 0,25 cm2 in
- 1 “C and 0 “C. Cultivars which are not susceptible
area. to chilling should be stored nearly at the freezing
Point. The highest freezing Point for apples is about
c) Class II
- 1,5 “C. Chill-sensitive cultivars should be stored
between 2 “C and 4 “C.
This class includes apples which do not qualify for
Table 1 gives the recommended storage temperatures
inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the
in air for different cultivars marketed internationally.
minimum requirements specified above.
Defects in shape, development and colouring are
4.2 Relative humidity
allowed provided that the fruit retains its essential
characteristics as regards quality, the keeping
The Optimum relative humidity for storage of apples
quality and presentation. The stalk may be miss-
is between 90 % and 95 %. The high relative humidity
ing, provided that the skin is not damaged. is needed in long-term storage to control excessive
fruit shrivel of cultivars (such as Golden Delicious) that
The flesh shall be free from major defects. Skin are prone to shrivel.
defects are, however, allowed for each fruit,
within the following limits:
4.3 Air circulation
- defects of elongated shape should not
There should be a uniform distribution of air within the
4 cm in length;
cold store, the rate of mixing being sufficient to keep
the spatial differentes in temperature and humidity
- in the case of other defects, the total area af-
within reasonable Iimits. Devices such as carbon fil-
fected should not exceed 2,5 cm2, with the
ters and air washers to remove volatile organic prod-
exception of speckles which should not extend
ucts of metabolism are of doubtful value. Scrubbers
2 -
over more than 1 cm In area.
do not maintain the necessary low level of volatiles
(particularly ethylene).
NOTE 1 This class is not suitable for storage. Re-
quirements are given for information only.
Some Ventilation should be provided. The circulation
System should be designed to provide 0,25 m/s to
0,35 m/s air-flow around the stacked Containers. This

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SIST ISO 1212:1996
0 ISO ISO 1212:1995(E)
tan be obtained with a circulation System which pro-
5.2 Storage in plastic packages
vides at least 7,5 air changes per hour based on the
The use of certain types of plastic films known to be
volume of the empty storage room.
suitable for contact with food products has been
found to reduce considerably

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