ISO 19127:2019
(Main)Geographic information — Geodetic register
Geographic information — Geodetic register
This document defines the management and operations of the ISO geodetic register and identifies the data elements, in accordance with ISO 19111:2007 and the core schema within ISO 19135‑1:2015, required within the geodetic register.
Information géographique — Registre géodésiques
Geografske informacije - Geodetski register
Ta standard opredeljuje upravljanje in delovanje geodetskega registra ISO ter identificira podatkovne elemente v skladu s standardom ISO 19111:2007 in jedrno shemo iz standarda ISO 19135-1:2015, ki se zahtevajo v geodetskem registru.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Geographic information — Geodetic
Information géographique — Registre géodésiques
Reference number
ISO 19127:2019(E)
ISO 2019
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Conformance . 2
5 Geodetic register management roles and responsibilities . 2
6 Geodetic register management rules and procedures . 3
6.1 Introduction . 3
6.2 Unmodified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements . 3
6.3 Modified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements . 4
6.4 Additional requirements . 4
7 Terms of reference of the control body for the ISO geodetic register .6
8 Geodetic register content requirements . 6
8.1 Geodetic register content from ISO 19135-1:2015 . 6
8.2 Geodetic register content from ISO 19111:2007 . 7
8.3 Geodetic register additional and modified content requirements . 7
9 ISO geodetic registry data export . 7
Annex A (normative) Abstract test suite . 8
Annex B (normative) Register of geodetic codes and parameters . 9
Annex C (informative) Best practices for the ISO geodetic register content .25
Annex D (informative) Metadata .34
Annex E (informative) Requirements list .37
Bibliography .41
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www .iso
.org/iso/foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 211, Geographic information/Geomatics.
This first edition cancels and replaces ISO/TS 19127:2005, which has been technically revised.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— the title has changed from Geodetic codes and parameters to Geodetic register;
— the normative references are updated to reflect revisions, ISO 19115-1:2014 and ISO 19162:2015 are
added and ISO 19112 removed;
— the Management of a register of geodetic codes and parameters clause is removed;
— the Management of a register of geodetic codes and parameters clause is replaced by Geodetic
register management roles and responsibilities and Geodetic register management rules and
procedures clauses with the latter referencing ISO 19135-1:2015 in specifying modified, unmodified
and additional requirements;
— a Terms of reference of the control body for the ISO 19127 geodetic register clause is added;
— the Content of a register of geodetic codes and parameters clause is replaced by a Geodetic register
content requirements clause which references ISO 19111:2007 and ISO 19135-1:2015 in specifying
modified, unmodified and additional content;
— an ISO 19127 geodetic registry data export clause is added;
— Annex A (normative) is extended and updated to reflect revisions;
— Annex B (normative) is extended and updated to reflect the required elements within the geodetic
— Annex C (informative) is updated to reflect revisions and extended to include extents;
— Annex D (informative) Metadata and Annex E (informative) Requirements list are added.
iv © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
In accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2018, Rules for the structure and drafting of
International Standards, in International Standards the decimal sign is a comma on the line. However,
the General Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures) at its
meeting in 2003 passed unanimously the following resolution:
“The decimal marker shall be either a point on the line or a comma on the line.”
In practice, the choice between these alternatives depends on customary use in the language concerned.
In the technical areas of geodesy and geographic information it is customary for the decimal point
always to be used, for all languages. That practice is used throughout this document.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/members .html.
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved v
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
This document specifically governs procedures for the ISO 19127 geodetic register, but may have
applicability to similar national and international registers of geodetic information.
The ISO 19127 geodetic register and the ISO 19127 geodetic registry are referred to as the ISO geodetic
register and ISO geodetic registry, respectively, throughout this document.
ISO 19135-1:2015 specifies procedures for the registration of items of geographic information. ISO/
IEC JTC 1 defines registration as the assignment of an unambiguous name to an object in a way that
makes the object available to interested parties. ISO 19135-1:2015 has changed the definition of
registration to the assignment of linguistically independent identifiers, rather than names, to items
of geographic information. ISO 19135-1:2015, Annex C is applicable to ISO/TC 211 registers. The
ISO geodetic register is one such register.
ISO 19111:2007 describes elements necessary to define single and compound coordinate reference
systems so that coordinates for positions on or near the Earth’s surface can be unambiguously
referenced. ISO 19111:2007 also describes elements to define coordinate operations that change
coordinate values from one coordinate reference system to coordinate values based on another
coordinate reference system.
This document describes how the procedures specified in the core schema within ISO 19135-1:2015 are
to be applied to the ISO geodetic register of elements applicable to spatial referencing by coordinates
in accordance with ISO 19111:2007. Some elements that are optional in ISO 19111:2007 become
mandatory in this document to provide guidance on applicability and appropriate use.
Annex A, which is normative, provides four tests for conformance to this document.
Annex B, which is normative, provides tables that specify information for elements to be included in the
ISO geodetic register.
Annex C, which is informative, provides best practices for the ISO geodetic register content.
Annex D, which is informative, provides the metadata for the ISO geodetic register.
Annex E, which is informative, provides a summary of the conformance requirements that are found in
the text body of this document.
vi © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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Geographic information — Geodetic register
1 Scope
This document defines the management and operations of the ISO geodetic register and identifies
the data elements, in accordance with ISO 19111:2007 and the core schema within ISO 19135-1:2015,
required within the geodetic register.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 19111:2007, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19135-1:2015, Geographic information — Procedures for item registration — Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19162:2015, Geographic information — Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 19111:2007, ISO 19135-1:2015
and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http: //www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https: //www .iso .org/obp
declaration that a register item is no longer suitable for use in the production of new data
Note 1 to entry: The status of the retired item changes from “valid” to “retired”. A retired item is kept in the
register to support the interpretation of data produced before its retirement and has not been superseded by
another item.
Note 2 to entry: In the geodetic register retired items are not necessarily invalid.
[SOURCE: ISO 19135-1:2015, 4.1.14, modified — Note 2 to entry has been added.]
declaration that a register item has been retired and replaced by one or more new items
Note 1 to entry: The status of the replaced item changes from “valid” to “superseded”.
Note 2 to entry: In the geodetic register superseded items are not necessarily invalid.
[SOURCE: ISO 19135-1:2015, 4.1.17, modified — Note 2 to entry has been added.]
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
4 Conformance
To conform to this document, the ISO geodetic register shall satisfy all of the conditions specified in
Annex A.
5 Geodetic register management roles and responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of the register owner, register manager, submitting organizations, control
body, registry manager and register user are set out in ISO 19135-1:2015, Clause 5. This clause sets out
specific requirements as follows:
NOTE Reference to the ISO 19135-1:2015 requirement is denoted by ᶯ (i.e. [ᶯ2] = Requirement 2).
— Requirement 1 [ᶯ1]: The register owner shall set terms and conditions regarding different levels of
access to the register and make the contents available to the public. In addition, the register owner
shall specify the time period in which the approval process shall be completed.
— Requirement 2 [ᶯ2]: The register owner shall appoint a register manager. The register owner may
serve as the register manager for any register that it has established or it may appoint another
organization to serve as the register manager.
— Requirement 3 [ᶯ3]: The register owner shall decide whether a control body is required for the
register and if so appoint the control body. The register owner may serve as the control body for any
register that it has established or it may delegate that role to a subgroup within the organization or
to the register manager.
— Requirement 4 [ᶯ4]: The register owner shall specify the criteria that determine which
organizations may act as submitting organizations.
— Requirement 5 [ᶯ5]: The register owner shall clarify the process for a submitting organization to
appeal decisions of the control body (if such a body is appointed). The register owner may establish
a procedure for such a process. The specification of this procedure shall include appropriate time
limits for the completion of the process. An alternative solution may be for a submitting organization
to resubmit a new proposal with changes or a better justification.
— Requirement 6 [ᶯ6]: The register manager shall manage a register in conformance with
ISO 19135-1:2015, Clause 6.
— Requirement 7 [ᶯ7]: Upon request, the register manager shall distribute an information package
containing a description of the register and how to submit proposals for changes to the content of
the register. The information package shall describe what proposed changes to the content may be
considered to be substantive.
— Requirement 8 [ᶯ8]: The register manager shall accept proposals from submitting organizations
and manage the proposals as specified in ISO 19135-1:2015, 6.4. The register manager shall pass
proposals to the control body for decisions as to acceptability and shall serve as the point of contact
between the control body and the submitting organization for negotiations regarding changes to
the proposal.
— Requirement 9 [ᶯ9]: The register manager shall determine whether a submitting organization is
qualified in accordance with the criteria established by the register owner.
— Requirement 10 [ᶯ10]: If a control body is appointed, it shall accept proposals from the register
manager and render a decision regarding each proposal within the time limits specified by the
register owner.
— Requirement 11 [ᶯ11]: The registry manager shall ensure the integrity of any register held in the
registry and shall provide means for electronic access to the registry for register managers, control
body members, and register users.
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
— Requirement 12 [ᶯ12]: The register manager shall consider the requirements of different categories
of users in selecting methods for publishing the content of a register.
— Requirement 13: The ISO geodetic register shall have a publicly available record of changes where
historical content shall remain publicly available.
Submitting organizations for the ISO geodetic register consist of organizations and/or persons
responsible for defining and maintaining geodetic parameters.
6 Geodetic register management rules and procedures
6.1 Introduction
The ISO geodetic register will be publicly available through a registry with a web-based human interface
for browsing/displaying register content, provide a web service interface that ensures interoperability
based on open standards, have a stable Internet domain name, be available at least 95 % of the time
over one year period and have an authoritative review process.
The ISO geodetic register is a non-hierarchical register. References to principal registers and sub
registers are excluded from this document.
Rules for managing a register of geographical information items, including the submission of
information, are found in ISO 19135-1:2015, Clause 6.
NOTE Reference to the ISO 19135-1:2015 requirement is denoted by ᶯ (i.e. [ᶯ2] = Requirement 2).
6.2 Unmodified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements
The unmodified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements are as follows.
— Requirement 14 [ᶯ13]: Every register shall have a technical document describing the item classes
to be registered.
NOTE For the ISO geodetic register that technical document is this document.
— Requirement 15 [ᶯ14]: Items shall be individually managed, moving through a set of well-defined
states. Information about the temporal history of each item shall be maintained.
— Requirement 16 [ᶯ16]: A clarification shall not cause any substantive semantic or technical change
to a registered item.
— Requirement 17 [ᶯ17]: Clarification shall be accomplished by updating the existing item in the
register. The clarification shall be recorded with a justification of the change and the date on which
the register transaction was made.
— Requirement 18 [ᶯ19]: Retirement shall be accomplished by leaving the item in the register, having
its status changed to retired, and including the date on which the register transaction was made.
— Requirement 19 [ᶯ21]: The register manager shall review proposals received from third parties
for completeness and return proposals to the submitting organization if the proposal is incomplete
or if the submitting organization is not qualified, else initiate the approval process.
— Requirement 20 [ᶯ22]: The approval process shall be completed within the time period specified
by the register owner.
— Requirement 21 [ᶯ23]: A registry manager shall ensure that information about valid, invalidated,
superseded, or retired items in the register is readily available to users.
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
6.3 Modified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements
The ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements modified for this document are as follows.
— Requirement 22 [ᶯ15]: If an item is superseded by another item, the date the succession occurred
shall be captured, along with references to and from the item that superseded it. At any given time,
only one item in the series should be “valid”.
NOTE 1 The requirement that only one item in the series is "valid" is removed.
— Requirement 23 [ᶯ20]: If a register item is deemed to be no longer suitable for the use in the
production of new data and has been superseded by a new register item, the original item shall
remain in the register, have its status changed to superseded and have a reference to the item(s)
that superseded it, including the date on which the register transaction was made.
NOTE 2 The option of removing a superseded item from the register is removed.
— Requirement 24 [ᶯ18]: If an item in a register is found to have substantive error, it shall be left in
the register, have its status changed to invalid, have a reference to the item(s) that replaced it and
have the date when the register transaction was made.
NOTE 3 The option of removing an invalidated item from the register is removed.
6.4 Additional requirements
The additional requirements are as follows.
— Requirement 25: The minimum level of information that the register manager shall accept from
a submitting organization is complete data for a coordinate reference system that conforms to the
requirements as specified in Clause 8. The register manager shall also accept data for compound
coordinate reference systems, single coordinate operations and concatenated coordinate operations
that conform to the requirements of ISO 19111:2007 and Clause 8.
— Requirement 26: The register manager shall assign individual registration identifiers for records
for entities so that multiple records can point to them. Records for geodetic register entities are
interdependent. When a record for an entity is modified, dependent records shall be assessed and,
if required, modified.
— Requirement 27: The ISO geodetic register shall use open standardization (refer to C.1.) for the
units of measure of ellipsoids, coordinate conversion and coordinate transformation parameters.
— Requirement 28: The ISO geodetic register shall conform to the ISO 6709:2008 conventions that
geographic latitude is positive north of the equator and geographic longitude is positive east of
Greenwich (refer to C.3.1).
— Requirement 29: Geographic coordinates and angles, which are natively in sexagesimal degree
representation, shall be held in the ISO geodetic register as a single real number unit, termed a
“sexagesimal DMS”, which is a concatenation of degree, minute and second values stored as a single
decimal number. A leading zero shall be used for the minute and second values less than 10 (refer
to C.2).
— Requirement 30: The ISO geodetic register shall conform to the International Association of
Geodesy's convention for a geocentric Cartesian coordinate system, with origin at the centre of the
Earth, that the Z axis is along the Earth’s rotation axis through the north pole, X is in the plane of the
equator and through the intersection of the prime meridian with the equator, and Y is in the plane
of the equator forming a right-handed coordinate system (refer to C.3.1).
— Requirement 31: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a closed standard (refer to C.1.) for the
presentation of coordinate system coordinates as follows (refer to C.3.2):
— geocentric Cartesian coordinates: X, Y, Z;
4 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
— geographical two-dimensional coordinates: latitude, longitude or longitude, latitude;
— geographical three-dimensional coordinates: latitude, longitude, ellipsoidal height or longitude,
latitude, ellipsoidal height.
— Requirement 32: The ISO geodetic register shall apply an open standard (refer to C.1.) for the
positive direction of axes, and the order in which the axes are presented, in a projected coordinate
reference system as part of the system definition (i.e. the positive direction of axes may be in any
order of north/south and east/west) (refer to C.3.1).
— Requirement 33: The ISO geodetic register shall implement an open standard (refer to C.1.) for
coordinate system linear units. Allowing native units for coordinate system linear units will avoid
the danger of corruption of values caused by the misunderstanding of conversion factors.
— Requirement 34: The ISO geodetic register shall apply an open standard to the two rotation
conventions, which are to apply the rotations to the point's vector or to apply the rotations to the
coordinate frame, with the proviso that the applied algorithm is valid for that convention (refer
to C.4.1).
— Requirement 35: The ISO geodetic register shall name and describe coordinate operation formulae
clearly and unambiguously.
— Requirement 36: The ISO geodetic register shall include coordinate operation formulae for
each coordinate operation method, define the coordinate operation parameters that are used as
variables in those formulae and have coordinate operation parameter values that are relevant to
those formulae.
— Requirement 37: The ISO geodetic register shall describe whether a coordinate operation method
may be used for the reverse operation and, when reversible, indicate whether the coordinate operation
parameters are used in the reverse operation with the same or reversed sign (refer to C.4.2).
— Requirement 38: The ISO geodetic register shall record coordinate transformation parameter
values between a local coordinate reference system and a global coordinate reference system
from the local system (source) to the global system (target), subject to this direction not being
indeterminate (refer to C.7.11).
— Requirement 39: The ISO geodetic register shall identify the unit for each parameter and include
the conversion ratio required to change that unit to the ISO standard unit. Scalars shall include the
conversion ratio required to change the scalar to unity (refer to C.4.4).
— Requirement 40: The ISO geodetic register shall record zoned map projections individually (refer
to C.4.5).
— Requirement 41: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a closed standard by recording the semi-
major axis radius (a) and the inverse of the flattening (1/f) as defining parameters for the ellipsoid.
Where the inverse of the flattening (1/f) is derived from other parameters, it should be captured to
a precision of not less than 10 significant digits (refer to C.5).
— Requirement 42: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a naming format for coordinate systems as
follows (refer to C.7.3):
. Axes:. Orientations:. Uom:
measure description(s)>
— Requirement 43: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a naming format for geodetic and vertical
coordinate reference systems as follows (refer to C.7.5, C.7.6 and C.7.9):
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 5
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
— Requirement 44: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a naming format for projected coordinate
reference systems as follows (refer to C.7.8):
— Requirement 45: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a naming format for compound coordinate
reference systems as follows (refer to C.7.10):
() +
name> ()
— Requirement 46: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a naming format for coordinate
transformations as follows (refer to C.7.11):
— Requirement 47: The ISO geodetic register shall have a unique name for each unit of measure,
coordinate operation, ellipsoid, prime meridian, datum, coordi
SIST ISO 19127:2019
SIST-TS ISO/TS 19127:2009
Geografske informacije - Geodetski register
Geographic information - Geodetic register
Information géographique - Registre géodésiques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 19127:2019
07.040 Astronomija. Geodezija. Astronomy. Geodesy.
Geografija Geography
35.240.70 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in science
SIST ISO 19127:2019 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 19127:2019
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SIST ISO 19127:2019
First edition
Geographic information — Geodetic
Information géographique — Registre géodésiques
Reference number
ISO 19127:2019(E)
ISO 2019
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SIST ISO 19127:2019
ISO 19127:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 19127:2019
ISO 19127:2019(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Conformance . 2
5 Geodetic register management roles and responsibilities . 2
6 Geodetic register management rules and procedures . 3
6.1 Introduction . 3
6.2 Unmodified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements . 3
6.3 Modified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements . 4
6.4 Additional requirements . 4
7 Terms of reference of the control body for the ISO geodetic register .6
8 Geodetic register content requirements . 6
8.1 Geodetic register content from ISO 19135-1:2015 . 6
8.2 Geodetic register content from ISO 19111:2007 . 7
8.3 Geodetic register additional and modified content requirements . 7
9 ISO geodetic registry data export . 7
Annex A (normative) Abstract test suite . 8
Annex B (normative) Register of geodetic codes and parameters . 9
Annex C (informative) Best practices for the ISO geodetic register content .25
Annex D (informative) Metadata .34
Annex E (informative) Requirements list .37
Bibliography .41
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved iii
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SIST ISO 19127:2019
ISO 19127:2019(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www .iso
.org/iso/foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 211, Geographic information/Geomatics.
This first edition cancels and replaces ISO/TS 19127:2005, which has been technically revised.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— the title has changed from Geodetic codes and parameters to Geodetic register;
— the normative references are updated to reflect revisions, ISO 19115-1:2014 and ISO 19162:2015 are
added and ISO 19112 removed;
— the Management of a register of geodetic codes and parameters clause is removed;
— the Management of a register of geodetic codes and parameters clause is replaced by Geodetic
register management roles and responsibilities and Geodetic register management rules and
procedures clauses with the latter referencing ISO 19135-1:2015 in specifying modified, unmodified
and additional requirements;
— a Terms of reference of the control body for the ISO 19127 geodetic register clause is added;
— the Content of a register of geodetic codes and parameters clause is replaced by a Geodetic register
content requirements clause which references ISO 19111:2007 and ISO 19135-1:2015 in specifying
modified, unmodified and additional content;
— an ISO 19127 geodetic registry data export clause is added;
— Annex A (normative) is extended and updated to reflect revisions;
— Annex B (normative) is extended and updated to reflect the required elements within the geodetic
— Annex C (informative) is updated to reflect revisions and extended to include extents;
— Annex D (informative) Metadata and Annex E (informative) Requirements list are added.
iv © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 19127:2019
ISO 19127:2019(E)
In accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2018, Rules for the structure and drafting of
International Standards, in International Standards the decimal sign is a comma on the line. However,
the General Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures) at its
meeting in 2003 passed unanimously the following resolution:
“The decimal marker shall be either a point on the line or a comma on the line.”
In practice, the choice between these alternatives depends on customary use in the language concerned.
In the technical areas of geodesy and geographic information it is customary for the decimal point
always to be used, for all languages. That practice is used throughout this document.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/members .html.
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved v
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SIST ISO 19127:2019
ISO 19127:2019(E)
This document specifically governs procedures for the ISO 19127 geodetic register, but may have
applicability to similar national and international registers of geodetic information.
The ISO 19127 geodetic register and the ISO 19127 geodetic registry are referred to as the ISO geodetic
register and ISO geodetic registry, respectively, throughout this document.
ISO 19135-1:2015 specifies procedures for the registration of items of geographic information. ISO/
IEC JTC 1 defines registration as the assignment of an unambiguous name to an object in a way that
makes the object available to interested parties. ISO 19135-1:2015 has changed the definition of
registration to the assignment of linguistically independent identifiers, rather than names, to items
of geographic information. ISO 19135-1:2015, Annex C is applicable to ISO/TC 211 registers. The
ISO geodetic register is one such register.
ISO 19111:2007 describes elements necessary to define single and compound coordinate reference
systems so that coordinates for positions on or near the Earth’s surface can be unambiguously
referenced. ISO 19111:2007 also describes elements to define coordinate operations that change
coordinate values from one coordinate reference system to coordinate values based on another
coordinate reference system.
This document describes how the procedures specified in the core schema within ISO 19135-1:2015 are
to be applied to the ISO geodetic register of elements applicable to spatial referencing by coordinates
in accordance with ISO 19111:2007. Some elements that are optional in ISO 19111:2007 become
mandatory in this document to provide guidance on applicability and appropriate use.
Annex A, which is normative, provides four tests for conformance to this document.
Annex B, which is normative, provides tables that specify information for elements to be included in the
ISO geodetic register.
Annex C, which is informative, provides best practices for the ISO geodetic register content.
Annex D, which is informative, provides the metadata for the ISO geodetic register.
Annex E, which is informative, provides a summary of the conformance requirements that are found in
the text body of this document.
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Geographic information — Geodetic register
1 Scope
This document defines the management and operations of the ISO geodetic register and identifies
the data elements, in accordance with ISO 19111:2007 and the core schema within ISO 19135-1:2015,
required within the geodetic register.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 19111:2007, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 19115-1:2014, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19135-1:2015, Geographic information — Procedures for item registration — Part 1: Fundamentals
ISO 19162:2015, Geographic information — Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 19111:2007, ISO 19135-1:2015
and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http: //www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https: //www .iso .org/obp
declaration that a register item is no longer suitable for use in the production of new data
Note 1 to entry: The status of the retired item changes from “valid” to “retired”. A retired item is kept in the
register to support the interpretation of data produced before its retirement and has not been superseded by
another item.
Note 2 to entry: In the geodetic register retired items are not necessarily invalid.
[SOURCE: ISO 19135-1:2015, 4.1.14, modified — Note 2 to entry has been added.]
declaration that a register item has been retired and replaced by one or more new items
Note 1 to entry: The status of the replaced item changes from “valid” to “superseded”.
Note 2 to entry: In the geodetic register superseded items are not necessarily invalid.
[SOURCE: ISO 19135-1:2015, 4.1.17, modified — Note 2 to entry has been added.]
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
4 Conformance
To conform to this document, the ISO geodetic register shall satisfy all of the conditions specified in
Annex A.
5 Geodetic register management roles and responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of the register owner, register manager, submitting organizations, control
body, registry manager and register user are set out in ISO 19135-1:2015, Clause 5. This clause sets out
specific requirements as follows:
NOTE Reference to the ISO 19135-1:2015 requirement is denoted by ᶯ (i.e. [ᶯ2] = Requirement 2).
— Requirement 1 [ᶯ1]: The register owner shall set terms and conditions regarding different levels of
access to the register and make the contents available to the public. In addition, the register owner
shall specify the time period in which the approval process shall be completed.
— Requirement 2 [ᶯ2]: The register owner shall appoint a register manager. The register owner may
serve as the register manager for any register that it has established or it may appoint another
organization to serve as the register manager.
— Requirement 3 [ᶯ3]: The register owner shall decide whether a control body is required for the
register and if so appoint the control body. The register owner may serve as the control body for any
register that it has established or it may delegate that role to a subgroup within the organization or
to the register manager.
— Requirement 4 [ᶯ4]: The register owner shall specify the criteria that determine which
organizations may act as submitting organizations.
— Requirement 5 [ᶯ5]: The register owner shall clarify the process for a submitting organization to
appeal decisions of the control body (if such a body is appointed). The register owner may establish
a procedure for such a process. The specification of this procedure shall include appropriate time
limits for the completion of the process. An alternative solution may be for a submitting organization
to resubmit a new proposal with changes or a better justification.
— Requirement 6 [ᶯ6]: The register manager shall manage a register in conformance with
ISO 19135-1:2015, Clause 6.
— Requirement 7 [ᶯ7]: Upon request, the register manager shall distribute an information package
containing a description of the register and how to submit proposals for changes to the content of
the register. The information package shall describe what proposed changes to the content may be
considered to be substantive.
— Requirement 8 [ᶯ8]: The register manager shall accept proposals from submitting organizations
and manage the proposals as specified in ISO 19135-1:2015, 6.4. The register manager shall pass
proposals to the control body for decisions as to acceptability and shall serve as the point of contact
between the control body and the submitting organization for negotiations regarding changes to
the proposal.
— Requirement 9 [ᶯ9]: The register manager shall determine whether a submitting organization is
qualified in accordance with the criteria established by the register owner.
— Requirement 10 [ᶯ10]: If a control body is appointed, it shall accept proposals from the register
manager and render a decision regarding each proposal within the time limits specified by the
register owner.
— Requirement 11 [ᶯ11]: The registry manager shall ensure the integrity of any register held in the
registry and shall provide means for electronic access to the registry for register managers, control
body members, and register users.
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
— Requirement 12 [ᶯ12]: The register manager shall consider the requirements of different categories
of users in selecting methods for publishing the content of a register.
— Requirement 13: The ISO geodetic register shall have a publicly available record of changes where
historical content shall remain publicly available.
Submitting organizations for the ISO geodetic register consist of organizations and/or persons
responsible for defining and maintaining geodetic parameters.
6 Geodetic register management rules and procedures
6.1 Introduction
The ISO geodetic register will be publicly available through a registry with a web-based human interface
for browsing/displaying register content, provide a web service interface that ensures interoperability
based on open standards, have a stable Internet domain name, be available at least 95 % of the time
over one year period and have an authoritative review process.
The ISO geodetic register is a non-hierarchical register. References to principal registers and sub
registers are excluded from this document.
Rules for managing a register of geographical information items, including the submission of
information, are found in ISO 19135-1:2015, Clause 6.
NOTE Reference to the ISO 19135-1:2015 requirement is denoted by ᶯ (i.e. [ᶯ2] = Requirement 2).
6.2 Unmodified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements
The unmodified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements are as follows.
— Requirement 14 [ᶯ13]: Every register shall have a technical document describing the item classes
to be registered.
NOTE For the ISO geodetic register that technical document is this document.
— Requirement 15 [ᶯ14]: Items shall be individually managed, moving through a set of well-defined
states. Information about the temporal history of each item shall be maintained.
— Requirement 16 [ᶯ16]: A clarification shall not cause any substantive semantic or technical change
to a registered item.
— Requirement 17 [ᶯ17]: Clarification shall be accomplished by updating the existing item in the
register. The clarification shall be recorded with a justification of the change and the date on which
the register transaction was made.
— Requirement 18 [ᶯ19]: Retirement shall be accomplished by leaving the item in the register, having
its status changed to retired, and including the date on which the register transaction was made.
— Requirement 19 [ᶯ21]: The register manager shall review proposals received from third parties
for completeness and return proposals to the submitting organization if the proposal is incomplete
or if the submitting organization is not qualified, else initiate the approval process.
— Requirement 20 [ᶯ22]: The approval process shall be completed within the time period specified
by the register owner.
— Requirement 21 [ᶯ23]: A registry manager shall ensure that information about valid, invalidated,
superseded, or retired items in the register is readily available to users.
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
6.3 Modified ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements
The ISO 19135-1:2015 requirements modified for this document are as follows.
— Requirement 22 [ᶯ15]: If an item is superseded by another item, the date the succession occurred
shall be captured, along with references to and from the item that superseded it. At any given time,
only one item in the series should be “valid”.
NOTE 1 The requirement that only one item in the series is "valid" is removed.
— Requirement 23 [ᶯ20]: If a register item is deemed to be no longer suitable for the use in the
production of new data and has been superseded by a new register item, the original item shall
remain in the register, have its status changed to superseded and have a reference to the item(s)
that superseded it, including the date on which the register transaction was made.
NOTE 2 The option of removing a superseded item from the register is removed.
— Requirement 24 [ᶯ18]: If an item in a register is found to have substantive error, it shall be left in
the register, have its status changed to invalid, have a reference to the item(s) that replaced it and
have the date when the register transaction was made.
NOTE 3 The option of removing an invalidated item from the register is removed.
6.4 Additional requirements
The additional requirements are as follows.
— Requirement 25: The minimum level of information that the register manager shall accept from
a submitting organization is complete data for a coordinate reference system that conforms to the
requirements as specified in Clause 8. The register manager shall also accept data for compound
coordinate reference systems, single coordinate operations and concatenated coordinate operations
that conform to the requirements of ISO 19111:2007 and Clause 8.
— Requirement 26: The register manager shall assign individual registration identifiers for records
for entities so that multiple records can point to them. Records for geodetic register entities are
interdependent. When a record for an entity is modified, dependent records shall be assessed and,
if required, modified.
— Requirement 27: The ISO geodetic register shall use open standardization (refer to C.1.) for the
units of measure of ellipsoids, coordinate conversion and coordinate transformation parameters.
— Requirement 28: The ISO geodetic register shall conform to the ISO 6709:2008 conventions that
geographic latitude is positive north of the equator and geographic longitude is positive east of
Greenwich (refer to C.3.1).
— Requirement 29: Geographic coordinates and angles, which are natively in sexagesimal degree
representation, shall be held in the ISO geodetic register as a single real number unit, termed a
“sexagesimal DMS”, which is a concatenation of degree, minute and second values stored as a single
decimal number. A leading zero shall be used for the minute and second values less than 10 (refer
to C.2).
— Requirement 30: The ISO geodetic register shall conform to the International Association of
Geodesy's convention for a geocentric Cartesian coordinate system, with origin at the centre of the
Earth, that the Z axis is along the Earth’s rotation axis through the north pole, X is in the plane of the
equator and through the intersection of the prime meridian with the equator, and Y is in the plane
of the equator forming a right-handed coordinate system (refer to C.3.1).
— Requirement 31: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a closed standard (refer to C.1.) for the
presentation of coordinate system coordinates as follows (refer to C.3.2):
— geocentric Cartesian coordinates: X, Y, Z;
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
— geographical two-dimensional coordinates: latitude, longitude or longitude, latitude;
— geographical three-dimensional coordinates: latitude, longitude, ellipsoidal height or longitude,
latitude, ellipsoidal height.
— Requirement 32: The ISO geodetic register shall apply an open standard (refer to C.1.) for the
positive direction of axes, and the order in which the axes are presented, in a projected coordinate
reference system as part of the system definition (i.e. the positive direction of axes may be in any
order of north/south and east/west) (refer to C.3.1).
— Requirement 33: The ISO geodetic register shall implement an open standard (refer to C.1.) for
coordinate system linear units. Allowing native units for coordinate system linear units will avoid
the danger of corruption of values caused by the misunderstanding of conversion factors.
— Requirement 34: The ISO geodetic register shall apply an open standard to the two rotation
conventions, which are to apply the rotations to the point's vector or to apply the rotations to the
coordinate frame, with the proviso that the applied algorithm is valid for that convention (refer
to C.4.1).
— Requirement 35: The ISO geodetic register shall name and describe coordinate operation formulae
clearly and unambiguously.
— Requirement 36: The ISO geodetic register shall include coordinate operation formulae for
each coordinate operation method, define the coordinate operation parameters that are used as
variables in those formulae and have coordinate operation parameter values that are relevant to
those formulae.
— Requirement 37: The ISO geodetic register shall describe whether a coordinate operation method
may be used for the reverse operation and, when reversible, indicate whether the coordinate operation
parameters are used in the reverse operation with the same or reversed sign (refer to C.4.2).
— Requirement 38: The ISO geodetic register shall record coordinate transformation parameter
values between a local coordinate reference system and a global coordinate reference system
from the local system (source) to the global system (target), subject to this direction not being
indeterminate (refer to C.7.11).
— Requirement 39: The ISO geodetic register shall identify the unit for each parameter and include
the conversion ratio required to change that unit to the ISO standard unit. Scalars shall include the
conversion ratio required to change the scalar to unity (refer to C.4.4).
— Requirement 40: The ISO geodetic register shall record zoned map projections individually (refer
to C.4.5).
— Requirement 41: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a closed standard by recording the semi-
major axis radius (a) and the inverse of the flattening (1/f) as defining parameters for the ellipsoid.
Where the inverse of the flattening (1/f) is derived from other parameters, it should be captured to
a precision of not less than 10 significant digits (refer to C.5).
— Requirement 42: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a naming format for coordinate systems as
follows (refer to C.7.3):
. Axes:. Orientations:. Uom:
measure description(s)>
— Requirement 43: The ISO geodetic register shall apply a naming format for geodetic and vertical
coordinate reference systems as follows (refer to C.7.5, C.7.6 and C.7.9):
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ISO 19127:2019(E)
— Requirement
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