Railway applications - Train Modes functional interface specification

The scope of this Technical Report is to provide an overview of the Train Modes, their management and their functional interfaces.

Železniške naprave - Specifikacija funkcijskega vmesnika za vrste železniškega prevoza

Področje uporabe tega tehničnega poročila je zagotovitev pregleda vlakovnih načinov, njihovega upravljanja in njihove funkcijske vmesnike.

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Železniške naprave - Specifikacija funkcijskega vmesnika za vrste železniškega
Railway applications - Train Modes functional interface specification
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TR 50610:2014
35.240.60 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in transport
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45.020 Železniška tehnika na Railway engineering in
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September 2014
ICS 35.240.60
English Version
Railway applications - Train Modes functional interface
This Technical Report was approved by CENELEC on 2014-08-18.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
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European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
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Ref. No. CLC/TR 50610:2014 E
Foreword . 2
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 5
4 TrainModes . 7

Figure 1 - Management of cabs and relevant Train Modes .7
Figure 2 - Interfaces to other functions and subsystems and signals to enter/leave modes .8
Figure 3 - Common interface between the drivers cab and the relevant train modes .9
Figure 4 - Train mode transition main diagram . 22
Figure 5 - Full diagram of transition between the train modes . 23
Figure 6 - Sub-modes of the shutdown mode. . 28
Figure 7 - InServiceSubModes UML diagram . 30
Figure 8 - Driving diagram including sub-modes . 31
Figure 9 - Modes of a single driver's cab . 36
Figure 10 - Explanation for notation and block diagram . 38

Table 1 - Abbreviation table.6
Table 2 - FI_DriversCab interface variable .9
Table 3 - Driver’s cab commands . 10
Table 4 - Configuration data over the interface FI_VehicleConfiguration . 11
Table 5 - List of VoltageType. 11
Table 6 - List of EnergySource . 11
Table 7 - List of CountryCodes according to UIC438 leaflet . 12
Table 8 - List of VoltageSystem . 12
Table 9 - List of parameters relevant to the interface FI_HVConfig . 13
Table 10 - SetSystem command . 13
Table 11 - List of LoadManagementMode cases . 13
Table 12 - List of travel directions . 14
Table 13 - List of values of the interface FI_Velocity . 14
Table 14 - List of parameters of the FI_TrainConfiguration interface . 15
Table 15 - RequestLeading command . 15
Table 16 - List of parameters of the FI_Battery interface . 15
Table 17 - List of commands for the FI_Battery interface . 15
Table 18 - List of parameters for the FI_LoadManagement interface . 16

- 3 - CLC/TR 50610:2014
Table 19 - OperationMode command . 16
Table 20 - List of parameters of the FI_WSP interface . 16
Table 21 - List of commands for the FI_WSP interface . 16
Table 22 - List of parameters for the FI_AuxPowerSupply interface . 17
Table 23 - List of commands for the FI_AuxPowerSupply interface . 17
Table 24 - List of parameters for the FI_TCS interface . 17
Table 25 - List of commands for the FI_TCS interface . 17
Table 26 - List of parameters for the FI_MainCircuitBreaker interface . 18
Table 27 - List of commands for the FI_MainCircuitBreaker interface . 18
Table 28 - List of parameters for the FI_TractionAndBrakeControl interface . 18
Table 29 - List of commands for the FI_TractionAndBrakeControl interface . 19
Table 30 - List of parameters for the FI_BrakeManagement interface . 19
Table 31 - List of commands for the FI_BrakeManagement interface . 19
Table 32 - List of parameters for the FI_Pantograph interface . 20
Table 33 - List of commands for the FI_Pantograph interface . 20
Table 34 - Variables available through the FI_OperationalMode interface . 21
Table 35 - List of parameters for OperationalModeMgt . 21
Table 36 - List of commands for OperationalModeMgt . 21

This document (CLC/TR 50610:2014) has been prepared by WG15 of the Technical Committee
CENELEC TC 9X, "Electrical and electronic applications for railways".

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association.
The text was obtained as transposition of the functional interface specification FIS
TrainmodesRpt_V32007 09 3 produced as output of the European research project MODTRAIN.

- 5 - CLC/TR 50610:2014
1 Scope
The scope of this Technical Report is to provide an overview of the Train Modes, their management
and their functional interfaces.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
UIC 438, Uniform numerical marking of railway rolling stock
UIC 556, Information transmission in the train (train bus) - General dispositions
UIC 612-1, Rolling Stock configurations and main activated functions for EMU/DMU, Locomotives and
Driving Coaches – Operational configurations and driver procedures
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and abbreviations apply.
3.1 Terms
action which affects the system function

action which affects the system behaviour

3.2 Abbreviations
All the abbreviations used in this document are listed in Table 1, in alphabetic order referenced to their
Table 1 - Abbreviation table
Abbreviation Term
ASC Automatic Speed Control
DDU Driver Display Unit
ETCS European Train Control System
FBS Functional Breakdown Structure
FI Functional Interface
HV High Voltage
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
ID Identity
LV Low Voltage
PBS Product Breakdown Structure
SL Sleeping mode
STM Specific Transmission Module (as part of ETCS)
SW Software
TCMS Train Control & Monitoring System
TCS Traction Control System
TDD Technical and Diagnostic Display
UML Unified Modelling Language
WSP Wheel Sliding Protection
- 7 - CLC/TR 50610:2014
4 TrainModes
4.1 General
The train modes describe the operational state of the train.
This report describes the train modes components and their management.
4.2 TrainModes_Components
4.2.1 General
With reference to Figure 1, the diagram shows the relation between the management of cabs and the
relevant train modes.
The management of train-wide operational modes uses information from several other train-wide
functions and issues commands to them.

Figure 1 - Management of cabs and relevant Train Modes
4.2.2 Manage Operational Mode FBS: 03.07
This block represents the function to manage the train-wide operational modes.
4.2.3 Control Cab1 FBS: 03.01.01
This block represents the local function managing the modes of a single driver's cab. This function is
local within a trainset.
4.2.4 Control Cab2 FBS: 03.01.01
This block represents the local function managing the modes of a single driver's cab. This function is
local within a trainset.
4.2.5 Control Train FBS: 03.02.01
This block represents the function which is managing the modes of the driver's cabs in a trainset and
the command issued from the cabs and information sent to the cabs.
4.3 TrainModes_Logical
4.3.1 General
This sub-clause describes the Interfaces, classes and behaviour of train modes.
Figure 2 shows the other functions and subsystems involved in the train modes management.
Furthermore the figure shows the signals which cause the entering and leaving of train modes.

Figure 2 - Interfaces to other functions and subsystems and signals to enter/leave modes
Figure 3 shows the UML diagram of the common interface between the drivers cab and the relevant
train modes.
- 9 - CLC/TR 50610:2014
Figure 3 - Common interface between the drivers cab and the relevant train modes
4.3.2   FI_DriversCab
The interface FI_DriversCab is specified by a collection of variables showing the current mode of a
single driver's cab and commands issued from that cab. Table 2 lists such variables.
Table 2 - FI_DriversCab interface variable
Attribute Visibility Type Description
IdAndMasterRequest 0 - PUBLIC BOOL Indicates the insertion of the id card,
thus requesting train-wide master role
for the cab; this is input from the HW.
IdRemoved 0 - PUBLIC BOOL Indicates the removal of the Id card;
this is input from the HW.
ExistsMasterCab 0 - PUBLIC BOOL The status of ExistsMasterCab is
usually set/reset by the
insertion/removal of the driver's id
card in exactly one cab on the train;
this is input from the train- and
trainsetwide HW-trainlines.
Mode 0 - PUBLIC CabMode Current mode of the cab.
Position 0 - PUBLIC INT Fixed position of the cab (end 1 or

Attribute Visibility Type Description
end 2 of the vehicle).
4.3.3   FI_ActiveCabCommands
This interface routes the commands from the active driver’s desk.
4.3.4   FI_CabCommands

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